public List <Program> GetPrograms(EnabledState isEnabled, int minInstanceCount) { var programs = GetOverridePrograms(); if (programs == null) { var db = new x360ceModelContainer(); IQueryable <Program> list = db.Programs; if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Enabled) { list = list.Where(x => x.IsEnabled); } else if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Disabled) { list = list.Where(x => !x.IsEnabled); } if (minInstanceCount > 0) { list = list.Where(x => x.InstanceCount == minInstanceCount); } programs = list.ToList(); db.Dispose(); db = null; } return(programs); }
public void OnGUI(Rect rect) { // Remove preview popup on mouse scroll wheel events if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { PopupWindowWithoutFocus.Hide(); } int keyboardControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard); m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect, keyboardControlID); // Keyboard space toggles selection enabledness if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space && m_Selection != null && m_Selection.Count > 0 && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == keyboardControlID) { var pitem = m_Selection[0]; if (pitem != null) { EnabledState newEnabled = (pitem.enableState == EnabledState.None) ? EnabledState.All : EnabledState.None; pitem.enableState = newEnabled; ItemWasToggled(m_Selection[0]); } Event.current.Use(); } }
public ContentLoaderStartButton() { Debug.WriteLine("ContentLoaderStartButton.ctor()"); #warning APF->APF/ALE 2010-09-23: Debugcode, löschen wenn das Parent-Problem gelöst wurde // OpenWindowForDebugging(); _enabledState = null != ArcMap.Application ? EnabledState.Enabled : EnabledState.Disabled; try { SetMouseCursor(CursorId.Wait); ContainerFacade.CreateContainer(); var presenter = ContainerFacade.ResolveType<IAddInButtonPresenter>(); presenter.SetView(this); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.WriteLine(exception); } finally { SetMouseCursor(CursorId.Default); } }
public List<Program> GetPrograms(EnabledState isEnabled, int minInstanceCount) { var db = new x360ceModelContainer(); IQueryable<Program> list = db.Programs; if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Enabled) list = list.Where(x => x.IsEnabled); else if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Disabled) list = list.Where(x => !x.IsEnabled); if (minInstanceCount > 0) list = list.Where(x => x.InstanceCount == minInstanceCount); return list.ToList(); }
public static void EnabledAllChannels(EnabledState inState) { List <string> channelKeys = new List <string>(EnabledChannels.Keys); foreach (string channelKey in channelKeys) { EnabledChannels[channelKey] = inState; } }
public AdsProjectSettings(string path, SettingsScope scopes, IEnumerable <string> keywords = null) : base(path, scopes, k_ServiceName, keywords) { m_StateMachine = new SimpleStateMachine <AdsEvent>(); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(AdsEvent.Enabling); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(AdsEvent.Disabling); m_EnabledState = new EnabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_DisabledState = new DisabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_EnabledState); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_DisabledState); }
private void EnableChildrenRecursive(TreeViewItem parentItem, EnabledState enabled) { if (parentItem.hasChildren) { foreach (TreeViewItem item in parentItem.children) { PackageExportTreeViewItem item2 = item as PackageExportTreeViewItem; item2.enabledState = enabled; this.EnableChildrenRecursive(item2, enabled); } } }
private void EnableChildrenRecursive(TreeViewItem parentItem, EnabledState state) { if (parentItem.hasChildren) { foreach (TreeViewItem item in parentItem.children) { PackageImportTreeViewItem item2 = item as PackageImportTreeViewItem; item2.enableState = state; this.EnableChildrenRecursive(item2, state); } } }
public void OnGUI(Rect rect) { int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard); this.m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect, controlID); if ((((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space)) && ((this.m_Selection != null) && (this.m_Selection.Count > 0))) && (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == controlID)) { EnabledState state = (this.m_Selection[0].enabledState == EnabledState.All) ? EnabledState.None : EnabledState.All; this.m_Selection[0].enabledState = state; this.ItemWasToggled(this.m_Selection[0]); Event.current.Use(); } }
EnabledState GetFolderChildrenEnabledState(PackageImportTreeViewItem folder) { if (folder.item != null && !folder.item.isFolder) { Debug.LogError("Should be a folder item!"); } if (!folder.hasChildren) { return(EnabledState.None); } EnabledState amount = EnabledState.NotSet; int i = 0; for (; i < folder.children.Count; ++i) { // We dont want to consider project assets in this calculation as they are // ignored var firstValidChild = folder.children[i] as PackageImportTreeViewItem; if (ItemShouldBeConsideredForEnabledCheck(firstValidChild)) { amount = firstValidChild.enableState; break; } } ++i; for (; i < folder.children.Count; ++i) { // We dont want to consider project assets in this calculation as they are // ignored var childItem = folder.children[i] as PackageImportTreeViewItem; if (ItemShouldBeConsideredForEnabledCheck(childItem)) { if (amount != childItem.enableState) { amount = EnabledState.Mixed; break; } } } if (amount == EnabledState.NotSet) { return(EnabledState.None); } return(amount); }
public AdsProjectSettings(string path, SettingsScope scopes, IEnumerable <string> keywords = null) : base(path, scopes, k_ServiceName, keywords) { m_StateMachine = new SimpleStateMachine <AdsEvent>(); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(AdsEvent.Enabling); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(AdsEvent.Disabling); m_EnabledState = new EnabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_DisabledState = new DisabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_AppleGameId = AdvertisementSettings.GetGameId(RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer); m_AndroidGameId = AdvertisementSettings.GetGameId(RuntimePlatform.Android); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_EnabledState); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_DisabledState); }
void EnableChildrenRecursive(TreeViewItem parentItem, EnabledState enabled) { if (!parentItem.hasChildren) { return; } foreach (TreeViewItem tvitem in parentItem.children) { var pitem = tvitem as PackageExportTreeViewItem; pitem.enabledState = enabled; EnableChildrenRecursive(pitem, enabled); } }
void EnableChildrenRecursive(TreeViewItem parentItem, EnabledState state) { if (!parentItem.hasChildren) { return; } foreach (TreeViewItem tvitem in parentItem.children) { var pitem = tvitem as PackageImportTreeViewItem; pitem.enableState = state; EnableChildrenRecursive(pitem, state); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConfigurationObjectTag" /> class /// representing a <see cref="VirtualResource" /> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="resource">The <see cref="VirtualResource" />.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="resource" /> is null.</exception> public ConfigurationObjectTag(VirtualResource resource) { if (resource == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(resource)); } Id = resource.VirtualResourceId; ObjectType = ConfigurationObjectType.VirtualResource; ResourceType = EnumUtil.Parse <VirtualResourceType>(resource.ResourceType); Name = resource.Name; ParentId = resource.EnterpriseScenarioId; FolderId = resource.FolderId; EnabledState = resource.Enabled ? EnabledState.Enabled : EnabledState.Disabled; }
public List<Program> GetPrograms(EnabledState isEnabled, int minInstanceCount) { var programs = GetOverridePrograms(); if (programs == null) { var db = new x360ceModelContainer(); IQueryable<Program> list = db.Programs; if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Enabled) list = list.Where(x => x.IsEnabled); else if (isEnabled == EnabledState.Disabled) list = list.Where(x => !x.IsEnabled); if (minInstanceCount > 0) list = list.Where(x => x.InstanceCount == minInstanceCount); programs = list.ToList(); db.Dispose(); db = null; } return programs; }
public static void EnabledChannel(string channel, EnabledState state) { if (channel == null) { return; } if (!EnabledChannels.ContainsKey(channel)) { EnabledChannels.Add(channel, state); } else { EnabledChannels[channel] = state; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConfigurationObjectTag" /> class /// representing a <see cref="VirtualResourceMetadata" /> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="metadata">The <see cref="VirtualResourceMetadata" />.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="metadata" /> is null.</exception> public ConfigurationObjectTag(VirtualResourceMetadata metadata) { if (metadata == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metadata)); } Id = metadata.VirtualResourceMetadataId; ObjectType = ConfigurationObjectType.VirtualResourceMetadata; ResourceType = EnumUtil.Parse <VirtualResourceType>(metadata.ResourceType); MetadataType = metadata.MetadataType; Name = metadata.Name; ParentId = metadata.VirtualResourceId; FolderId = metadata.FolderId; EnabledState = metadata.Enabled ? EnabledState.Enabled : EnabledState.Disabled; }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { var existingPolicy = FrontDoorManagementClient.Policies.List(ResourceGroupName) .Where(p => p.Name.ToLower() == Name.ToLower()); if (existingPolicy.Count() != 0) { throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format(Resources.Error_CreateExistingWebApplicationFirewallPolicy, Name, ResourceGroupName)); } var updateParameters = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.WebApplicationFirewallPolicy1 { Location = "global", CustomRules = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.CustomRules { Rules = Customrule?.ToList().Select(x => x.ToSdkCustomRule()).ToList() }, ManagedRules = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.ManagedRuleSets { RuleSets = ManagedRule?.ToList().Select(x => x.ToSdkAzManagedRule()).ToList() }, PolicySettings = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.PolicySettings { EnabledState = this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EnabledState) ? EnabledState.ToString() : PSEnabledState.Enabled.ToString(), Mode = this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Mode) ? Mode.ToString() : PSMode.Prevention.ToString() } }; if (ShouldProcess(Resources.WebApplicationFirewallPolicyTarget, string.Format(Resources.CreateWebApplicationFirewallPolicy, Name))) { try { var policy = FrontDoorManagementClient.Policies.CreateOrUpdate( ResourceGroupName, Name, updateParameters ); WriteObject(policy.ToPSPolicy()); } catch (Microsoft.Azure.Management.FrontDoor.Models.ErrorResponseException e) { throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format( Resources.Error_ErrorResponseFromServer, e.Response.Content)); } } }
void RecursiveComputeEnabledStateForFolders(PackageImportTreeViewItem pitem, HashSet <PackageImportTreeViewItem> done) { if (pitem.item != null && !pitem.item.isFolder) { return; } // Depth first recursion to allow parent folders be dependant on child folders // Recurse if (pitem.hasChildren) { foreach (var child in pitem.children) { RecursiveComputeEnabledStateForFolders(child as PackageImportTreeViewItem, done); } } else if (pitem.item.isFolder) { // since the folder is empty, we don't need to set the enabled check depending of it's children done.Add(pitem); } // Now do logic if (!done.Contains(pitem)) { EnabledState amount = GetFolderChildrenEnabledState(pitem); pitem.enableState = amount; // If 'item' is mixed then all of its parents will also be mixed if (amount == EnabledState.Mixed) { done.Add(pitem); var current = pitem.parent as PackageImportTreeViewItem; while (current != null) { if (!done.Contains(current)) { current.enableState = EnabledState.Mixed; done.Add(current); } current = current.parent as PackageImportTreeViewItem; } } } }
public void OnGUI(Rect rect) { int keyboardControlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard); m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect, keyboardControlID); // Keyboard space toggles selection enabledness if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space && m_Selection != null && m_Selection.Count > 0 && GUIUtility.keyboardControl == keyboardControlID) { EnabledState newEnabled = m_Selection[0].enabledState != EnabledState.All ? EnabledState.All : EnabledState.None; m_Selection[0].enabledState = newEnabled; ItemWasToggled(m_Selection[0]); Event.current.Use(); } }
public static CssProperty LookupProperty(string aProperty, EnabledState aEnabled) { CssProperty res = (CssProperty)gPropertyTable.GetOrDefault(aProperty, -1); if (res >= CssProperty.PropertyCount) { if (IsEnabled(res) || aEnabled == EnabledState.Any) { res = gAliases[res - CssProperty.PropertyCount]; Debug.Assert(0 <= res && res < CssProperty.PropertyCount, "aliases must not point to other aliases"); } else { res = CssProperty.Unknown; } } if (res != CssProperty.Unknown && aEnabled == EnabledState.Enabled && !IsEnabled(res)) { res = CssProperty.Unknown; } return res; }
public void SetFormEnabledState(EnabledState enabled) { switch (enabled) { case EnabledState.Integrated: EnableInstances(true); EnableUserPassword(false); break; case EnabledState.SqlServerAuth: EnableInstances(true); EnableUserPassword(true); break; case EnabledState.Disabled: EnableInstances(false); EnableUserPassword(false); break; } }
public AnalyticsProjectSettings(string path, SettingsScope scopes, IEnumerable <string> keywords = null) : base(path, scopes, k_ServiceName, keywords) { m_StateMachine = new SimpleStateMachine <ServiceEvent>(); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(ServiceEvent.Disabled); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(ServiceEvent.Integrating); m_StateMachine.AddEvent(ServiceEvent.Enabled); m_DisabledState = new DisabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_IntegrationState = new IntegrationState(m_StateMachine, this); m_EnabledState = new EnabledState(m_StateMachine, this); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_DisabledState); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_IntegrationState); m_StateMachine.AddState(m_EnabledState); m_ValidationPoller = new AnalyticsValidationPoller(); }
void RecursiveComputeEnabledStateForFolders(PackageExportTreeViewItem pitem, HashSet <PackageExportTreeViewItem> done) { if (!pitem.isFolder) { return; } // Depth first recursion to allow parent folders be dependant on child folders // Recurse if (pitem.hasChildren) { foreach (var child in pitem.children) { RecursiveComputeEnabledStateForFolders(child as PackageExportTreeViewItem, done); } } // Now do logic if (!done.Contains(pitem)) { EnabledState enabledState = GetFolderChildrenEnabledState(pitem); pitem.enabledState = enabledState; // If 'item' is mixed then all of its parents will also be mixed if (enabledState == EnabledState.Mixed) { done.Add(pitem); var current = pitem.parent as PackageExportTreeViewItem; while (current != null) { if (!done.Contains(current)) { current.enabledState = EnabledState.Mixed; done.Add(current); } current = current.parent as PackageExportTreeViewItem; } } } }
void GetPrograms() { MainForm.Current.LoadingCircle = true; var ws = new WebServiceClient(); ws.Url = MainForm.Current.OptionsPanel.InternetDatabaseUrlComboBox.Text; EnabledState enabled = EnabledState.None; if (IncludeEnabledCheckBox.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { enabled = EnabledState.Enabled; } if (IncludeEnabledCheckBox.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) { enabled = EnabledState.Disabled; } int minInstances = (int)MinimumInstanceCountNumericUpDown.Value; ws.GetProgramsCompleted += ProgramsWebServiceClient_GetProgramsCompleted; ws.GetProgramsAsync(enabled, minInstances); }
public void OnGUI(Rect rect) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { PopupWindowWithoutFocus.Hide(); } int controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Keyboard); this.m_TreeView.OnGUI(rect, controlID); if ((((Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown) && (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Space)) && ((this.m_Selection != null) && (this.m_Selection.Count > 0))) && (GUIUtility.keyboardControl == controlID)) { PackageImportTreeViewItem item = this.m_Selection[0]; if (item != null) { EnabledState state = (item.enableState != EnabledState.None) ? EnabledState.None : EnabledState.All; item.enableState = state; this.ItemWasToggled(this.m_Selection[0]); } Event.current.Use(); } }
private EnabledState GetFolderChildrenEnabledState(PackageImportTreeViewItem folder) { if ((folder.item != null) && !folder.item.isFolder) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Should be a folder item!"); } if (!folder.hasChildren) { return(EnabledState.None); } EnabledState notSet = EnabledState.NotSet; int num = 0; while (num < folder.children.Count) { PackageImportTreeViewItem pitem = folder.children[num] as PackageImportTreeViewItem; if (this.ItemShouldBeConsideredForEnabledCheck(pitem)) { notSet = pitem.enableState; break; } num++; } num++; while (num < folder.children.Count) { PackageImportTreeViewItem item2 = folder.children[num] as PackageImportTreeViewItem; if (this.ItemShouldBeConsideredForEnabledCheck(item2) && (notSet != item2.enableState)) { notSet = EnabledState.Mixed; break; } num++; } if (notSet == EnabledState.NotSet) { return(EnabledState.None); } return(notSet); }
public static CssProperty LookupProperty(string aProperty, EnabledState aEnabled) { CssProperty res = (CssProperty)gPropertyTable.GetOrDefault(aProperty, -1); if (res >= CssProperty.PropertyCount) { if (IsEnabled(res) || aEnabled == EnabledState.Any) { res = gAliases[res - CssProperty.PropertyCount]; Debug.Assert(0 <= res && res < CssProperty.PropertyCount, "aliases must not point to other aliases"); } else { res = CssProperty.Unknown; } } if (res != CssProperty.Unknown && aEnabled == EnabledState.Enabled && !IsEnabled(res)) { res = CssProperty.Unknown; } return(res); }
void GetPrograms() { var ws = new WebServiceClient(); ws.Url = SettingsManager.Options.InternetDatabaseUrl; EnabledState enabled = EnabledState.None; if (IncludeEnabledCheckBox.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { enabled = EnabledState.Enabled; } if (IncludeEnabledCheckBox.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked) { enabled = EnabledState.Disabled; } int minInstances = (int)MinimumInstanceCountNumericUpDown.Value; ws.GetProgramsCompleted += ProgramsWebServiceClient_GetProgramsCompleted; System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { ws.GetProgramsAsync(enabled, minInstances); }); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the robot enabled state /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state to set</param> public static void SetEnabledState(EnabledState state) { switch (state) { case EnabledState.Disabled: SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.Enabled = false; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.EStop = false; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.DsAttached = true; break; case EnabledState.Enabled: SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.Enabled = true; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.EStop = false; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.DsAttached = true; break; case EnabledState.EStopped: SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.Enabled = false; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.EStop = true; SimData.DriverStation.ControlData.DsAttached = true; break; } }
public void SetAllEnabled(EnabledState enabled) { this.EnableChildrenRecursive(, enabled); this.ComputeEnabledStateForFolders(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the robot enabled state /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The state to set</param> public static void SetEnabledState(EnabledState state) { switch (state) { case EnabledState.Disabled: HalDSData["control"]["enabled"] = false; HalDSData["control"]["eStop"] = false; HalDSData["control"]["ds_attached"] = true; break; case EnabledState.Enabled: HalDSData["control"]["enabled"] = true; HalDSData["control"]["eStop"] = false; HalDSData["control"]["ds_attached"] = true; break; case EnabledState.EStopped: HalDSData["control"]["enabled"] = false; HalDSData["control"]["eStop"] = true; HalDSData["control"]["ds_attached"] = true; break; } }
public void SetEnabledState(EnabledState enabledState) { _enabledState = enabledState; }
public override void ExecuteCmdlet() { if (ParameterSetName == ObjectParameterSet) { ResourceIdentifier identifier = new ResourceIdentifier(InputObject.Id); ResourceGroupName = identifier.ResourceGroupName; Name = InputObject.Name; } else if (ParameterSetName == ResourceIdParameterSet) { ResourceIdentifier identifier = new ResourceIdentifier(ResourceId); ResourceGroupName = identifier.ResourceGroupName; Name = identifier.ResourceName; } var existingPolicy = FrontDoorManagementClient.Policies.List(ResourceGroupName) .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == Name.ToLower()); if (existingPolicy == null) { throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format( Resources.Error_WebApplicationFirewallPolicyNotFound, Name, ResourceGroupName)); } SdkPolicy updateParameters; if (ParameterSetName == ObjectParameterSet) { updateParameters = InputObject.ToSdkFirewallPolicy(); } else { updateParameters = existingPolicy; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.EnabledState)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.EnabledState = EnabledState.ToString(); } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Mode)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.Mode = Mode; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.Customrule)) { updateParameters.CustomRules = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.CustomRuleList() { Rules = Customrule.ToList().Select(x => x.ToSdkCustomRule()).ToList() }; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.ManagedRule)) { updateParameters.ManagedRules = new Management.FrontDoor.Models.ManagedRuleSetList() { ManagedRuleSets = ManagedRule.ToList().Select(x => x.ToSdkAzManagedRule()).ToList() }; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CustomBlockResponseBody)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.CustomBlockResponseBody = CustomBlockResponseBody == null ? CustomBlockResponseBody : Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(CustomBlockResponseBody)); } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.CustomBlockResponseStatusCode)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.CustomBlockResponseStatusCode = CustomBlockResponseStatusCode; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.RedirectUrl)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.RedirectUrl = RedirectUrl; } if (this.IsParameterBound(c => c.RequestBodyCheck)) { updateParameters.PolicySettings.RequestBodyCheck = RequestBodyCheck; } if (ShouldProcess(Resources.WebApplicationFirewallPolicyTarget, string.Format(Resources.WebApplicationFirewallPolicyChangeWarning, Name))) { try { var policy = FrontDoorManagementClient.Policies.CreateOrUpdate( ResourceGroupName, Name, updateParameters ); WriteObject(policy.ToPSPolicy()); } catch (Microsoft.Azure.Management.FrontDoor.Models.ErrorResponseException e) { throw new PSArgumentException(string.Format( Resources.Error_ErrorResponseFromServer, e.Response.Content)); } } }
public void GetProgramsAsync(EnabledState isEnabled, int minInstanceCount, object userState = null) { InvokeAsync("GetPrograms", GetProgramsCompleted, userState, new object[] { isEnabled, minInstanceCount }); }
public void SetEnablesState(EnabledState enabledState) { Enabled = EnabledState.Enabled == enabledState; }
private void acceptButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _enabledState = WinForms.DisableBut(cancelButton); cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; connectWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public void SetFormEnabledState(EnabledState enabled) { FormEnabled = enabled; }
internal static AfdOriginData DeserializeAfdOriginData(JsonElement element) { Optional <SystemData> systemData = default; ResourceIdentifier id = default; string name = default; ResourceType type = default; Optional <WritableSubResource> azureOrigin = default; Optional <string> hostName = default; Optional <int> httpPort = default; Optional <int> httpsPort = default; Optional <string> originHostHeader = default; Optional <int?> priority = default; Optional <int?> weight = default; Optional <object> sharedPrivateLinkResource = default; Optional <EnabledState> enabledState = default; Optional <AfdProvisioningState> provisioningState = default; Optional <DeploymentStatus> deploymentStatus = default; foreach (var property in element.EnumerateObject()) { if (property.NameEquals("systemData")) { if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } systemData = SystemData.DeserializeSystemData(property.Value); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("id")) { id = new ResourceIdentifier(property.Value.GetString()); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("name")) { name = property.Value.GetString(); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("type")) { type = property.Value.GetString(); continue; } if (property.NameEquals("properties")) { if (property.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } foreach (var property0 in property.Value.EnumerateObject()) { if (property0.NameEquals("azureOrigin")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } azureOrigin = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <WritableSubResource>(property0.Value.ToString()); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("hostName")) { hostName = property0.Value.GetString(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("httpPort")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } httpPort = property0.Value.GetInt32(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("httpsPort")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } httpsPort = property0.Value.GetInt32(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("originHostHeader")) { originHostHeader = property0.Value.GetString(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("priority")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { priority = null; continue; } priority = property0.Value.GetInt32(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("weight")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { weight = null; continue; } weight = property0.Value.GetInt32(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("sharedPrivateLinkResource")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { sharedPrivateLinkResource = null; continue; } sharedPrivateLinkResource = property0.Value.GetObject(); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("enabledState")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } enabledState = new EnabledState(property0.Value.GetString()); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("provisioningState")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } provisioningState = new AfdProvisioningState(property0.Value.GetString()); continue; } if (property0.NameEquals("deploymentStatus")) { if (property0.Value.ValueKind == JsonValueKind.Null) { property0.ThrowNonNullablePropertyIsNull(); continue; } deploymentStatus = new DeploymentStatus(property0.Value.GetString()); continue; } } continue; } } return(new AfdOriginData(id, name, type, systemData.Value, azureOrigin, hostName.Value, Optional.ToNullable(httpPort), Optional.ToNullable(httpsPort), originHostHeader.Value, Optional.ToNullable(priority), Optional.ToNullable(weight), sharedPrivateLinkResource.Value, Optional.ToNullable(enabledState), Optional.ToNullable(provisioningState), Optional.ToNullable(deploymentStatus))); }
public virtual void SetEnabledState(EnabledState state) { Enabled = EnabledState.Enabled == state; }
public List<Program> GetPrograms(EnabledState isEnabled, int minInstanceCount) { object[] results = Invoke("GetPrograms", new object[] { isEnabled, minInstanceCount }); return (List<Program>)results[0]; }