protected void AddFavoritesClicked(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { //Thread.Sleep(40000); var currentUserGuid = new Guid(Session["CurrentUser"].ToString()); string[] commandArguents = ((ImageButton)sender).CommandArgument.Split(';'); bool isFavorite = bool.Parse(commandArguents[1]); var favoriteUserGuid = new Guid(commandArguents[0]); SqlConnection connection = DBHelper.GetConnection(); string commandText = isFavorite ? "RemoveFavorites" : "AddFavorites"; var cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; cmd.Parameters.Add("@ParentUserGuid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); cmd.Parameters["@ParentUserGuid"].Value = currentUserGuid; cmd.Parameters.Add("@FavoriteUserGuid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); cmd.Parameters["@FavoriteUserGuid"].Value = favoriteUserGuid; try { connection.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); EmployeesListView.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { ShellLogger.WriteLog("DB.log", "Ошибка добаления сотрудника в избранное", ex); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Простой поиск /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void SimpleSearchClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { //обычный поиск Session["SelectedPage"] = 1; Session["SimpleSearch"] = SearchTextBox.Text; Session["CustomSearch"] = null; EmployeesListView.DataSourceID = "FilteredEmployeesDataSource"; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); }
private void LoadData(string userId) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; _context = new fbLudoDBEntities3(); IEnumerable <Ausleihe> listAusleihen; IEnumerable <Ausleihe_Spiel> list = Enumerable.Empty <Ausleihe_Spiel>(); listAusleihen = _context.Ausleihe.Where(x => x.PersonenID == userId).ToList(); foreach (Ausleihe ausleiheid in listAusleihen) { var id = ausleiheid.Ausleihe_ID; if (list == null) { list = _context.Ausleihe_Spiel.Where(x => x.Ausleihe_ID == id && x.DatumBis > now).ToList(); } else { list = list.Concat(_context.Ausleihe_Spiel.Where(x => x.Ausleihe_ID == id && x.DatumBis > now).ToList()); } } EmployeesListView.DataSource = list; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); IEnumerable <Ausleihe> listAusleihenInactive; IEnumerable <Ausleihe_Spiel> listInactive = Enumerable.Empty <Ausleihe_Spiel>(); listAusleihenInactive = _context.Ausleihe.Where(x => x.PersonenID == userId).ToList(); foreach (Ausleihe ausleiheid in listAusleihenInactive) { var id = ausleiheid.Ausleihe_ID; if (listInactive == null) { listInactive = _context.Ausleihe_Spiel.Where(x => x.Ausleihe_ID == id && x.DatumBis <= now).ToList(); } else { listInactive = listInactive.Concat(_context.Ausleihe_Spiel.Where(x => x.Ausleihe_ID == id && x.DatumBis <= now).ToList()); } } ListView2.DataSource = listInactive; ListView2.DataBind(); /*IEnumerable<Ausleihe> list2 = _context.Ausleihe.Where(x => x.PersonenID == userId && x.DatumBis <= now).ToList(); * ListView2.DataSource = list2; * ListView2.DataBind();*/ }
//private void InitUserDepartment() //{ // if (Session["CurrentUserDepartment"] != null && Session["CurrentUser"]!=null) // Session["CurrentUserDepartment"] = // DBHelper.GetUserDepartment(new Guid(Session["CurrentUser"].ToString())); //} protected void DepartmentTree_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Запоминаем выбранный элемент в дереве только для DepartmentState if (((DepartmentTreeNodeType)((CustomTreeNode)DepartmentTree.SelectedNode).Tag) == DepartmentTreeNodeType.DepartmentState) { Session["CurrentSelectedDepartment"] = DepartmentTree.SelectedValue; Session["Tree"] = DepartmentTree.Nodes[0]; Session["CurrentSelectedDepartmentNode"] = DepartmentTree.SelectedNode; } SearchTextBox.Text = string.Empty; Session["SimpleSearch"] = null; Session["CustomSearch"] = null; Session["SelectedPage"] = 1; EmployeesListView.DataSourceID = "EmployeesDataSource"; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); }
//This Method populates the cureent Crews and their assigned job sites protected void PopulateEmployeeAndSiteType() { MessageUserControl.TryRun(() => { EmployeeControllers employeeManager = new EmployeeControllers(); if (UnitsDDL.SelectedIndex == 0) { //Validate that a Unit was selected EmployeesListView.DataSource = null; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); EmployeesListView.Visible = false; MessageUserControl.ShowInfo("You must select a Unit to proceed"); RouteCategory.Visible = false; } else { EmployeesListView.Visible = true; RouteCategory.Visible = true; SelectSiteButton.Visible = true; Route.Text = "Crew Member"; } }); }
/// <summary> /// Расширенный поиск /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void AdditionalSearchClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { //расширенный поиск Session["SelectedPage"] = 1; var customSearch = new CustomSearchStorage { Department = DepartmentTextBox.Text, Position = PositionTextBox.Text, HasPhone = HasPhoneCheckBox.Checked, }; var birthDayStart = Page.Request.Form["birthDayStartTextBox"]; var birthDayEnd = Page.Request.Form["birthDayFinishTextBox"]; var startDate = ParseDate(birthDayStart); var endDate = ParseDate(birthDayEnd); RestoreBirthdayDates(startDate, endDate); if (startDate.HasValue) { customSearch.StartBirthday = startDate.Value; } if (endDate.HasValue) { customSearch.FinishBirthday = endDate.Value; } Session["SimpleSearch"] = null; Session["CustomSearch"] = customSearch; UpdateCustomSearchParametrs(); EmployeesListView.DataSourceID = "CustomFilteredEmployeesDataSource"; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); }
// The id parameter name should match the DataKeyNames value set on the control /* public void PremisesListView_DeleteItem(string Id) * { * premises.Remove(premises.Single(b => b.premise_id == Id)); * } * * public void EmployeesListView_DeleteItem(string Id) * { * employees.Remove(employees.Single(b => b.employee_id == Id)); * } * * public void ReviewsListView_DeleteItem(string Id) * { * reviews.Remove(reviews.Single(b => b.review_id == Id)); * } * * public void OffersListView_DeleteItem(string Id) * { * offers.Remove(offers.Single(b => b.offer_id == Id)); * } */ protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // До срещане на грешка се предполага, че всичко е наред. DbStatusLabel.Text = "Успешно записване в БД."; DbStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Green; XmlStatusLabel.Text = "Успешно записване в XML файл."; XmlStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Green; HotelsModels.Hotel hotel = null; try { hotel = ControlsToModel(); context.Hotels.Add(hotel); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { DbStatusLabel.Text = "Грешка при записване в БД: " + ex.Message; DbStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; hotel = null; } try { if (hotel == null) { throw new Exception("Не се записва XML файл при грешка в записването в БД"); } XDocument hotelXml = ModelToXml(hotel); hotelXml.Save(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + + + ".xml")); } catch (Exception ex) { XmlStatusLabel.Text = "Грешка при записване в XML файл: " + ex.Message; XmlStatusLabel.ForeColor = Color.Red; hotel = null; } if (hotel != null) { // При успешно записване се изчистват всички данни в контролите foreach (Control control in Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1").Controls) { if (control is TextBox) { (control as TextBox).Text = ""; } } // Изчистване на запазените списъци в ViewState и обновяване на ListView premises = new List <HotelsModels.Premise>(); ViewState["premises"] = premises; PremisesListView.DataBind(); offers = new List <HotelsModels.Offer>(); ViewState["offers"] = offers; OffersListView.DataBind(); employees = new List <HotelsModels.Employee>(); ViewState["employees"] = employees; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); reviews = new List <HotelsModels.Review>(); ViewState["reviews"] = reviews; ReviewsListView.DataBind(); } }
protected void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { //InitUserDepartment(); SetVisibilityReportButtons(); if (Session["Tree"] != null) { if (Session["CurrentSelectedDepartmentNode"] != null) { DepartmentTree.FillTree((CustomTreeNode)Session["Tree"], (CustomTreeNode)Session["CurrentSelectedDepartmentNode"]); } else { DepartmentTree.FillTree((CustomTreeNode)Session["Tree"], null); } } else { if (Session["CurrentUserDivision"] != null) { DepartmentTree.FillTreeByDivision(new Guid(Session["CurrentUserDivision"].ToString())); Session["CurrentSelectedDepartment"] = new Guid(Session["CurrentUserDivision"].ToString()); Session["CurrentSelectedDepartmentNode"] = DepartmentTree.CurrentSelectedNode; } else { DepartmentTree.FillTree(Guid.Empty); } } if (Session["Tree"] == null) { Session["Tree"] = DepartmentTree.Nodes[0]; } if (Session["SimpleSearch"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["SimpleSearch"].ToString())) { SearchTextBox.Text = Session["SimpleSearch"].ToString(); EmployeesListView.DataSourceID = "FilteredEmployeesDataSource"; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); } else if (Session["CustomSearch"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Session["CustomSearch"].ToString())) { var customSearchParams = (CustomSearchStorage)Session["CustomSearch"]; PositionTextBox.Text = customSearchParams.Position; DepartmentTextBox.Text = customSearchParams.Department; HasPhoneCheckBox.Checked = customSearchParams.HasPhone; RestoreBirthdayDates(customSearchParams.StartBirthday, customSearchParams.FinishBirthday); //BirthDayStartTextBox.Text = customSearchParams.StartBirthday.ToShortDateString(); //BirthDayFinishTextBox.Text = customSearchParams.FinishBirthday.ToShortDateString(); UpdateCustomSearchParametrs(); EmployeesListView.DataSourceID = "CustomFilteredEmployeesDataSource"; EmployeesListView.DataBind(); } if (Session["SelectedPage"] != null) { var pager = ((DataPager)EmployeesListView.FindControl("DataPager")); if (pager != null) { pager.SetPageProperties(int.Parse(Session["SelectedPage"].ToString()), pager.MaximumRows, true); } } } }
private void DeselectAll_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EmployeesListView.UnselectAll(); }