public async Task PickCommand([Remainder] string message) { var options = message.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed($"Choice for {Context.User.Username}", options.GetRandomItem(), new Color(255, 255, 0)); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task HelpPermaRole() { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help permarole", $@"Here is more information about 'permarole'. {prefix}permarole - Show the currently used icon for perma roles {prefix}permarole seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for perma roles."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task HelpPrefix() { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help prefix", $@"Here is more information about 'prefix'. {prefix}prefix - Show the command prefix for this server. {prefix}prefix set (new prefix) - Change the command prefix for this server."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task HelpPraise() { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help praise", $@"Here is more information about 'praise'. {prefix}praise (username) - Send a positive message to that user. {prefix}praise someone - Send a positive message to a random person. {prefix}praise everyone - Send a positive message to everyone."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task HelpAutoChannel() { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help autochannel", $@"Here is more information about 'autochannel'. {prefix}autochannel - Show the currently used icon for auto channels. {prefix}autochannel seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for auto channels. {prefix}autochannel fix - Fixes the problem where I am unable to remove generates auto channels."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task HelpMusic() { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; var embed = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help music", $@"Here is more information about 'music'. {prefix}music play (video url) - Add a song to the queue. {prefix}music play (name) - Search for a song by it's name and add it to the queue. {prefix}music pause - Pause the currently playing song. {prefix}music unpause - Un-pause the currently playing song. {prefix}music playing - Show what song is currently playing. {prefix}music queue - List all the songs in the queue. {prefix}music shuffle - Shuffle all the songs in the queue. {prefix}music skip - Skip the song currently playing. {prefix}music clear - Remove all songs from the queue. {prefix}music stop - Stop playing music and remove all songs from the queue."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
private async Task SendDM(IUser user, string message, string title = "") { var channel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed(title, message)); }
public async Task DefaultHelp([Remainder] string message = null) { var prefix = CommandSettings.Load(Context.Guild.Id).Prefix; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { await ReplyAsync("There is no advanced information for that command (yet)."); return; } var ember = EmbedExtentions.CreateEmbed("Help", $@"Here is a list of commands you can use. __**General commands**__ {prefix}help (command) - Show advanced help for a command. {prefix}pick (option1|option2|etc) - Select a random item from the options that are separated with |. {prefix}birthday (username) - Sing a song for a happy fellow. {prefix}kill (username) - Make me kill that user. __praise__ {prefix}praise (username) - Send a positive message to that user. {prefix}praise someone - Send a positive message to a random person. {prefix}praise everyone - Send a positive message to everyone. {prefix}praise role (rolename) - Send a positive message to a group. __music__ {prefix}music play (video url) - Add a song to the queue. {prefix}music play (name) - Search for a song by it's name and add it to the queue. {prefix}music pause - Pause the currently playing song. {prefix}music unpause - Un-pause the currently playing song. {prefix}music playing - Show what song is currently playing. {prefix}music queue - List all the songs in the queue. {prefix}music shuffle - Shuffle all the songs in the queue. {prefix}music skip - Skip the song currently playing. {prefix}music clear - Remove all songs from the queue. {prefix}music stop - Stop playing music and remove all songs from the queue. __**Admin commands**__ {prefix}announce (message) - Announce a message to all members of your server. __prefix__ {prefix}prefix - Show the command prefix for this server. {prefix}prefix set (new prefix) - Change the command prefix for this server. __autochannel (ac)__ {prefix}autochannel - Show the currently used icon for auto channels. {prefix}autochannel seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for auto channels. {prefix}autochannel fix - Fixes the problem where I am unable to remove generates auto channels. __permachannel (pc)__ {prefix}permachannel - Show the currently used icon for perma channels {prefix}permachannel seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for perma channels. __autorole (ar)__ {prefix}autorole - Show the currently used icon for auto roles. {prefix}autorole seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for auto roles. __permarole (pr)__ {prefix}permarole - Show the currently used icon for perma roles {prefix}permarole seticon (new icon) - Change the icon for perma roles. I am constantly updated with new features so keep an eye on this page."); await ReplyAsync("", false, ember); }