public ActionResult Find(int id) { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); EmployeeModel model = dal.Find(id); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult ConfigureParameterCategories() { try { ConfigureParameterCategory configParametercategory = new ConfigureParameterCategory(); string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(Membership.GetUser().UserName); configParametercategory.SearchedUserDetails = new SearchedUserDetails(); CommonMethodsDAL Commondal = new CommonMethodsDAL(); configParametercategory.SearchedUserDetails.UserRole = Commondal.GetMaxRoleForUser(role); PersonalDetailsDAL personalDAL = new PersonalDetailsDAL(); EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); int employeeID = dal.GetEmployeeID(Membership.GetUser().UserName); configParametercategory.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeId = employeeID; configParametercategory.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeCode = personalDAL.getEmployeeCode(employeeID); ConfigurationDAL configDAL = new ConfigurationDAL(); List <Parametercompetency> parametercompetency = configDAL.GetParameterCategories(); configParametercategory.RecordsCount = parametercompetency.Count; configParametercategory.Parametercompetencys = parametercompetency; return(PartialView("_ConfigureParameterCompetency", configParametercategory)); } catch { throw; } }
public ActionResult Delete(int id) { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); bool status = dal.Delete(id); return(View()); }
public ActionResult NewEmployee() { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); ViewBag.cities = dal.Getcities(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index(UserDATA data) { ViewBag.Title = "Login to WorkFlow"; ViewBag.Head = "Welcome"; EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); bool checkLogin = dal.CheckLogin(data.USERID, data.PASSWORD); if (checkLogin == true) { TempData["usernameTemp"] = data.USERID; Session["userid"] = data.USERID; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "WF")); } else { data.USERID = "Please input Username"; data.PASSWORD = "******"; } return(View(data)); }
public ActionResult EmployeeApprovalsLoadGrid(int page, int rows, string term, string Module) { try { PersonalDetailsDAL dal = new PersonalDetailsDAL(); EmployeeDAL empdal = new EmployeeDAL(); EmployeeChangesApprovalViewModel objChangesApprovalModel = new Models.EmployeeChangesApprovalViewModel(); int totalCount; int LoggedInEmployeeId = empdal.GetEmployeeID(Membership.GetUser().UserName); List <EmployeeChangesApprovalViewModel> ChangesApprovalList = dal.GetEmployeeChangeDetails(page, rows, term, Module, LoggedInEmployeeId, out totalCount); string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(Membership.GetUser().UserName); if ((ChangesApprovalList == null || ChangesApprovalList.Count <= 0) && page - 1 > 0) { page = page - 1; ChangesApprovalList = dal.GetEmployeeChangeDetails(page, rows, term, Module, LoggedInEmployeeId, out totalCount); } var totalRecords = totalCount; var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalRecords / (double)rows); var jsonData = new { total = totalPages, page = page, records = totalRecords, rows = ChangesApprovalList, }; return(Json(jsonData)); } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { errorCode = "There are some errors." })); } }
public static string UpdateEmployee(int ID, string adi, string soyadi, string maasi, int pozisyonu) { var f = EmployeeBLL.GetEmployeeByName(adi, soyadi).First(); if (f.CalisanID == ID) { if (GetEmployeeToUpdate(ID, adi, soyadi, maasi, pozisyonu).Item2) { try { EmployeeDAL.EmployeeCRUD(GetEmployeeToUpdate(ID, adi, soyadi, maasi, pozisyonu).Item1.ConvertToCalisan(), EntityState.Modified); return("Çalışan güncellendi."); } catch (Exception) { return("Çalışan güncellenirken hata oluştu."); } } else { return("Ad ve soyad metin ,maas ve pozisyon sayısal ifadelerden oluşmalıdır."); } } else { return("Mevcutta var olan bir çalışan başka bir kayıtta da var olamaz."); } }
protected void gvwList_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { switch (e.CommandName) { case "Edit": Response.Redirect("Employeedetail.aspx?action=edt&id=" + e.CommandArgument); break; case "Delete": EmployeeDAL _dalEmployee = null; Hashtable _htParameters = null; try { _dalEmployee = new EmployeeDAL(); _htParameters = new Hashtable(); _htParameters["p_Employee_ID"] = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); _dalEmployee.Delete(_htParameters); this.BindGrid(); Response.Redirect("Employeelist.aspx"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMessageBox(this, Utility.LOAD_DATA_FAIL_MESSAGE, ex, null); } break; } }
private void Window_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IdNameDAL idNameDAL = new IdNameDAL(); cbGender.ItemsSource = idNameDAL.GetByCategory("性别"); cbMarriage.ItemsSource = idNameDAL.GetByCategory("婚姻状况"); cbPartyStatus.ItemsSource = idNameDAL.GetByCategory("政治面貌"); cbEducation.ItemsSource = idNameDAL.GetByCategory("学历"); cbDepatment.ItemsSource = new DepartmentDAL().ListAll(); if (IsAddNew) { Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.InDate = DateTime.Today;//给默认值 employee.ContractStartDay = DateTime.Today; employee.ContractEndDay = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1); employee.Nationality = "汉族"; employee.Email = ""; //employee.Number = "YG"; employee.Number = new SettingDAL().GetValue("员工工号前缀"); gridEmployee.DataContext = employee; } else { Employee employee = new EmployeeDAL().GetById(EditingId); gridEmployee.DataContext = employee; if (employee.Photo != null) { ShowImg(employee.Photo); } } }
public static string AddEmployee(string adi, string soyadi, string maasi, int pozisyonu) { if (GetEmployeeByName(adi, soyadi).Count() <= 0) { if (GetEmployeeToAdd(adi, soyadi, maasi, pozisyonu).Item2) { try { EmployeeDAL.EmployeeCRUD(GetEmployeeToAdd(adi, soyadi, maasi, pozisyonu).Item1.ConvertToCalisan(), EntityState.Added); return("Çalışan eklendi."); } catch (Exception) { return("Çalışan eklenirken hata oluştu."); } } else { return("Ad ve soyad metin ,maas ve pozisyon sayısal ifadelerden oluşmalıdır."); } } else { return("Sistemde bu çalışan mevcut olduğundan eklenmedi."); } }
private void SaveData() { EmployeeDAL _dalEmployee = null; Hashtable _htParameters = null; int iNextID = 0; try { _dalEmployee = new EmployeeDAL(); _htParameters = new Hashtable(); MPF23.Shared.Mapper.UIToDB.Map(pnlBody.Controls, _htParameters); Utility.ApplyDefaultProp(_htParameters); if (Request.Params["action"] == "add") { _dalEmployee.Insert(_htParameters, ref iNextID); } else { _dalEmployee.Update(_htParameters); iNextID = Int32.Parse(lblEmployee_ID.Text); } Utility.ShowMessageBox(this, Utility.SAVE_DATA_SUCCESS_MESSAGE, null, "Employeedetail.aspx?action=edt&id=" + iNextID.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMessageBox(this, Utility.SAVE_DATA_FAIL_MESSAGE, ex, null); } }
// // GET: /Configuration/ public ActionResult Index() { try { ConfigurationViewModel configviewmodel = new ConfigurationViewModel(); CommonMethodsDAL Commondal = new CommonMethodsDAL(); EmployeeDAL employeeDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); configviewmodel.SearchedUserDetails = new SearchedUserDetails(); ViewBag.AsciiKey = Session["SecurityKey"].ToString(); string employeeCode = Membership.GetUser().UserName; int employeeId = employeeDAL.GetEmployeeID(employeeCode); string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(employeeCode); if (employeeCode != null) { configviewmodel.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeId = employeeId; configviewmodel.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeCode = employeeCode; configviewmodel.SearchedUserDetails.UserRole = Commondal.GetMaxRoleForUser(role); } return(View(configviewmodel)); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public ActionResult TableServerSideGetData(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string filter) { var db = new EmployeeDAL(); int?total = 0; var baseListParam = new BaseListParam() { FilterField = filter, OrderByField = "", UserType = Global.CurrentUser.RoleId, UserId = Global.CurrentUser.LoginUserId, DeptId = Global.CurrentUser.OrganizationUnitID, PageIndex = pageIndex, PageSize = pageSize, LanguageCode = Global.CurrentUser.CurrentLanguageID.ToString() }; var result = db.GetEmployee(baseListParam, out total); var lstTotal = new TableColumnsTotalModel(); lstTotal.Total1 = "15"; lstTotal.Total2 = "25"; lstTotal.Total3 = "35"; return(Content(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { employees = result, totalCount = total, lstTotal = lstTotal, hrID = baseListParam.UserId.ToString(), roleID = baseListParam.UserType, positionID = Global.CurrentUser.OfficePositionID }))); }
public IActionResult GetEmployee() { EmployeeDAL empDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); Employee emp = empDAL.GetEmployeeById(10001); return(Ok(emp)); }
public static List <Employee> GetEmployee(NameValueCollection querystring) { string criteria = querystring.Get("Criteria"); int branchID = int.TryParse(querystring.Get("BranchID"), out branchID) ? branchID : 0; return(EmployeeDAL.GetEmployee(criteria, branchID)); }
//***************************************************************************** // hien thi danh sach nhan vien public void HienThiDSNhanVien() { dgvtable.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; EmployeeDAL empDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); dgvEmployee.DataSource = empDAL.getListEmployee(); }
public static string ManageEmployee(NameValueCollection querystring) { int integerParse; //decimal decimalParse; //UserProfile userProfile = WebCommon.GetUserProfile(); var employee = new Employee { EmployeeID = int.TryParse(querystring.Get("EmployeeID"), out integerParse) ? integerParse : 0, FirstName = querystring.Get("FirstName"), MiddleName = querystring.Get("MiddleName"), LastName = querystring.Get("LastName"), ContactNo = querystring.Get("ContactNo"), Address = querystring.Get("Address"), Type = querystring.Get("Agent"), BranchID = int.TryParse(querystring.Get("BranchID"), out integerParse) ? integerParse : 0, PositionID = int.TryParse(querystring.Get("PositionID"), out integerParse) ? integerParse : 0, intIDMasBranchZone = int.TryParse(querystring.Get("intIDMasBranchZone"), out integerParse) ? integerParse : 0, IsActive = querystring.Get("isActive"), //UserID = userProfile.UserId }; string isInsert = querystring.Get("TransType"); string param = WebCommon.ToXML(employee); return(EmployeeDAL.ManageEmployee(param, isInsert)); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { ConfigurationViewModel orbit = new ConfigurationViewModel(); EmployeeDAL employeeDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); orbit.SearchedUserDetails = new SearchedUserDetails(); ViewBag.AsciiKey = Session["SecurityKey"].ToString(); string employeeCode = Membership.GetUser().UserName; int employeeId = employeeDAL.GetEmployeeID(employeeCode); string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(employeeCode); if (employeeCode != null) { orbit.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeId = employeeId; SemDAL semdal = new SemDAL(); int employeeid = semdal.geteEmployeeIDFromSEMDatabase(employeeCode); orbit.SearchedUserDetails.IsProjectReviewer = semdal.CheckIfEmployeeisReviewer(employeeid); orbit.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeCode = employeeCode; orbit.SearchedUserDetails.UserRole = Commondal.GetMaxRoleForUser(role); } return(View(orbit)); } catch { throw; } }
//-------------------------- asfor Employee 20161215_Anas ------------------------------------------- private void BindGridPopUp() { EmployeeDAL _dalEmployee = null; Hashtable _htParameters = null; try { _dalEmployee = new EmployeeDAL(); _htParameters = new Hashtable(); _htParameters["p_keywords"] = txtSearchEmployee.Text; _htParameters["p_status"] = "1"; string abc = Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_HRMS_ROLE].ToString(); if (Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_HRMS_ROLE].ToString() == "1") { _htParameters["p_Employee_Code"] = Session[SessionKey.CURRENT_USER_HRMS_EMP_CODE].ToString(); } gvwListEmployee.DataSource = _dalEmployee.GetRows(_htParameters); gvwListEmployee.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utility.ShowMessageBox(this, Utility.LOAD_DATA_FAIL_MESSAGE, ex, null, null); } }
public static bool DeleteEmployeeBL(string deleteEmployeeID) { bool employeeDeleted = false; try { if (Regex.IsMatch(deleteEmployeeID, "[EMP][0-9]{14}$") == true) //matching user provided employeeID with employeeID in list { EmployeeDAL employeeDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); employeeDeleted = employeeDAL.DeleteEmployeeDAL(deleteEmployeeID); //if matched, the employee is deleted by calling DAL class method } else { throw new PecuniaException("Invalid Employee ID"); } } catch (PecuniaException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(employeeDeleted); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { EmployeeDAL objDal = new EmployeeDAL(); objDal.DeleteById(id); return(RedirectToAction("Get")); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { EmployeeChangesApprovalViewModel model = new EmployeeChangesApprovalViewModel(); EmployeeDAL employeeDAL = new EmployeeDAL(); model.SearchedUserDetails = new SearchedUserDetails(); string employeeCode = Membership.GetUser().UserName; int employeeId = employeeDAL.GetEmployeeID(employeeCode); string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(employeeCode); string maxRole = Commondal.GetMaxRoleForUser(role); if (employeeCode != null) { model.EmployeeID = employeeId; model.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeId = employeeId; model.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeCode = employeeCode; model.SearchedUserDetails.UserRole = maxRole; ViewBag.UserRole = maxRole; } return(View(model)); } catch (Exception) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error", new { errorCode = "You are not authorised to do this action" })); } }
public void Test_GetEmployee_DAL() { //Arrange var empData = new List <EmployeeDetail> { new EmployeeDetail() { Name = "Sanjay Kumar", EmployeeID = "M100", } }.AsQueryable(); var mockSet = new Mock <DbSet <EmployeeDetail> >(); mockSet.As <IQueryable <EmployeeDetail> >().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(empData.Provider); mockSet.As <IQueryable <EmployeeDetail> >().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(empData.Expression); mockSet.As <IQueryable <EmployeeDetail> >().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(empData.ElementType); mockSet.As <IQueryable <EmployeeDetail> >().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(empData.GetEnumerator()); var mockContext = new Mock <API201Entities>(); mockContext.Setup(c => c.EmployeeDetails).Returns(mockSet.Object); var service = new EmployeeDAL(mockContext.Object); var emp = service.GetEmployee("M100"); Assert.AreEqual(empData.Count(), emp.Count()); }
public ActionResult Edit(EmployeeModel model) { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); dal.Update(model.employeeid, model.password, model.employeeemail); return(View("view_updated")); }
public string GetCurrentUserLoggedOn() { EmployeeDAL empdal = new EmployeeDAL(); HRMS_tbl_PM_Employee employeeDetails = empdal.GetEmployeeDetailsFromEmpCode(Convert.ToInt32(Membership.GetUser().UserName)); return(employeeDetails.EmployeeName); }
public ActionResult search(string key) { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(); List <EmployeeProjectionModel> list = dal.Search(key); return(View(list)); }
/// <summary> /// This function is used to delete a row from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="dtoobj"> This object contains the id of the Employee who's data we wish to delete from the database</param> public void delete(EmployeeDTO dtoobj) { Employeemapper mapperobj = new Employeemapper(); EmployeeDAL edalobj = new EmployeeDAL(); edalobj.delete(mapperobj.to_modelobj(dtoobj)); }
public ActionResult Index() { try { Session["SearchEmpFullName"] = null; // to hide emp search Session["SearchEmpCode"] = null; Session["SearchEmpID"] = null; ConfirmationViewModel confirmationmodel = new ConfirmationViewModel(); string EmployeeCode = Membership.GetUser().UserName; string[] role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(EmployeeCode); confirmationmodel.SearchedUserDetails = new SearchedUserDetails(); CommonMethodsDAL Commondal = new CommonMethodsDAL(); confirmationmodel.SearchedUserDetails.UserRole = Commondal.GetMaxRoleForUser(role); PersonalDetailsDAL personalDAL = new PersonalDetailsDAL(); confirmationmodel.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeCode = EmployeeCode; EmployeeDAL DAL = new EmployeeDAL(); confirmationmodel.SearchedUserDetails.EmployeeId = DAL.GetEmployeeID(EmployeeCode); return(View(confirmationmodel)); } catch { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// This function is used to update a particular entry in the database /// </summary> public void update(EmployeeDTO dtoobj) { Employeemapper mapperobj = new Employeemapper(); EmployeeDAL eobj = new EmployeeDAL(); eobj.update(mapperobj.to_modelobj(dtoobj)); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { EmployeeInformationDAL EmpInforDAL = new EmployeeInformationDAL(); RankDAL rankDAL = new RankDAL(); DepartmentDAL departDAL = new DepartmentDAL(); cmbGender.ItemsSource = EmpInforDAL.GetNameByCategory("Gender"); cmbRank.ItemsSource = rankDAL.ListAll(); cmbDepartment.ItemsSource = departDAL.ListAll(); Employee employee = new Employee(); employee.Birthday = DateTime.Today; employee.ContractStartDate = DateTime.Today; employee.ContractEndDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1); employee.RankID = rankDAL.GetRankIDByRankName("Staff"); //employee.Password = pwdPassword.Password; employee.DepartmentID = EditerDptID; employee.PaidFreq = txtPaidFreq.Text; if (IsEdited == false) { gridEdit.DataContext = employee; } else { Employee newemployee = new EmployeeDAL().GetByUerName(SelectedUserName); gridEdit.DataContext = newemployee; } }
public void BareMinimum() { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Server=\sqlexpress;Database=Tests;User Id=testusr;Password=pass@word1;")) { EmployeeDAL dal = new EmployeeDAL(new DapperDatabase(conn)); Employee employee = dal[EmployeeDAL.Queries.GET_BY_ID.ToString()].AddParam("1", 1).Db.Get<Employee>(); } }