        public void Feed()
            // Just a randomizer to provide random values to simulate input;
            Random rndVal = new Random();

            while (EmuClient.InputClientConnected)
                // Provide axistype and value to set it's state. When AxisEnum is cast as integer, the values correspond to DirectInput axis gamepad values.
                // This is useful, when you want to directly bind from Axis array returned by DirectInput to Emucontroller, specifying indices for both, or example:
                // DirectInput Device Axis Array[i].value to EmuController Axes.SetAxis((AxisEnum)i, value);

                EmuControllerInputState ctrlState = (EmuControllerInputState)EmuClient.InputState;

                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisY, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisY, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisZ, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisRx, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisRy, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisRz, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisSlider, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));
                ctrlState.Axes.SetValue(AxisEnum.AxisDial, (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65535));

                // Supports 128 buttons that fit in 16 bytes.
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(0, 31), true);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(0, 31), false);

                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(0, 31), true);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(0, 31), false);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(32, 127), true);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(32, 127), false);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(32, 127), true);
                ctrlState.Buttons.SetValue(rndVal.Next(32, 127), false);

                // Supports 4 dpads that have 8 directions. -1 = Null, 0 = North,
                // incrementing value will advance the dpad position 45 degrees clockwise;
                ctrlState.DPads.SetValue(0, (DPadDirectionEnum)rndVal.Next(-1, 7));
                ctrlState.DPads.SetValue(1, (DPadDirectionEnum)rndVal.Next(-1, 7));
                ctrlState.DPads.SetValue(2, (DPadDirectionEnum)rndVal.Next(-1, 7));
                ctrlState.DPads.SetValue(3, (DPadDirectionEnum)rndVal.Next(-1, 7));

                // There are two ways to update EmuController.
                // First one sends the whole input report.
                // The controls for which values are not set by user, will have the default values.


                // The other option is to send only the values for controls that are updated by user.
                // Any control that has not been updated will retain the previous value that was sent
                // to Emucontroller device.
        public void GetInputReportMessageTest()
            int headerSize = 2;
            EmuControllerInputState emu = new EmuControllerInputState();

            byte[] message = emu.GetInputReportMessage();
            Assert.IsTrue(message.Length == message[1] + headerSize);

            int totalLength = headerSize + 1;

            totalLength += emu.Axes.AllValues.Length * sizeof(ushort);
            totalLength += emu.Buttons.AllValues.Length * sizeof(ushort);
            totalLength += emu.DPads.AllValues.Length;

            Assert.IsTrue(message.Length == totalLength);
        public void GetUpdatedValuesTest()
            EmuControllerInputState emu = new EmuControllerInputState();

            emu.Buttons.SetValue(0, true);
            emu.Buttons.SetValue(0, false);

            emu.Buttons.SetValue(8, true);

            emu.Buttons.SetValue(16, true);
            emu.Buttons.SetValue(16, false);

            ReadOnlySpan <ushort> updatedButtons = emu.Buttons.GetUpdatedValues();

            Assert.IsTrue(updatedButtons.Length == 2);
        public void SetValueTest()
            EmuControllerInputState emu = new EmuControllerInputState();

            Random rndVal = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < emu.Buttons.AllValues.Length * sizeof(ushort); i++)
                int index = rndVal.Next(0, emu.Buttons.AllValues.Length * sizeof(ushort));
                emu.Buttons.SetValue(index, true);

                Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsBitSet(emu.Buttons.AllValues[index / 16], index % 16));

                emu.Buttons.SetValue(index, false);
                Assert.IsFalse(Utils.IsBitSet(emu.Buttons.AllValues[index / 16], index % 16));
        public void GetStateUpdateMessageTest()
            Random rndVal               = new Random();
            int    headerSize           = 2;
            EmuControllerInputState emu = new EmuControllerInputState();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                AxisEnum ax1 = (AxisEnum)rndVal.Next(0, 8);

                ushort ax1Val = (ushort)rndVal.Next(0, 65536);

                int buttonIndex1 = rndVal.Next(0, 128);

                int dpad1 = rndVal.Next(0, 4);

                DPadDirectionEnum dpad1Val = (DPadDirectionEnum)rndVal.Next(-1, 8);

                emu.Axes.SetValue(ax1, ax1Val);

                emu.Buttons.SetValue(buttonIndex1, true);

                emu.DPads.SetValue(dpad1, dpad1Val);

                byte[] message = emu.GetStateUpdateMessage();

                int expectedMessageLen = 2 * sizeof(ushort) + sizeof(byte) + 6 + headerSize;

                Assert.IsTrue(message.Length == expectedMessageLen);
                Assert.IsTrue(message[1] == message.Length - headerSize);
                Assert.IsTrue(message[2] == (byte)UsageId.Axis);
                Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsBitSet(message[3], (byte)ax1));
                Assert.IsTrue(BitConverter.ToUInt16(message, 4) == ax1Val);
                Assert.IsTrue(message[6] == (byte)UsageId.Button);
                Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsBitSet(message[7], buttonIndex1 / 16));
                Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsBitSet(BitConverter.ToUInt16(message, 8), buttonIndex1 % 16));
                Assert.IsTrue(message[10] == (byte)UsageId.DPad);
                Assert.IsTrue(Utils.IsBitSet(message[11], (byte)dpad1));
                Assert.IsTrue(message[12] == (byte)dpad1Val);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes EmuControllerClient object and automatically populates ConnectedEmuControllerDevices with available devices.
 /// </summary>
 public EmuControllerClient()
     InputState = new EmuControllerInputState();