private SerializationType GetType(byte[] Value)
            // Get serialization type
            byte Type = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Value, 0);

        public static string PrivateKeyToMnemonic(PrivateKey privateKey)
            /* Where we'll put the output words into */
            List <string> words = new List <string>();

            /* For less typing */
            byte[] data =;

            /* Take chunks 4 at a time */
            for (int i = 0; i < - 1; i += 4)
                /* Read 4 bytes from the byte[] as an integer */
                uint val = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(data, i, 4);

                uint wlLen = (uint)(WordList.English.Length);

                uint w1 = val % wlLen;
                uint w2 = ((val / wlLen) + w1) % wlLen;
                uint w3 = (((val / wlLen) / wlLen) + w2) % wlLen;


            /* Add the checksum */

            /* Convert into combined string */
            return(string.Join(" ", words.ToArray()));
        // Deserializes the header information from a byte array
        internal static BucketHead2 Deserialize(byte[] Data)
                // Create a header object
                BucketHead2 Head = new BucketHead2();

                // Create a working byte array
                byte[] CurrentBytes = new byte[0];

                // Decode signature
                CurrentBytes = new byte[8];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 0, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.Signature = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(CurrentBytes);

                // Decode payload size
                CurrentBytes = new byte[8];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 8, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.PayloadSize = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(CurrentBytes);

                // Decode response required
                CurrentBytes = new byte[1];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 16, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.ResponseRequired = Convert.ToBoolean(CurrentBytes[0]);

                // Decode command code
                CurrentBytes = new byte[4];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 17, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.CommandCode = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(CurrentBytes);

                // Decode return code
                CurrentBytes = new byte[4];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 21, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.ReturnCode = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <int>(CurrentBytes);

                // Decode flags
                CurrentBytes = new byte[4];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 25, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.Flags = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(CurrentBytes);

                // Decode protocol version
                CurrentBytes = new byte[4];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(Data, 29, CurrentBytes, 0, CurrentBytes.Length);
                Head.ProtocolVersion = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(CurrentBytes);

                // Return header object
        // Decodes a string
        public static Extra FromString(string Hex)
            // Create an extra object
            Extra Extra = new Extra
                Children = new List <object>()

            // Crop hex string to only the included data
            if (Hex.StartsWith("01"))
                Hex = Hex.Substring(66);

            // Check if there is data to be read
            while (Hex.StartsWith("02"))
                // Crop to data position
                Hex = Hex.Substring(2);

                // Read size
                byte[] DataSizeBytes = Encoding.HexStringToByteArray(Hex.Substring(0, 8));
                int    DataSize      = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <int>(DataSizeBytes);

                // Get data string
                string DataString = Hex.Substring(8, DataSize * 2);

                // Decompress data
                byte[] DataBytes = Encoding.HexStringToByteArray(DataString);
                try { DataBytes = Encoding.DecompressByteArray(DataBytes); }
                catch { }

                // Decode hex string to dictionary
                    Extra.Children.Add(Encoding.DecodeObject <object>(DataBytes));

                // Crop to end of data position
                Hex = Hex.Substring(8 + DataSize * 2);

            // Return extra object
        // Generate a random number of a given type
        public static T Integer <T>() where T : IConvertible
            // Get size of output type
            int Size = Encoding.GetSizeOfObject(default(T));

            // Create a byte buffer of the given size
            byte[] Bytes = new byte[Size];

            // Generate random bytes usin the cryptography provider
            Provider.GetBytes(Bytes, 0, Size);

            // Convert the output value into a 64 bit integer
            ulong Output = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(Bytes);

            // Convert 64 bit integer into the given integer type
            return((T)Convert.ChangeType(Output, typeof(T)));
        // Deserializes a byte array to a storage object
        public byte[] Deserialize(byte[] Data, bool IncludeHeader = true)
            // Verify header
            int Offset = 0;

            if (IncludeHeader)
                if (Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(Data, 0) != GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_SIGNATUREA ||
                    Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(Data, 4) != GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_SIGNATUREB)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Signature mismatch, expected {0}{1}, got {2}{3}",
                                                      GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_SIGNATUREA, GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_SIGNATUREB,
                                                      Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(Data, 0), Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <uint>(Data, 4)));
                else if (Data[8] != GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Version mismatch, expected {0}, got {1}",
                                                      GlobalsConfig.STORAGE_FORMAT_VERSION, Data[8]));
                Offset = 9;

            // Get entry count
            int Count = DeserializeVarInt <int>(Data, Offset, out Offset);

            // Create a buffer containing just the storage contents
            byte[] Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Data, Offset, Data.Length - Offset);

            // Loop through data until it's empty
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                // Deserialize entry
                Buffer = DeserializeEntry(Buffer);

            // Return successful
        /* This can throw if the input size or outputSize is not of a valid
         * value. Suggestes output size values are 32 and 200, and suggested
         * input values are 1 - 136 */
        private static byte[] _keccak(byte[] input, int outputSize)
            ulong[] state = new ulong[25];

            int rsiz;

            /* sizeof (state) == outputSize */
            if ((state.Length * 8) == outputSize)
                rsiz = Constants.HASH_DATA_AREA;
                rsiz = 200 - 2 * outputSize;

            int inputLength = input.Length;

            int offset = 0;

            /* We index the array 8 bytes at a time, and treat each set of
             * bytes as a long */
            for (; inputLength >= rsiz; inputLength -= rsiz, offset += rsiz * 8)
                for (int i = 0; i < rsiz; i += 8)
                    /* Read 8 bytes as a ulong */
                    state[i / 8] ^= Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(input, offset + i, 8);

                Keccakf(state, Constants.KECCAK_ROUNDS);

            byte[] temp = new byte[144];

            for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++)
                temp[i] = input[i + offset];

            temp[inputLength++] = 1;

            for (int i = inputLength; i < rsiz - inputLength; i++)
                temp[i] = 0;

            temp[rsiz - 1] |= 0x80;

            /* We proceed in chunks of 8 bytes as once */
            for (int i = 0; i < rsiz; i += 8)
                /* Read 8 bytes as a ulong */
                state[i / 8] ^= Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(temp, i, 8);

            Keccakf(state, Constants.KECCAK_ROUNDS);

            byte[] output = new byte[outputSize];

            /* Copy the ulong state into the output array as bytes */
            Buffer.BlockCopy(state, 0, output, 0, output.Length);

        // Deserializes an entry from a byte array and adds it to storage
        private byte[] DeserializeEntry(byte[] Buffer)
            // Get entry name length
            int NameLength = Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <byte>(Buffer, 0, 1);//DeserializeVarInt<int>(Buffer, 0, out int Offset);
            int Offset     = 1;

            if (NameLength < 1 || NameLength > MAX_STRING_LENGTH)
                throw new Exception("Name size exceeds allowed string bounds");

            // Get entry name
            string Name = Encoding.ByteArrayToString(Buffer, Offset, NameLength);

            Offset += NameLength;
            Buffer  = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Get object type
            SerializationType Type = GetType(Buffer);

            if ((int)Type < 1 || (int)Type > 14)
                throw new Exception("Invalid serialization type caught: " +
                                    Encoding.ByteArrayToHexString(Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, 1, Buffer.Length - 1)));
            Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, 1, Buffer.Length - 1);

            // Create an entry object
            var Output = new object();

            // Object is a string
            if (Type == SerializationType.STRING)
                // Deserialize string length
                int Length = DeserializeVarInt <int>(Buffer, 0, out Offset);

                // Deserialize string
                Output = Encoding.ByteArrayToString(Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Length));

                // Resize buffer
                Offset += (Output as string).Length;
                if (Buffer.Length - Offset > 0)
                    Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Object is an integer
            else if ((int)Type >= 1 && (int)Type <= 9)
                // Create a generic method wrapper to access deserialization
                MethodInfo MethodInfo = typeof(Encoding).GetMethod("ByteArrayToInteger", new[] { typeof(byte[]), typeof(int) });
                Type[]     Args       = new Type[] { ConvertSerializationType(Type) };
                MethodInfo Method     = MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(Args);

                // Deserialize integer
                Output = Method.Invoke(null, new object[] { Buffer, 0 });

                // Resize buffer
                Offset = Encoding.GetSizeOfObject(Output);
                if (Buffer.Length - Offset > 0)
                    Buffer = Encoding.SplitByteArray(Buffer, Offset, Buffer.Length - Offset);

            // Object is an object
            else if (Type == SerializationType.OBJECT)
                // Create a new storage object
                PortableStorage Storage = new PortableStorage();

                // Deserialize entry
                Buffer = Storage.Deserialize(Buffer, false);
                Output = Storage;

            // Add to entries
            Entries.Add(Name, Output);

            // Return buffer output
        /* Compute a hash of length outputSize from input */
        private static byte[] _keccak(byte[] input, int outputSize)
            ulong[] state = new ulong[25];

            int rsiz = Constants.HashDataArea;

            if (outputSize != 200)
                rsiz = 200 - 2 * outputSize;

            int rsizw = rsiz / 8;

            int inputLength = input.Length;

            /* Offset of input array */
            int offset = 0;

            for (; inputLength >= rsiz; inputLength -= rsiz, offset += rsiz)
                for (int i = 0; i < rsizw; i++)
                    /* Read 8 bytes as a ulong, need to multiply i by 8
                     * because we're reading chunks of 8 at once */
                    state[i] ^= Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(
                        input, offset + (i * 8), 8


            byte[] tmp = new byte[144];

            /* Copy inputLength bytes from input to tmp at an offset of
             * offset from input */
            Buffer.BlockCopy(input, offset, tmp, 0, inputLength);

            tmp[inputLength++] = 1;

            /* Zero (rsiz - inputLength) bytes in tmp, at an offset of
             * inputLength */
            Array.Clear(tmp, inputLength, rsiz - inputLength);

            tmp[rsiz - 1] |= 0x80;

            for (int i = 0; i < rsizw; i++)
                /* Read 8 bytes as a ulong - need to read at (i * 8) because
                 * we're reading chunks of 8 at once, rather than overlapping
                 * chunks of 8 */
                state[i] ^= Encoding.ByteArrayToInteger <ulong>(tmp, i * 8, 8);

            keccakf(state, Constants.KeccakRounds);

            byte[] output = new byte[outputSize];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(state, 0, output, 0, outputSize);
