public ActionResult Create(string eventName)
            var url = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(eventName, true);

            var existing = DataRepository.GetEvent(url, loadExtended: false);

            if (eventName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                ModelState.AddModelError("NoName", "No event name was entered");
            // no event exists, create a new one
            else if (existing == null)
                DataRepository.CreateEvent(new EventModel {
                    Name = eventName, UrlName = url
                }, loggedUserGuid);
                return(RedirectToRoute("myevents", new { action = "edit", eventName = url }));
                ModelState.AddModelError("EventExists", "This event already exists");

            var events = DataRepository.GetEventsByUser(loggedUserGuid);

            return(View("list", events));
        public ActionResult EditPost(BandModel m, IEnumerable <string> genres, Guid bandId)
            var model = DataRepository.GetBand(bandId);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var oldUrl = model.UrlName;
                var newUrl = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(m.Name);

                m.UrlName = newUrl;
                m.BandId  = model.BandId;

                var selectedGenres = genres.Where(g => g != "false").Select(g => new Guid(g));

                DataRepository.UpdateBandGenres(m.BandId, selectedGenres);
                DataRepository.AddFeedItem("{0} has updated their band profile.", 2, model.BandId);

                // notification
                Notifications.SendBandNotifications(NotificationType.NotifyBandProfileUpdate, model.BandId, new BandMessageData {
                    Band = model.Name, Link = model.UrlName

        public ActionResult CreateBand(string bandName)
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bandName))
                var band = DataRepository.GetBand(bandName, false);

                if (band == null)
                    var bandUrl = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(bandName);

                    var       guid    = Guid.NewGuid();
                    BandModel newBand = new BandModel()
                        BandId = guid, UrlName = bandUrl, Name = bandName, Date = DateTime.Now

                    DataRepository.CreateBand(newBand, loggedUserGuid);

                    DataRepository.AddFeedItem("{0} has created their band profile!", 2, guid);

                    return(RedirectToRoute("MyBands", new { action = "edit", bandUrl = bandUrl }));
                    ModelState.AddModelError("BandExists", "This band already exists.");

        public ActionResult EditPost(EditEventModel m, string eventName, string letter)
            var model = CreateModel(eventName, letter);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var oldUrl = model.Event.UrlName;
                var newUrl = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(m.Event.Name);

                var eventModel = m.Event;
                eventModel.EventId = model.Event.EventId;
                //eventModel.UrlName = newUrl;


                if (model.Event.Date >= DateTime.Now && model.Event.Bands.Any())
                    // for each band on the event
                    model.Event.Bands.ToList().ForEach(b =>
                        DataRepository.AddFeedItem("Event page for {0} has been updated.", 3, b.Band.BandId, eventId: model.Event.EventId);

                // send notification, adding the list of bands for the event
                Notifications.SendEventNotifications(NotificationType.NotifyEventUpdated, model.Event.EventId, new EventMessageData {
                    Event = m.Event.Name, Link = model.Event.UrlName, Bands = model.Event.Bands.Select(b => b.Band.Name).ToString("<br />")

                //if (oldUrl != newUrl)
                //    return JsonValidationResult(ModelState, Url.RouteUrl("myevents", new { action = "edit", eventName = newUrl }));

        public ActionResult GalleryPost(string galleryName, GalleryModel m)
            var model = DataRepository.GetGallery(galleryName);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var oldUrl = model.UrlName;
                var newUrl = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(m.Name);

                model.UrlName     = newUrl;
                model.Description = m.Description;
                model.Name        = m.Name;
                model.BandId      = m.BandId;

                newUrl = DataRepository.UpdateGallery(model);

                if (oldUrl != newUrl)
                    return(Json(new { success = true, redirect = Url.RouteUrl("myimages", new { action = "gallery", galleryName = newUrl }) }));

            return(Json(new { success = true }));
        public ActionResult SignUpPost(SignUpModel m)
            // check city/state
            if (!m.City.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && m.State.Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                ModelState.AddModelError("CityNoState", "If entering a city, please select your state.");

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                using (var ctx = new OpenGroovesEntities())
                    m.Email = m.Email.Trim();
                    bool hasBand = !m.BandName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace();

                    MembershipCreateStatus status;
                    var username = EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(m.Email);

                    // check for email
                    if (Membership.FindUsersByEmail(m.Email).Count > 0 || Membership.FindUsersByName(username).Count > 0)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("EmailExists", "This email address is already registered");

                    // check for band name
                    if (hasBand && ctx.Bands.Any(b => b.Name == m.BandName.Trim()))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("BandExists", String.Format("The band, \"{0}\", has already registered. But don't worry, you can leave this field blank and request to join this band later.", m.BandName));
                        ModelState.AddModelError("BandExistsHelp", "If this is in error, please contact [email protected].");
                        m.BandName = String.Empty;

                    // if we're here, we're good to go!
                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        var user = Membership.CreateUser(username, "thisisafakepassword", m.Email, null, null, false, out status);

                        // if membership create is good
                        if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
                            var guid = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey;

                            var existingUser = ctx.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == m.Email);

                            existingUser.RealName = m.RealName;
                            existingUser.Email    = m.Email;

                            existingUser.SetupRequired = true;

                            var relation = new UsersBand
                                RelationId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                RelationTypeId = 1,
                                Date           = DateTime.Now

                            if (!m.City.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && !m.State.Name.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                existingUser.City  = m.City;
                                existingUser.State = m.State.Name;

                            var address  = LocationHelper.CityStateOrZip(m.City, m.State.Name);
                            var location = ObjectFactory.GetInstance <ILocationService>();
                            var loc      = location.GetLocation(address);

                            if (loc != null)
                                existingUser.Latitude  = loc.Coordinate.Latitude;
                                existingUser.Longitude = loc.Coordinate.Longitude;
                                existingUser.State     = loc.State;
                                existingUser.City      = loc.City;

                            if (hasBand)
                                var band = new Band
                                    BandId     = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                    Name       = m.BandName,
                                    City       = m.City,
                                    Searchable = EntityNameHelper.StripUselessWords(m.BandName),
                                    State      = m.State.Name,
                                    UrlName    = Core.Helpers.EntityNameHelper.CreateUrl(m.BandName),
                                    Date       = DateTime.Now

                                if (loc != null)
                                    band.Latitude  = loc.Coordinate.Latitude;
                                    band.Longitude = loc.Coordinate.Longitude;
                                    band.City      = loc.City;
                                    band.State     = loc.State;

                                relation.Band = band;




                            return(View("ThankYou", m));
                        else if (status == MembershipCreateStatus.DuplicateEmail)
                            ModelState.AddModelError("DupEmail", "This email address already exists.");
                            ModelState.AddModelError("OtherError", "Your account could not be created.");
