        private void LoadJob()
            int jobID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["jID"]);

            Orchestrator.Entities.Job job    = null;
            Orchestrator.Facade.IJob  facJob = new Orchestrator.Facade.Job();
            job = facJob.GetJob(jobID);

            Facade.IBusinessType  facBusinessType = new Facade.BusinessType();
            Entities.BusinessType businessType    = facBusinessType.GetForBusinessTypeID(job.BusinessTypeID);

            if (businessType != null)
                lblBusinessType.Text = businessType.Description;
                lblBusinessType.Text = "No Business Type Set";

            DataSet dsTypes = facBusinessType.GetAll();

            cboBusinessType.DataSource     = dsTypes;
            cboBusinessType.DataTextField  = "Description";
            cboBusinessType.DataValueField = "BusinessTypeID";

            if (businessType != null)
                cboBusinessType.FindItemByValue(businessType.BusinessTypeID.ToString()).Selected = true;
                this.CurrentBusinessTypeID = businessType.BusinessTypeID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Offer the user creating the job a choice of which business type the job should be.
        /// The default value is the business type which has the most pallets (based on the
        /// individual pallet count and business type of each order being added to the job).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="orders">The data set containing the order information.</param>
        private void ConfigureBusinessTypeChoices(DataSet orders)
            // Clear the current business type options down.

            // Store a list of key value pairs that represents the total pallets involved for each business type.
            // In each item in the list the Key is the Business Type ID, and the Value is the pallet count for that
            // business type.
            List <KeyValuePair <int, int> > btCounts = new List <KeyValuePair <int, int> >();

            if (orders != null && orders.Tables.Count > 0 && orders.Tables[0] != null)
                foreach (DataRow order in orders.Tables[0].Rows)
                    int businessTypeID = (int)order["BusinessTypeID"];
                    int palletCount    = (int)order["NoPallets"];

                    // The business type has already been encountered, increase the pallet count.
                    // As the value property is read only, we need to remove the item and then
                    // cause it to be recreated with the new total.
                    if (btCounts.Exists(btCount => btCount.Key == businessTypeID))
                        palletCount += btCounts.Find(btCount => btCount.Key == businessTypeID).Value;
                        btCounts.RemoveAll(btCount => btCount.Key == businessTypeID);

                    // Record the entry.
                    btCounts.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(businessTypeID, palletCount));

                // Sort the different key value pairs based on their value properties (i.e. their pallet count).
                // The result of the value compare is multiplied by -1 to effectively reverse the sort direction as:
                //      -1 * -1 =  1
                //       1 * -1 = -1
                //       0 * -1 =  0
                btCounts.Sort((x, y) => x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value) * -1);

            // Create the dropdown items that match the business type information.
            Facade.IBusinessType facBusinessType = new Facade.BusinessType();
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> btCount in btCounts)
                ListItem li = new ListItem();
                li.Value = btCount.Key.ToString();
                Entities.BusinessType businessType = facBusinessType.GetForBusinessTypeID(btCount.Key);
                li.Text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", businessType.Description, btCount.Value);
