 protected List <EntityBundle> GetBundles(List <Guid> bundleIds)
     if (bundleIds != null && bundleIds.Count > 0)
         EntityBundleProvider prov = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(this.Context);
         if (prov != null)
             List <EntityBundle> tmp = new List <EntityBundle>();
             foreach (Guid cur in bundleIds)
                 EntityBundle item = prov.Get(cur);
                 if (item != null)
             if (tmp.Count == bundleIds.Count)
        public override void Handle(HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
            if (context != null)
                UserIdentityBase user = Security.Session.GetUser(context);
                if (user != null)
                    UserSecurityContext ctx = new UserSecurityContext(user);
                    string localUrl         = RestUtils.LocalUrl(this, context.Request);
                    string meth             = RestUtils.StripLocal(this.BaseUrl + "/", localUrl);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(meth))
                            if (meth.StartsWith(Get, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    EntityBundleProvider prov = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(ctx);
                                    if (prov != null)
                                        JArray jbundles = Jsonifier.ToJson(prov.Get());
                                        if (jbundles != null)
                                            RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Ok, jbundles.ToString());
                                            RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Ok, "[]");

                                    RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Failed);
                                    RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Failed);
                            else if (meth.StartsWith(In, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                //just need a bundle id to get  {id:<id>}
                                JToken token = JsonUtils.GetDataPayload(context.Request);
                                if (token != null)
                                    JObject o = token as JObject;
                                    if (o != null)
                                        if (o[JsonUtils.Id] != null)
                                            //Guid id = JsonUtils.ToGuid(token[JsonUtils.Id]);
                                            Guid id = JsonUtils.ToGuid(o[JsonUtils.Id] as JToken);
                                            if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(id))
                                                EntityBundleProvider prov   = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(ctx);
                                                EntityBundle         bundle = prov.Get(id);
                                                if (bundle != null)
                                                    RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Ok, Jsonifier.ToJson(bundle));
                            else if (meth.StartsWith(Create, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                JToken token = JsonUtils.GetDataPayload(context.Request);
                                if (token != null)
                                    if (token[JsonUtils.Name] != null && token[JsonUtils.OwnerId] != null && token[Jsonifier.Type] != null && token[Jsonifier.Items] != null)
                                        string name = token[JsonUtils.Name].ToString();
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                            string type = token[Jsonifier.Type].ToString();
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))
                                                BundleDataType datType;
                                                if (type.StartsWith("site", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    datType = BundleDataType.Site;
                                                else if (type.StartsWith("taxa", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    datType = BundleDataType.TaxaUnit;
                                                else if (type.StartsWith("inst", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                    datType = BundleDataType.Instrument;
                                                    context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
                                                CompoundIdentity cid = JsonUtils.ToId(token[JsonUtils.OwnerId]);
                                                if (cid != null && !cid.IsEmpty)
                                                    JArray itemsArr = Items.GetItems(token[Jsonifier.Items]);
                                                    if (itemsArr != null && itemsArr.Count > 0)
                                                        List <Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> > items = new List <Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> >();
                                                        foreach (JToken cur in itemsArr)
                                                            Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> tpl = Items.GetItem(cur);
                                                            if (tpl != null)

                                                        if (items.Count == itemsArr.Count)
                                                            if (Items.VandV(items, datType, ctx))
                                                                EntityBundleProvider prov   = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(ctx);
                                                                EntityBundle         bundle = prov.Create(name, cid, datType);
                                                                if (bundle != null)
                                                                    foreach (Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> tpl in items)
                                                                        if (bundle.Add(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2, tpl.Item3) == null)
                                                                            RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Failed, "\"failed to add item to bundle\"");

                                                                    if (prov.Update(bundle))
                                                                        RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Ok, Jsonifier.ToJson(bundle));
                            else if (meth.StartsWith(Update, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //note, this will just append items to the existing bundle and update bundle display name
                                //needs to have same content as create mostly -- doesn't require orgid (we ignore that since it can't change), and name is optional
                                JToken token = JsonUtils.GetDataPayload(context.Request);
                                if (token != null)
                                    if (token[JsonUtils.Id] != null && token[Jsonifier.Items] != null)
                                        string name = null;
                                        if (token[JsonUtils.Name] != null)
                                            name = token[JsonUtils.Name].ToString();

                                        Guid id = JsonUtils.ToGuid(token[JsonUtils.Id]);
                                        if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(id))
                                            JArray itemsArr = Items.GetItems(token[Jsonifier.Items]);
                                            if (itemsArr != null && itemsArr.Count > 0)
                                                List <Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> > items = new List <Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> >();
                                                foreach (JToken cur in itemsArr)
                                                    Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> tpl = Items.GetItem(cur);
                                                    if (tpl != null)

                                                if (items.Count == itemsArr.Count)
                                                    token    = null;
                                                    itemsArr = null;

                                                    EntityBundleProvider prov   = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(ctx);
                                                    EntityBundle         bundle = prov.Get(id);
                                                    if (bundle != null)
                                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !bundle.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                                            bundle.Name = name;

                                                        //now we can actually try to add the items as needed
                                                        foreach (Tuple <CompoundIdentity, string, string> tpl in items)
                                                            if (!bundle.Contains(tpl.Item2))
                                                                if (bundle.Add(tpl.Item1, tpl.Item2, tpl.Item3) == null)
                                                                    RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Failed, "\"Failed to update bundle\"");

                                                        if (prov.Update(bundle))
                                                            RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok));
                                                            RestUtils.Push(context.Response, JsonOpStatus.Failed, "\"Failed to update bundle\"");
                            context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
                    context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized;
            context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
        //to support mutliple det types in a single request (which all share the same sample event), we have a collection of items as follows:
        //{id:<fieldtripid>, name:<sampleeventname - to be>, desc:<sampleeventdesc - to be>, princorgid: <id>, start:<date>, end:<date>, dets:[<det element>,...]}
        //each det element is an object as follows:
        //{type:<dettype>, privacy:<bool>, <<entity bundle ids specific to det>>}   (example is sites:{id:bundleid,include:[key list]})    optional "exclude" instead of include would allow removing elements from bundle in det
        //returns fileid of the file to download
        //      note that the name is required, desc is optional - name
        //for all types, the entity bundle format is:  {id:<entitybundleid>, keys:[<id>, <id>, ...]}
        //      note that keys are optional - if not provided it means "all items in bundle"
        //      note that the bundle should be of the type expected for the parameter - e.g. if the provided bundle is for "sites", that bundle should be of sites
        internal static void Create(UserSecurityContext user, JToken dat, HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
            if (dat != null)
                JObject payload = dat as JObject;
                if (payload != null)
                    //these are requried for any and all DETs to create
                    CompoundIdentity ftId    = JsonUtils.ToId(payload[JsonUtils.Id]);
                    CompoundIdentity prOrgId = JsonUtils.ToId(payload[JsonUtils.OwnerId]);

                    if (HasAffiliation(user, prOrgId))
                        string name = JsonUtils.ToString(payload[JsonUtils.Name]);
                        string desc = JsonUtils.ToString(payload[JsonUtils.Description]);

                        ValueRange <DateTime> range = JsonUtils.ToRange(payload, JsonUtils.Start, JsonUtils.Finish);

                        if (ftId != null && prOrgId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                            JToken dets = payload["dets"];
                            if (dets != null && dets is JArray)
                                JArray detItems = dets as JArray;
                                if (detItems != null)
                                    List <DetPayload> items = JsonDetExtractor.ExtractAll(detItems);
                                    if (items != null && items.Count > 0) //we actually have things to create
                                        GeneralDetProcessor prov = DetProcessorManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                                        if (prov != null)
                                            CompoundIdentity     seId  = prov.CreateSampleEvent(ftId, prOrgId, name, desc, range);
                                            EntityBundleProvider eProv = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                                            if (eProv != null)
                                                if (seId != null)
                                                    Dictionary <string, Guid> fileIds = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();
                                                    foreach (DetPayload cur in items)
                                                        if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.WQ)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle instBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Instruments]);
                                                            if (siteBundle != null && instBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateWQ(seId, siteBundle, instBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                        else if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.Fish)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle instBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Nets]);
                                                            EntityBundle fishBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Fish]);
                                                            EntityBundle macroBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Macro]);

                                                            if (siteBundle != null && instBundle != null && fishBundle != null && macroBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateFish(seId, siteBundle, instBundle, fishBundle, macroBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                        else if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.Veg)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle treeBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Tree]);
                                                            EntityBundle shrubBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Shrub]);
                                                            EntityBundle herbBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Herb]);
                                                            EntityBundle plotBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Plots]);

                                                            EntityBundle nlBundle = null;
                                                            if (JsonDetExtractor.NonLiving != null)
                                                                nlBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.NonLiving]);

                                                            if (siteBundle != null && treeBundle != null && shrubBundle != null && herbBundle != null && plotBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateVeg(seId, siteBundle, plotBundle, shrubBundle, treeBundle, herbBundle, nlBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                    //NOTE - we may want to deal with partial successes in case we have multiple DETs and some work, some don't
                                                    //ok, now we do the response with a list of fileIds
                                                    if (fileIds.Count > 0)
                                                        RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok, JsonUtils.ToJson(fileIds).ToString()));
                                                        RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed, new JValue("\"No items succeeded\"").ToString()));
                        context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized; //in this case, by way of affiliation
            context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;