        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if an equivalent asynchronous method of the method used in
        /// the <paramref name="invocation"/> exists and is at the same time a
        /// potential candidate to be used exactly in that particular <paramref name="invocation"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method does not only check if an equivalent asynchronous method
        /// exists. In addition, it runs additional checks to see if it make sense
        /// to call such existing asynchronous equivalent in the particular <paramref name="invocation"/>.
        /// For example, the suggestion to await asynchronous equivalent
        /// makes sense only if the enclosing method
        /// within which the invocation happens can be turned into async method.
        /// For example, if the enclosing method is an interface implementation or an override
        /// method of an interface or base class that cannot be changed, than it cannot be
        /// turned into async method and thus the suggestion makes no sense.
        /// </remarks>
        public bool EquivalentAsynchronousCandidateExistsFor(InvocationExpressionSyntax invocation, SemanticModel semanticModel, EnclosingMethodAsyncStatus enclosingMethodAsyncStatus)
            if (invocation.Expression == null)

            if (!InvokedMethodPotentiallyHasAsynchronousEquivalent(invocation))

            if (!(semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(invocation).Symbol is IMethodSymbol method))

            if (KnownMethodsToIgnore.Any(methodToIgnore => methodToIgnore.RepresentsMethod(method)))

            // So far we do not suggest turning lambdas and anonymous methods
            // into async. So we will at the moment just ignore that case.
            // TODO: Support suggestion for lambdas and anonymous methods.
            if (invocation.IsWithinLambdaOrAnonymousMethod())

            // If type authors invoke the synchronous method
            // within the implementation of its containing type
            // we assume that they exactly know what they are doing.
            // They for sure want to call exactly that method on
            // that particular place in code. We are 100% sure that
            // they do not want to call its async equivalent.
            if (MethodIsInvokedWithinItsContainingType())

            var enclosingMethodSymbol = GetEnclosingMethod();

            if (enclosingMethodSymbol == null)

            if (enclosingMethodAsyncStatus == EnclosingMethodAsyncStatus.EnclosingMethodMustNotBeAsync)
                if (enclosingMethodSymbol.IsAsync)

                if (!EnclosingMethodCanBeMadeAsync())
            else // Enclosing method must be async.
                if (!enclosingMethodSymbol.IsAsync)

            // We can have the following situations:
            // 1. someObject.SomeInstanceMethod()
            // 2. someObject.SomeExtensionMethod()
            // 3. SomeType.SomeStaticMethod()
            // 4. <build in type keyword>.SomeStaticMethod()
            // 5. SomeInstanceMethod();
            // 6. SomeStaticMethod();
            // 7. this.SomeInstanceMethod();
            // A potential asynchronous equivalent can be defined on
            // the same type on which the synchronous method is defined.
            // But if the synchronous method is itself an extension method,
            // the asynchronous equivalent could be defined on the type
            // of the object on which the method is called.
            // And other way around, if the synchronous method is an instance
            // method, the asynchronous equivalent could be an extension method
            // on an arbitrary type that extends the type of the instance ;-)
            // Long story short, the search for the asynchronous equivalent
            // has to check both the containing type of the synchronous method
            // and all the possible methods that can be called on the instance
            // on which the synchronous method is called (if there is such).

            // Let's check the method containing type first.
            if (TypeContainsAsynchronousEquivalentOf(semanticModel, method.ContainingType, method, invocation))

            // Let's now check the type on which the method is called,
            // if there is such.
            var calledOnType = GetCalledOnType();

            if (calledOnType == null || calledOnType == method.ContainingType)

            if (TypeContainsAsynchronousEquivalentOf(semanticModel, calledOnType, method, invocation))


            IMethodSymbol GetEnclosingMethod()
                var enclosingMethod = invocation.FirstAncestorOrSelf <MethodDeclarationSyntax>();

                if (enclosingMethod == null)


            bool EnclosingMethodCanBeMadeAsync()
                return(EnclosingMethodDoesNotOverrideNonChangeableBaseClassMethod() &&
                       EnclosingMethodDoesNotImplementNonChangeableInterfaceMethod() &&

                bool EnclosingMethodDoesNotOverrideNonChangeableBaseClassMethod()
                    if (!enclosingMethodSymbol.IsOverride)

                           .Locations.All(location => location.IsInSource) == true);

                bool EnclosingMethodDoesNotImplementNonChangeableInterfaceMethod()
                    // If the enclosing method implements an interface method
                    // we have to see if that interface can be changed.
                    // Since it could implement more then one interface, we have
                    // to check of all of them can be changed.
                    // (Changed means made async.)
                    // If they cannot, means if they are referenced from an assembly
                    // and not defined in code, we assume that the enclosing
                    // method implements a non-changeable interface method.
                           .All(interfaceMethod => interfaceMethod
                                .ContainingType?.Locations.All(location => location.IsInSource) == true));

                bool EnclosingMethodDoesNotAlreadyHaveAsynchronousEquivalent()
                    return(!TypeContainsAsynchronousEquivalentOf(semanticModel, enclosingMethodSymbol.ContainingType, enclosingMethodSymbol));

            bool MethodIsInvokedWithinItsContainingType()
                var invokedInType = invocation.FirstAncestorOrSelf <TypeDeclarationSyntax>();

                // This should never happen. It means we have some issue in the
                // syntax tree. If that's the case, just cancel any further analysis
                // by stating that the method is called withing its containing type.
                if (invokedInType == null)

                if (method.ContainingType?.Equals(semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(invokedInType)) == true)


            INamedTypeSymbol GetCalledOnType()
                if (!(invocation.Expression is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax memberAccess))
                if (memberAccess.Expression == null)

                return(semanticModel.GetTypeInfo(memberAccess.Expression).Type as INamedTypeSymbol);
 protected BaseAwaitingEquivalentAsynchronousMethod(EnclosingMethodAsyncStatus enclosingMethodAsyncStatus)
     this.enclosingMethodAsyncStatus = enclosingMethodAsyncStatus;