static void Main(string[] args) { EmployeeJournal.OpenFile(); do { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("=======MENU======="); Console.WriteLine("1. Add new employee"); Console.WriteLine("2. Check all employees"); Console.WriteLine("3. Remove employee"); Console.WriteLine("4. Total hours worked by the team"); Console.WriteLine("5. Exit"); Menu menu = (Menu)InputIntValidation(); switch (menu) { case Menu.AddNewEmployee: { Console.Clear(); Console.Write("Please enter the passport number of the employee: "); int passport = InputIntValidation(); Console.Write("Please enter the name of the employee: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the age of the employee: "); int age = InputIntValidation(); Console.Write("Please enter the position of the employee: "); string position = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the name of the team: "); string team = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the number of hours worked: "); double hoursWorked = InputDoubleValidation(); Employee employee = new Employee ( passport: passport, name: name, age: age, position: position, team: team, hoursWorked: hoursWorked ); EmployeeJournal.Add(employee); } break; case Menu.CheckEmployees: { Console.Clear(); foreach (var employee in EmployeeJournal.GetEmployees()) { Console.WriteLine($"==========\n{employee}"); } Console.ReadKey(); } break; case Menu.RemoveEmployee: { Console.Write("Please enter the index of the emplyoyee you would like to remove: "); InputIndexValidation(); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case Menu.TeamHoursWorked: { Console.Write("Please enter the name of the team: "); string team = Console.ReadLine(); double teamHoursWorked = EmployeeJournal.TeamHours(team); Console.WriteLine($"The total hours worked by team {team}: {teamHoursWorked}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case Menu.Exit: { EmployeeJournal.SaveToFile(); return; } default: { Console.WriteLine("There is no such command"); } break; } } while (true); }