// Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     currentEmotions        = new EmotionStruct();
     currentFACS            = new FACSStruct();
     emotionWindow          = new ArrayList();
     emotionWindow.Capacity = 10;
    public string getStrongestEmotion2(EmotionStruct emotions)
        int idx = -1;

        string[] emotionNames = { "anger", "fear", "joy", "surprise", "sadness", "disgust" };
        float[]  emotionVals  =
        float max = float.MinValue;

        for (int i = 0; i < emotionNames.Length; ++i)
            if (emotionVals[i] > max)
                max = emotionVals[i];
                idx = i;
        if (max > 10.0f)
    void Start()
        // Initialize the current emotions
        currentEmotions = new EmotionStruct();


        //  Create credential and instantiate service
        Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

        _speechToText = new SpeechToText(credentials);
        Credentials naturalLanguageUnderstandingCredentials = new Credentials()
            // Original Watson NLP credentials
            // Username = "******",
            // Password = "******",

            Username = "******",
            Password = "******",
            Url      = "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/natural-language-understanding/api"

        _nlu   = new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding(naturalLanguageUnderstandingCredentials);
        Active = true;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Pull in the most recent emotional state for each of the modalities
        if (useFacialEmotion)
            currentFacialEmotion  = facialAnalyzer.getCurrentEmotions();
            currentFacialEmotion2 = facialAnalyzer2.getCurrentEmotions();
            currentFACS           = facialAnalyzer.getCurrentFACS();
            currentFACS2          = facialAnalyzer2.getCurrentFACS();
            // Debug.Log("got facial emotion struct");

        if (useWordSentimentEmotion)
            currentWordSentimentEmotion = wordAnalyzer.getCurrentEmotions();

        if (useVocalToneEmotion)
            currentVocalEmotion = vocalAnalyzer.getVocalToneResults();

        //Set mood tracker attributes
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Initialize the current emotion
        currentCumulativeEmotion = new EmotionStruct();

        uiManagerScript = uIManager.GetComponent <UIManager> ();

        // Find the script for facial emotion analysis
        try {
            facialAnalyzer = (FacialEmotionAnalyzer)facialEmotionAnalyzerObject.GetComponent(typeof(FacialEmotionAnalyzer));              // this seems to fail silently...
        catch (System.Exception) {
            Debug.Log("Unable to find facial emotion analyzer. This functionality will be disabled.");
            useFacialEmotion = false;
 // Returns a color to be used by the user interface based on the current synthesized emotion
 public Color calculateEmotionColor(EmotionStruct emotions)
     if (emotions.joy > emotions.fear &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.disgust &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.sadness &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.anger &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.surprise &&
         emotions.joy > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));                          // green
     else if (emotions.fear > emotions.disgust &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.fear > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));                          // magenta
     else if (emotions.disgust > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.disgust > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));                          // yellow
     else if (emotions.sadness > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.sadness > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.sadness > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));                          // blue
     else if (emotions.anger > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.anger > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));                          // red
     else if (emotions.surprise > emotionThreshold)
         return(new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));                          // white
         return(new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));                          // black
 // Returns the strongest emotion present in the current cumulative emotion
 public string getValueOfStrongestEmotionString(EmotionStruct emotions)
     if (emotions.joy > emotions.fear &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.disgust &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.sadness &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.anger &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.surprise &&
         emotions.joy > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.fear > emotions.disgust &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.fear > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.disgust > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.disgust > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.sadness > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.sadness > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.sadness > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.anger > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.anger > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.surprise > emotionThreshold)
 // Returns the strongest emotion present in the current cumulative emotion
 public float getValueOfStrongestEmotion(EmotionStruct emotions)
     if (emotions.joy > emotions.fear &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.disgust &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.sadness &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.anger &&
         emotions.joy > emotions.surprise &&
         emotions.joy > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.fear > emotions.disgust &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.fear > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.fear > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.disgust > emotions.sadness &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.disgust > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.disgust > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.sadness > emotions.anger &&
              emotions.sadness > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.sadness > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.anger > emotions.surprise &&
              emotions.anger > emotionThreshold)
     else if (emotions.surprise > emotionThreshold)
    // Sets the currentEmotions struct as an average of the past ten seconds worth of emotion collected from facial analysis.
    private void calculateCurrentEmotion()
        if (emotionWindow.Count > 0)
            EmotionStruct emotionSum = new EmotionStruct();
            foreach (EmotionStruct e in emotionWindow)
                emotionSum.anger      += e.anger;
                emotionSum.joy        += e.joy;
                emotionSum.fear       += e.fear;
                emotionSum.sadness    += e.sadness;
                emotionSum.disgust    += e.disgust;
                emotionSum.surprise   += e.surprise;
                emotionSum.contempt   += e.contempt;
                emotionSum.valence    += e.valence;
                emotionSum.engagement += e.engagement;

            currentEmotions.anger      = emotionSum.anger / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.joy        = emotionSum.joy / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.fear       = emotionSum.fear / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.sadness    = emotionSum.sadness / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.disgust    = emotionSum.disgust / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.surprise   = emotionSum.surprise / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.contempt   = emotionSum.contempt / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.valence    = emotionSum.valence / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions.engagement = emotionSum.engagement / (float)emotionWindow.Count;
            currentEmotions = new EmotionStruct();

        // Debug.Log("emotion window count: " + emotionWindow.Count);
        // Debug.Log("facial anger" + currentEmotions.anger);
        // Debug.Log("facial joy" + currentEmotions.joy);
        // Debug.Log("facial fear" + currentEmotions.fear);
        // Debug.Log("facial sadness" + currentEmotions.sadness);
        // Debug.Log("facial disgust" + currentEmotions.disgust);
        // Debug.Log("facial surprise" + currentEmotions.surprise);
    ///////////////////////////////////////// SET/CALCULATE CUMULATIVE EMOTION START ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    // Returns a final emotion based on the emotion input types that are specified using a simple weighted average.
    public void calculateCumulativeEmotion()
        EmotionStruct emotionSum      = new EmotionStruct();
        int           numEmotionModes = 0;

        if (useFacialEmotion)
            EmotionStruct facialEmotions = facialAnalyzer.getCurrentEmotions();
            emotionSum.joy      += facialEmotions.joy;
            emotionSum.sadness  += facialEmotions.sadness;
            emotionSum.anger    += facialEmotions.anger;
            emotionSum.fear     += facialEmotions.fear;
            emotionSum.disgust  += facialEmotions.disgust;
            emotionSum.surprise += facialEmotions.surprise;

        if (useWordSentimentEmotion)
            Debug.Log("Need to implement emotion from word sentiment.");
        if (useVocalToneEmotion)
            Debug.Log("Need to implement emotion from vocal tone.");

        if (numEmotionModes > 0)
            currentCumulativeEmotion.joy      = emotionSum.joy / (float)numEmotionModes;
            currentCumulativeEmotion.sadness  = emotionSum.sadness / (float)numEmotionModes;
            currentCumulativeEmotion.anger    = emotionSum.anger / (float)numEmotionModes;
            currentCumulativeEmotion.fear     = emotionSum.fear / (float)numEmotionModes;
            currentCumulativeEmotion.disgust  = emotionSum.disgust / (float)numEmotionModes;
            currentCumulativeEmotion.surprise = emotionSum.surprise / (float)numEmotionModes;
    public override void onImageResults(Dictionary <int, Face> faces)
        // Debug.Log("Got face results");

        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Face> pair in faces)
            int  FaceId = pair.Key;   // The Face Unique Id.
            Face face   = pair.Value; // Instance of the face class containing emotions, and facial expression values.

            //Retrieve the Emotions Scores
            // face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Contempt, out currentContempt);
            // face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Valence, out currentValence);

            // Ensure that emotion values are sampled only once a second, regardless of the frame rate
            if (frameSampleCount % frameSampleRate == 0)
//				new Thread(() =>
//					{
//						Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
//						/* run your code here */
//						var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(wavFile);
//						var analysisResponseString = CreateWebRequest(analysisUrl, bytes, token);
//						//							Debug.Log(analysisResponseString);
//						currentAnalysis = JSON.Parse(analysisResponseString);
//					}).Start()

                // Retrieve the emotion for this frame
                EmotionStruct nextEmotion = new EmotionStruct();
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Joy, out nextEmotion.joy);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Fear, out nextEmotion.fear);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Disgust, out nextEmotion.disgust);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Sadness, out nextEmotion.sadness);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Anger, out nextEmotion.anger);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Surprise, out nextEmotion.surprise);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Contempt, out nextEmotion.contempt);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Valence, out nextEmotion.valence);
                face.Emotions.TryGetValue(Emotions.Engagement, out nextEmotion.engagement);

                // Retrieve FACS values
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.Smile, out currentFACS.Smile);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.InnerBrowRaise, out currentFACS.InnerEyeBrowRaise);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.BrowRaise, out currentFACS.BrowRaise);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.BrowFurrow, out currentFACS.BrowFurrow);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.NoseWrinkle, out currentFACS.NoseWrinkler);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.UpperLipRaise, out currentFACS.UpperLipRaiser);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.LipCornerDepressor, out currentFACS.LipCornerDepressor);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.ChinRaise, out currentFACS.ChinRaiser);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.LipPucker, out currentFACS.LipPucker);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.LipPress, out currentFACS.LipPress);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.LipSuck, out currentFACS.LipSuck);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.MouthOpen, out currentFACS.MouthOpen);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.Smirk, out currentFACS.Smirk);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.EyeClosure, out currentFACS.EyeClosure);
                face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.Attention, out currentFACS.Attention);
                //Not considering surprise or disgust for now
//				nextEmotion.surprise = 0f;
//				nextEmotion.disgust = 0f;
                // currentEmotions = nextEmotion;
                // Debug.Log("NEW ANGER!: " + nextEmotion.anger);

                // Add in the next emotion captured by Affectiva
                if (emotionWindow.Count == 4)
                    // add the tenth analysis to complete the window

                    // calculate the currentEmotions for this window and assign the parameter

                    // shift the window back to prepare for the next emotion data
                    // add the next element


            // check for overflow and reset if it occurs
            if (frameSampleCount < 0)
                frameSampleCount = 0;

            // Debug.Log("Frame sample count: " + frameSampleCount);

            //Retrieve the Smile Score
            // face.Expressions.TryGetValue(Expressions.Smile, out currentSmile);

            //Retrieve the Interocular distance, the distance between two outer eye corners.
            //Retrieve the coordinates of the facial landmarks (face feature points)
            FeaturePoint[] featurePointsList = face.FeaturePoints;
            Measurements   measurementsList  = face.Measurements;

            moodTrackerParameters.x = featurePointsList [12].x;
            moodTrackerParameters.y = featurePointsList [12].y;
            moodTrackerParameters.z = measurementsList.interOcularDistance;
            moodTrackerParameters.w = Mathf.Abs(featurePointsList [2].y - featurePointsList [12].y);
            orientation             = face.Measurements.Orientation;
    private IEnumerator RequestEmotionUpdate()
        // Debug.Log("Entered REQUEST EMOTION UPDATE COROUTINE.");
        while (true)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(colorUpdateTime));

            if (gameManagerScript.useFacialEmotion)
                EmotionStruct currentEmotions  = gameManagerScript.getCurrentFacialEmotion();
                EmotionStruct currentEmotions2 = gameManagerScript.getCurrentFacialEmotion2();
                FACSStruct    currentFACS      = gameManagerScript.getCurrentFACS();
                FACSStruct    currentFACS2     = gameManagerScript.getCurrentFACS2();
                FacialEmotionText.text = "Joy: " + currentEmotions.joy + "\nAnger: " + currentEmotions.anger + "\nFear: " + currentEmotions.fear + "\nDisgust: " + currentEmotions.disgust + "\nSadness: " + currentEmotions.sadness + "\nContempt: " + currentEmotions.contempt + "\nValence: " + currentEmotions.valence + "\nEngagement: " + currentEmotions.engagement;
                FACSText.text          = "Attention: " + currentFACS.Attention + "\nBrowFurrow: " + currentFACS.BrowFurrow + "\nBrowRaise: " + currentFACS.BrowRaise + "\nChinRaise: " + currentFACS.ChinRaiser + "\nEyeClose: " + currentFACS.EyeClosure + "\nInnerEyebrowRaise: " + currentFACS.InnerEyeBrowRaise + "\nLipCornerDepress: " + currentFACS.LipCornerDepressor + "\nLipPress: " + currentFACS.LipPress + "\nLipPucker: " + currentFACS.LipPucker + "\nLipSuck: " + currentFACS.LipSuck + "\nMouthOpen: " + currentFACS.MouthOpen + "\nNoseWrinkle: " + currentFACS.NoseWrinkler + "\nSmile: " + currentFACS.Smile + "\nSmirk: " + currentFACS.Smirk + "\nUpperLipRaise" + currentFACS.UpperLipRaiser;
                // Update facial emotion colors
                if (gameManagerScript.useAugmentedBasicEmotions)
                    currentValue      = (currentEmotions.valence + 175f) / 300f;
                    currentHueDist    = gameManagerScript.calculateEmotionHueDist(currentEmotions);
                    currentSaturation = sum(currentHueDist) / 100f;
                    currentHue        = getStrongestHue(currentHueDist);
                else if (gameManagerScript.useBasicEmotions)
                    currentValue      = (currentEmotions.valence + 175f) / 300f;
                    currentSaturation = currentEmotions.engagement / 100f;
                    currentHue        = (currentValue + currentSaturation) / 2;
                string currentStrongestEmotion  = getStrongestEmotion(currentHueDist);
                string currentStrongestEmotion2 = getStrongestEmotion2(currentEmotions2);
                int    threshidx = 0;
                if (getStrongestEmotionVal(currentHueDist) >= 50.0f)
                    threshidx = 1;
                currentEmotionEmoji  = facialEmojiDict [currentStrongestEmotion] [threshidx];
                currentEmotionEmoji2 = facialEmojiDict [currentStrongestEmotion2] [threshidx];
                if (currentStrongestEmotion == "joy")
                    rotationX = 0f;
                    rotationX = -90.0f;
                if (currentStrongestEmotion2 == "joy")
                    rotationX2 = 0f;
                    rotationX2 = -90.0f;
                previousFacialEmotionColor = currentFacialEmotionColor;
                currentFacialEmotionColor  = gameManagerScript.calculateEmotionColor(gameManagerScript.getCurrentFacialEmotion());

                // Update the emotion bars
                previousFacialEmotionBarWidth = currentFacialEmotionBarWidth;
                currentFacialEmotionBarWidth  = gameManagerScript.getValueOfStrongestEmotion(gameManagerScript.getCurrentFacialEmotion()) * 2;

            if (gameManagerScript.useWordSentimentEmotion)
                // Update word sentiment emotion colors
                previousWordSentimentEmotionColor = currentWordSentimentEmotionColor;
                currentWordSentimentEmotionColor  = gameManagerScript.calculateEmotionColor(gameManagerScript.getCurrentWordSentimentEmotion());

                EmotionStruct currentEmotions = gameManagerScript.getCurrentWordSentimentEmotion();

                SentimentEmotionText.text = "Joy: " + currentEmotions.joy + "\nAnger: " + currentEmotions.anger + "\nFear: " + currentEmotions.fear + "\nDisgust: " + currentEmotions.disgust + "\nSadness: " + currentEmotions.sadness;

                previousWordSentimentEmotionBarWidth = currentWordSentimentEmotionBarWidth;
                currentWordSentimentEmotionBarWidth  = gameManagerScript.getValueOfStrongestEmotion(gameManagerScript.getCurrentWordSentimentEmotion()) * 2;
            if (gameManagerScript.useVocalToneEmotion)
                if (gameManagerScript.useFacialEmotion)
                    currentSaturation += vocalToneResults.ArousalVal / 100f;
                    currentValue      += vocalToneResults.ValenceVal / 100f;
                    currentSaturation /= 2f;
                    currentValue      /= 2f;
                    currentSaturation = vocalToneResults.ArousalVal / 100f;
                    currentValue      = vocalToneResults.ValenceVal / 100f;

            currentBackground = Color.HSVToRGB(currentHue, currentSaturation, currentValue);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     currentEmotions = new EmotionStruct();
 public float[] calculateEmotionHueDist(EmotionStruct emotions)
     float[] hueDist = { emotions.anger, emotions.fear, emotions.joy, emotions.surprise, emotions.sadness, emotions.disgust };