internal void UpdateInfo(Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo pInfo) { var newFaction = _gameServerConnection.GetFaction(pInfo.factionId); var newplayField = _gameServerConnection.GetPlayfield(pInfo.playfield); lock (this) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(EntityId == pInfo.entityId); this.SteamId = pInfo.steamId; this.FactionGroupId = pInfo.factionGroup; this.Origin = pInfo.origin; this.Position = new WorldPosition { playfield = newplayField, position = pInfo.pos.ToVector3() }; this.MemberOfFaction = newFaction; this.BpResourcesInFactory = pInfo.bpResourcesInFactory; _permission = pInfo.permission; } }
internal Player(GameServerConnection gameServerConnection, Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo pInfo) : base(gameServerConnection, pInfo.entityId, EntityType.Player, pInfo.playerName) { UpdateInfo(pInfo); }
public void FromPlayerInfo(Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo playerinfo) { clientId = playerinfo.clientId; entityId = playerinfo.entityId; steamId = playerinfo.steamId; steamOwnerId = playerinfo.steamOwnerId; playerName = playerinfo.playerName; playfield = playerinfo.playfield; startPlayfield = playerinfo.startPlayfield; pos = new PVector3(); pos.x = playerinfo.pos.x; pos.y = playerinfo.pos.y; pos.z = playerinfo.pos.z; OnPropertyChanged("pos"); rot = new PVector3(); rot.x = playerinfo.rot.x; rot.y = playerinfo.rot.y; rot.z = playerinfo.rot.z; OnPropertyChanged("rot"); factionGroup = playerinfo.factionGroup; factionId = playerinfo.factionId; factionRole = playerinfo.factionRole; origin = playerinfo.origin; health =; healthMax = playerinfo.healthMax; oxygen = playerinfo.oxygen; oxygenMax = playerinfo.oxygenMax; stamina = playerinfo.stamina; staminaMax = playerinfo.staminaMax; kills = playerinfo.kills; died = playerinfo.died; credits = playerinfo.credits; if (playerinfo.toolbar != null) { toolbar = new List <ItemStack>(); ItemStack iSt; foreach (Eleon.Modding.ItemStack itemStack in playerinfo.toolbar) { iSt = new ItemStack(); iSt.FromItemStack(itemStack); toolbar.Add(iSt); } } if (playerinfo.bag != null) { bag = new List <ItemStack>(); ItemStack iSt; foreach (Eleon.Modding.ItemStack itemStack in playerinfo.bag) { iSt = new ItemStack(); iSt.FromItemStack(itemStack); bag.Add(iSt); } } exp = playerinfo.exp; upgrade = playerinfo.upgrade; bpRemainingTime = playerinfo.bpRemainingTime; bpResourcesInFactory = playerinfo.bpResourcesInFactory; bpInFactory = playerinfo.bpInFactory; producedPrefabs = playerinfo.producedPrefabs; ping =; }
//This function receives all data from the game public void onGameEvent(ModProtocol.Package p) { try { if (System.Windows.Application.Current == null) { return; } if ( == null) { output(string.Format("Empty Package id rec: {0}", p.cmd), p.cmd); return; } if (mainWindowDataContext != null && mainWindowDataContext.EnableOutput_DataRecieved) { output(string.Format("Package received, id: {0}, type: {1}", p.cmd, Enum.GetName(cmdType, p.cmd))); output("received event: c=" + p.cmd + " sNr=" + p.seqNr + " d=" + + " client=" + client); } switch (p.cmd) { case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Connected: { int entityId = ((Eleon.Modding.Id); addEvent(string.Format("Player with id {0} connected", entityId)); lock (playerIds) { playerIds.Add(entityId); } System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayer.Add(entityId))); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Disconnected: { int entityId = ((Eleon.Modding.Id); addEvent(string.Format("Player with id {0} disconnected", entityId)); lock (playerIds) { playerIds.Remove(entityId); } System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayer.Remove(entityId))); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_List: { if ( != null) { // empyt list is null?! lock (playerIds) { playerIds = ((Eleon.Modding.IdList); } System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayer.Clear())); for (int i = 0; i < playerIds.Count; i++) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayer.Add(playerIds[i]))); output(string.Format("{0} Player with id {1}", i + 1, playerIds[i]), p.cmd); } } else { output("No players connected", p.cmd); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Info: { Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo pInfo = (Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo); if (pInfo == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Player info (seqnr {0}): cid={1} eid={2} name={3} playfield={4} fac={5}", p.seqNr, pInfo.clientId, pInfo.entityId, pInfo.playerName, pInfo.playfield, pInfo.factionId), p.cmd); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { mainWindowDataContext.playerInfos.Clear(); PlayerInfo plI = new PlayerInfo(); plI.FromPlayerInfo(pInfo); mainWindowDataContext.playerInfos.Add(plI); })); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Inventory: { Eleon.Modding.Inventory inv = (Eleon.Modding.Inventory); if (inv == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Inventory received from player {0}", inv.playerId), p.cmd); if (inv.toolbelt != null) { output("Toolbelt:", p.cmd); for (int i = 0; inv.toolbelt != null && i < inv.toolbelt.Length; i++) { output(" " + inv.toolbelt[i].slotIdx + ". " + inv.toolbelt[i].id + " " + inv.toolbelt[i].count + " " + inv.toolbelt[i].ammo, p.cmd); } } if (inv.bag != null) { output("Bag:", p.cmd); for (int i = 0; inv.bag != null && i < inv.bag.Length; i++) { output(" " + inv.bag[i].slotIdx + ". " + inv.bag[i].id + " " + inv.bag[i].count + " " + inv.bag[i].ammo, p.cmd); } } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Entity_PosAndRot: { Eleon.Modding.IdPositionRotation idPos = (Eleon.Modding.IdPositionRotation); if (idPos == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Player with id {0} position {1}, {2}, {3} rotation {4}, {5}, {6}",, idPos.pos.x, idPos.pos.y, idPos.pos.z, idPos.rot.x, idPos.rot.y, idPos.rot.z), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Credits: { Eleon.Modding.IdCredits idCredits = (Eleon.Modding.IdCredits); if (idCredits == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Credits player with id {0}: {1}",, idCredits.credits), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Ok: { output(string.Format("Event Ok seqnr {0}", p.seqNr), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Error: { Eleon.Modding.CmdId cmdId = (Eleon.Modding.CmdId)p.seqNr; Eleon.Modding.ErrorInfo eInfo = (Eleon.Modding.ErrorInfo); if (eInfo == null) { output(string.Format("Event Error seqnr {0}: TMD: of Event_Error was not set", p.seqNr), p.cmd); } else { output(string.Format("Event Error {0} seqnr {1}", eInfo.errorType, cmdId), p.cmd); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_ChangedPlayfield: { Eleon.Modding.IdPlayfield obj = (Eleon.Modding.IdPlayfield); addEvent(string.Format("Player with id {0} changes to playfield {1}",, obj.playfield)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Playfield_Stats: { Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldStats obj = (Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldStats); if (obj == null) { break; } addStats(string.Format("Playfield stats for Akua: fps={0} heap={1} procid={2}", obj.fps, obj.mem, obj.processId)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Playfield_Loaded: { Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldLoad obj = (Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldLoad); if (obj == null) { break; } addEvent(string.Format("Playfield {0} loaded pid={1}", obj.playfield, obj.processId)); lock (playfields) { playfields.Add(obj.playfield); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayfields.Add(obj.playfield))); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Playfield_Unloaded: { Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldLoad obj = (Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldLoad); if (obj == null) { break; } addEvent(string.Format("Playfield {0} unloaded pid={1}", obj.playfield, obj.processId)); lock (playfields) { playfields.Remove(obj.playfield); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayfields.Remove(obj.playfield))); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Dedi_Stats: { Eleon.Modding.DediStats obj = (Eleon.Modding.DediStats); if (obj == null) { break; } addStats(string.Format("Dedi stats: {0}fps", obj.fps)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_GlobalStructure_List: { Eleon.Modding.GlobalStructureList obj = (Eleon.Modding.GlobalStructureList); if (obj == null || obj.globalStructures == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Global structures. Count: {0}", obj.globalStructures != null ? obj.globalStructures.Count : 0), p.cmd); if (obj.globalStructures != null) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.structures.Clear())); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Eleon.Modding.GlobalStructureInfo> > kvp in obj.globalStructures) { output(string.Format("Playfield {0}", kvp.Key), p.cmd); foreach (Eleon.Modding.GlobalStructureInfo g in kvp.Value) { StructureInfo stI = new StructureInfo(); stI.FromStructureInfo(g, kvp.Key); output(string.Format(" id={0} name={1} type={2} #blocks={3} #devices={4} playfield={5} pos={6}/{7}/{8}",,, g.type, g.cntBlocks, g.cntDevices, kvp.Key, g.pos.x, g.pos.y, g.pos.z), p.cmd); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.structures.Add(stI))); } } } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Playfield_List: { Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldList obj = (Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldList); if (obj == null || obj.playfields == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Playfield list. Count: {0}", obj.playfields != null ? obj.playfields.Count : 0), p.cmd); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayfields.Clear())); lock (playfields) { playfields.Clear(); foreach (string s in obj.playfields) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.onlinePlayfields.Add(s))); output(string.Format(" {0}", s), p.cmd); playfields.Add(s); } } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Faction_Changed: { Eleon.Modding.FactionChangeInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.FactionChangeInfo); if (obj == null) { break; } addEvent(string.Format("Faction changed entity: {0} faction id: {1} faction {2}",, obj.factionId, obj.factionGroup)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Statistics: { Eleon.Modding.StatisticsParam obj = (Eleon.Modding.StatisticsParam); if (obj == null) { break; } addEvent(string.Format("Event_Statistics: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}", obj.type, obj.int1, obj.int2, obj.int3, obj.int4)); //CoreRemoved, int1: Structure id, int2: destryoing entity id, int3: (optional) controlling entity id //CoreAdded, int1: Structure id, int2: destryoing entity id, int3: (optional) controlling entity id //PlayerDied, // int1: player entity id, int2: death type (Unknown = 0,Projectile = 1,Explosion = 2,Food = 3,Oxygen = 4,Disease = 5,Drowning = 6,Fall = 7,Suicide = 8), int3: (optional) other entity involved, int4: (optional) other entity CV/SV/HV id //StructOnOff, int1: structure id, int2: changing entity id, int3: 0 = off, 1 = on //StructDestroyed,// int1: structure id, int2: type (0=wipe, 1=decay) } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_ConsoleCommand: { Eleon.Modding.PString obj = (Eleon.Modding.PString); if (obj == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Request_ConsoleCommand: {0}", obj.pstr), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_ChatMessage: { Eleon.Modding.ChatInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.ChatInfo); if (obj == null) { break; } string typeName; switch (obj.type) { case 7: typeName = "to faction"; break; case 8: typeName = "to player"; break; case 9: typeName = "to server"; break; default: typeName = ""; break; } output(string.Format("Chat: Player: {0}, Recepient: {1}, Recepient Faction: {2}, {3}, Message: '{4}'", obj.playerId, obj.recipientEntityId, obj.recipientFactionId, typeName, obj.msg), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_DisconnectedWaiting: { Eleon.Modding.Id obj = (Eleon.Modding.Id); if (obj == null) { break; } addEvent(string.Format("Event_Player_DisconnectedWaiting: Player: {0}",; } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_AlliancesAll: { Eleon.Modding.AlliancesTable obj = (Eleon.Modding.AlliancesTable); if (obj == null) { break; } int facId1; int facId2; //Only differences to default alliances are listed (everyone in same Origin is by default allied) foreach (int factionHash in obj.alliances) { facId1 = (factionHash >> 16) & 0xffff; facId2 = factionHash & 0xffff; output(string.Format("Alliance difference between faction {0} and faction {1}", facId1, facId2), p.cmd); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Get_Factions: { Eleon.Modding.FactionInfoList obj = (Eleon.Modding.FactionInfoList); if (obj == null || obj.factions == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Faction list. Count: {0}", obj.factions != null ? obj.factions.Count : 0), p.cmd); foreach (Eleon.Modding.FactionInfo fI in obj.factions) { output(string.Format("Id: {0}, Abrev: {1}, Name: {2}, Origin: {3}", fI.factionId, fI.abbrev,, fI.origin), p.cmd); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Structure_BlockStatistics: { Eleon.Modding.IdStructureBlockInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.IdStructureBlockInfo); if (obj == null || obj.blockStatistics == null) { break; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> blockstat in obj.blockStatistics) { output(string.Format("Item {0}: Amount: {1}", blockstat.Key, blockstat.Value), p.cmd); } output(string.Format("Block statistic for {0}",, p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_BannedPlayers: { Eleon.Modding.BannedPlayerData obj = (Eleon.Modding.BannedPlayerData); if (obj == null || obj.BannedPlayers == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Banned list. Count: {0}", obj.BannedPlayers != null ? obj.BannedPlayers.Count : 0), p.cmd); foreach (Eleon.Modding.BannedPlayerData.BanEntry ba in obj.BannedPlayers) { output(string.Format("Id: {0}, Date: {1}", ba.steam64Id, DateTime.FromBinary(ba.dateTime)), p.cmd); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_TraderNPCItemSold: { Eleon.Modding.TraderNPCItemSoldInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.TraderNPCItemSoldInfo); if (obj == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Trader NPC item sold info: TraderType: {0}, TraderId: {1}, PlayerId: {2}, StructureId: {3}, Item: {4}, Amount: {5}, Price: {6}", obj.traderType, obj.traderEntityId, obj.playerEntityId, obj.structEntityId, obj.boughtItemId, obj.boughtItemCount, obj.boughtItemPrice), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_GetAndRemoveInventory: { Eleon.Modding.Inventory inv = (Eleon.Modding.Inventory); if (inv == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Got and removed Inventory from player {0}", inv.playerId), p.cmd); if (inv.toolbelt != null) { output("Toolbelt:", p.cmd); for (int i = 0; inv.toolbelt != null && i < inv.toolbelt.Length; i++) { output(" " + inv.toolbelt[i].slotIdx + ". " + inv.toolbelt[i].id + " " + inv.toolbelt[i].count + " " + inv.toolbelt[i].ammo, p.cmd); } } if (inv.bag != null) { output("Bag:", p.cmd); for (int i = 0; inv.bag != null && i < inv.bag.Length; i++) { output(" " + inv.bag[i].slotIdx + ". " + inv.bag[i].id + " " + inv.bag[i].count + " " + inv.bag[i].ammo, p.cmd); } } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Playfield_Entity_List: { Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldEntityList obj = (Eleon.Modding.PlayfieldEntityList); if (obj == null || obj.entities == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Entities. Count: {0}", obj.entities != null ? obj.entities.Count : 0), p.cmd); if (obj.entities != null) { output(string.Format("Playfield {0}", obj.playfield), p.cmd); foreach (Eleon.Modding.EntityInfo g in obj.entities) { EntityInfo stI = new EntityInfo(); stI.FromEntityInfo(g, obj.playfield); output(string.Format(" id={0} type={1} playfield={2} pos={3}/{4}/{5}",, g.type, obj.playfield, g.pos.x, g.pos.y, g.pos.z), p.cmd); System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => mainWindowDataContext.entities.Add(stI))); } } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_ConsoleCommand: { Eleon.Modding.ConsoleCommandInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.ConsoleCommandInfo); if (obj == null) { break; } output(string.Format("Player {0}; Console command: {1} Allowed: {2}", obj.playerEntityId, obj.command, obj.allowed), p.cmd); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_NewEntityId: { output(string.Format("New ID: {0}", ((Eleon.Modding.Id), p.cmd); break; } case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_PdaStateChange: { Eleon.Modding.PdaStateInfo data = (Eleon.Modding.PdaStateInfo); addEvent(string.Format("PdaStateChange for {0}. Change: {1}", data.Name, data.StateChange)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_GameEvent: { Eleon.Modding.GameEventData data = (Eleon.Modding.GameEventData); string inventory = ""; for (int i = 0; data.ItemStacks != null && i < data.ItemStacks.Length; i++) { inventory = inventory + "; " + data.ItemStacks[i].slotIdx + ". " + data.ItemStacks[i].id + " " + data.ItemStacks[i].count + " " + data.ItemStacks[i].ammo; } addEvent(string.Format("Event_GameEvent EventType:{0} Name:{1} Type:{2} Amount:{3} PlayerId:{4} Flag:{5} Inventory:{6}", data.EventType, data.Name, data.Type, data.Amount, data.PlayerId, data.Flag, inventory)); } break; default: output(string.Format("(1) Unknown package cmd {0}", p.cmd), p.cmd); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { output(string.Format("Error: {0}", ex.Message), p.cmd); } }
private static void Client_GameEventReceived(ModProtocol.Package p) { try { if ( == null) { Output("Empty Package id rec: {0}", p.cmd); return; } switch (p.cmd) { case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Connected: { int entityId = ((Eleon.Modding.Id); Output("Player with id {0} connected", entityId); SendRequest(Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_Info, Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_Info, new Eleon.Modding.Id(entityId)); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_List: { if ( != null) { var playerIds = ((Eleon.Modding.IdList); for (int i = 0; i < playerIds.Count; i++) { SendRequest(Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_Info, Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_Info, new Eleon.Modding.Id(playerIds[i])); Output("{0} Player with id {1}", i + 1, playerIds[i]); } } else { Output("No players connected"); } } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_Player_Info: { Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo pInfo = (Eleon.Modding.PlayerInfo); if (pInfo == null) { break; } lock (playerInfoById) { playerInfoById[pInfo.entityId] = pInfo; } Output("Player info (seqnr {0}): cid={1} eid={2} name={3} playfield={4} fac={5}", p.seqNr, pInfo.clientId, pInfo.entityId, pInfo.playerName, pInfo.playfield, pInfo.factionId); } break; case Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Event_ChatMessage: { Eleon.Modding.ChatInfo obj = (Eleon.Modding.ChatInfo); if (obj == null) { break; } string typeName; switch (obj.type) { case 5: //? case 7: typeName = "to faction"; break; case 8: typeName = "to player"; break; case 9: typeName = "to server"; break; default: typeName = ""; break; } Output("Chat: Player: {0}, Recepient: {1}, Recepient Faction: {2}, {3}, Message: '{4}'", obj.playerId, obj.recipientEntityId, obj.recipientFactionId, typeName, obj.msg); if (obj.type != 8 && obj.type != 7 && obj.msg == "!MODS") { ChatMessage(k_versionString); } if (obj.msg == config.TeleportCommand || obj.msg == string.Format("s! {0}", config.TeleportCommand)) { lock (playerInfoById) { Config.Configuration.FactionHomeWorldData homeworldData = null; if (config.FactionHomeWorlds.ContainsKey(playerInfoById[obj.playerId].factionId)) { homeworldData = config.FactionHomeWorlds[playerInfoById[obj.playerId].factionId]; } else if (config.FactionHomeWorlds.ContainsKey(-1)) { // everyone else goes to the default homeworldData = config.FactionHomeWorlds[-1]; } if (homeworldData != null) { if ((homeworldData.FromPlayfield == null) || homeworldData.FromPlayfield == playerInfoById[obj.playerId].playfield) { var location = homeworldData.GetNextLocation(); SendRequest( Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_ChangePlayerfield, Eleon.Modding.CmdId.Request_Player_ChangePlayerfield , new Eleon.Modding.IdPlayfieldPositionRotation(obj.playerId, homeworldData.ToPlayfield, location.Position, location.Rotation)); } else { // TODO: send failure message to player } } else { // TODO: send failure message to player } } } } break; default: Output("(1) Unknown package cmd {0}", p.cmd); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Output("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }