public async Task <bool> AddAsync(Entities.VoltageSummary notification, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var c = _context;
            await c.VoltageSummaries.AddAsync(new VoltageSummary(notification, _version.Number), cancellationToken);

            return(await c.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken) > 0);
 public VoltageSummary(Entities.VoltageSummary entity, int version) : base(
     Version = version;
     Key     = entity.GetKey();
     // TODO All documents written with version 0 used partition of yyyyMM i.e. capital MM == month.
     // need to re-write those documents to the database with the partition of yyyymm <-- old version... and 1st record of Version 1 use this bad partion
     // records up to and including June 16th 2020 require re-writing.
     // stop using the EF Core 3.1 to connect to cosmosDB, it seems to be... not optimal, i.e. right now I can't read via EF core.. so inserts only :/
     // either try EF Core 5 preview, or move to cosmosDB client.
     Partition = GetPartition();
 public static string GetKeyVersion2(this Entities.VoltageSummary voltageSummary)
     // TODO cosmosdb 'Items' really one giant bucket?
 public static string GetKey(this Entities.VoltageSummary voltageSummary)