public CoverageDataContext(Guid resourceID, EmitionTypes emissionType, string originalWebServerUrl) { IsMultipleWorkflowReport = resourceID == Guid.Empty; ResourceID = resourceID; ReturnType = emissionType; _originalWebServerUrl = originalWebServerUrl; }
private static IResponseWriter Throw(EmitionTypes emitionTypes, HttpStatusCode statusCode, string title, string message) { Dev2Logger.Warn(message, GlobalConstants.WarewolfWarn); var response = Extensions.CreateWarewolfErrorResponse(emitionTypes, statusCode, title, message); throw new HttpResponseException(response); }
public static string CreateErrorResponse(EmitionTypes emissionType, HttpStatusCode statusCode, string title, string message) { switch (emissionType) { case EmitionTypes.XML: case EmitionTypes.TRX: return(new Error { Status = (int)statusCode, Title = title, Message = message }.ToXML()); default: case EmitionTypes.JSON: case EmitionTypes.OPENAPI: case EmitionTypes.TEST: case EmitionTypes.Cover: case EmitionTypes.CoverJson: return(new Error { Status = (int)statusCode, Title = title, Message = message }.ToJSON()); } }
private static bool IsRunAllTestsRequest(EmitionTypes returnType, string serviceName) { var isRunAllTests = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName); isRunAllTests &= serviceName == "*" || serviceName == ".tests" || serviceName == ".tests.trx"; isRunAllTests &= returnType == EmitionTypes.TEST || returnType == EmitionTypes.TRX; return(isRunAllTests); }
public static HttpResponseMessage CreateWarewolfErrorResponse(EmitionTypes emitionType, HttpStatusCode statusCode, string tittle, string message) { var calculatedMessage = ExecuteExceptionPayload.CreateErrorResponse(emitionType, statusCode, tittle, message); var content = emitionType.GetHttpStringContent(calculatedMessage); return(new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode) { Content = content }); }
private static bool IsRunAllCoverageRequest(EmitionTypes returnType, string serviceName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serviceName)) { return(false); } var isRunAllCoverage = serviceName == "*" || serviceName == ".coverage" || serviceName == ".coverage.json"; isRunAllCoverage |= serviceName.EndsWith("/.coverage"); isRunAllCoverage &= returnType == EmitionTypes.Cover || returnType == EmitionTypes.CoverJson; return(isRunAllCoverage); }
private IResponseWriter CreateEncryptedResponse(EmitionTypes emitionTypes, string payload) { var rs = new StringResponseWriterFactory(); if (payload.Length > 0) { var encryptedPayload = _jwtManager.GenerateToken(payload); encryptedPayload = "{\"token\": \"" + encryptedPayload + "\"}"; return(rs.New(encryptedPayload, "application/json")); } return(Throw(emitionTypes, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, GlobalConstants.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Token Genaration Failed")); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DatalistFormat instance that represents the given <paramref name="formatName" />, or creates a new one if a DatalistFormat instance /// does not exist for the given <paramref name="formatName" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="formatName">The display name of the datalist format.</param> /// <param name="publicFormatName">Name of the public format.</param> /// <param name="headerType">Type of the header.</param> /// <returns> /// An instance of the DatalistFormat type that is unique to the given <paramref name="formatName" /> /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">formatName cannot be null or empty string.</exception> public static DataListFormat CreateFormat(string formatName, EmitionTypes publicFormatName = EmitionTypes.XML, string headerType = "") { if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(formatName)) throw new ArgumentException("formatName cannot be null or empty string."); DataListFormat format; lock(_formatLock) { if(!_existingFormats.TryGetValue(formatName, out format)) { format = new DataListFormat(formatName, publicFormatName, headerType); _existingFormats.Add(formatName, format); } } return format; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DatalistFormat instance that represents the given <paramref name="formatName" />, or creates a new one if a DatalistFormat instance /// does not exist for the given <paramref name="formatName" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="formatName">The display name of the datalist format.</param> /// <param name="publicFormatName">Name of the public format.</param> /// <param name="headerType">Type of the header.</param> /// <returns> /// An instance of the DatalistFormat type that is unique to the given <paramref name="formatName" /> /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">formatName cannot be null or empty string.</exception> public static DataListFormat CreateFormat(string formatName, EmitionTypes publicFormatName = EmitionTypes.XML, string headerType = "") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formatName)) { throw new ArgumentException("formatName cannot be null or empty string."); } DataListFormat format; lock (_formatLock) { if (!_existingFormats.TryGetValue(formatName, out format)) { format = new DataListFormat(formatName, publicFormatName, headerType); _existingFormats.Add(formatName, format); } } return(format); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DatalistFormat instance that represents the given <paramref name="formatName" />, or creates a new one if a DatalistFormat instance /// does not exist for the given <paramref name="formatName" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="formatName">The display name of the datalist format.</param> /// <param name="publicFormatName">Name of the public format.</param> /// <param name="headerType">Type of the header.</param> /// <returns> /// An instance of the DatalistFormat type that is unique to the given <paramref name="formatName" /> /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">formatName cannot be null or empty string.</exception> public static DataListFormat CreateFormat(string formatName, EmitionTypes publicFormatName = EmitionTypes.XML, string headerType = "") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formatName)) { throw new ArgumentException(ErrorResource.FormatNameCannotBeNull); } DataListFormat format; lock (FormatLock) { if (!ExistingFormats.TryGetValue(formatName, out format)) { format = new DataListFormat(formatName, publicFormatName, headerType); ExistingFormats.Add(formatName, format); } } return(format); }
static bool IsRunAllTestsRequest(EmitionTypes returnType, string serviceName) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serviceName) && (serviceName == "*" || serviceName == ".tests" || serviceName == ".tests.trx") && (returnType == EmitionTypes.TEST || returnType == EmitionTypes.TRX);
DataListFormat(string formatName, EmitionTypes publicType, string headerType) { _formatName = formatName; PublicFormatName = publicType; ContentType = headerType; }
static void Verify_OnAuthorization_Response(bool isAuthenticated, string actionName, bool isAuthorized, HttpStatusCode expectedStatusCode, string title, string expectedMessage, EmitionTypes emitionTypes = EmitionTypes.JSON) { //------------Setup for test-------------------------- var authorizationProvider = new Mock <IAuthorizationService>(); authorizationProvider.Setup(p => p.IsAuthorized(It.IsAny <IAuthorizationRequest>())).Returns(isAuthorized); var attribute = new AuthorizeWebAttribute(authorizationProvider.Object); var actionContext = CreateActionContext(isAuthenticated, actionName); //------------Execute Test--------------------------- attribute.OnAuthorization(actionContext); //------------Assert Results------------------------- if (isAuthorized && isAuthenticated) { Assert.IsNull(actionContext.Response); } else { Assert.AreEqual(expectedStatusCode, actionContext.Response.StatusCode); var errorObject = new Error { Status = (int)expectedStatusCode, Title = title, Message = expectedMessage }; var actualResponse = actionContext.Response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; if (emitionTypes.Equals(EmitionTypes.XML)) { Assert.AreEqual(errorObject.ToXML(), actualResponse); } Assert.AreEqual(errorObject.ToJSON(), actualResponse); } }
private DataListFormat(string formatName, EmitionTypes publicType, string headerType) { _formatName = formatName; PublicFormatName = publicType; ContentType = headerType; }
public static StringContent GetHttpStringContent(this EmitionTypes emitionType, string message) { return(emitionType == EmitionTypes.XML || emitionType == EmitionTypes.TRX ? new StringContent(message, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml") : new StringContent(message, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); }
public CoverageDataContext(Guid resourceID, EmitionTypes emissionType, string originalWebServerUrl, string reportName) : this(resourceID, emissionType, originalWebServerUrl) { ReportName = reportName; }