private void DebugCharacter(EnterWorldRequest request)
            var dbgString = "New character";

            dbgString += " " + request.Name;

            foreach (int skill in request.Skills)
                dbgString += " " + (ActionCode)skill;

        internal Entity CreateClientEntity(MMOPeer peer, EnterWorldRequest operation)
            var position   = GetRandomWorldPosition();
            var maxHealth  = GetMaxHealth((WeaponCode)operation.Weapon);
            var attributes = new Attribute[] {
                new IntAttribute(maxHealth, AttributeCode.MaxHealth),
                new HealthAttribute(maxHealth),
                new ActionStateAttribute(),
                new FloatAttribute(7f, AttributeCode.Speed)

            var skills = operation.Skills;

            Array.Resize(ref skills, skills.Length + 1);
            skills[skills.Length - 1] = operation.Weapon;
            var entity = new ClientEntity(operation.Name, position, operation.Team, attributes, peer, skills);

        private OperationResponse OperationEnterWorld(PeerBase peer, OperationRequest request, SendParameters sendParameters)
            var operation = new EnterWorldRequest(peer.Protocol, request);

            if (!operation.IsValid)
                return(new OperationResponse(request.OperationCode)
                    ReturnCode = (int)ReturnCode.InvalidOperationParameter,
                    DebugMessage = operation.GetErrorMessage()


            var entity = EntityFactory.Instance.CreateClientEntity(m_Peer, operation);

            // TODO: Think about a different place to store the username.
            m_Peer.Name = operation.Name;

            // Send entered world response.
            var responseData = new EnterWorldResponse {
                Position = entity.Position
            var response = new OperationResponse(request.OperationCode, responseData)
                ReturnCode = (short)ReturnCode.OK

            m_Peer.SendOperationResponse(response, sendParameters);

            // Must happen after OK is sent to server.
            // Notify other peers about new player by adding the entity to the world cache.
            //TODO: Missing checks when adding new entity. E.g. is there already an entity with the same name.

            m_Peer.SetCurrentOperationHandler(new EntityOperationHandler(m_Peer));