        protected override Composite CreateBehavior()
                (new PrioritySelector(

                     new Decorator(ret => !_isInitialized,
                                   new Action(ret => ParsePaths())),

                     // Go home.
                     new Decorator(ret => Quest != null && Quest.IsCompleted || _remountTimer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes >= 14,
                                   new PrioritySelector(
                                       new Decorator(ret => ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Entry == 29107 && Vehicle.Location.Distance(r.Location) <= 10) != null,
                                                     new Sequence(
                                                         new Action(ret => Lua.DoString("VehicleExit()")),
                                                         new Action(ret => _isBehaviorDone = Quest.IsCompleted),
                                                         new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Reset())

                                       new Decorator(ret => Vehicle == null,
                                                     new Sequence(ret => Me.CarriedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Entry == ItemId),
                                                                  new DecoratorContinue(ret => ret == null,
                                                                                        new Sequence(
                                                                                            new Action(ret => LogMessage("fatal", "Unable to find ItemId({0}) in inventory.", ItemId))

                                                                  new WaitContinue(60, ret => ((WoWItem)ret).Cooldown == 0,
                                                                                   // Use the item
                                                                                   new Sequence(
                                                                                       new Action(ret => ((WoWItem)ret).UseContainerItem()),
                                                                                       new Action(ret => ParsePaths()))

                                                                  // Wait until we are in the vehicle
                                                                  new WaitContinue(5, ret => Vehicle != null,
                                                                                   new Sequence(
                                                                                       new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Reset()),
                                                                                       new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Start()),
                                                                                       new Action(ret => WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.JumpAscend, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)))

                                       new Decorator(ret => EndPath.Peek().Distance(Vehicle.Location) <= 6,
                                                     new Action(ret => EndPath.Dequeue())),

                                       new Sequence(
                                           new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Flying back to turn in the quest"),
                                           new Action(ret => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(EndPath.Peek())))

                     new Decorator(ret => Vehicle == null,
                                   new Sequence(ret => Me.CarriedItems.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Entry == ItemId),
                                                new DecoratorContinue(ret => ret == null,
                                                                      new Sequence(
                                                                          new Action(ret => LogMessage("fatal", "Unable to locate ItemId({0}) in inventory.", ItemId))

                                                new WaitContinue(60, ret => ((WoWItem)ret).Cooldown == 0,
                                                                 // Use the item
                                                                 new Sequence(
                                                                     new Action(ret => ParsePaths()),
                                                                     new Action(ret => ((WoWItem)ret).UseContainerItem()))

                                                // Wait until we are in the vehicle
                                                new WaitContinue(5, ret => Vehicle != null,
                                                                 new Sequence(
                                                                     new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Reset()),
                                                                     new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Start()),
                                                                     new Action(ret => WoWMovement.Move(WoWMovement.MovementDirection.JumpAscend, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)))

                     new Decorator(ret => Vehicle != null,

                                   new PrioritySelector(
                                       new Decorator(ret => !_remountTimer.IsRunning,
                                                     new Action(ret => _remountTimer.Start())),

                                       new Decorator(
                                           ret => StartPoint != WoWPoint.Empty,
                                           new PrioritySelector(
                                               new Decorator(
                                                   ret => Vehicle.Location.Distance2D(StartPoint) < 15,
                                                   new Sequence(
                                                       new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Pathing through"),
                                                       new Action(ret => StartPoint = WoWPoint.Empty))),
                                               new Sequence(
                                                   new Action(ret => TreeRoot.StatusText = "Moving towards start point"),
                                                   new Action(ret => Navigator.PlayerMover.MoveTowards(StartPoint))))),

                                       new Decorator(ret => Path.Peek().Distance2DSqr(Vehicle.Location) <= 30 * 30,
                                                     new Action(ret => Path.Dequeue())),

                                       new Decorator(ret => (Vehicle.HealthPercent <= 70 || Vehicle.ManaPercent <= 35) &&
                                                     HealNpcs != null && HealSpell != null && !HealSpell.Spell.Cooldown,
                                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                                         ret => HealNpcs.Where(n => Vehicle.IsSafelyFacing(n)).OrderBy(n => n.DistanceSqr).FirstOrDefault(),
                                                         new Decorator(
                                                             ret => ret != null && ((WoWUnit)ret).InLineOfSight,
                                                             new PrioritySelector(
                                                                 new Decorator(
                                                                     ret => ((WoWUnit)ret).Location.Distance(Vehicle.Location) > 15,
                                                                     new Action(ret => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(((WoWUnit)ret).Location.Add(0, 0, 10)))),
                                                                 new Action(ret =>

                                       new Sequence(
                                           ret => KillNpcs.Where(n => n.Distance2DSqr > 20 * 20 && Vehicle.IsSafelyFacing(n)).OrderBy(n => n.DistanceSqr).FirstOrDefault(),
                                           new DecoratorContinue(
                                               ret => ret != null && ((WoWUnit)ret).InLineOfSight && AttackSpell != null && !AttackSpell.Spell.Cooldown && !StyxWoW.GlobalCooldown,
                                               new Sequence(
                                                   new Action(ret =>
                Vector3 v = ((WoWUnit)ret).Location - StyxWoW.Me.Location;
                                 "local pitch = {0}; local delta = pitch - VehicleAimGetAngle() + 0.1; VehicleAimIncrement(delta);",
                                                   new Action(ret => CastPetAction(AttackSpell)),
                                                   new Action(ret => StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration()))),
                                           new Action(ret => StyxWoW.SleepForLagDuration()),
                                           new Action(ret => WoWMovement.ClickToMove(Path.Peek()))
 public void OnEndPath()