public async Task <ActionResult> Profile(EmployeeUserViewModel collection) { try { ViewBag.Department = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Departments> >("api/Department/GetDepartments"); ViewBag.Skills = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Skills> >("api/Skill/GetSkills"); string skills = string.Join(",", Request["Skill"]); collection.Skills = skills; await APIHelpers.PutAsync <Employee>("api/Employee/Put", collection); TempData["sucess"] = EmployeeResources.update; //string dob = Request["BirthDate"]; //string skills = string.Join(",", Request["Skill"]); //ModelState.Remove("BirthDate"); //ModelState.Remove("LeaveBalance"); ////var month = (13 - DateTime.Now.Month) * 1.5; //if (ModelState.IsValid) //{ // collection.BirthDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dob, "dd/MMM/yyyy", null); // collection.LeaveBalance = Convert.ToDecimal(15); // collection.Skills = skills; // // TODO: Add insert logic here // if (collection.Id == Guid.Empty) // { // var user = new ApplicationUser { RoleId = collection.RoleId, UserName = collection.Email, IsSuperAdmin = false, ParentUserID = Guid.Parse("06644856-45f6-4c78-9c19-60781abba7e3"), Email = collection.Email, FirstName = "", LastName = "", UserStatus = 0 }; // collection.UserId = Guid.Parse(user.Id); // var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, collection.Password); // if (result.Succeeded) // { // await APIHelpers.PostAsync<Employee>("api/Employee/Post", collection); // TempData["sucess"] = EmployeeResources.create; // } // } // else // { // await APIHelpers.PutAsync<Employee>("api/Employee/Put", collection); // TempData["sucess"] = EmployeeResources.update; // } return(View("Profile", collection)); //} //else //{ // return View(collection); //} } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = CommonResources.error; return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Error")); } }
public ActionResult store(EmployeeUserViewModel euViewModel) { //Get Current UserName int id = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name); //Current Compamy company find_company = new DBContext().companies.ToList().Find(x => x.user_id == id); //Check Model state is valid or not if (ModelState.IsValid) { //Check if already exists if (new DBContext().employee_users.ToList().FindAll(x => x.employee_id == euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER.employee_id).Count > 0) { //Delete The EmployeeUser EmployeeUser existingEmployeeUser = new DBContext().employee_users.ToList().Find(x => x.employee_id == euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER.employee_id); using (var contxt = new DBContext()) { contxt.Entry(existingEmployeeUser).State = EntityState.Deleted; contxt.SaveChanges(); } } //Add new EmployeeUser using (var contxt = new DBContext()) { //Set Datetime //EmployeeMdl.created_at = DateTime.Now; //set comapmny id //euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEE.company_id =; //Add New EmployeeUser EmployeeUser employeeUser = new EmployeeUser { employee_id = euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER.employee_id, user_id = euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER.user_id }; contxt.employee_users.Add(employeeUser); contxt.SaveChanges(); } //Set temp data Success registration message TempData["message"] = Utility.SUCCESS_MESSAGE + "Employee Assigned Successfully"; return(RedirectToAction("index")); } else { string errors = errorstate.errors(ModelState); //Set temp data for wrong credentials TempData["message"] = Utility.FAILED_MESSAGE + "" + errors; String param_id = euViewModel.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER.employee_id.ToString(); //redirect back to assign page return(RedirectToAction("assign", new { empID = param_id })); } }
public static async Task <bool> PostAsync <T>(string uri, EmployeeUserViewModel data) { var response = await APIHelpers.CallApi(uri, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data), "POST"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Post(EmployeeUserViewModel model) { try { List <CandidateSkills> skills = new List <CandidateSkills>(); Employee emp = new Employee { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = model.FirstName, MiddleName = model.MiddleName, LastName = model.LastName, Phone = model.Phone, BirthDate = model.BirthDate, Address = model.Address, OtherContact = model.OtherContact, Department = model.Department, LeaveBalance = model.LeaveBalance, CurrentSalary = model.CurrentSalary, IsEmailVerified = model.IsEmailVerified, UserId = model.UserId, JoiningDate = model.JoiningDate, Experience = model.Experience, EmergencyContactName = model.EmergencyContactName, EmergencyContactNumber = model.EmergencyContactNumber, BloodGroup = model.BloodGroup }; var data2 = _repository.Insert(emp); if (model.Skills != "") { foreach (var item in model.Skills.Split(',')) { skills.Add(new CandidateSkills() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), CandidateId = data2.Id, SkillId = Guid.Parse(item) }); } _skillrepository.InsertRange(skills); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public ActionResult assign(String empID) { //Get Current UserName int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name); //Current Compamy company find_company = new DBContext().companies.ToList().Find(x => x.user_id == user_id); //Set Message String message = ""; int eID = Convert.ToInt32(empID); //pass model to view Employee mdlEmployee = new Employee(); //Check if id doesnot null if (empID != null && empID != "0") { //check if Employee already exist if (new DBContext().employees.ToList().FindAll(x => == eID).Count > 0) { //pass model to view with Employee info mdlEmployee = new DBContext().employees.Find(eID); } } //Check Temp error or successmessage if (TempData["message"] != null) { message = TempData["message"].ToString(); } //view data send message ViewData["message"] = message; EmployeeUserViewModel vm = new EmployeeUserViewModel(); vm.VM_EMPLOYEE = mdlEmployee; vm.VM_USER = new User(); vm.VM_EMPLOYEEUSER = new EmployeeUser(); return(View(vm)); }
public Employee Put(EmployeeUserViewModel model) { //return _repository.Update(model); List <CandidateSkills> skills = new List <CandidateSkills>(); Employee emp = new Employee { Id = model.Id, FirstName = model.FirstName, MiddleName = model.MiddleName, LastName = model.LastName, Phone = model.Phone, BirthDate = model.BirthDate, Address = model.Address, OtherContact = model.OtherContact, Department = model.Department, LeaveBalance = model.LeaveBalance, CurrentSalary = model.CurrentSalary, IsEmailVerified = model.IsEmailVerified, UserId = model.UserId, JoiningDate = model.JoiningDate, Experience = model.Experience, BloodGroup = model.BloodGroup, EmergencyContactNumber = model.EmergencyContactNumber, EmergencyContactName = model.EmergencyContactName, }; var data2 = _repository.Update(emp); _skillrepository.DeleteWhere(_ => _.CandidateId == emp.Id); if (model.Skills != "") { foreach (var item in model.Skills.Split(',')) { skills.Add(new CandidateSkills() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), CandidateId = data2.Id, SkillId = Guid.Parse(item) }); } _skillrepository.InsertRange(skills); } return(data2); }
// GET: Employee/Edit/5 /// <summary> /// Edits the specified identifier. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The identifier.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ActionResult> Edit(Guid id) { try { ViewBag.Department = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Departments> >("api/Department/GetDepartments"); ViewBag.Skills = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Skills> >("api/Skill/GetSkills"); ViewBag.Roles = _applicationDbContext.Roles.ToList(); var data = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <EmployeeUserViewModel>("api/Employee/GetEmployeeUser/" + id); EmployeeUserViewModel emp = new EmployeeUserViewModel { Id = data.Id, FirstName = data.FirstName, MiddleName = data.MiddleName, LastName = data.LastName, Address = data.Address, BirthDate = data.BirthDate, Phone = data.Phone, OtherContact = data.OtherContact, CurrentSalary = data.CurrentSalary, LeaveBalance = data.LeaveBalance, IsEmailVerified = data.IsEmailVerified, UserId = data.UserId, Department = data.Department, Skills = data.Skills, JoiningDate = data.JoiningDate, Experience = data.Experience, EmergencyContactName = data.EmergencyContactName, EmergencyContactNumber = data.EmergencyContactNumber, BloodGroup = data.BloodGroup }; var temp = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <ProjectViewModel> >("api/Employee/Projects/" + data.UserId); emp.Projects = temp; return(View("Create", emp)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Error")); } }
// GET: Employee/Create /// <summary> /// Creates this instance. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ActionResult> Create() { try { ViewBag.Department = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Departments> >("api/Department/GetDepartments"); ViewBag.Skills = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Skills> >("api/Skill/GetSkills"); ViewBag.Roles = _applicationDbContext.Roles.ToList(); var m = new EmployeeUserViewModel() { BirthDate = DateTime.Today }; return(View(m)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Error")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create(EmployeeUserViewModel collection) { try { ViewBag.Department = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Departments> >("api/Department/GetDepartments"); ViewBag.Skills = await APIHelpers.GetAsync <List <Skills> >("api/Skill/GetSkills"); ViewBag.Roles = _applicationDbContext.Roles.ToList(); string skills = string.Join(",", Request["Skill"]); ModelState.Remove("BirthDate"); ModelState.Remove("JoiningDate"); ModelState.Remove("LeaveBalance"); ModelState.Remove("OtherContact"); ModelState.Remove("Skills"); //var month = (13 - DateTime.Now.Month) * 1.5; if (collection.Id == Guid.Empty) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { collection.Skills = skills; string dob = Request["BirthDate"]; collection.BirthDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dob, "MM/dd/yyyy", null); string join = Request["JoiningDate"]; collection.JoiningDate = DateTime.ParseExact(join, "MM/dd/yyyy", null); var user = new ApplicationUser { RoleId = collection.RoleId, UserName = collection.Email, IsSuperAdmin = false, ParentUserID = Guid.Parse("06644856-45f6-4c78-9c19-60781abba7e3"), Email = collection.Email, FirstName = "", LastName = "", UserStatus = 0 }; collection.UserId = Guid.Parse(user.Id); var account = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user, collection.Password); if (account.Succeeded) { var result = await PostAsync <EmployeeUserViewModel>("api/Employee/Post", collection); if (result) { TempData["sucess"] = EmployeeResources.create; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { var delete = await UserManager.DeleteAsync(CommonHelper.GetUserById(user.Id)); TempData["error"] = CommonResources.error; return(View(collection)); } } else { string msg = ""; foreach (var error in account.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error); msg += error + Environment.NewLine; } //await APIHelpers.DeleteAsync<bool>("api/Employee/Delete/" + data.Id); TempData["error"] = msg; return(View(collection)); } } else { return(View(collection)); } } else { ModelState.Remove("Password"); ModelState.Remove("Email"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { string dob = Request["BirthDate"]; collection.BirthDate = DateTime.ParseExact(dob, "MM/dd/yyyy", null); collection.Skills = skills; await APIHelpers.PutAsync <Employee>("api/Employee/Put", collection); TempData["sucess"] = EmployeeResources.update; } else { return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new RouteValueDictionary( new { action = "Edit", Id = collection.Id }))); //return View(collection); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { TempData["error"] = CommonResources.error; return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "Error")); } }