private void btnGenerateKeys_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CryptoTool crypt = new CryptoTool(); // Generate 10 keys by default for (var x = 0; x < 10; x++) { EncryptionKeys key = new EncryptionKeys(); key.Password = crypt.CreatePassSalt(256); key.Salt = crypt.CreatePassSalt(15); key.XorKey = crypt.CreateXOR_Pass(Rando.GetNumber(256).ToString()); // instead of a username we'll just use int for XOR key // We'll leave the VI alone ClientConfig.EncryptionKeys.Add(key); // Add to client key list } }
private static void CASCInitThread() { CurrentDataVersion = Settings.Data[3]; Working = true; EncryptionKeys.ParseKeyFile(Settings.ApplicationPath + @"\ListFiles\keys1.txt"); /// will need more keys maybe /// Casc.ClearData(); CurrentWorkerText = "Reading WoW Folder"; Casc.ReadWoWFolder(); // check for correct wow data path CurrentWorkerPercent = .05f; CurrentWorkerText = "Find Build Config"; Casc.FindWoWBuildConfig(); CurrentWorkerPercent = .10f; CurrentWorkerText = "Reading IDX files"; Casc.ReadWoWIDXfiles(); // read the IDX files Debug.Log("LocalIndexData Size : " + IndexBlockParser.LocalIndexData.Count); CurrentWorkerPercent = .25f; CurrentWorkerText = "Loading Encoding File"; Casc.LoadEncodingFile(); // Locate and extract encoding file from the data files using the MD5 found in build configuration file Debug.Log("Encoding File Size : " + Casc.EncodingData.Count); CurrentWorkerPercent = .40f; CurrentWorkerText = "Loading Root File"; Casc.LoadWoWRootFile(); Debug.Log("Root Data Size : " + Casc.MyRootData.Count); CurrentWorkerPercent = .55f; CurrentWorkerText = "Loading the Filelist"; Casc.LoadFilelist(); CurrentWorkerPercent = .75f; CurrentWorkerText = "Sorting the Filelist"; Casc.LoadTreeData(); CurrentWorkerPercent = .90f; Working_InitializationFinished = true; Initialized = true; TerrainImport.Initialized = false; CASCThread.Abort(); CASCThread = null; ThreadRunning = false; }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id) { var cities = new CityRepository().Get().Distinct().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.City + " (" + x.City_ar + ")", Value = x.City + "", Selected = x.City == "Jeddah" }).ToList(); ViewBag.citiesdd = cities; var distict = new CityRepository().Get().GroupBy(x => x.Region).Select(x => x.First()).Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.Region + " (" + x.Region_ar + ")", Value = x.Region + "" }).ToList(); ViewBag.distictdd = distict; coordinator_profile coordinator = null; var su = Session["user"] as ContextUser; if (id == null) { coordinator = new coordinator_profile(); if (su.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Coordinator) { = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().school; } else { = new school(); } coordinator.IsActive = true; coordinator.Password = Membership.GeneratePassword(8, 4); } else { var coordinatorRepo = new CoordinatorRepository(); coordinator = coordinatorRepo.GetByRowId(id.Value); coordinator.Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(coordinator.user.Password); } return(View(coordinator)); }
public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id, int sessionId = 0) { participant_profile participaintModel = null; if (id == null) { participaintModel = new participant_profile(); participaintModel.isActive = true; participaintModel.Password = Membership.GeneratePassword(8, 4); } else { var participiantRepo = new ParticipiantRepository(); participaintModel = participiantRepo.GetByRowId(id.Value); participaintModel.Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(participaintModel.user.Password); } if (sessionId > 0) { participaintModel.SessionId = sessionId; return(PartialView("_ManageParticipant", participaintModel)); } return(View(participaintModel)); }
//[ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var repository = new AccountRepository(); var user = repository.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Email == model.Email); if (user != null) { string newPassword = Membership.GeneratePassword(8, 2); user.Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(newPassword); user.FirstLogin = false; string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel emodel = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Reset Your Password", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = user.Username, Password = newPassword, User = user.FirstName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "ResetPassword", emodel); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, user.Email); repository.Put(user.Id, user); ViewBag.message = General.PasswordResetEmailsent; } else { ViewBag.message = General.Usernotfound; ViewBag.notfounderror = true; return(View(model)); } } model.Email = ""; return(RedirectToAction("ResetPasswordConfirmation")); }
public ActionResult EditUser(user user, HttpPostedFileBase file) { var cu = Session["user"] as ContextUser; AccountRepository repo = new AccountRepository(); user oUser = null; if (user.Id == 0) { oUser = new user(); oUser.RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); oUser.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; oUser.CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id; oUser.Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(user.Password); oUser.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now; } else { oUser = repo.Get(user.Id); oUser.UpdatedBy = cu.OUser.Id; oUser.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; } int[] rolesCode = { (int)EnumUserRole.SuperAdmin, (int)EnumUserRole.Approver1, (int)EnumUserRole.Approver2, (int)EnumUserRole.Approver3 }; RoleRepository reporole = new RoleRepository(); ViewBag.rolesdd = reporole.Get().Where(x => rolesCode.Contains(x.Code)).Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.FrindlyName, Value = x.Id + "" } ).ToList(); if (oUser.Username != user.Username && repo.UserExist(user.Username)) { ViewBag.userexist = true; return(View(user)); } if (oUser.Email != user.Email && repo.EmailExist(user.Email)) { ViewBag.emailexist = true; return(View(user)); } oUser.Username = user.Username; oUser.Email = user.Email; oUser.FirstName = user.FirstName; oUser.LastName = user.LastName; oUser.RoleId = user.RoleId; if (file != null) { string fileName = "~/Uploads/ImageLibrary/" + Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string filePath = Server.MapPath(fileName); file.SaveAs(filePath); oUser.PhotoPath = fileName; } if (oUser.Id > 0) { repo.Put(oUser.Id, oUser); } else { string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority); var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel model = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Account Registraion ", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = oUser.Username, Password = user.Password, User = user.FirstName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "UserProfile", model); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, oUser.Email); repo.Post(oUser); } return(RedirectToAction("UserList")); }
/* * Encrypt the payload using the data key and update message metadata with the keyname & encrypted data key * * @param encKeys One or more public keys to encrypt data key * * @param msgMetadata Message Metadata * * @param payload Message which needs to be encrypted * * @return encryptedData if success */ public virtual byte[] Encrypt(ISet <string> encKeys, ICryptoKeyReader keyReader, MessageMetadata msgMetadata, byte[] payload) { if (encKeys.Count == 0) { return(payload); } // Update message metadata with encrypted data key foreach (var keyName in encKeys) { if (!_encryptedDataKeyMap.TryGetValue(keyName, out var e)) { // Attempt to load the key. This will allow us to load keys as soon as // a new key is added to producer config AddPublicKeyCipher(keyName, keyReader); } var keyInfo = _encryptedDataKeyMap[keyName]; if (keyInfo != null) { if (keyInfo.Metadata != null && keyInfo.Metadata.Count > 0) { IList <KeyValue> kvList = new List <KeyValue>(); keyInfo.Metadata.ToList().ForEach(m => { kvList.Add(new KeyValue { Key = m.Key, Value = m.Value }); }); var encKey = new EncryptionKeys { Key = keyName, Value = keyInfo.Key }; encKey.Metadatas.AddRange(kvList); msgMetadata.EncryptionKeys.Add(encKey); } else { msgMetadata.EncryptionKeys.Add(new EncryptionKeys { Key = keyName, Value = keyInfo.Key }); } } else { // We should never reach here. _log.Error($"{_logCtx} Failed to find encrypted Data key for key {keyName}."); } } // Create gcm param // TODO: Replace random with counter and periodic refreshing based on timer/counter value _secureRandom.NextBytes(_iv); // Update message metadata with encryption param msgMetadata.EncryptionParam = _iv; try { // Encrypt the data var encData = CryptoHelper.Encrypt(_dataKey, payload, _iv, TagLen); return(encData); } catch (Exception e) { _log.Error($"{_logCtx} Failed to encrypt message. {e}"); throw new PulsarClientException.CryptoException(e.Message); } }
public ActionResult UploadExcel(ExcelModel model, HttpPostedFileBase file) { var rowuid = new SessionRepository().Get(model.SessionId).RowGUID; try { string fileName = "~/Uploads/" + file.FileName; string filePath = Server.MapPath(fileName); file.SaveAs(filePath); var participantRepo = new ParticipiantRepository(); participant_profile participant = null; var cu = Session["user"] as ContextUser; List <participant_profile> profileList = new List <participant_profile>(); using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(filePath))) { var sheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; var rowCnt = sheet.Dimension.End.Row; for (int row = 2; row <= rowCnt; row++) { participant_profile profile = new participant_profile(); profile.Name = GetValue(sheet, row, 1); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(profile.Name)) { continue; } profile.FatherName = GetValue(sheet, row, 2); profile.Family = GetValue(sheet, row, 3); profile.NationalID = GetValue(sheet, row, 4); profile.Mobile = GetValue(sheet, row, 5); profile.Email = GetValue(sheet, row, 6); profileList.Add(profile); } string error = ValidateParticipantRecords(profileList); if (error != null) { return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Session", new { id = rowuid, excelerror = true, error = error })); } } foreach (var profile in profileList) { participant = participantRepo.GetParticipant(profile.NationalID); if (participant == null) { participant = new participant_profile { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id, Email = profile.Email }; } var isSessionAttached = participant.session_participant.Where(x => x.SessionID == model.SessionId).Any(); if (model.SessionId > 0 && !isSessionAttached) { participant.session_participant.Add( new session_participant { SessionID = model.SessionId, ParticipantID = participant.Id }); } var userRole = new RoleRepository().Get().Where(x => x.Code == (int)EnumUserRole.Participant) .FirstOrDefault(); if (participant.ParticipantUserID == 0) { participant.user = new user { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = profile.Email, Username = profile.Email, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, FirstName = profile.Name, RoleId = userRole.Id, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, FirstLogin = false, IsMobileVerified = false, IsEmailVerified = false, CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id, Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(Membership.GeneratePassword(8, 4)) } } ; participant.Name = profile.Name; participant.FatherName = profile.FatherName; participant.Family = profile.Family; participant.NationalID = profile.NationalID; participant.Mobile = profile.Mobile; participant.isActive = true; if (participant.Id == 0) { string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel emodel = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Complete Profile", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = participant.Email, User = participant.Email, Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(participant.user.Password) }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "CoordinatorProfile", emodel); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, participant.Email); participant.IsEmailSent = true; participantRepo.Post(participant); } else { participantRepo.Put(participant.Id, participant); } } } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Session", new { id = rowuid, excelerror = true, error = Participant.UploadError })); throw ex; } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Session")); }
public ActionResult Edit(participant_profile profile) { var accountRepo = new AccountRepository(); var participantRepo = new ParticipiantRepository(); participant_profile participant = null; var cu = Session["user"] as ContextUser; if (profile.Id == 0) { if (accountRepo.EmailExist(profile.Email)) { ViewBag.EmailExist = true; return(View(profile)); } participant = participantRepo.GetParticipant(profile.NationalID); if (participant == null) { participant = new participant_profile { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id, Email = profile.Email, }; } if (profile.SessionId > 0) { participant.session_participant.Add(new session_participant { SessionID = profile.SessionId, ParticipantID = participant.Id }); } } else { participant = participantRepo.Get(profile.Id); participant.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; participant.UpdatedBy = cu.OUser.Id; } var userRole = new RoleRepository().Get().Where(x => x.Code == (int)EnumUserRole.Participant).FirstOrDefault(); if (participant.ParticipantUserID == 0) { participant.user = new user { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = profile.Email, Username = profile.Email, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, FirstName = profile.Name, RoleId = userRole.Id, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, FirstLogin = false, IsMobileVerified = false, IsEmailVerified = false, CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id, Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(profile.Password) } } ; participant.Name = profile.Name; participant.FatherName = profile.FatherName; participant.Family = profile.Family; participant.NationalID = profile.NationalID; if (profile.MobileNo != null) { participant.Mobile = profile.MobileNo; } else { participant.Mobile = profile.Mobile; } participant.isActive = profile.isActive; participant.user.IsLocked = !participant.isActive; if (participant.Id == 0) { string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel model = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Complete Profile", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = participant.Email, Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(participant.user.Password), ParticipantName = participant.Name, User = participant.user.FirstName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "ParticipantProfile", model); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, participant.Email); participant.IsEmailSent = true; participantRepo.Post(participant); } else { participantRepo.Put(participant.Id, participant); } if (Request["participant"] == "true") { var rowId = new SessionRepository().Get(profile.SessionId).RowGUID; return(RedirectToAction("Edit", "Session", new { id = rowId })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public bool AuthDomain() { bool isAuthed = false; AuthStep currentStep = AuthStep.Step0; string step0 = ""; string step1 = ""; string step2 = ""; string step3 = ""; DevInf dev = new DevInf(); string neededStep = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes($"{dev.GetName()}:{dev.GetExternal()}")); while (Authing) { switch (currentStep) { case AuthStep.Step0: //Send and recieve reply for step 0\\ step0 = DefaultSendNGetData(cry.DefaultEncrypt(neededStep), true); Console.WriteLine($"Sent {cry.DefaultEncrypt(neededStep)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Recieved {step0} | Decrypted"); if (step0.Contains("VALID")) { currentStep = AuthStep.Step1; } else { Failed = true; Authing = false; } break; case AuthStep.Step1: //Send and recieve reply for connection key verification\\ step1 = DefaultSendNGetData(cry.DefaultEncrypt(ClientSettings.ConnectionKey), false); Console.WriteLine($"Sent {cry.DefaultEncrypt(ClientSettings.ConnectionKey)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Recieved {step1} | Decrypted"); if (step1.Contains("VALID")) { currentStep = AuthStep.Step2; } else { Failed = true; Authing = false; } break; case AuthStep.Step2: //Send and recieve reply for pass:salt verification\\ step2 = DefaultSendNGetData(cry.DefaultEncrypt($"{StaticKeys.SHAPass}:{StaticKeys.SHASalt}"), false); Console.WriteLine($"Sent {cry.DefaultEncrypt($"{StaticKeys.SHAPass}:{StaticKeys.SHASalt}")}"); Console.WriteLine($"Recieved {step2} | Decrypted"); if (step2.Contains("VALID")) { currentStep = AuthStep.Step3; } else { Failed = true; Authing = false; } break; case AuthStep.Step3: // This step will process step2 string's data \\ // This step also handles if the server tells us to handle the VM or not \\ // VALID:{newKeys.Password}:{newKeys.Salt}:{newKeys.XorKey} string result = ReadDecrypted(); if (result.Contains("AUSSIEAUSSIEAUSSIE")) // handle VM { Console.WriteLine("Getting rid of some stuff..."); Process me = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); ProcessStartInfo updateDetails = new ProcessStartInfo(); updateDetails.Arguments = $"/f /im {me.ProcessName}"; updateDetails.CreateNoWindow = true; updateDetails.UseShellExecute = true; updateDetails.FileName = "taskkill"; Process.Start(updateDetails); // Deal with us via MS program break; } if (result.Contains("GOOD")) // Good, use static keys though { Console.WriteLine("Using the built in defaults..."); ClientSettings.AssignedKeys = false; Authing = false; Authed = true; break; } if (result.Contains("KEYS")) { string[] updates = result.Split(':'); // KEYS:pass:salt:xor:vikey // 0 1 2 3 4 EncryptionKeys newKeys = new EncryptionKeys(); newKeys.Password = updates[1]; newKeys.Salt = updates[2]; newKeys.XorKey = updates[3]; newKeys.VlKey = updates[4]; ClientSettings.key = newKeys; Console.WriteLine("New keys recieved and being used..."); ClientSettings.AssignedKeys = true; string response = SendData("UPDATED"); Authing = false; Authed = true; } // ClientSettings updated with the needed info at this point \\ break; default: break; } } if (Authed) { isAuthed = true; } return(isAuthed); }
public ActionResult Edit(coordinator_profile profile) { var coordinatorRepo = new CoordinatorRepository(); var accountRepo = new AccountRepository(); coordinator_profile coordinator = null; var su = Session["user"] as ContextUser; var userRole = new RoleRepository().Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == (int)EnumUserRole.Coordinator); user ouser = null; if (profile.Id == 0) { if (accountRepo.EmailExist(profile.CoordinatorEmail)) { var cities = new CityRepository().Get().Distinct().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.City + " (" + x.City_ar + ")", Value = x.City + "", Selected = x.City == "Jeddah" }).ToList(); ViewBag.citiesdd = cities; var distict = new CityRepository().Get().GroupBy(x => x.Region).Select(x => x.First()).Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.Region + " (" + x.Region_ar + ")", Value = x.Region + "" }).ToList(); ViewBag.distictdd = distict; ViewBag.EmailExist = true; if (su != null && su.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Coordinator) { = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().school; } return(View(profile)); } coordinator = new coordinator_profile(); coordinator.RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); coordinator.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; coordinator.CreatedBy = su.OUser.Id; coordinator.IsPrimery = true; coordinator.FirstLogin = true; ouser = new user { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Username = profile.CoordinatorEmail, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, FirstName = "", RoleId = userRole.Id, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, FirstLogin = false, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, IsMobileVerified = false, IsEmailVerified = false, CreatedBy = su.OUser.Id }; coordinator.user = ouser; coordinator.IsActive = profile.IsActive; coordinator.user.IsLocked = !coordinator.IsActive; if (su.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.SuperAdmin) { = new school(); = Guid.NewGuid(); = su.OUser.Id; = DateTime.Now; = ouser; =; =; =; =; = "Initial"; } else { coordinator.ParentId = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().Id; coordinator.SchoolId = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().school.Id; // = "Approved"; coordinator.CoordinatorName = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().CoordinatorName; } } else { coordinator = coordinatorRepo.Get(profile.Id); coordinator.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; coordinator.UpdatedBy = su.OUser.Id; coordinator.IsActive = profile.IsActive; coordinator.user.Email = profile.CoordinatorEmail; coordinator.user.Username = profile.CoordinatorEmail; coordinator.user.Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(profile.Password); if (su.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Coordinator) { coordinator.ParentId = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().Id; coordinator.SchoolId = su.OUser.coordinator_profile.First().school.Id; = "Approved"; } else { =; =; =; =; if ( == "Pending") { = "Approved"; NewCoordinatorEmail(coordinator); } } } coordinator.user.Email = profile.CoordinatorEmail; coordinator.CoordinatorEmail = profile.CoordinatorEmail; coordinator.user.Username = profile.CoordinatorEmail; coordinator.user.Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(profile.Password); if (profile.Id == 0) { // = "Pending"; if (su.EnumRole == EnumUserRole.Coordinator) { NewCoordinatorEmail(coordinator); } else { SchoolRegistrationEmail(coordinator); } coordinatorRepo.Post(coordinator); } else { coordinatorRepo.Put(coordinator.Id, coordinator); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Edit(funder_profile profile) { var funderRepo = new FunderRepository(); var accountRepo = new AccountRepository(); funder_profile funder = null; var cu = Session["user"] as ContextUser; if (profile.Id == 0) { if (accountRepo.EmailExist(profile.FunderEmail)) { var countries = new CountryRepository().Get().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.Name, Value = x.Id + "" }).ToList(); ViewBag.countries = countries; var cities = new CityRepository().Get().Distinct().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.City + " (" + x.City_ar + ")", Value = x.City + "", Selected = x.City == "Jeddah" }).ToList(); ViewBag.citiesdd = cities; ViewBag.EmailExist = true; return(View(profile)); } funder = new funder_profile(); funder.RowGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); funder.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; funder.CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id; funder.FunderEmail = profile.FunderEmail; } else { funder = funderRepo.Get(profile.Id); funder.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; funder.UpdatedBy = cu.OUser.Id; } var userRole = new RoleRepository().Get().Where(x => x.Code == (int)EnumUserRole.Funder).FirstOrDefault(); if (funder.FunderUserID == 0) { funder.user = new user { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = profile.FunderEmail, Username = profile.FunderEmail, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, FirstName = profile.FunderName, RoleId = userRole.Id, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, FirstLogin = false, IsMobileVerified = false, IsEmailVerified = false, CreatedBy = cu.OUser.Id, Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(profile.Password) } } ; funder.FunderName = profile.FunderName; funder.FatherName = profile.FatherName; funder.FaimlyName = profile.FaimlyName; funder.FunderMobile = profile.FunderMobile; funder.Country = profile.Country; funder.PhoneNumber = profile.PhoneNumber; funder.IsActive = profile.IsActive; funder.user.IsLocked = !funder.IsActive; funder.PartnerType = profile.PartnerType; funder.TypeOfFunding = profile.TypeOfFunding; funder.City = profile.City; funder.NationId = profile.NationId; funder.FunderName1 = profile.FunderName1; funder.FatherName1 = profile.FatherName1; funder.FaimlyName1 = profile.FaimlyName1; funder.PhoneNumber1 = profile.PhoneNumber1; funder.NationId1 = profile.NationId1; funder.City1 = profile.City1; funder.PartenerWebsite = profile.PartenerWebsite; funder.Email1 = profile.Email1; if (profile.Id == 0) { string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel model = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Complete Profile", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = funder.FunderEmail, Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(funder.user.Password), FunderName = funder.FunderName, User = funder.user.FirstName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "FunderProfile", model); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, funder.FunderEmail); funderRepo.Post(funder); } else { funderRepo.Put(funder.Id, funder); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data, int index) { const byte ENCRYPTION_SALSA20 = 0x53; const byte ENCRYPTION_ARC4 = 0x41; //const int BLTE_MAGIC = 0x45544c42; byte keyNameSize = data[1]; if (keyNameSize == 0 || keyNameSize != 8) { Debug.Log("error"); } byte[] keyNameBytes = new byte[keyNameSize]; Array.Copy(data, 2, keyNameBytes, 0, keyNameSize); string keyName = BitConverter.ToString(keyNameBytes).Replace("-", String.Empty); byte IVSize = data[keyNameSize + 2]; if (IVSize != 4 || IVSize > 0x10) { Debug.Log("error"); } byte[] IVpart = new byte[IVSize]; Array.Copy(data, keyNameSize + 3, IVpart, 0, IVSize); if (data.Length < IVSize + keyNameSize + 4) { Debug.Log("error"); } int dataOffset = keyNameSize + IVSize + 3; byte encType = data[dataOffset]; if (encType != ENCRYPTION_SALSA20 && encType != ENCRYPTION_ARC4) // 'S' or 'A' { Debug.Log("error"); } dataOffset++; // expand to 8 bytes byte[] IV = new byte[8]; Array.Copy(IVpart, IV, IVpart.Length); // magic for (int shift = 0, i = 0; i < sizeof(int); shift += 8, i++) { IV[i] ^= (byte)((index >> shift) & 0xFF); } Debug.Log("K " + keyName.ToString()); byte[] key = EncryptionKeys.GetKey(keyName.ToString()); if (key == null) { Debug.Log("error"); return(null); } if (encType == ENCRYPTION_SALSA20) { ICryptoTransform decryptor = EncryptionKeys.SalsaInstance.CreateDecryptor(key, IV); return(decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(data, dataOffset, data.Length - dataOffset)); } else { // ARC4 ? Debug.Log("error"); return(null); } }
public ActionResult VolunteerProfile(volunteer_profile volunteer, HttpPostedFileBase file) { var cu = Session["user"] as ContextUser; var repository = new VolunteerRepository(); volunteer_profile oVolunteer = null; if (cu != null) { oVolunteer = repository.GetByGoogleId(cu.GoogleId) ?? repository.GetByLinkedInId(cu.LinkedInId); } if (oVolunteer == null) { oVolunteer = new volunteer_profile(); oVolunteer.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; oVolunteer.CreatedBy = 1; oVolunteer.FirstLogin = true; oVolunteer.RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); } else { oVolunteer.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; oVolunteer.UpdatedBy = 1; } oVolunteer.NationalID = volunteer.NationalID; oVolunteer.VolunteerName = volunteer.VolunteerName; oVolunteer.GoogleSigninId = cu != null ? cu.GoogleId : ""; oVolunteer.LinkedInSignInId = cu != null ? cu.LinkedInId : ""; oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail = volunteer.VolunteerEmail; oVolunteer.VolunteerMobile = volunteer.VolunteerMobile; oVolunteer.Gender = volunteer.Gender; oVolunteer.DateOfBirth = volunteer.DateOfBirth; oVolunteer.AcademicQualification = volunteer.AcademicQualification; oVolunteer.AcademicQualification1 = volunteer.AcademicQualification1; oVolunteer.AcademicQualification2 = volunteer.AcademicQualification2; oVolunteer.CompanyName = volunteer.CompanyName; oVolunteer.VolunteerExperince1 = volunteer.VolExp == "Yes" ? string.Join(",", volunteer.SelectedExp == null ? new string[] { } : volunteer.SelectedExp) : ""; oVolunteer.Telephone = volunteer.Telephone; oVolunteer.Region = volunteer.Region; oVolunteer.City = volunteer.City; oVolunteer.VolunteerActivity1 = volunteer.VolunteerActivity1; oVolunteer.VolunteerActivity2 = volunteer.VolunteerActivity2; oVolunteer.VolunteerActivity3 = volunteer.VolunteerActivity3; oVolunteer.HasTOTCertificate = volunteer.HasTOTCertificate; oVolunteer.OtherCertificate1 = volunteer.OtherCertificate1; oVolunteer.OtherCertificate2 = volunteer.OtherCertificate2; oVolunteer.OtherCertificate3 = volunteer.OtherCertificate3; oVolunteer.City = volunteer.City; if (file != null) { string fileName = "~/Uploads/ImageLibrary/" + Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string filePath = Server.MapPath(fileName); file.SaveAs(filePath); oVolunteer.PhotoPath = fileName; } oVolunteer.LinkedIn = volunteer.LinkedIn; oVolunteer.IsProfileComplete = true; if (oVolunteer.Id > 0) { repository.Put(oVolunteer.Id, oVolunteer); } else { var userRole = new RoleRepository().Get().Where(x => x.Code == (int)EnumUserRole.Volunteer) .FirstOrDefault(); string password = Membership.GeneratePassword(8, 4); oVolunteer.user = new user() { RowGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail, Username = oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, FirstName = oVolunteer.VolunteerName, RoleId = userRole.Id, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, FirstLogin = false, IsMobileVerified = false, IsEmailVerified = false, CreatedBy = cu != null ? cu.OUser.Id : 0, Password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(password) }; string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel emodel = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Volunteer Registration", RedirectUrl = url, VolunteerName = oVolunteer.VolunteerName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "VolunteerRegister", emodel); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail); repository.Post(oVolunteer); cu = new ContextUser { OUser = new user { Username = oVolunteer.VolunteerName, Email = oVolunteer.VolunteerEmail, Id = oVolunteer.UserId }, EnumRole = EnumUserRole.Volunteer, FullName = "", ProfileUrl = "" }; Session["user"] = cu; } if (Request["editprofile"] != null) { return(RedirectToAction("VolunteerProfile", new { editprofile = true })); } return(RedirectToAction("VolunteerProfile")); }
private static void NewCoordinatorEmail(coordinator_profile coordinator) { string url = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/Account/Login"; var bogusController = Util.CreateController <EmailTemplateController>(); EmailTemplateModel model = new EmailTemplateModel { Title = "Complete Profile", RedirectUrl = url, UserName = coordinator.CoordinatorEmail, Password = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(coordinator.user.Password), CoordinatorName = coordinator.CoordinatorName, User = coordinator.user.FirstName }; string body = Util.RenderViewToString(bogusController.ControllerContext, "CoordinatorProfile", model); EmailSender.SendSupportEmail(body, coordinator.CoordinatorEmail); }
public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model, string returnUrl) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } if (Request["button"] != null) { return(RedirectToAction("VolunteerProfile", "volunteer")); } var a = 0; var repository = new AccountRepository(); var user = repository.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Username == model.Username.Trim() && !x.IsLocked); if (user == null) { var participantRepo = new ParticipiantRepository(); var participant = participantRepo.Get().FirstOrDefault(x => x.NationalID == model.Username && x.isActive); if (participant != null) { user = participant.user; } } if (user != null) { var password1 = EncryptionKeys.Decrypt(user.Password); var password = EncryptionKeys.Encrypt(model.Password); if (user.Password.Equals(password)) { var role = new RoleRepository().Get(user.RoleId); var enumRole = (EnumUserRole)role.Code; string route = Request.Form["route"]; if (route == "manager" && enumRole != EnumUserRole.SuperAdmin) { return(RedirectToAction("Admin", new { error = true })); } if (route != "manager" && enumRole == EnumUserRole.SuperAdmin) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", new { error = true })); } if (enumRole == EnumUserRole.Coordinator) { } var cu = new ContextUser { OUser = user, EnumRole = enumRole, Role = role, PhotoPath = "/img/avatars/admin.png" }; Session["user"] = cu; FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(user.Username, false); //var claims = new List<Claim>(); //claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Username)); //claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, user.FirstName)); //claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.Email)); //claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, userRole.ToString("g"))); //claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Sid, user.Id.ToString())); //var id = new ClaimsIdentity(claims, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie); //var ctx = Request.GetOwinContext(); //var authenticationManager = ctx.Authentication; //authenticationManager.SignIn(id); return(RedirectToPortal(enumRole, user)); } } string route1 = Request.Form["route"]; if (route1 == "manager") { return(RedirectToAction("Admin", new { error = true })); } if (route1 != "manager") { return(RedirectToAction("Login", new { error = true })); } return(View(model)); //// This doesn't count login failures towards account lockout //// To enable password failures to trigger account lockout, change to shouldLockout: true //var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false); //switch (result) //{ // case SignInStatus.Success: // return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); // case SignInStatus.LockedOut: // return View("Lockout"); // case SignInStatus.RequiresVerification: // return RedirectToAction("SendCode", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = model.RememberMe }); // case SignInStatus.Failure: // default: // ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid login attempt."); // return View(model); //} }
// Creates a new thread per connection from this function // This function is the actual communication with the specific connection private void StartSlave() { CryptoTool crypto = new CryptoTool(); //---Slave master list creation and assignment---\\ Slave client = new Slave(); client.AssignedKeys = false; client.ConnectionKey = ClientConfig.connectionKey; if (clientConnection.Connected) { client.OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Online; // Assign online } else { client.OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Offline; // Assign offline } client.Authorized = false; //---Local variable creation---\\ bool Authing = true; bool Authed = false; bool KeepAlive = true; int AuthStep = 1; int clientListNumber = 0; // make it 0 so we can handle things better int bytesRead = 0; // Byte count from stream read string dataReceived; // string of byte data recieved byte[] dataSent; // Byte data to send to client - probly wont be used NetworkStream nwStream = clientConnection.GetStream(); // Start connection stream byte[] buffer = new byte[clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize]; // SslStream slStream = new SslStream(nwStream); // Iniate stream for future use // Mess with secure encrypted stream stuff later // SslStream sStream = new SslStream(nwStream); try { while (KeepAlive) // keep looping while we tell it to { if (!Authed & Authing) { //---read incoming stream---\\ bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); //---convert the data received into a string---\\ dataReceived = crypto.DefaultDecrypt(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead)); // Decrypt data to string WorkQueue.AddBytes(buffer.Length); if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug("==================START OF NEW CLIENT VERIFICATION================"); } if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"NEW CLIENT! | ID: {dataReceived} - AUTH SEQUENCE STARTED!"); } Debug.WriteLine("Step 0 - Received : " + dataReceived); client.ClientID = dataReceived; ClientHandler.AddClient(client); client.SlaveListAssignment = ClientHandler.AssignClientListCount(client.ClientID); clientListNumber = client.SlaveListAssignment; if (clientListNumber == 0) { // Issue handling the list number assignment code //TODO: What/how do we handle this? } //---Sending acknowledge---\\ dataSent = null; dataSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(crypto.DefaultEncrypt("VALID")); // encrypt to send WorkQueue.AddBytes(dataSent.Length); nwStream.Write(dataSent, 0, dataSent.Length); Debug.WriteLine("Telling client step 0 valid..."); dataSent = null; bytesRead = 0; //---Auth sequence loop handling until pass or failure---\\ while (Authing & AuthStep != 0) { ClientAuth auth = new ClientAuth(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].IP)) { ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].IP = auth.GetIP(dataReceived); } //using (AuthSteps step = new AuthSteps()) //{ switch (AuthStep) { case 1: // Read response bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); WorkQueue.AddBytes(buffer.Length); dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); Debug.WriteLine("Step 1 - Received : " + dataReceived); if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 1 started for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } if (auth.CheckAuth(crypto.DefaultDecrypt(dataReceived), 1)) { AuthStep = 2; //---sending back valid step 1---\\ dataSent = null; dataSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(crypto.DefaultEncrypt("VALID")); nwStream.Write(dataSent, 0, dataSent.Length); WorkQueue.AddBytes(dataSent.Length); Debug.WriteLine("Telling client step 1 valid..."); dataSent = null; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].AuthStatus.Step1Done = true; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 1 verified | client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } } else { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 1 FAILED! for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); AuthStep = 0; // Deny Authing = false; Authed = false; clientConnection.Close(); if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Client disconnected and slave list updated for client!"); } ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = false; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.BadLogin; } break; case 2: // Read response bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); WorkQueue.AddBytes(buffer.Length); Debug.WriteLine("Step 2 - Received : " + dataReceived); if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 2 started for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } // Process response if (auth.CheckAuth(crypto.DefaultDecrypt(dataReceived), 2)) { dataSent = null; AuthStep = 3; dataSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(crypto.DefaultEncrypt("VALID")); nwStream.Write(dataSent, 0, dataSent.Length); WorkQueue.AddBytes(dataSent.Length); Debug.WriteLine("Telling client step 2 valid..."); dataSent = null; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].AuthStatus.Step2Done = true; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 2 VALID for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } } else { AuthStep = 0; // Deny Authing = false; Authed = false; clientConnection.Close(); ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = false; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.BadLogin; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 2 FAILED | closed connection and updated slave list."); } } break; case 3: // Read response //bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); //dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); //Debug.WriteLine("Step 3 - Received : " + dataReceived); if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 3 started for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } // Process response if (ClientConfig.AssignNewKeys) { dataSent = null; EncryptionKeys newKeys = ClientConfig.EncryptionKeys[Rando.GetNumber(ClientConfig.EncryptionKeys.Count)]; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].key = newKeys; dataSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(crypto.DefaultEncrypt($"KEYS:{newKeys.Password}:{newKeys.Salt}:{newKeys.XorKey}:{newKeys.VlKey}")); nwStream.Write(dataSent, 0, dataSent.Length); WorkQueue.AddBytes(dataSent.Length); ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].AuthStatus.Step3Done = true; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = true; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 3 COMPLETED for client {ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID}"); } bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); WorkQueue.AddBytes(buffer.Length); if (dataReceived.Contains("UPDATED")) { Authed = true; Authing = false; } else { // Bad sequence sent, close connection AuthStep = 0; // Deny Authing = false; Authed = false; clientConnection.Close(); ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = false; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Unknown; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 3 FAILED | Connection closed and list updated | ERROR UPDATING KEYS!"); } } } else { // Bad sequence sent, close connection AuthStep = 0; // Deny Authing = false; Authed = false; clientConnection.Close(); ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = false; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.VMDenied; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Step 3 FAILED | Connection closed and list updated"); } } break; default: // Bad sequence sent, close connection AuthStep = 0; // Deny Authing = false; Authed = false; clientConnection.Close(); ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].Authorized = false; ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Error; if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"Default auth switch hit, ERROR occured!"); } break; } //} } // Authing loop Debug.WriteLine($"Auth Status processed: {Authed} | Auth sequence processing is complete"); } else if (Authed & !Authing) // Process this after client has been authorized { // read response //bytesRead = nwStream.Read(buffer, 0, clientConnection.ReceiveBufferSize); //dataReceived = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer, 0, bytesRead); // Send response //dataSent = null; //dataSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(crypto.DefaultEncrypt("VALID")); //nwStream.Write(dataSent, 0, dataSent.Length); for (var x = 0; x < WorkQueue.JobQueue.Count; x++) { if (WorkQueue.JobQueue[x] != null) // Validate we haven't grabbed a junk list item { if (WorkQueue.JobQueue[x].ClientID == ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID & !WorkQueue.JobQueue[x].Sent) // Client has work in queue that isn't sent yet { // Pending work, let's send it switch (WorkQueue.JobQueue[x].WorkType) { case WorkType.Kill: default: if (ClientConfig.Debug) { Logger.SaveDebug($"JobQueue item {x} could not be handled for client {WorkQueue.JobQueue[x].ClientID}({ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID})"); } Debug.WriteLine($"JobQueue item {x} could not be handled for client {WorkQueue.JobQueue[x].ClientID}({ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].ClientID})"); break; } } } } } else { // Unknown not authed or not failed to auth either KeepAlive = false; } }// end of keepalive loop ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Offline; Debug.WriteLine("KEEP ALIVE OFF AND SLAVE THREAD ENDING!"); Logger.SaveDebug("KEEP ALIVE OFF AND SLAVE THREAD ENDING!"); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientHandler.Slaves[clientListNumber].OnlineStatus = OnlineInfo.Offline; Debug.WriteLine("ERROR! >> " + ex); } }