public Flashing(Printing printer) { _printer = printer; EmbeddedResourceHelper.ExtractResources(_resources); var query = new System.Management.SelectQuery("Win32_SystemDriver") { Condition = "Name = 'libusb0'" }; var searcher = new System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher(query); var drivers = searcher.Get(); if (drivers.Count > 0) { printer.Print("libusb0 driver found on system", MessageType.Info); } else { printer.Print("libusb0 driver not found - attempting to install", MessageType.Info); if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2"))) { Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2"), true); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, ""), Application.LocalUserAppDataPath); var size = 0; var success = Program.SetupCopyOEMInf(Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, "dfu-prog-usb-1.2.2", "atmel_usb_dfu.inf"), "", Program.OemSourceMediaType.SpostNone, Program.OemCopyStyle.SpCopyNewer, null, 0, ref size, null); if (!success) { var errorCode = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); var errorString = new Win32Exception(errorCode).Message; printer.Print("Error: " + errorString, MessageType.Error); } } _process = new Process(); //process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; //process.OutputDataReceived += OnOutputDataReceived; //process.ErrorDataReceived += OnErrorDataReceived; _startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }; }
public Flashing(Printing printer) { _printer = printer; EmbeddedResourceHelper.ExtractResources(_resources); _process = new Process(); _startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardError = true, RedirectStandardOutput = true, RedirectStandardInput = true, CreateNoWindow = true }; }
private static bool InstallDrivers() { const string drivers = "drivers.txt"; const string installer = "qmk_driver_installer.exe"; var driversPath = Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, drivers); var installerPath = Path.Combine(Application.LocalUserAppDataPath, installer); if (!File.Exists(driversPath)) { EmbeddedResourceHelper.ExtractResources(drivers); } if (!File.Exists(installerPath)) { EmbeddedResourceHelper.ExtractResources(installer); } var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(installerPath, $"--all --force \"{driversPath}\"") { Verb = "runas" } }; try { process.Start(); Settings.Default.driversInstalled = true; Settings.Default.Save(); return(true); } catch (Win32Exception) { var tryAgain = MessageBox.Show("This action requires administrator rights, do you want to try again?", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error) == DialogResult.Retry; return(tryAgain && InstallDrivers()); } }