public void CreateEmail(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IResourceList recipients, string[] attachments, bool addSignature) { EmailRecipient[] emailRecipients = null; if (recipients != null) { emailRecipients = new EmailRecipient [recipients.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < recipients.Count; i++) { IResource res = recipients [i]; if (res.Type != "Contact" && res.Type != "EmailAccount") { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid recipient resource type"); } emailRecipients [i].Name = res.DisplayName; if (res.Type == "Contact") { IContact contact = Core.ContactManager.GetContact(res); emailRecipients [i].EmailAddress = contact.DefaultEmailAddress; } else { emailRecipients [i].EmailAddress = BuildAddressWithType(res.GetStringProp("EmailAddress")); } } } CreateEmail(subject, body, bodyFormat, emailRecipients, attachments, addSignature); }
public void CreateEmail(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IResourceList recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { if (recipients != null && recipients.Count > 0) { foreach (IResource resource in recipients) { if (resource.Type != "Contact" && resource.Type != "ContactName" && resource.Type != STR.EmailAccount) { throw new ApplicationException("CreateEmail -- wrong invokation with a recipient of inappropriate type [" + resource.Type + "]"); } } } CreateEmailDelegate emailDelegate = OutlookFacadeHelper.CreateNewMessage; try { _outlookProcessor.RunJob("Creation new mail", emailDelegate, subject, body, bodyFormat, recipients, attachments, useTemplatesInBody); } catch (OutlookThreadTimeoutException ex) { _tracer.TraceException(ex); _outlookProcessor.QueueJob(JobPriority.AboveNormal, "Creation new mail", emailDelegate, subject, body, bodyFormat, recipients, attachments, useTemplatesInBody); } }
public override bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { ArrayList recipientsArray = null; if (recipients != null && recipients.Length > 0) { recipientsArray = GetRecipientsArray(recipients); } return(CreateNewMessage(subject, body, bodyFormat, recipientsArray, attachments, useTemplatesInBody, null)); }
public void CreateEmail(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool addSignature) { CreateEmailWithRecipDelegate emailDelegate = OutlookFacadeHelper.CreateNewMessage; try { _outlookProcessor.RunUniqueJob("Creation new mail", emailDelegate, subject, body, bodyFormat, recipients, attachments, addSignature); } catch (OutlookThreadTimeoutException ex) { _tracer.TraceException(ex); _outlookProcessor.QueueJob(JobPriority.AboveNormal, "Creation new mail", emailDelegate, subject, body, bodyFormat, recipients, attachments, addSignature); } }
public override bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IResourceList recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { ArrayList recipList = GetRecipientsArray(recipients); ArrayList attachList = new ArrayList(); if (attachments != null) { foreach (string path in attachments) { attachList.Add(new AttachInfo(path, Path.GetFileName(path))); } } return(CreateNewMessage(subject, body, bodyFormat, recipList, attachList, useTemplatesInBody)); }
public Task SendAsync(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IEnumerable<EmailRecipient> recipients) { recipients.ThrowIfNull("recipients"); recipients = recipients.ToArray(); if (!recipients.Any()) { throw new ArgumentException("Must provide at least one to recipient.", "recipients"); } var client = new SmtpClient(_configuration.SmtpHost, _configuration.SmtpPort) { Timeout = (int)_configuration.Timeout.TotalMilliseconds, EnableSsl = _configuration.UseSsl, Credentials = _configuration.Credentials }; var message = new MailMessage { From = new MailAddress(_configuration.FromAddress, _configuration.FromAddressDisplayName) }; foreach (EmailRecipient recipient in recipients) { switch (recipient.Type) { case EmailRecipientType.To: message.To.Add(new MailAddress(recipient.EmailAddress)); break; case EmailRecipientType.CC: message.CC.Add(new MailAddress(recipient.EmailAddress)); break; case EmailRecipientType.Bcc: message.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(recipient.EmailAddress)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } message.Subject = subject ?? ""; message.Body = body ?? ""; message.IsBodyHtml = bodyFormat == EmailBodyFormat.Html; return client.SendMailAsync(message); }
private bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, ArrayList recipients, ArrayList attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { try { MailBodyFormat mailBodyFormat = MailBodyFormat.HTML; if (bodyFormat == EmailBodyFormat.PlainText) { if (useTemplatesInBody && Settings.UseSignature) { body += "\r\n"; body += Settings.Signature; } mailBodyFormat = MailBodyFormat.PlainText; } else if (bodyFormat == EmailBodyFormat.Html) { body = _rxHtmlComment.Replace(body, ""); body = "<HTML><BODY>" + body; if (useTemplatesInBody && Settings.UseSignature) { body += "\r\n"; body += Settings.Signature; } body += "</BODY></HTML>"; Trace.WriteLine("HTML body for Outlook: \r\n" + body); } IEMsgStore msgStore = OutlookSession.GetDefaultMsgStore(); if (msgStore != null) { return(msgStore.CreateNewMessage(subject, body, mailBodyFormat, recipients, attachments, OutlookSession.GetOutlookDefaultEncodingOut())); } else { throw new ApplicationException("There are no default message store for outlook"); } } catch (Exception exception) { ReportProblem(exception); } return(false); }
//用指定的信箱发信,所以不指定From public void SendMail(string mailTo, string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat Format,params Attachment[] attachments) { SmtpClient mail = new SmtpClient(); //实例 mail.Host =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp"]; //发信主机 //mail.Credentials.GetCredential("", 25, "Network"); //发信认证主机及端口 mail.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFromPWD"]); //发件人 MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"], mailTo, subject, body); foreach (var item in attachments) { if(item!=null) msg.Attachments.Add(item); } if(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToCC"]!="") msg.CC.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToCC"]); if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToBcc"] != "") msg.Bcc.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToBcc"]); if (Format == EmailBodyFormat.HTML) msg.IsBodyHtml = true; else msg.IsBodyHtml = false; try { mail.Send(msg); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public override bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IResourceList recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { ArrayList recipientsArray = null; ArrayList categories = new ArrayList( ); if (recipients != null && recipients.Count > 0) { recipientsArray = GetRecipientsArray(recipients); foreach (IResource recipient in recipients) { if (recipient.Type == "Contact") { IResourceList resCategories = Core.CategoryManager.GetResourceCategories(recipient); ExportCategories.LoadCategoriesArrayList(resCategories, categories); } } } return(CreateNewMessage(subject, body, bodyFormat, recipientsArray, attachments, useTemplatesInBody, categories)); }
//用指定的信箱发信,收件人用[email protected],真正收件人放在BCC里面 public void SendMailBCC(string mailTo, string mailBCC,string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat Format, params Attachment[] attachments) { SmtpClient mail = new SmtpClient(); //实例 mail.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["smtp"]; //发信主机 mail.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFromPWD"]); //发件人 MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailFrom"], mailTo, subject, body); foreach (var item in attachments) { if (item != null) msg.Attachments.Add(item); } if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToCC"] != "") msg.CC.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToCC"]); msg.Bcc.Add(mailBCC); if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToBcc"] != "") msg.Bcc.Add(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mailToBcc"]); if (Format == EmailBodyFormat.HTML) msg.IsBodyHtml = true; else msg.IsBodyHtml = false; try { mail.Send(msg); } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public void CreateEmail(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool addSignature) { MapiMessage msg = new MapiMessage(); msg.subject = subject; if (bodyFormat == EmailBodyFormat.Html) { body = body.Replace("<p>", "\r\n\r\n"); body = body.Replace("<P>", "\r\n\r\n"); body = body.Replace("<br>", "\r\n"); body = body.Replace("<BR>", "\r\n"); body = HtmlTools.StripHTML(body); body = HtmlTools.SafeHtmlDecode(body); } if (addSignature && Core.SettingStore.ReadBool("MailFormat", "UseSignature", false)) { body += "\r\n"; body += Core.SettingStore.ReadString("MailFormat", "Signature"); } msg.noteText = body; if (recipients != null && recipients.Length > 0) { ArrayList recipArray = new ArrayList(); foreach (EmailRecipient recipient in recipients) { MapiRecipDesc recip = new MapiRecipDesc(); recip.recipClass = MapiTO; = recipient.Name; recip.address = BuildAddressWithType(recipient.EmailAddress); recipArray.Add(recip); } msg.recips = AllocRecips(recipArray); msg.recipCount = recipArray.Count; } if (attachments != null && attachments.Length > 0) { msg.files = AllocAttachs(attachments); msg.fileCount = attachments.Length; } try { int rc = MAPISendMail(IntPtr.Zero, Core.MainWindow.Handle, msg, MAPI_DIALOG, 0); if (rc != 0 && rc != MAPI_E_USER_ABORT) { ReportError(rc); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show(Core.MainWindow, "Failed to send e-mail (unknown error)", "Send E-mail", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } if (msg.recips != IntPtr.Zero) { int runptr = (int)msg.recips; for (int i = 0; i < msg.recipCount; i++) { Marshal.DestroyStructure((IntPtr)runptr, typeof(MapiRecipDesc)); runptr += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MapiRecipDesc)); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(msg.recips); } if (msg.files != IntPtr.Zero) { Type ftype = typeof(MapiFileDesc); int fsize = Marshal.SizeOf(ftype); int runptr = (int)msg.files; for (int i = 0; i < msg.fileCount; i++) { Marshal.DestroyStructure((IntPtr)runptr, ftype); runptr += fsize; } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(msg.files); } }
public abstract bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody);
public Task SendAsync(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, params string[] toEmailAddresses) { return SendAsync(subject, body, bodyFormat, (IEnumerable<string>)toEmailAddresses); }
public Task SendAsync(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, IEnumerable<string> toEmailAddresses) { toEmailAddresses.ThrowIfNull("toEmailAddresses"); return SendAsync(subject, body, bodyFormat, toEmailAddresses.Select(arg => new EmailRecipient(arg, EmailRecipientType.To))); }
public Task SendAsync(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, params EmailRecipient[] recipients) { return SendAsync(subject, body, bodyFormat, (IEnumerable<EmailRecipient>)recipients); }
private bool CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, ArrayList recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody, ArrayList categories) { Settings.LoadSettings(); OutlookGUIInit.StartAndInitializeOutlook(); _com_Outlook_Application outlook = null; _com_OutlookMailItem newMail = null; try { outlook = new _com_Outlook_Application(); newMail = outlook.CreateNew(); newMail.Subject = subject; bool validBody = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(body); if (useTemplatesInBody && Settings.UseSignature) { body += "\r\n"; body += Settings.Signature; } if (validBody && EmailBodyFormat.Html == bodyFormat) { try { newMail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; } catch (Exception) {} newMail.HTMLBody = body; } else if (validBody) { try { newMail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatPlain; } catch (Exception) {} newMail.Body = body; } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(body)) { newMail.Body = body; } if (recipients != null && recipients.Count > 0) { OutlookSession.EMAPISession.AddRecipients(newMail.MAPIOBJECT, recipients); if (Settings.SetCategoryFromContactWhenEmailSent && categories != null) { newMail.AddCategories(categories); } } if (attachments != null && attachments.Length > 0) { newMail.AddAttachments(attachments); } newMail.Display(false); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { ReportProblem(exception); } finally { COM_Object.ReleaseIfNotNull(newMail); COM_Object.ReleaseIfNotNull(outlook); } return(false); }
static public void CreateNewMessage(string subject, string body, EmailBodyFormat bodyFormat, EmailRecipient[] recipients, string[] attachments, bool useTemplatesInBody) { FormHelper.CreateNewMessage(subject, body, bodyFormat, recipients, attachments, useTemplatesInBody); }