protected void txtLocation_OnTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = String.Empty; var location = txtLocation.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); if (location != String.Empty) { Ent_twhwmd300 data = new Ent_twhwmd300() { loca = location }; var validaLocation = _idaltwhwmd300.listaRegistro_ObtieneAlmacen(ref data, ref strError); if (validaLocation.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(validaLocation.Rows[0]["LOCT"]) != 5) { lblError.Text = mensajes("bulklocation"); return; } } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("locationnotexists"); return; } } }
public DataTable listaRegistro_AlmacenUbicaion(ref Ent_twhwmd300 Parametros, ref string strError) { method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(); paramList = new Dictionary <string, object>(); paramList.Add(":T$CWAR", Parametros.cwar.Trim()); paramList.Add(":T$LOCA", Parametros.loca.Trim()); strSQL = recursos.readStatement(method.ReflectedType.Name, method.Name, ref owner, ref env, tabla, paramList); try { consulta = DAL.BaseDAL.BaseDal.EjecutarCons("Text", strSQL, ref parametersOut, null, true); if (consulta.Rows.Count < 1) { strError = "Incorrect location, please verify."; } } catch (Exception ex) { strError = "Error to the search sequence [twhwmd300]. Try again or contact your administrator \n "; log.escribirError(strError + Console.Out.NewLine + ex.Message, stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name, method.Name, method.ReflectedType.Name); } return(consulta); }
public DataTable listaRegistro_AlmacenUbicaion(ref Ent_twhwmd300 Parametros, ref string strError) { DataTable retorno; try { retorno = dal.listaRegistro_AlmacenUbicaion(ref Parametros, ref strError); return(retorno); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.InnerException.ToString()); } }
protected void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = String.Empty; var item = txtItem.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); var warehouse = txtWarehouse.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); var location = txtLocation.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); var lot = Session["Lot"].ToString().ToUpper(); var cantidad = Convert.ToDouble(Request.Form["txtQuantity"].ToString().Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); var cdis = Request.Form["slReasons"].ToString().Trim(); var obse = Request.Form["txtComments"].ToString().Trim(); var VariableAuxSuno = Request.Form["txtSupplier"].ToString().Trim(); var suno = string.IsNullOrEmpty(VariableAuxSuno) ? string.Empty : Request.Form["txtSupplier"].ToString().Trim(); var reasondesc = Request.Form["lblReasonDesc"]; if (lot == string.Empty) { lblError.Text = Thelotcantbeempty; return; } if (reasondesc == null) { reasondesc = "Adhesion"; } if (cantidad > Convert.ToDouble(_stock, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)) { lblError.Text = mensajes("quantexceed"); return; } Ent_twhwmd300 data = new Ent_twhwmd300() { loca = location }; var validaLocation = _idaltwhwmd300.listaRegistro_ObtieneAlmacen(ref data, ref strError); if (txSloc.Value.ToString().Trim() == "1") { if (validaLocation.Rows.Count > 0) { if (Convert.ToInt32(validaLocation.Rows[0]["LOCT"]) != 5) { lblError.Text = mensajes("bulklocation"); return; } } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("locationnotexists"); return; } } var validarRegistro = _idaltticol116.findRecordByWarehouseItemLocation(ref item, ref warehouse, ref location, ref strError); if (validarRegistro.Rows.Count > 0) { //var validarUpdate = _idaltticol116.updateRecordRejectedWarehouse(ref item, ref warehouse, ref location, ref cantidad, ref strError); Ent_tticol116 data116 = new Ent_tticol116() { item = item, cwar = warehouse, loca = location == String.Empty ? " " : location, clot = lot == String.Empty ? " " : lot, qtyr = Convert.ToDouble(cantidad), cdis = cdis, obse = obse == String.Empty ? " " : obse, logr = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString(), suno = suno == String.Empty ? " " : suno }; var validInsertaux = _idaltticol116.insertarRegistro(ref data116, ref strError); if (validInsertaux > 0) { lblError.Text = String.Empty; lblConfirm.Text = mensajes("msjupdate"); divTable.InnerHtml = String.Empty; divBtnGuardar.Visible = false; txtItem.Text = String.Empty; txtWarehouse.Text = String.Empty; txtLocation.Text = String.Empty; txtLot.Text = String.Empty; var rutaServ = UrlBaseBarcode + "/Barcode/BarcodeHandler.ashx?data=" + item.Trim().ToUpper() + "&code=Code128&dpi=96"; imgCodeItem.Src = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) ? rutaServ : ""; var rutaServQty = UrlBaseBarcode + "/Barcode/BarcodeHandler.ashx?data=" + cantidad.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() + "&code=Code128&dpi=96"; imgQty.Src = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cantidad.ToString()) ? rutaServQty : ""; lblValueDescription.Text = hdfDescItem.Value; lblDescRejectQty.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblRejectedQty"), " ", cantidad); lblDescPrintedBy.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblPrintedBy"), " ", HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString()); lblValueLot.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblDescLot"), " ", lot); lblComments.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblDescComments"), " ", obse); lblValueReason.Text = reasondesc; divLabel.Visible = true; divBotones.Visible = true; } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("errorupdt"); return; } } else { Ent_tticol116 data116 = new Ent_tticol116() { item = item, cwar = warehouse, loca = location == String.Empty ? " " : location, clot = lot == String.Empty ? " " : lot, qtyr = cantidad, cdis = cdis, obse = obse == String.Empty ? " " : obse, logr = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString(), suno = suno == String.Empty ? " " : suno }; var validInsert = _idaltticol116.insertarRegistro(ref data116, ref strError); if (validInsert > 0) { lblError.Text = String.Empty; lblConfirm.Text = mensajes("msjsave"); divTable.InnerHtml = String.Empty; divBtnGuardar.Visible = false; txtItem.Text = String.Empty; txtWarehouse.Text = String.Empty; txtLocation.Text = String.Empty; txtLot.Text = String.Empty; var rutaServ = UrlBaseBarcode + "/Barcode/BarcodeHandler.ashx?data=" + item.Trim().ToUpper() + "&code=Code128&dpi=96"; imgCodeItem.Src = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) ? rutaServ : ""; var rutaServQty = UrlBaseBarcode + "/Barcode/BarcodeHandler.ashx?data=" + cantidad.ToString().Trim().ToUpper() + "&code=Code128&dpi=96"; imgQty.Src = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cantidad.ToString()) ? rutaServQty : ""; lblValueDescription.Text = hdfDescItem.Value; lblDescRejectQty.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblRejectedQty"), " ", cantidad); lblDescPrintedBy.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblPrintedBy"), " ", HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString()); lblValueLot.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblDescLot"), " ", lot); lblComments.Text = String.Concat(_textoLabels.readStatement(formName, _idioma, "lblDescComments"), " ", obse); lblValueReason.Text = reasondesc; divLabel.Visible = true; divBotones.Visible = true; } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("errorsave"); return; } } }
protected void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = String.Empty; lblConfirm.Text = String.Empty; if (txtLocation.Text.Trim() == String.Empty || lblValueLocation2.Text.Trim() == String.Empty) { lblError.Text = mensajes("locationblank"); return; } if (float.Parse(lblValueQuantity.Text) < 1) { lblError.Text = mensajes("quantityzero"); return; } //Valida la ubicacion del producto (INS o REC) var item = lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim().ToUpper() + "-" + lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[1].Trim().ToUpper(); var origen = slOrigen.SelectedValue; var dsca = lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[2].Trim().ToUpper(); var validaUbicacion = _idaltqmptc011.findRecordByItemConOrigen(ref item, ref origen, ref strError); var location = validaUbicacion.Rows.Count > 0 ? "INS" : "REC"; //Valida si el articulo maneja lote Ent_ttcibd001 data001 = new Ent_ttcibd001() { item = item }; var validaArticulo = _idalttcibd001.listaRegistro_ObtieneDescripcionUnidad(ref data001, ref strError); var consultaOrden = new DataTable(); var numeroOrden = lblValueOrden.Text.Trim(); var numeroOrdenPallet = txtNumeroOrden.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); var clot = validaArticulo.Rows[0]["KLTC"].ToString(); var cwar = _validaAlmacen.Rows[0]["ALM"].ToString(); if (clot != "1") { consultaOrden = _idaltwhcol124.findBySqnbPdnoNoClot(ref location, ref cwar, ref numeroOrdenPallet, ref strError); } else { consultaOrden = _idaltwhcol124.findBySqnbPdnoYesClot(ref location, ref cwar, ref numeroOrdenPallet, ref strError); } if (consultaOrden.Rows.Count > 0) { var QTYPEND = float.Parse(consultaOrden.Rows[0]["QTYPEND"].ToString()).ToString("0.00"); var QTDL = float.Parse(lblValueQuantity.Text == "" ? "0" : lblValueQuantity.Text).ToString("0.00"); var STRQDPU = float.Parse((float.Parse(QTYPEND) - float.Parse(lblValuePorAprobar.Text.Trim())).ToString()).ToString("0.00"); var CWAR = consultaOrden.Rows[0]["CWAR"].ToString(); var LOTE = consultaOrden.Rows[0]["CLOT"].ToString(); //Validar que el almacen sea el mismo de la orden if (CWAR != cwar) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("diferentcwar"), txtLocation.Text.ToUpper(), CWAR); return; } //Validar que exista ubicacion, que sea tipo 5-carga y que no este bloqueado Ent_twhwmd300 data300 = new Ent_twhwmd300() { loca = txtLocation.Text.Trim(), cwar = cwar }; var validarUbicacionTipo = _idaltwhwmd300.listaRegistro_AlmacenUbicaion(ref data300, ref strError); if (validarUbicacionTipo.Rows.Count > 0) { if (float.Parse(QTDL) > float.Parse(QTYPEND)) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("suggestedquantityannounced"), QTDL, QTYPEND); return; } // //Validar que la cantidad ingresada no sea mayor a la cantidad disponible por ubicar if (float.Parse(QTDL) > float.Parse(STRQDPU)) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("suggestedquantityavailable"), numeroOrden, QTDL, STRQDPU); return; } //Verificar si ya existe un registro para esta orden //var consecutivo = _idaltticol032.consultarConsecutivoRegistro(ref numeroOrden, ref strError); //consecutivo = consecutivo + 1; Ent_twhinh210 datawhinh210 = new Ent_twhinh210() { orno = lblValueOrden.Text, oorg = origen, item = item, clot = LOTE }; var consultaDatosOrden = _idaltwhinh210.findByOrderNumberAndOrigin(ref datawhinh210, ref strError); if (consultaDatosOrden.Rows.Count < 1) { lblError.Text = mensajes("210empty"); return; } //T$OORG AS OORG, T$ORNO AS ORNO, T$OSET AS OSET, T$PONO AS PONO, T$SEQN AS SEQN var oorg = consultaDatosOrden.Rows[0]["OORG"].ToString(); var orno = consultaDatosOrden.Rows[0]["ORNO"].ToString(); var oset = consultaDatosOrden.Rows[0]["OSET"].ToString(); var pono = consultaDatosOrden.Rows[0]["PONO"].ToString(); var seqn = consultaDatosOrden.Rows[0]["SEQN"].ToString(); Ent_tticol032 dataticol032 = new Ent_tticol032() { oorg = Convert.ToInt32(oorg), orno = orno, sqnb = numeroOrdenPallet, oset = Convert.ToInt32(oset), pono = Convert.ToInt32(pono), seqn = Convert.ToInt32(seqn), mitm = item.Trim(), dsca = dsca, cwar = cwar, loca = lblValueLocation2.Text, qtdl = Convert.ToDecimal(QTDL), cuni = lblValueUnit.Text, mess = " ", user = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString(), refcntd = 0, refcntu = 0 }; var validSave = _idaltticol032.insertarRegistro(ref dataticol032, ref strError); if (validSave > 0) { lblConfirm.Text = mensajes("msjsave"); divTable.Visible = false; txtNumeroOrden.Enabled = true; txtNumeroOrden.Text = String.Empty; return; } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("errorsave"); return; } } else { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("locationnotexist"), data300.loca); return; } } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("orderemptytwo"); } }
protected void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtLocation.Text.Trim() == String.Empty || lblValueLocation2.Text.Trim() == String.Empty) { lblError.Text = mensajes("locationblank"); return; } if (float.Parse(lblValueQuantity.Text) < 1) { lblError.Text = mensajes("quantityzero"); return; } //Valida la ubicacion del producto (INS o REC) var item = lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[0].Trim().ToUpper() + "-" + lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[1].Trim().ToUpper(); var dsca = lblValueArticulo.Text.Split('-')[2].Trim().ToUpper(); var validaUbicacion = _idaltqmptc011.findRecordByItem(ref item, ref strError); var location = validaUbicacion.Rows.Count > 0 ? "INS" : "REC"; //Valida si el articulo maneja lote Ent_ttcibd001 data001 = new Ent_ttcibd001() { item = item }; var validaArticulo = _idalttcibd001.listaRegistro_ObtieneDescripcionUnidad(ref data001, ref strError); var consultaOrden = new DataTable(); var numeroOrden = lblValueOrden.Text.Trim(); var numeroOrdenPallet = txtNumeroOrden.Text.Trim().ToUpper(); var clot = validaArticulo.Rows[0]["KLTC"].ToString(); var cwar = _validaAlmacen.Rows[0]["ALM"].ToString(); if (clot != "1") { consultaOrden = _idalttisfc001.findBySqnbPdnoNoClot(ref location, ref cwar, ref numeroOrden, ref numeroOrdenPallet, ref strError); } else { consultaOrden = _idalttisfc001.findBySqnbPdnoYesClot(ref location, ref cwar, ref numeroOrden, ref numeroOrdenPallet, ref strError); } if (consultaOrden.Rows.Count > 0) { var QTYPEND = float.Parse(consultaOrden.Rows[0]["QTYPEND"].ToString()).ToString("0.00"); var QTDL = float.Parse(lblValueQuantity.Text == "" ? "0" : lblValueQuantity.Text).ToString("0.00"); //var STRQDPU = float.Parse((float.Parse(QTYPEND) - float.Parse(QTDL)).ToString()).ToString("0.00"); var STRQDPU = float.Parse(QTYPEND).ToString("0.00"); var CWAR = consultaOrden.Rows[0]["CWAR"].ToString(); //Validar que el almacen sea el mismo de la orden if (CWAR != cwar) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("diferentcwar"), txtLocation.Text.ToUpper(), CWAR); return; } //Validar que exista ubicacion, que sea tipo 5-carga y que no este bloqueado Ent_twhwmd300 data300 = new Ent_twhwmd300() { loca = txtLocation.Text.Trim(), cwar = cwar }; var validarUbicacionTipo = _idaltwhwmd300.listaRegistro_AlmacenUbicaion(ref data300, ref strError); if (validarUbicacionTipo.Rows.Count > 0) { //Validar que la cantidad no sea mayor a la cantidad pendiente if (float.Parse(QTDL) > float.Parse(QTYPEND)) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("suggestedquantityannounced"), QTDL, QTYPEND); return; } //Validar que la cantidad ingresada no sea mayor a la cantidad disponible por ubicar if (float.Parse(QTDL) > float.Parse(STRQDPU)) { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("suggestedquantityavailable"), numeroOrden, QTDL, STRQDPU); return; } //Verificar si ya existe un registro para esta orden var consecutivo = _idaltticol030.consultarConsecutivoRegistro(ref numeroOrden, ref strError); consecutivo = consecutivo + 1; Ent_tticol030 data030 = new Ent_tticol030() { pdno = numeroOrden, sqnb = consecutivo, mitm = item, dsca = dsca, cwar = cwar, loca = lblValueLocation2.Text, qtdl = Convert.ToDecimal(QTDL), cuni = lblValueUnit.Text, mess = " ", user = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString(), refcntd = 0, refcntu = 0 }; List <Ent_tticol030> lista = new List <Ent_tticol030>(); lista.Add(data030); var validSave = _idaltticol030.insertarRegistro(ref lista, ref strError); if (validSave > 0) { Ent_tticol022 data022 = new Ent_tticol022() { log2 = HttpContext.Current.Session["user"].ToString(), qtd2 = Convert.ToInt32(data030.qtdl), loca = data030.loca, pdno = data030.pdno, sqnb = numeroOrdenPallet, dele = 7 }; var validUpdate = _idaltticol022.actualizaRegistroSugUbicaciones(ref data022, ref strError); if (validUpdate) { //_idaltticol022.ActualizarRegistroTicol222 var actubicticol222 = _idaltticol022.ActualizarUbicacionTicol222(data022.pdno, data022.sqnb, data022.loca, data030.cwar); lblConfirm.Text = mensajes("msjsave"); divTable.Visible = false; txtNumeroOrden.Text = String.Empty; return; } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("errorupdt"); return; } } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("errorsave"); return; } } else { lblError.Text = String.Format(mensajes("locationnotexist"), data300.loca); return; } } else { lblError.Text = mensajes("orderemptytwo"); } }