        /// <summary>
        /// Create an explosion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="center">Center point of the explosion</param>
        /// <param name="magnitude">How much damage the explosion deals and how large the fireball is</param>
        /// <param name="delay">Delay in seconds when the explosion should take place, or 0 to explode immediately</param>
        /// <param name="doDamage">Whether the explosion should deal damage. Default true</param>
        /// <param name="angles">Angles of the explosion entity</param>
        /// <param name="owner">Which entity owns this explosion</param>
        /// <param name="randomRange">If not 0, adds some random x and y distribution to the center point within a box that is 2 * this value in the x and y axes, centered on the given center point</param>
        public static void CreateExplosion(Vector center, int magnitude, float delay = 0, bool doDamage = true, Vector angles = default, BaseEntity owner = null, float randomRange = 0)
            if (randomRange != 0)
                center.x += EngineRandom.Float(-randomRange, randomRange);
                center.y += EngineRandom.Float(-randomRange, randomRange);

            var explosion = Engine.EntityRegistry.CreateInstance <EnvExplosion>();

            explosion.Origin = center;
            explosion.Angles = angles;
            explosion.Owner  = owner;

            explosion.Magnitude = magnitude;

            if (!doDamage)
                explosion.SpawnFlags |= SF.NoDamage;


            if (delay == 0)
                //TODO: pass world as both
                explosion.Use(null, null, UseType.Toggle, 0);
                Debug.Assert(delay > 0);
                explosion.SetNextThink(Engine.Globals.Time + delay);
        public int LookupActivity(int activity)
            //TODO: define 0
            Debug.Assert(activity != 0);

            var model = GetStudioModel();

            if (model == null)

            var sequences = model.Sequences;

            var weighttotal = 0;
            var seq         = ActivityNotAvailable;

            for (var i = 0; i < sequences.Count; ++i)
                if (sequences[i].Activity == activity)
                    weighttotal += sequences[i].ActWeight;
                    if (weighttotal == 0 || EngineRandom.Long(0, weighttotal - 1) < sequences[i].ActWeight)
                        seq = i;

        public override void Spawn()
            var velocity = EngineRandom.Float(200, 300) * Angles;

            velocity.x += EngineRandom.Float(-100.0f, 100.0f);
            velocity.y += EngineRandom.Float(-100.0f, 100.0f);

            if (velocity.z >= 0)
                velocity.z += 200;
                velocity.z -= 200;

            Velocity = velocity;

            MoveType = MoveType.Bounce;
            Gravity  = 0.5f;
            SetNextThink(Engine.Globals.Time + 0.1f);
            Solid = Solid.Not;
            SetModel("models/grenade.mdl");   // Need a model, just use the grenade, we don't draw it anyway
            SetSize(WorldConstants.g_vecZero, WorldConstants.g_vecZero);
            Effects |= EntityEffects.NoDraw;
            Speed    = EngineRandom.Float(0.5f, 1.5f);

            Angles = WorldConstants.g_vecZero;
        static void CreateEntitiesWhichNotSynchronizedViaNetwork()
                //create materials from the code
                ShaderBaseMaterial[] materials = new ShaderBaseMaterial[7];
                    for (int n = 0; n < materials.Length; n++)
                        string materialName = HighLevelMaterialManager.Instance.GetUniqueMaterialName(
                        ShaderBaseMaterial material = (ShaderBaseMaterial)HighLevelMaterialManager.Instance.CreateMaterial(
                            materialName, "ShaderBaseMaterial");
                        material.Diffuse1Map.Texture = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A.dds", n + 1);
                        material.NormalMap.Texture   = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A_N.dds", n + 1);
                        material.SpecularColor       = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);
                        material.SpecularMap.Texture = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A_S.dds", n + 1);

                        materials[n] = material;

                //create objects with collision body
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom(0);
                for (float y = -35; y < 35; y += 5)
                    for (float x = -35; x < 35; x += 2.5f)
                        StaticMesh staticMesh = (StaticMesh)Entities.Instance.Create("StaticMesh", Map.Instance);
                        staticMesh.MeshName = "Base\\Simple Models\\Box.mesh";

                        ShaderBaseMaterial material = materials[random.Next(0, 6)];
                        staticMesh.ForceMaterial = material.Name;                        //"DarkGray";

                        staticMesh.Position           = new Vec3(x, y, -1.0f);
                        staticMesh.Scale              = new Vec3(2.5f, 5, 2);
                        staticMesh.CastDynamicShadows = false;

                Entity skyBox = Entities.Instance.Create("SkyBox", Map.Instance);

                Light light = (Light)Entities.Instance.Create("Light", Map.Instance);
                light.LightType     = RenderLightType.Directional;
                light.SpecularColor = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);
                light.Position      = new Vec3(0, 0, 10);
                light.Rotation      = new Angles(120, 50, 330).ToQuat();
        public override void Use(BaseEntity pActivator, BaseEntity pCaller, UseType useType, float value)
            ModelName = null;                           //invisible
            Solid     = Solid.Not;                      // intangible

            var vecSpot = Origin + new Vector(0, 0, 8); // trace starts here!

            Server.Game.Engine.Trace.Line(vecSpot, vecSpot + new Vector(0, 0, -40), TraceFlags.IgnoreMonsters, Edict(), out var tr);

            // Pull out of the wall a bit
            if (tr.Fraction != 1.0)
                Origin = tr.EndPos + (tr.PlaneNormal * (Magnitude - 24) * 0.6);

            // draw decal
            if ((SpawnFlags & SF.NoDecal) == 0)
                if (EngineRandom.Float(0, 1) < 0.5f)
                    EntUtils.DecalTrace(tr, Decal.Scorch1);
                    EntUtils.DecalTrace(tr, Decal.Scorch2);

            // draw fireball
            TempEntity.Explosion(Origin, (short)Globals.g_sModelIndexFireball, (SpawnFlags & SF.NoFireball) == 0 ? SpriteScale : 0, 15);

            // do damage
            if ((SpawnFlags & SF.NoDamage) == 0)
                RadiusDamage(this, this, Magnitude, EntityClass.None, DamageTypes.Blast);

            SetNextThink(Engine.Globals.Time + 0.3f);

            // draw sparks
            if ((SpawnFlags & SF.NoSparks) == 0)
                int sparkCount = EngineRandom.Long(0, 3);

                for (var i = 0; i < sparkCount; ++i)
                    Create("spark_shower", Origin, tr.PlaneNormal);
        void Fire()
            if (!Visible)

            if (fireworkBulletType == null)

            Bullet bullet = (Bullet)Entities.Instance.Create(fireworkBulletType, Map.Instance);

            bullet.Position = GetInterpolatedPosition() + new Vec3(0, 0, .1f);

            EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;
            Quat         rot    = new Angles(random.NextFloatCenter() * 25, 90 + random.NextFloatCenter() * 25, 0).ToQuat();

            bullet.Rotation = rot;


            foreach (MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in bullet.AttachedObjects)
                MapObjectAttachedRibbonTrail attachedRibbonTrail = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedRibbonTrail;
                if (attachedRibbonTrail == null)

                ColorValue color;
                switch (random.Next(4))
                case 0: color = new ColorValue(1, 0, 0); break;

                case 1: color = new ColorValue(0, 1, 0); break;

                case 2: color = new ColorValue(0, 0, 1); break;

                case 3: color = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0); break;

                default: color = new ColorValue(0, 0, 0); break;

                if (attachedRibbonTrail.RibbonTrail != null)
                    attachedRibbonTrail.RibbonTrail.Chains[0].InitialColor = color;
        void ServerOrSingle_CreatePiece(Vec2i index)
            JigsawPuzzlePiece piece = (JigsawPuzzlePiece)Entities.Instance.Create(
                "JigsawPuzzlePiece", Map.Instance);


            //calculate position
                Rect area = GetGameArea();
                Rect exceptArea = GetDestinationArea();

                float x = 0;
                float y = 0;

                bool free = false;
                    free = true;

                    EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;
                    x = area.Minimum.X + random.NextFloat() * area.Size.X;
                    y = area.Minimum.Y + random.NextFloat() * area.Size.Y;

                    if (exceptArea.IsContainsPoint(new Vec2(x, y)))
                        free = false;

                    Bounds checkBounds = new Bounds(
                        new Vec3(x - .5f, y - .5f, -100),
                        new Vec3(x + .5f, y + .5f, 100));

                    Map.Instance.GetObjects(checkBounds, delegate(MapObject mapObject)
                        JigsawPuzzlePiece p = mapObject as JigsawPuzzlePiece;
                        if (p != null)
                            free = false;
                } while(!free);

                piece.Position = new Vec3(x, y, .1f);

        public override void Startup(IServiceCollection services)

            services.AddSingleton <IServerInterface, ServerInterface>();
            services.AddSingleton <IGameClients, GameClients>();
            services.AddSingleton <IEntities, Entities>();
            services.AddSingleton <INetworking, Networking>();
            services.AddSingleton <IPersistence, Persistence>();
            services.AddSingleton <IPlayerPhysics, PlayerPhysics>();
            services.AddSingleton <IEntityRegistry, EntityRegistry>();
            services.AddSingleton <SentencesSystem>();
            services.AddSingleton <MaterialsSystem>();
            services.AddSingleton <ISoundSystem, SoundSystem>();
            services.AddSingleton <INetworkMessages, NetworkMessages>();

        protected override void OnAttach()

            //disable check for disconnection
            GameEngineApp.Instance.Client_AllowCheckForDisconnection = false;

            //register config fields

            //create window
            window = ControlDeclarationManager.Instance.CreateControl(

            MouseCover = true;
            BackColor  = new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, .5f);

            //initialize controls

            buttonCreateServer        = (EButton)window.Controls["CreateServer"];
            buttonCreateServer.Click += CreateServer_Click;

            buttonConnect        = (EButton)window.Controls["Connect"];
            buttonConnect.Click += Connect_Click;

            ((EButton)window.Controls["Exit"]).Click += Exit_Click;

            //generate user name
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom();
                userName = "******" + random.Next(1000).ToString("D03");

            editBoxUserName             = (EEditBox)window.Controls["UserName"];
            editBoxUserName.Text        = userName;
            editBoxUserName.TextChange += editBoxUserName_TextChange;

            editBoxConnectTo             = (EEditBox)window.Controls["ConnectTo"];
            editBoxConnectTo.Text        = connectToAddress;
            editBoxConnectTo.TextChange += editBoxConnectTo_TextChange;

            SetInfo("", false);
        protected override void OnAttach()

            //disable check for disconnection
            GameEngineApp.Instance.Client_AllowCheckForDisconnection = false;

            //register config fields
            EngineApp.Instance.Config.RegisterClassParameters( GetType() );

            //create window
            window = ControlDeclarationManager.Instance.CreateControl(
                "Gui\\MultiplayerLoginWindow.gui" );
            Controls.Add( window );

            MouseCover = true;
            BackColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, .5f );

            //initialize controls

            buttonCreateServer = (EButton)window.Controls[ "CreateServer" ];
            buttonCreateServer.Click += CreateServer_Click;

            buttonConnect = (EButton)window.Controls[ "Connect" ];
            buttonConnect.Click += Connect_Click;

            ( (EButton)window.Controls[ "Exit" ] ).Click += Exit_Click;

            //generate user name
            if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( userName ) )
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom();
                userName = "******" + random.Next( 1000 ).ToString( "D03" );

            editBoxUserName = (EEditBox)window.Controls[ "UserName" ];
            editBoxUserName.Text = userName;
            editBoxUserName.TextChange += editBoxUserName_TextChange;

            editBoxConnectTo = (EEditBox)window.Controls[ "ConnectTo" ];
            editBoxConnectTo.Text = connectToAddress;
            editBoxConnectTo.TextChange += editBoxConnectTo_TextChange;

            SetInfo( "", false );
        public void InitLRU()
            for (var i = 0; i < LRU.Count; ++i)
                LRU[i] = i;

            // randomize array
            for (var i = 0; i < (LRU.Count * 4); ++i)
                var j = EngineRandom.Long(0, LRU.Count - 1);
                var k = EngineRandom.Long(0, LRU.Count - 1);

                var temp = LRU[j];
                LRU[j] = LRU[k];
                LRU[k] = temp;
        private void DoEffect()
            float radius    = Type.Radius;
            float radiusInv = 1.0f / radius;

            List <MapObject>  objects     = mapObjectListAllocator.Alloc();
            List <DamageItem> damageItems = damageItemListAllocator.Alloc();

            //generate objects list
            Map.Instance.GetObjects(new Sphere(Position, radius), delegate(MapObject obj)
                if (Type.IgnoreReasonObject && obj == ReasonObject)

            //enumerate objects
            foreach (MapObject obj in objects)
                if (obj.IsSetForDeletion)
                if (!obj.Visible)

                PhysicsModel objPhysicsModel = obj.PhysicsModel;

                float totalObjImpulse = 0;
                float totalObjDamage  = 0;

                if (Type.Impulse != 0 && objPhysicsModel != null)
                    float bodyCountInv = 1.0f / objPhysicsModel.Bodies.Length;

                    foreach (Body body in objPhysicsModel.Bodies)
                        if (body.Static)

                        Vec3  dir      = body.Position - Position;
                        float distance = dir.Normalize();

                        if (distance < radius)
                            float objImpulse = MathFunctions.Cos((distance * radiusInv) *
                                                                 (MathFunctions.PI / 2)) * Type.Impulse * DamageCoefficient;
                            objImpulse *= bodyCountInv;

                            //forcePos for torque
                            Vec3 forcePos;
                                Vec3         gabarites = body.GetGlobalBounds().GetSize() * .05f;
                                EngineRandom random    = World.Instance.Random;
                                forcePos = new Vec3(
                                    random.NextFloatCenter() * gabarites.X,
                                    random.NextFloatCenter() * gabarites.Y,
                                    random.NextFloatCenter() * gabarites.Z);
                            body.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, 0, dir * objImpulse, forcePos);

                            totalObjImpulse += objImpulse;

                if (Type.Damage != 0)
                    Dynamic dynamic = obj as Dynamic;
                    if (dynamic != null)
                        float distance = (dynamic.Position - Position).Length();
                        if (distance < radius)
                            float objDamage = MathFunctions.Cos((distance * radiusInv) *
                                                                (MathFunctions.PI / 2)) * Type.Damage * DamageCoefficient;

                            //add damages to cache and apply after influences (for correct influences work)
                            damageItems.Add(new DamageItem(dynamic, obj.Position, objDamage));
                            //dynamic.DoDamage( dynamic, obj.Position, objDamage, false );

                            totalObjDamage += objDamage;

                //PlayerCharacter contusion
                if (totalObjDamage > 10 && totalObjImpulse > 500)
                    PlayerCharacter playerCharacter = obj as PlayerCharacter;
                    if (playerCharacter != null)
                        playerCharacter.ContusionTimeRemaining += totalObjDamage * .05f;

                if (Type.InfluenceType != null && (totalObjDamage != 0 || totalObjImpulse != 0))
                    Dynamic dynamic = obj as Dynamic;
                    if (dynamic != null)
                        float coef = 0;
                        if (Type.Damage != 0)
                            coef = totalObjDamage / Type.Damage;
                        if (Type.Impulse != 0)
                            coef = Math.Max(coef, totalObjImpulse / Type.Impulse);

                        if (coef > 1)
                            coef = 1;
                        if (coef != 0)
                            dynamic.AddInfluence(Type.InfluenceType, Type.InfluenceMaxTime * coef, true);

            //Create splash for water

            //Apply damages
            foreach (DamageItem item in damageItems)
                if (!item.dynamic.IsSetForDeletion)
                    item.dynamic.DoDamage(this, item.position, null, item.damage, false);


        protected override void OnAttach()

            //disable check for disconnection
            GameEngineApp.Instance.Client_AllowCheckForDisconnection = false;

            //register config fields

            //create window
            window = ControlDeclarationManager.Instance.CreateControl(

            //MouseCover = true;
            //BackColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, .5f );

            //initialize controls

            buttonConnect = (Button)window.Controls["Connect"];
            buttonConnect.Click += Connect_Click;

            //( (Button)window.Controls[ "Exit" ] ).Click += Exit_Click;
            //Quit button event handler
            ((Button)window.Controls["Exit"]).Click += delegate(Button sender)

            //positionY = maxout;

            //generate user name
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom();
                userName = "******" + random.Next(1000).ToString("D03");

            savePass = (CheckBox)window.Controls["savePass"];

            editBoxUserPass = (PasswordBox)window.Controls["password"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                editBoxUserPass.Text = password;
                savePass.Checked = true;

            //configure password feature
            editBoxUserPass.UpdatingTextControl = delegate(EditBox sender, ref string text)
                text = new string('*', sender.Text.Length);
                if (sender.Focused)
                    text += "_";
                savePass.Checked = true;

            //editBoxUserPass.TextChange += passwordEditBox_TextChange;

            savePass.CheckedChange += savePass_CheckedChange;

            editBoxUserPass.TextChange += editBoxUserPass_TextChange;

            editBoxUserName = (EditBox)window.Controls["UserName"];
            editBoxUserName.Text = userName;
            editBoxUserName.TextChange += editBoxUserName_TextChange;

            ((Button)window.Controls["Register"]).Click += Register_Click;

            SetInfo("", false);
        private static BaseEntity EntDetermineSpawnPoint(BaseEntity pPlayer)
            BaseEntity pSpot;

            // choose a info_player_deathmatch point
            if (Engine.GameRules.IsCoOp())
                pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(g_pLastSpawn, "info_player_coop");
                if (pSpot != null)

                pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(g_pLastSpawn, "info_player_start");
                if (pSpot != null)
            else if (Engine.GameRules.IsDeathmatch())
                pSpot = g_pLastSpawn;
                // Randomize the start spot
                for (var i = EngineRandom.Long(1, 5); i > 0; i--)
                    pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch");

                if (pSpot == null)  // skip over the null point
                    pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch");

                var pFirstSpot = pSpot;

                    if (pSpot != null)
                        // check if pSpot is valid
                        if (IsSpawnPointValid(pPlayer, pSpot))
                            if (pSpot.Origin == WorldConstants.g_vecZero)
                                pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch");

                            // if so, go to pSpot
                    // increment pSpot
                    pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(pSpot, "info_player_deathmatch");
                } while (pSpot != pFirstSpot); // loop if we're not back to the start

                // we haven't found a place to spawn yet,  so kill any guy at the first spawn point and spawn there
                if (pSpot != null)
                    for (BaseEntity ent = null; (ent = EntUtils.FindEntityInSphere(ent, pSpot.Origin, 128)) != null;)
                        // if ent is a client, kill em (unless they are ourselves)
                        if (ent.IsPlayer() && ent != pPlayer)
                            ent.TakeDamage(World.WorldInstance, World.WorldInstance, 300, DamageTypes.Generic);

            // If startspot is set, (re)spawn there.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Engine.Globals.StartSpot))
                pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByClassName(null, "info_player_start");
                if (pSpot != null)
                pSpot = EntUtils.FindEntityByTargetName(null, Engine.Globals.StartSpot);
                if (pSpot != null)

            Log.Alert(AlertType.Error, "PutClientInServer: no info_player_start on level");
        private void DrawArea_RenderUI(Control sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
            Rect rectangle = sender.GetScreenRectangle();
            bool clipRectangle = true;
            ColorValue[] colors = new ColorValue[]{
				new ColorValue( 1 ,0, 0 ),
				new ColorValue( 0, 1, 0 ),
				new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 ),
				new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 ),
				new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 )};

            if (clipRectangle)

            //draw triangles
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Triangles)
                float distance = rectangle.GetSize().X / 2;

                List<GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex> triangles = new List<GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex>(256);

                Radian angle = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                const int steps = 30;
                Vec2 lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;
                for (int step = 0; step < steps + 1; step++)
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2(MathFunctions.Cos(angle), MathFunctions.Sin(angle)) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2(localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio);

                    if (step != 0)
                        ColorValue color = colors[step % colors.Length];
                        ColorValue color2 = color;
                        color2.Alpha = 0;
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(rectangle.GetCenter(), color));
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(lastPosition, color2));
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(pos, color2));

                    angle += (MathFunctions.PI * 2) / steps;
                    lastPosition = pos;


            //draw quads
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Quads)
                //draw background
                    Texture texture = TextureManager.Instance.Load("GUI\\Textures\\NeoAxisLogo.png");
                    renderer.AddQuad(rectangle, new Rect(0, -.3f, 1, 1.4f), texture,
                        new ColorValue(1, 1, 1), true);

                //draw bars
                    float time = EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                    EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom(0);

                    int count = 15;
                    float stepOffset = rectangle.GetSize().X / count;
                    float size = stepOffset * .9f;
                    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                        float v = MathFunctions.Cos(time * random.NextFloat());
                        float v2 = (v + 1) / 2;

                        ColorValue color = colors[n % colors.Length];
                        Rect rect = new Rect(
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n, rectangle.Bottom - rectangle.GetSize().Y * v2,
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n + size, rectangle.Bottom);
                        renderer.AddQuad(rect, color);

            //draw lines
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Lines)
                float maxDistance;
                    Vec2 s = rectangle.GetSize() / 2;
                    maxDistance = MathFunctions.Sqrt(s.X * s.X + s.Y * s.Y);

                int step = 0;
                float distance = 0;
                Radian angle = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;
                Vec2 lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;

                while (distance < maxDistance)
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2(MathFunctions.Cos(angle), MathFunctions.Sin(angle)) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2(localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio);

                    if (step != 0)
                        ColorValue color = colors[step % colors.Length];
                        renderer.AddLine(lastPosition, pos, color);

                    angle += MathFunctions.PI / 10;
                    distance += .001f;
                    lastPosition = pos;

            //draw text
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Text)
                string text;

                //draw text with specified font.
                text = "Map Editor is a tool to create worlds for your project. The tool is a complex editor to manage " +
                    "objects on the map.";
                renderer.AddTextWordWrap(drawAreaBigFont, text, rectangle, HorizontalAlign.Left, false, VerticalAlign.Top, 0,
                    new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));

                //draw text with word wrap.
                text = "Deployment Tool is a tool to deploy the final version of your application to specified platforms. " +
                    "This utility is useful to automate the final product's creation.";
                renderer.AddTextWordWrap(drawAreaSmallFont, text, rectangle, HorizontalAlign.Right, false, VerticalAlign.Bottom, 0,
                    new ColorValue(1, 1, 0));

            if (clipRectangle)
        protected virtual void CreateBullet(Mode mode)
            Bullet obj = (Bullet)Entities.Instance.Create(mode.typeMode.BulletType, Parent);

            obj.SourceUnit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect();
            obj.Position   = GetFirePosition(mode.typeMode);

            //Correcting position at a shot in very near object (when the point of a shot inside object).
                Vec3 startPos = Position;
                if (AttachedMapObjectParent != null)
                    startPos = AttachedMapObjectParent.Position;

                Ray ray = new Ray(startPos, obj.Position - startPos);
                if (ray.Direction != Vec3.Zero)
                    RayCastResult[] piercingResult = PhysicsWorld.Instance.RayCastPiercing(
                        ray, (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact);

                    foreach (RayCastResult result in piercingResult)
                        MapObject mapObject = MapSystemWorld.GetMapObjectByBody(result.Shape.Body);

                        if (mapObject != null)
                            if (mapObject == this)
                            if (mapObject == this.AttachedMapObjectParent)

                        obj.Position = result.Position - ray.Direction * .01f;

            Quat   rot             = GetFireRotation(mode.typeMode);
            Radian dispersionAngle = mode.typeMode.DispersionAngle;

            if (dispersionAngle != 0)
                EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;

                Mat3 matrix;
                matrix  = Mat3.FromRotateByX(random.NextFloat() * MathFunctions.PI * 2);
                matrix *= Mat3.FromRotateByZ(random.NextFloat() * dispersionAngle);

                rot *= matrix.ToQuat();
            obj.Rotation = rot;


            //set damage coefficient
            float coef = obj.DamageCoefficient;
            Unit  unit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect();

            if (unit != null && unit.BigDamageInfluence != null)
                coef *= unit.BigDamageInfluence.Type.Coefficient;
            obj.DamageCoefficient = coef;

        protected override void OnAttach()

            //disable check for disconnection
            GameEngineApp.Instance.Client_AllowCheckForDisconnection = false;

            //register config fields

            //create window
            window = ControlDeclarationManager.Instance.CreateControl(

            //MouseCover = true;
            //BackColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, .5f );

            //initialize controls

            buttonConnect        = (Button)window.Controls["Connect"];
            buttonConnect.Click += Connect_Click;

            //( (Button)window.Controls[ "Exit" ] ).Click += Exit_Click;
            //Quit button event handler
            ((Button)window.Controls["Exit"]).Click += delegate(Button sender)

            //positionY = maxout;

            //generate user name
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom();
                userName = "******" + random.Next(1000).ToString("D03");

            savePass = (CheckBox)window.Controls["savePass"];

            editBoxUserPass = (PasswordBox)window.Controls["password"];
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(password))
                editBoxUserPass.Text = password;
                savePass.Checked     = true;

            //configure password feature
            editBoxUserPass.UpdatingTextControl = delegate(EditBox sender, ref string text)
                text = new string('*', sender.Text.Length);
                if (sender.Focused)
                    text += "_";
                savePass.Checked = true;

            //editBoxUserPass.TextChange += passwordEditBox_TextChange;

            savePass.CheckedChange += savePass_CheckedChange;

            editBoxUserPass.TextChange += editBoxUserPass_TextChange;

            editBoxUserName             = (EditBox)window.Controls["UserName"];
            editBoxUserName.Text        = userName;
            editBoxUserName.TextChange += editBoxUserName_TextChange;

            ((Button)window.Controls["Register"]).Click += Register_Click;

            SetInfo("", false);
        void DrawArea_RenderUI( Control sender, GuiRenderer renderer )
            Rect rectangle = sender.GetScreenRectangle();
            bool clipRectangle = true;
            ColorValue[] colors = new ColorValue[]{
                new ColorValue( 1 ,0, 0 ),
                new ColorValue( 0, 1, 0 ),
                new ColorValue( 0, 0, 1 ),
                new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 ),
                new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 )};

            if( clipRectangle )
                renderer.PushClipRectangle( rectangle );

            //draw triangles
            if( GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Triangles )
                float distance = rectangle.GetSize().X / 2;

                List<GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex> triangles = new List<GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex>( 256 );

                Radian angle = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                const int steps = 30;
                Vec2 lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;
                for( int step = 0; step < steps + 1; step++ )
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2( MathFunctions.Cos( angle ), MathFunctions.Sin( angle ) ) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2( localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio );

                    if( step != 0 )
                        ColorValue color = colors[ step % colors.Length ];
                        ColorValue color2 = color;
                        color2.Alpha = 0;
                        triangles.Add( new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex( rectangle.GetCenter(), color ) );
                        triangles.Add( new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex( lastPosition, color2 ) );
                        triangles.Add( new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex( pos, color2 ) );

                    angle += ( MathFunctions.PI * 2 ) / steps;
                    lastPosition = pos;

                renderer.AddTriangles( triangles );

            //draw quads
            if( GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Quads )
                //draw background
                    Texture texture = TextureManager.Instance.Load( "Gui\\Various\\Logo.png" );
                    renderer.AddQuad( rectangle, new Rect( 0, -.3f, 1, 1.4f ), texture,
                        new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 ), true );

                //draw bars
                    float time = EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                    EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom( 0 );

                    int count = 15;
                    float stepOffset = rectangle.GetSize().X / count;
                    float size = stepOffset * .9f;
                    for( int n = 0; n < count; n++ )
                        float v = MathFunctions.Cos( time * random.NextFloat() );
                        float v2 = ( v + 1 ) / 2;

                        ColorValue color = colors[ n % colors.Length ];
                        Rect rect = new Rect(
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n, rectangle.Bottom - rectangle.GetSize().Y * v2,
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n + size, rectangle.Bottom );
                        renderer.AddQuad( rect, color );

            //draw lines
            if( GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Lines )
                float maxDistance;
                    Vec2 s = rectangle.GetSize() / 2;
                    maxDistance = MathFunctions.Sqrt( s.X * s.X + s.Y * s.Y );

                int step = 0;
                float distance = 0;
                Radian angle = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;
                Vec2 lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;

                while( distance < maxDistance )
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2( MathFunctions.Cos( angle ), MathFunctions.Sin( angle ) ) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2( localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio );

                    if( step != 0 )
                        ColorValue color = colors[ step % colors.Length ];
                        renderer.AddLine( lastPosition, pos, color );

                    angle += MathFunctions.PI / 10;
                    distance += .001f;
                    lastPosition = pos;

            //draw text
            if( GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Text )
                //draw text with specified font.
                renderer.AddText( drawAreaBigFont, "Big Font Sample", rectangle.LeftTop, HorizontalAlign.Left,
                    VerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 ) );

                //draw text with word wrap.
                string text = "Test Test Test.\n\nThe expandable user interface system is a unified system " +
                    "for the creation of end-user controls, menus, dialogues, windows and HUD screens. " +
                    "With the help of this system the end-user exercises control over the application.";
                renderer.AddTextWordWrap( text, rectangle, HorizontalAlign.Right, false, VerticalAlign.Bottom, 0,
                    new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 ) );

            if( clipRectangle )
        private void DrawArea_RenderUI(Control sender, GuiRenderer renderer)
            Rect rectangle     = sender.GetScreenRectangle();
            bool clipRectangle = true;

            ColorValue[] colors = new ColorValue[] {
                new ColorValue(1, 0, 0),
                new ColorValue(0, 1, 0),
                new ColorValue(0, 0, 1),
                new ColorValue(1, 1, 0),
                new ColorValue(1, 1, 1)

            if (clipRectangle)

            //draw triangles
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Triangles)
                float distance = rectangle.GetSize().X / 2;

                List <GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex> triangles = new List <GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex>(256);

                Radian angle = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                const int steps        = 30;
                Vec2      lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;
                for (int step = 0; step < steps + 1; step++)
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2(MathFunctions.Cos(angle), MathFunctions.Sin(angle)) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos      = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2(localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio);

                    if (step != 0)
                        ColorValue color  = colors[step % colors.Length];
                        ColorValue color2 = color;
                        color2.Alpha = 0;
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(rectangle.GetCenter(), color));
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(lastPosition, color2));
                        triangles.Add(new GuiRenderer.TriangleVertex(pos, color2));

                    angle       += (MathFunctions.PI * 2) / steps;
                    lastPosition = pos;


            //draw quads
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Quads)
                //draw background
                    Texture texture = TextureManager.Instance.Load("GUI\\Textures\\NeoAxisLogo.png");
                    renderer.AddQuad(rectangle, new Rect(0, -.3f, 1, 1.4f), texture,
                                     new ColorValue(1, 1, 1), true);

                //draw bars
                    float time = EngineApp.Instance.Time;

                    EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom(0);

                    int   count      = 15;
                    float stepOffset = rectangle.GetSize().X / count;
                    float size       = stepOffset * .9f;
                    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                        float v  = MathFunctions.Cos(time * random.NextFloat());
                        float v2 = (v + 1) / 2;

                        ColorValue color = colors[n % colors.Length];
                        Rect       rect  = new Rect(
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n, rectangle.Bottom - rectangle.GetSize().Y *v2,
                            rectangle.Left + stepOffset * n + size, rectangle.Bottom);
                        renderer.AddQuad(rect, color);

            //draw lines
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Lines)
                float maxDistance;
                    Vec2 s = rectangle.GetSize() / 2;
                    maxDistance = MathFunctions.Sqrt(s.X * s.X + s.Y * s.Y);

                int    step         = 0;
                float  distance     = 0;
                Radian angle        = -EngineApp.Instance.Time;
                Vec2   lastPosition = Vec2.Zero;

                while (distance < maxDistance)
                    Vec2 localPos = new Vec2(MathFunctions.Cos(angle), MathFunctions.Sin(angle)) * distance;
                    Vec2 pos      = rectangle.GetCenter() + new Vec2(localPos.X, localPos.Y * renderer.AspectRatio);

                    if (step != 0)
                        ColorValue color = colors[step % colors.Length];
                        renderer.AddLine(lastPosition, pos, color);

                    angle       += MathFunctions.PI / 10;
                    distance    += .001f;
                    lastPosition = pos;

            //draw text
            if (GetDrawAreaMode() == DrawAreaModes.Text)
                string text;

                //draw text with specified font.
                text = "Map Editor is a tool to create worlds for your project. The tool is a complex editor to manage " +
                       "objects on the map.";
                renderer.AddTextWordWrap(drawAreaBigFont, text, rectangle, HorizontalAlign.Left, false, VerticalAlign.Top, 0,
                                         new ColorValue(1, 1, 1));

                //draw text with word wrap.
                text = "Deployment Tool is a tool to deploy the final version of your application to specified platforms. " +
                       "This utility is useful to automate the final product's creation.";
                renderer.AddTextWordWrap(drawAreaSmallFont, text, rectangle, HorizontalAlign.Right, false, VerticalAlign.Bottom, 0,
                                         new ColorValue(1, 1, 0));

            if (clipRectangle)
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnTick()"/>.</summary>
        protected override void OnTick()

            if (force != 0)
                foreach (MapObject obj in ObjectsInRegion)
                    if (obj.IsSetForDeletion)

                    if (impulsePerSecond != 0)
                        PhysicsModel objPhysicsModel = obj.PhysicsModel;
                        if (objPhysicsModel != null)
                            foreach (Body body in objPhysicsModel.Bodies)
                                if (body.Static)

                                EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;

                                float distanceCoef = GetDistanceCoefficient(body.Position);

                                float randomCoef = 1.0f + random.NextFloatCenter() * .1f;

                                float v = impulsePerSecond * force * distanceCoef * randomCoef * TickDelta;

                                Vec3 point = new Vec3(
                                    random.NextFloat() * .1f,
                                    random.NextFloat() * .1f,
                                    random.NextFloat() * .1f);

                                body.AddForce(ForceType.GlobalAtLocalPos, TickDelta,
                                              Rotation * new Vec3(v, 0, 0), point);

                    if (InfluenceType != null || DamagePerSecond != 0)
                        Dynamic dynamic = obj as Dynamic;
                        if (dynamic != null)
                            float distanceCoef = GetDistanceCoefficient(obj.Position);

                            if (InfluenceType != null)
                                                     InfluenceTimePerSecond * distanceCoef * TickDelta, true);
                            if (DamagePerSecond != 0)
                                dynamic.DoDamage(null, obj.Position, null,
                                                 DamagePerSecond * distanceCoef * TickDelta, false);
 public override void Spawn()
     // spread think times
     SetNextThink(Engine.Globals.Time + EngineRandom.Float(0.0f, 0.5f));
        private static void CreateEntitiesWhichNotSynchronizedViaNetwork()
                //create materials from the code
                ShaderBaseMaterial[] materials = new ShaderBaseMaterial[7];
                    for (int n = 0; n < materials.Length; n++)
                        string materialName = HighLevelMaterialManager.Instance.GetUniqueMaterialName(
                        ShaderBaseMaterial material = (ShaderBaseMaterial)HighLevelMaterialManager.Instance.CreateMaterial(
                            materialName, "ShaderBaseMaterial");
                        material.Diffuse1Map.Texture = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A.dds", n + 1);
                        material.NormalMap.Texture = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A_N.dds", n + 1);
                        material.SpecularColor = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);
                        material.SpecularMap.Texture = string.Format("Types\\Vegetation\\Trees\\Textures\\Bark{0}A_S.dds", n + 1);

                        materials[n] = material;

                //create objects with collision body
                EngineRandom random = new EngineRandom(0);
                for (float y = -35; y < 35; y += 5)
                    for (float x = -35; x < 35; x += 2.5f)
                        StaticMesh staticMesh = (StaticMesh)Entities.Instance.Create("StaticMesh", Map.Instance);
                        staticMesh.MeshName = "Base\\Simple Models\\Box.mesh";

                        ShaderBaseMaterial material = materials[random.Next(0, 6)];
                        staticMesh.ForceMaterial = material.Name;//"DarkGray";

                        staticMesh.Position = new Vec3(x, y, -1.0f);
                        staticMesh.Scale = new Vec3(2.5f, 5, 2);
                        staticMesh.CastDynamicShadows = false;

                Entity skyBox = Entities.Instance.Create("SkyBox", Map.Instance);

                Light light = (Light)Entities.Instance.Create("Light", Map.Instance);
                light.LightType = RenderLightType.Directional;
                light.SpecularColor = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);
                light.Position = new Vec3(0, 0, 10);
                light.Rotation = new Angles(120, 50, 330).ToQuat();
        protected override void CreateBullet(Mode mode)
            //only missiles for missilelauncher
            if (mode.typeMode.BulletType as Missile2Type == null)

            Missile2 obj = (Missile2)Entities.Instance.Create(mode.typeMode.BulletType, Parent);

            obj.SourceUnit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect();
            obj.Position   = GetFirePosition(mode.typeMode);

            //Correcting position at a shot in very near object (when the point of a shot inside object).
                Vec3 startPos = Position;
                if (AttachedMapObjectParent != null)
                    startPos = AttachedMapObjectParent.Position;

                Ray ray = new Ray(startPos, obj.Position - startPos);
                if (ray.Direction != Vec3.Zero)
                    RayCastResult[] piercingResult = PhysicsWorld.Instance.RayCastPiercing(
                        ray, (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact);

                    foreach (RayCastResult result in piercingResult)
                        MapObject mapObject = MapSystemWorld.GetMapObjectByBody(result.Shape.Body);

                        if (mapObject != null)
                            if (mapObject == this)
                            if (mapObject == this.AttachedMapObjectParent)

                        obj.Position = result.Position - ray.Direction * .01f;

            Quat   rot             = GetFireRotation(mode.typeMode);
            Radian dispersionAngle = mode.typeMode.DispersionAngle;

            if (dispersionAngle != 0)
                EngineRandom random = World.Instance.Random;

                float halfDir;

                halfDir = random.NextFloatCenter() * dispersionAngle * .5f;
                rot    *= new Quat(new Vec3(0, 0, MathFunctions.Sin(halfDir)),
                halfDir = random.NextFloatCenter() * dispersionAngle * .5f;
                rot    *= new Quat(new Vec3(0, MathFunctions.Sin(halfDir), 0),
                halfDir = random.NextFloatCenter() * dispersionAngle * .5f;
                rot    *= new Quat(new Vec3(MathFunctions.Sin(halfDir), 0, 0),
            obj.Rotation = rot;


            //set damage coefficient
            float coef = obj.DamageCoefficient;
            Unit  unit = GetParentUnitHavingIntellect();

            if (unit != null && unit.BigDamageInfluence != null)
                coef *= unit.BigDamageInfluence.Type.Coefficient;
            obj.DamageCoefficient = coef;

            foreach (MapObjectAttachedObject attachedObject in AttachedObjects)
                MapObjectAttachedMesh attachedMesh = attachedObject as MapObjectAttachedMesh;
                if (attachedMesh == null)

                if (attachedMesh.Alias.Equals("Missile"))
                    if (!attachedMesh.Visible)
                        attachedMesh.Visible = false;