public ActionResult Save(EndorsementCollabFormViewModel vm)
            var proposal = vm.Proposal;

            proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == proposal.Id);
            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            var endorsement = vm.Endorsement;

            if (endorsement.Selection == true)
                //if a is chosen, set helddate to a default date
                endorsement.HeldDate = "01/01/0001";
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(View("Form", endorsement));

            var endorsementInDb = _context.EndorsementCollabs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == endorsement.Id);

            endorsementInDb.HeldDate   = endorsement.HeldDate;
            endorsementInDb.SignedBy   = "DeanXYZ";
            endorsementInDb.SignedDate = DateTime.Now;
            endorsementInDb.Selection  = endorsement.Selection;

            return(RedirectToAction("Approval", "Proposal", new { id = proposal.Id }));
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            var endCollab = _context.EndorsementCollabs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (endCollab == null)

            //get proposal
            var ae       = _context.Approval_Endorsement.SingleOrDefault(m => m.EndorsementId == endCollab.Id);
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ApprovalId == ae.ApprovalId);

            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            if (endCollab.SignedBy == null)
                //return Form

                //set datepicker start to today
                endCollab.HeldDate = DateTime.Today.ToString();
                var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                    Proposal    = proposal,
                    Endorsement = endCollab
                return(View("Form", viewModel));
                if (endCollab.Selection == true)
                    //return accept view
                    var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                        Proposal    = proposal,
                        Endorsement = endCollab
                    return(View("Accepted", viewModel));
                    //return reject view
                    var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                        Proposal    = proposal,
                        Endorsement = endCollab
                    return(View("Rejected", viewModel));
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            var endCollab = _context.EndorsementCollabs.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (endCollab == null)

            //get proposal
            var ae       = _context.Approval_Endorsement.SingleOrDefault(m => m.EndorsementId == endCollab.Id);
            var proposal = _context.Proposals.SingleOrDefault(m => m.ApprovalId == ae.ApprovalId);

            if (proposal == null || !proposal.Submitted)
            if (endCollab.SignedBy == null)
                if (User.IsInRole(RoleName.Dean))
                    var dept = _context.Ref_Department.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == endCollab.DepartmentId);

                    var faculty = _context.Ref_Faculty.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == dept.FacultyId);
                    if (faculty.Dean == User.Identity.GetUserId())
                        //return Form if user is dean of collab dept

                        //set datepicker start to today
                        endCollab.HeldDate = DateTime.Today.ToString();
                        var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                            Proposal    = proposal,
                            Endorsement = endCollab
                        return(View("Form", viewModel));
                        return(View("NoDecision", proposal.Id));
                    return(View("NoDecision", proposal.Id));
                ApplicationDbContext adb = new ApplicationDbContext();
                var signedBy             = adb.Users.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == endCollab.SignedBy);
                if (endCollab.Selection == true)
                    //return accept view
                    var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                        Proposal    = proposal,
                        Endorsement = endCollab,
                        SignedBy    = signedBy.Email
                    return(View("Accepted", viewModel));
                    //return reject view
                    var viewModel = new EndorsementCollabFormViewModel
                        Proposal    = proposal,
                        Endorsement = endCollab,
                        SignedBy    = signedBy.Email
                    return(View("Rejected", viewModel));