private void HandleSprinkleOfElement(WorldGenSettings settings, Tag targetTag, Chunk world, SetValuesFunction SetValues, float temperatureMin, float temperatureRange, SeededRandom rnd) { FeatureSettings feature = settings.GetFeature(targetTag.Name); string element = feature.GetOneWeightedSimHash("SprinkleOfElementChoices", rnd).element; Element element2 = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(element); ProcGen.Room value = null; SettingsCache.rooms.TryGetValue(targetTag.Name, out value); SampleDescriber sampleDescriber = value; Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues = element2.defaultValues; Sim.DiseaseCell invalid = Sim.DiseaseCell.Invalid; for (int i = 0; i < terrainPositions.Count; i++) { if (!(terrainPositions[i].Value != targetTag)) { float radius = rnd.RandomRange(sampleDescriber.blobSize.min, sampleDescriber.blobSize.max); Vector2 center = Grid.CellToPos2D(terrainPositions[i].Key); List <Vector2I> filledCircle = ProcGen.Util.GetFilledCircle(center, radius); for (int j = 0; j < filledCircle.Count; j++) { Vector2I vector2I = filledCircle[j]; int x = vector2I.x; Vector2I vector2I2 = filledCircle[j]; int num = Grid.XYToCell(x, vector2I2.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num)) { defaultValues.mass = GetDensityMassForCell(world, num, element2.defaultValues.mass); defaultValues.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num, element2, defaultValues, invalid); } } } } }
private static void Postfix(ProcGen.MutatedWorldData __instance) { var densityModifier = SizeNotIncludedOptions.Instance.Density(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ElementBandConfiguration> bandConfiguration in __instance.biomes.BiomeBackgroundElementBandConfigurations) { foreach (ElementGradient elementGradient in bandConfiguration.Value) { ProcGen.WorldTrait.ElementBandModifier modifier = new ProcGen.WorldTrait.ElementBandModifier(); Traverse.Create(modifier).Property("element").SetValue(elementGradient.content); var element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(elementGradient.content); if (element != null && == SimHashes.Magma) { // no modifier for magma. breaks the bottom of the world Traverse.Create(modifier).Property("massMultiplier").SetValue(1f); } else if (element != null && element.IsLiquid) { // give the player at most 2x liquids otherwise they really break out of the pockets they spawn in Traverse.Create(modifier).Property("massMultiplier").SetValue((float)Math.Min(maxLiquidModifier, densityModifier)); } else { // everything else - gasses and solid tiles should just use whatever density modifier the game has Traverse.Create(modifier).Property("massMultiplier").SetValue((float)densityModifier); } elementGradient.Mod(modifier); } } }
public static bool AddRecipe(string Fabricatorid, List <string> ingredients, List <float> ingredientsamount, List <string> results, List <float> resultsamount, float recipetime = 40f) { int ingreds = ingredients.Count; if (ingredientsamount.Count < ingredients.Count) { ingreds = ingredientsamount.Count; } int resus = results.Count; if (resultsamount.Count < results.Count) { resus = resultsamount.Count; } List <ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement> ingredientslist = new List <ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement>(); List <ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement> resultslist = new List <ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement>(); foreach (var i in ingreds.Enumerate()) { ingredientslist.Add(new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement(ElementLoader.FindElementByName(ingredients.ElementAt(i)).tag, ingredientsamount.ElementAt(i))); } foreach (var i in resus.Enumerate()) { resultslist.Add(new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement(ElementLoader.FindElementByName(ingredients.ElementAt(i)).tag, ingredientsamount.ElementAt(i))); } Co.Add.Recipe(Fabricatorid, ingredientslist.ToArray(), resultslist.ToArray(), recipetime); return(true); }
public void CheckStudyable() { if (!KMonoBehaviour.isLoadingScene) { Studyable s = geyser.GetComponent <Studyable>(); if (s != null && s.Studied) { if (s != null) { s.Refresh(); } // add delivery task ManualDeliveryKG deliver = geyser.gameObject.AddOrGet <ManualDeliveryKG>(); deliver.SetStorage(geyser.GetComponent <Storage>()); deliver.requestedItemTag = ElementLoader.FindElementByName("Sulfur").tag; deliver.refillMass = SingletonOptions <ConfigData> .Instance.KgPerCrack; deliver.capacity = SingletonOptions <ConfigData> .Instance.KgPerCrack; // deliver.choreTags = GameTags.ChoreTypes.ResearchChores; deliver.choreTypeIDHash = Db.Get().ChoreTypes.ResearchFetch.IdHash; button = geyser.gameObject.AddOrGet <CrackableButton>(); button.crackable = this; UpdateUI(); return; } } Invoke("CheckStudyable", 1f); }
public static void Postfix() { foreach (ElementEntry entry in elementEntries) { var element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(entry.elementId); if (element == null) { Log.Error($"Element {entry.elementId} was never created"); continue; } if (entry.attributeModifiers != null) { foreach (AttributeModifierEntry attr in entry.attributeModifiers) { Log.Spam($"Adding attribute {attr.attributeId} to {entry.elementId}"); attr.description = attr.description ??; element.attributeModifiers.Add(MakeAttributeModifier(attr)); } } var exists = ElementLoader.elements.Exists(x => == (SimHashes)Hash.SDBMLower(entry.elementId)); if (!exists) { Log.Error($"Element {entry.elementId} was not added to list, only hashtable"); continue; } Traverse.Create(element.substance).Field("nameTag").SetValue(element.tag); Log.Spam($"{entry.elementId}: {element.nameUpperCase}, {element.tag} | {Traverse.Create(element.substance).Field("nameTag").GetValue<Tag>()}"); } }
internal static void Postfix(ref BuildingDef __result) { isGas = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(CustomizeBuildingsState.StateManager.State.SteamTurbineOutputElement)?.IsGas ?? false; __result.OutputConduitType = isGas ? ConduitType.Gas : ConduitType.Liquid; if (CustomizeBuildingsState.StateManager.State.SteamTurbineWattage != SteamTurbineConfig2.MAX_WATTAGE) //850f { __result.GeneratorWattageRating = CustomizeBuildingsState.StateManager.State.SteamTurbineWattage; __result.GeneratorBaseCapacity = CustomizeBuildingsState.StateManager.State.SteamTurbineWattage; } }
public void ConvertToMap(Chunk world, TerrainCell.SetValuesFunction SetValues, float temperatureMin, float temperatureRange, SeededRandom rnd) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(base.backgroundElement); Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues = element.defaultValues; Element element2 = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(base.element); Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues2 = element2.defaultValues; defaultValues2.temperature = base.temperature; Sim.DiseaseCell invalid = Sim.DiseaseCell.Invalid; for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.Count; i++) { Segment segment = pathElements[i]; Vector2 vector = segment.e1 - segment.e0; Vector2 normalized = new Vector2(0f - vector.y, vector.x).normalized; List <Vector2I> line = ProcGen.Util.GetLine(segment.e0, segment.e1); for (int j = 0; j < line.Count; j++) { for (float num = 0.5f; num <= base.widthCenter; num += 1f) { Vector2 vector2 = (Vector2)line[j] + normalized * num; int num2 = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector2.x, (int)vector2.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num2)) { SetValues(num2, element2, defaultValues2, invalid); } Vector2 vector3 = (Vector2)line[j] - normalized * num; num2 = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector3.x, (int)vector3.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num2)) { SetValues(num2, element2, defaultValues2, invalid); } } for (float num3 = 0.5f; num3 <= base.widthBorder; num3 += 1f) { Vector2 vector4 = (Vector2)line[j] + normalized * (base.widthCenter + num3); int num4 = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector4.x, (int)vector4.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num4)) { defaultValues.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num4] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num4, element, defaultValues, invalid); } Vector2 vector5 = (Vector2)line[j] - normalized * (base.widthCenter + num3); num4 = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector5.x, (int)vector5.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num4)) { defaultValues.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num4] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num4, element, defaultValues, invalid); } } } } }
public bool FindElement(string elementi, float chanceinpercenti = 100, int targetlayeri = -1, string biomei = "PASS") { if (coroutineRunning) { return(false); } if (coroutinesuccess) { return(true); } if (elementi == "PASS") { return(true); } if (biomei != "PASS" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(biomei)) { searchbiome = true; biome = biomei; } this.elementi = elementi; targetlayer = targetlayeri; //ExternalFiles.DebugLog(" FindElement " + elementi + " cr " + coroutineRunning + " ch " + chanceinpercenti + " ro " + revealedtilesonly + " tl " + targetlayeri + " bio " + biomei + searchbiome); if (elementi == "ALL") { if (allpos.Count < 1) { for (int i = 0; i < Grid.CellCount; i++) { allpos[i] = -1; } } foundpos = allpos; return(true); } else { try { element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(elementi); } catch { Debug.Log("failed to find the element " + elementi); return(true); } } chanceinpercent = chanceinpercenti; //if (thread == null) //{ //internalelementfinder(); //return; thread = new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(this.internalelementfinder)); thread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal; thread.Start(); return(false); //} //else { thread.Resume(); } //ExternalFiles.Log("tried to start thread sucess: " + thread.ThreadState.ToString()); //this.tmpfinder(); //Global.Instantiate(Global.FindObjectOfType<GameObject>()).AddComponent<GridOperations>(); //this.StartCoroutine ("Coroutine"); }
public void SetSprite(Tag t) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(Resource.Name); if (element != null) { Sprite uISpriteFromMultiObjectAnim = Def.GetUISpriteFromMultiObjectAnim(element.substance.anim, "ui", false, string.Empty); if ((Object)uISpriteFromMultiObjectAnim != (Object)null) { image.sprite = uISpriteFromMultiObjectAnim; } } }
public void ConvertToMap(Chunk world, TerrainCell.SetValuesFunction SetValues, float temperatureMin, float temperatureRange, SeededRandom rnd) { Sim.DiseaseCell invalid = Sim.DiseaseCell.Invalid; for (int i = 0; i < pathElements.Count; i++) { Segment segment = pathElements[i]; Vector2 e = segment.e1; Segment segment2 = pathElements[i]; Vector2 vector = e - segment2.e0; Vector2 normalized = new Vector2(0f - vector.y, vector.x).normalized; Segment segment3 = pathElements[i]; Vector2 e2 = segment3.e0; Segment segment4 = pathElements[i]; List <Vector2I> line = ProcGen.Util.GetLine(e2, segment4.e1); for (int j = 0; j < line.Count; j++) { Vector2I vector2I = line[j]; int x = vector2I.x; Vector2I vector2I2 = line[j]; int num = Grid.XYToCell(x, vector2I2.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num)) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(WeightedRandom.Choose(this.element, rnd).element); Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues = element.defaultValues; defaultValues.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num, element, defaultValues, invalid); } for (float num2 = 0.5f; num2 <= width; num2 += 1f) { Vector2 vector2 = (Vector2)line[j] + normalized * num2; num = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector2.x, (int)vector2.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num)) { Element element2 = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(WeightedRandom.Choose(this.element, rnd).element); Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues2 = element2.defaultValues; defaultValues2.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num, element2, defaultValues2, invalid); } Vector2 vector3 = (Vector2)line[j] - normalized * num2; num = Grid.XYToCell((int)vector3.x, (int)vector3.y); if (Grid.IsValidCell(num)) { Element element3 = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(WeightedRandom.Choose(this.element, rnd).element); Sim.PhysicsData defaultValues3 = element3.defaultValues; defaultValues3.temperature = temperatureMin + world.heatOffset[num] * temperatureRange; SetValues(num, element3, defaultValues3, invalid); } } } } }
private string GetSpawnableName() { GameObject prefab = Assets.GetPrefab(; if ((UnityEngine.Object)prefab == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(; if (element != null) { return(; } return(string.Empty); } return(prefab.GetProperName()); }
public override void InitializeStates(out BaseState default_state) { default_state = idle; idle.ToggleMainStatusItem(Db.Get().BuildingStatusItems.Baited).Enter(delegate(StatesInstance smi) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(smi.master.baitElement.ToString()); KAnim.Build build = element.substance.anim.GetData().build; KAnim.Build.Symbol symbol = build.GetSymbol(new KAnimHashedString(; HashedString target_symbol = "snapTo_bait"; SymbolOverrideController component = smi.GetComponent <SymbolOverrideController>(); component.AddSymbolOverride(target_symbol, symbol, 0); }).TagTransition(GameTags.LureUsed, destroy, false); destroy.PlayAnim("use").EventHandler(GameHashes.AnimQueueComplete, delegate(StatesInstance smi) { Util.KDestroyGameObject(smi.master.gameObject); }); }
public List <Descriptor> GetDescriptors(BuildingDef def) { List <Descriptor> list = new List <Descriptor>(); string formattedTemperature = GameUtil.GetFormattedTemperature(temperatureDelta, GameUtil.TimeSlice.None, GameUtil.TemperatureInterpretation.Relative, true, false); Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName((!isLiquidConditioner) ? "Oxygen" : "Water"); float num = Mathf.Abs(temperatureDelta * element.specificHeatCapacity); float dtu_s = num * 1f; Descriptor item = default(Descriptor); string txt = string.Format((!isLiquidConditioner) ? UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.HEATGENERATED_AIRCONDITIONER : UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.HEATGENERATED_LIQUIDCONDITIONER, GameUtil.GetFormattedHeatEnergyRate(dtu_s, GameUtil.HeatEnergyFormatterUnit.Automatic)); string tooltip = string.Format((!isLiquidConditioner) ? UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.TOOLTIPS.HEATGENERATED_AIRCONDITIONER : UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.TOOLTIPS.HEATGENERATED_LIQUIDCONDITIONER, GameUtil.GetFormattedHeatEnergy(num, GameUtil.HeatEnergyFormatterUnit.Automatic)); item.SetupDescriptor(txt, tooltip, Descriptor.DescriptorType.Effect); list.Add(item); Descriptor item2 = default(Descriptor); item2.SetupDescriptor(string.Format((!isLiquidConditioner) ? UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.GASCOOLING : UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.LIQUIDCOOLING, formattedTemperature), string.Format((!isLiquidConditioner) ? UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.TOOLTIPS.GASCOOLING : UI.BUILDINGEFFECTS.TOOLTIPS.LIQUIDCOOLING, formattedTemperature), Descriptor.DescriptorType.Effect); list.Add(item2); return(list); }
public override void InitializeStates(out BaseState default_state) { default_state = idle; idle.PlayAnim("off", KAnim.PlayMode.Loop).Enter(delegate(StatesInstance smi) { if (smi.master.activeBaitSetting != Tag.Invalid) { if (smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty()) { smi.master.CreateFetchChore(); } else if (smi.master.operational.IsOperational) { smi.GoTo(working); } } }).EventTransition(GameHashes.OnStorageChange, working, (StatesInstance smi) => !smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty() && smi.master.activeBaitSetting != Tag.Invalid && smi.master.operational.IsOperational) .EventTransition(GameHashes.OperationalChanged, working, (StatesInstance smi) => !smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty() && smi.master.activeBaitSetting != Tag.Invalid && smi.master.operational.IsOperational); working.Enter(delegate(StatesInstance smi) { smi.master.GetComponent <KSelectable>().RemoveStatusItem(Db.Get().BuildingStatusItems.AwaitingBaitDelivery, false); HashedString batchTag = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(smi.master.activeBaitSetting.ToString()).substance.anim.batchTag; KAnim.Build build = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(smi.master.activeBaitSetting.ToString()).substance.anim.GetData().build; KAnim.Build.Symbol symbol = build.GetSymbol(new KAnimHashedString(; HashedString target_symbol = "slime_mold"; SymbolOverrideController component = smi.GetComponent <SymbolOverrideController>(); component.TryRemoveSymbolOverride(target_symbol, 0); component.AddSymbolOverride(target_symbol, symbol, 0); smi.GetSMI <Lure.Instance>().SetActiveLures(new Tag[1] { smi.master.activeBaitSetting }); }).Exit(ClearBait).QueueAnim("working_pre", false, null) .QueueAnim("working_loop", true, null) .EventTransition(GameHashes.OnStorageChange, empty, (StatesInstance smi) => smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty() && smi.master.activeBaitSetting != Tag.Invalid) .EventTransition(GameHashes.OperationalChanged, idle, (StatesInstance smi) => !smi.master.operational.IsOperational && !smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty()); empty.QueueAnim("working_pst", false, null).QueueAnim("off", false, null).Enter(delegate(StatesInstance smi) { smi.master.CreateFetchChore(); }) .EventTransition(GameHashes.OnStorageChange, working, (StatesInstance smi) => !smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty() && smi.master.operational.IsOperational) .EventTransition(GameHashes.OperationalChanged, working, (StatesInstance smi) => !smi.master.baitStorage.IsEmpty() && smi.master.operational.IsOperational); }
// add a recipe in the kiln to make charcoal/ash from wood public static void Postfix() { var charcoalInput1 = Mod.Tags.Log; var charcoalOutput1 = TagManager.Create("Charcoal"); var charcoalOutput2 = TagManager.Create("Ash"); var amountIn = 100f; var amountOutMost = 90f; var amountOutLeast = 10f; foreach (var element in ElementLoader.elements.FindAll(e => e.IsSolid && e.HasTag(charcoalInput1))) { var charcoalInputs = new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement[1] { new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement(element.tag, amountIn) }; var charcoalOutputs = new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement[2] { new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement(charcoalOutput1, amountOutMost), new ComplexRecipe.RecipeElement(charcoalOutput2, amountOutLeast) }; var idObsolete = ComplexRecipeManager.MakeObsoleteRecipeID(KilnConfig.ID, charcoalOutput1); var id = ComplexRecipeManager.MakeRecipeID(KilnConfig.ID, charcoalInputs, charcoalOutputs); var charcoalRecipe = new ComplexRecipe(id, charcoalInputs, charcoalOutputs) { time = TUNING.BUILDINGS.FABRICATION_TIME_SECONDS.SHORT, description = string.Format( STRINGS.BUILDINGS.PREFABS.METALREFINERY.RECIPE_BYPRODUCT,, ElementLoader.FindElementByName(charcoalOutput1.Name).name, ElementLoader.FindElementByName(charcoalOutput2.Name).name), fabricators = new List <Tag>() { TagManager.Create(KilnConfig.ID) }, nameDisplay = ComplexRecipe.RecipeNameDisplay.IngredientToResult }; ComplexRecipeManager.Get().AddObsoleteIDMapping(idObsolete, id); } }
public override bool Calculate() { if (!allInputsReady() || base.settings == null) { return(false); } IModule3D value = Inputs[0].GetValue <IModule3D>(); if (value == null) { return(false); } InitSettings(); Vector2f lowerBound = base.settings.lowerBound; Vector2f upperBound = base.settings.upperBound; NoiseMapBuilderPlane noiseMapBuilderPlane = new NoiseMapBuilderPlane(lowerBound.x, upperBound.x, lowerBound.y, upperBound.y, base.settings.seamless); noiseMapBuilderPlane.SetSize(256, 256); noiseMapBuilderPlane.SourceModule = value; Vector2 zero =; float[] noise = WorldGen.GenerateNoise(zero, base.settings.zoom, noiseMapBuilderPlane, 256, 256, null); if (base.settings.normalise) { WorldGen.Normalise(noise); } GetColourDelegate getColourDelegate = null; switch (displayType) { case DisplayType.DefaultColour: getColourDelegate = ((int cell) => Color.HSVToRGB((40f + 320f * noise[cell]) / 360f, 1f, 1f)); break; case DisplayType.ElementColourBiome: case DisplayType.ElementColourFeature: getColourDelegate = delegate(int cell) { if (biome == null) { return(; } float num = noise[cell]; Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(biome[biome.Count - 1].content); for (int i = 0; i < biome.Count; i++) { if (num < biome[i].maxValue) { element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(biome[i].content); break; } } return(element.substance.uiColour); }; break; } if (getColourDelegate != null) { SetColours(getColourDelegate); } return(true); }
public static ElementOverride GetElementOverride(string element, SampleDescriber.Override overrides) { Debug.Assert(element != null && element.Length > 0); ElementOverride result = default(ElementOverride); result.element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(element); Debug.Assert(result.element != null, "Couldn't find an element called " + element); result.pdelement = result.element.defaultValues; result.dc = Sim.DiseaseCell.Invalid; result.mass = result.element.defaultValues.mass; result.temperature = result.element.defaultValues.temperature; if (overrides == null) { return(result); } result.overrideMass = false; result.overrideTemperature = false; result.overrideDiseaseIdx = false; result.overrideDiseaseAmount = false; if (overrides.massOverride.HasValue) { result.mass = overrides.massOverride.Value; result.overrideMass = true; } if (overrides.massMultiplier.HasValue) { result.mass *= overrides.massMultiplier.Value; result.overrideMass = true; } if (overrides.temperatureOverride.HasValue) { result.temperature = overrides.temperatureOverride.Value; result.overrideTemperature = true; } if (overrides.temperatureMultiplier.HasValue) { result.temperature *= overrides.temperatureMultiplier.Value; result.overrideTemperature = true; } if (overrides.diseaseOverride != null) { result.diseaseIdx = (byte)WorldGen.GetDiseaseIdx(overrides.diseaseOverride); result.overrideDiseaseIdx = true; } if (overrides.diseaseAmountOverride.HasValue) { result.diseaseAmount = overrides.diseaseAmountOverride.Value; result.overrideDiseaseAmount = true; } if (result.overrideTemperature) { result.pdelement.temperature = result.temperature; } if (result.overrideMass) { result.pdelement.mass = result.mass; } if (result.overrideDiseaseIdx) { result.dc.diseaseIdx = result.diseaseIdx; } if (result.overrideDiseaseAmount) { result.dc.elementCount = result.diseaseAmount; } return(result); }
public List <StateMachine.BaseDef> chore_table; // TODO: fix exception with constructor public void PopulateDefs(GameObject go) { if (go == null) { Debug.LogError("PopulateDefs go shouldn't be null!"); } //always Add(new DeathStates.Def()); Add(new AnimInterruptStates.Def()); Add(new BaggedStates.Def() { escapeTime = this.bag_escape_time ?? 300f }); Add(new DebugGoToStates.Def()); //has baby or adult form if (go.GetDef <BabyMonitor.Def>() != null || go.GetDef <FertilityMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new GrowUpStates.Def()); Add(new IncubatingStates.Def()); Add(new LayEggStates.Def()); } //can fly if (go.HasTag(GameTags.Creatures.Flyer))//(go.GetDef<CreatureFallMonitor.Def>() != null) { } else { Add(new TrappedStates.Def()); if (!go.HasTag(GameTags.SwimmingCreature)) { Add(new FallStates.Def()); //special case: fish } } //is fish if (go.HasTag(GameTags.SwimmingCreature)) { Add(new FallStates.Def { getLandAnim = new Func <FallStates.Instance, string>(GetLandAnim) }); Add(new FlopStates.Def()); Add(new FixedCaptureStates.Def()); } else { Add(new StunnedStates.Def()); Add(new FixedCaptureStates.Def()); Add(new RanchedStates.Def()); } //can drown if (go.GetComponent <DrowningMonitor>() != null) { Add(new DrowningStates.Def()); } //eats solid if (go.GetDef <SolidConsumerMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new EatStates.Def()); } //eats gas/liquids if (go.GetDef <GasAndLiquidConsumerMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new InhaleStates.Def()); } //can get lured if (go.GetDef <LureableMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new MoveToLureStates.Def()); } //can burrow if (go.GetDef <BurrowMonitor.Def>() != null && go.GetDef <FertilityMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new ExitBurrowStates.Def()); //only adult if (go.GetDef <BabyMonitor.Def>() == null) { Add(new PlayAnimsStates.Def(GameTags.Creatures.Burrowed, true, "idle_mound", STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.BURROWED.NAME, STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.BURROWED.TOOLTIP)); Add(new PlayAnimsStates.Def(GameTags.Creatures.WantsToEnterBurrow, false, "hide", STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.BURROWING.NAME, STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.BURROWING.TOOLTIP)); } } //can tunnel if (go.GetDef <DiggerMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new DiggerStates.Def()); } //can expulse if (go.GetDef <ElementDropperMonitor.Def>() != null) { Add(new DropElementStates.Def()); } if (this.can_attack) { Add(new AttackStates.Def()); } if (this.can_flee) { Add(new FleeStates.Def()); } if (this.can_sleep) { Add(new CreatureSleepStates.Def()); } if (this.can_call) { Add(new CallAdultStates.Def()); } //species dependend! Tag species = go.GetComponent <CreatureBrain>().species; if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.MooSpecies || species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.PuftSpecies) { Add(new IdleStates.Def { customIdleAnim = new IdleStates.Def.IdleAnimCallback(CustomIdleAnim_Moo_Puft) }); } else if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.DreckoSpecies) { Add(new IdleStates.Def { customIdleAnim = new IdleStates.Def.IdleAnimCallback(CustomIdleAnim_Drecko) }); } else if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.MoleSpecies) { Add(new IdleStates.Def { customIdleAnim = new IdleStates.Def.IdleAnimCallback(CustomIdleAnim_Mole) }); } else { Add(new IdleStates.Def()); } //Crabs if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.CrabSpecies) { Add(new DefendStates.Def()); } //Squirrels if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.SquirrelSpecies) { Add(new TreeClimbStates.Def()); Add(new SeedPlantingStates.Def()); } //Pufts if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.PuftSpecies) { Add(new UpTopPoopStates.Def()); } //Oilfloaters if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.OilFloaterSpecies) { Add(new SameSpotPoopStates.Def()); } //Moles if (species == GameTags.Creatures.Species.MoleSpecies) { try { Add((StateMachine.BaseDef)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("NestingPoopState+Def, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"), nesting_poop != null ? nesting_poop.ToTag() : new Tag(0))); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning("[CustomizeCritter] Critical error while generating NestingPoopState+Def " + e.Message); } } if (species == GameTags.Robots.Models.SweepBot) { Add(new SweepBotTrappedStates.Def()); Add(new DeliverToSweepLockerStates.Def()); Add(new ReturnToChargeStationStates.Def()); Add(new SweepStates.Def()); } //poop general rule: must NOT have InhaleStates; must have diet with output var diet = go.GetDef <CreatureCalorieMonitor.Def>()?.diet?.infos; if (ElementLoader.elements != null && diet != null && diet.Length > 0 && diet[0].producedElement.IsValid) { switch (ElementLoader.FindElementByName(diet[0].producedElement.ToString()).state) { case Element.State.Solid: //Mole + Crab + Drecko + Hatch OR Pacu Add(new PlayAnimsStates.Def(GameTags.Creatures.Poop, false, go.HasTag(GameTags.SwimmingCreature) ? "lay_egg_pre" : "poop", STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.EXPELLING_SOLID.NAME, STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.EXPELLING_SOLID.TOOLTIP)); break; case Element.State.Liquid: //Moo Add(new PlayAnimsStates.Def(GameTags.Creatures.Poop, false, "poop", STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.EXPELLING_GAS.NAME, STRINGS.CREATURES.STATUSITEMS.EXPELLING_GAS.TOOLTIP)); break; } } else if (ElementLoader.elements == null) { Debug.Log("Wups, elements are not loaded yet."); } }
public static Element GetElement(string elementname) { return(ElementLoader.FindElementByName(elementname)); }
private void SetAnimator() { GameObject prefab = Assets.GetPrefab(; EdiblesManager.FoodInfo foodInfo = Game.Instance.ediblesManager.GetFoodInfo(; int num = (ElementLoader.FindElementByName( != null) ? 1 : ((foodInfo == null) ? ((int)info.quantity) : ((int)(info.quantity % foodInfo.CaloriesPerUnit))); if ((UnityEngine.Object)prefab != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { GameObject gameObject = Util.KInstantiateUI(contentBody, contentBody.transform.parent.gameObject, false); gameObject.SetActive(true); Image component = gameObject.GetComponent <Image>(); Tuple <Sprite, Color> uISprite = Def.GetUISprite(prefab, "ui", false); component.sprite = uISprite.first; component.color = uISprite.second; entryIcons.Add(gameObject); if (num > 1) { int num2 = 0; int num3 = 0; int num4; if (num % 2 == 1) { num4 = Mathf.CeilToInt((float)(num / 2)); num2 = num4 - i; num3 = ((num2 > 0) ? 1 : (-1)); num2 = Mathf.Abs(num2); } else { num4 = num / 2 - 1; if (i <= num4) { num2 = Mathf.Abs(num4 - i); num3 = -1; } else { num2 = Mathf.Abs(num4 + 1 - i); num3 = 1; } } int num5 = 0; if (num % 2 == 0) { num5 = ((i > num4) ? 6 : (-6)); gameObject.transform.SetPosition(gameObject.transform.position += new Vector3((float)num5, 0f, 0f)); } gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f - (float)num2 * 0.1f, 1f - (float)num2 * 0.1f, 1f); gameObject.transform.Rotate(0f, 0f, 3f * (float)num2 * (float)num3); gameObject.transform.SetPosition(gameObject.transform.position + new Vector3(25f * (float)num2 * (float)num3, 5f * (float)num2) + new Vector3((float)num5, 0f, 0f)); gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>().sortingOrder = num - num2; } } } else { GameObject gameObject2 = Util.KInstantiateUI(contentBody, contentBody.transform.parent.gameObject, false); gameObject2.SetActive(true); Image component2 = gameObject2.GetComponent <Image>(); component2.sprite = Def.GetUISpriteFromMultiObjectAnim(ElementLoader.GetElement(, "ui", false, string.Empty); component2.color = ElementLoader.GetElement(; entryIcons.Add(gameObject2); } }
public static void Postfix(ref List <GeyserGenericConfig.GeyserPrefabParams> __result) { GeyserInfo.config = __result; for (int j = 0; j < CustomizeGeyserState.StateManager.State.Geysers.Count; j++) { CustomizeGeyserState.GeyserStruct modifier = CustomizeGeyserState.StateManager.State.Geysers[j]; if ( == null) { continue; } Debug.Log("[GeyserModifier] Processing " + + " ..."); #region Error checks { if (modifier.anim != null && !GeyserKAnims.Any(s => s == modifier.anim)) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has non standard kAnim type " + modifier.anim)); modifier.anim = null; // TODO: find a way to validate custom kAnims } if (modifier.width != null && modifier.width < 1 || modifier.width > 10) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad width")); modifier.width = null; } if (modifier.height != null && modifier.height < 1 || modifier.height > 10) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad height")); modifier.height = null; } if (modifier.element != null && ElementLoader.FindElementByName(modifier.element) == null) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " element " + modifier.element + " does not exist")); modifier.element = null; } if (modifier.temperature != null && modifier.temperature < 1f || modifier.temperature > 8000f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad temperature")); modifier.temperature = null; } if (modifier.minRatePerCycle != null && modifier.minRatePerCycle < 0f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad minRatePerCycle")); modifier.minRatePerCycle = null; } // maxRatePerCycle later check for min if (modifier.maxPressure != null && modifier.maxPressure < 0f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad maxPressure")); modifier.maxPressure = null; } if (modifier.minIterationLength != null && modifier.minIterationLength < 0f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad minIterationLength")); modifier.minIterationLength = null; } // maxIterationLength later check for min if (modifier.minIterationPercent != null && modifier.minIterationPercent < 0f || modifier.minIterationPercent > 1f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad minIterationPercent")); modifier.minIterationPercent = null; } if (modifier.maxIterationPercent != null && modifier.maxIterationPercent > 1f) // maxIterationPercent later check for min { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad maxIterationPercent")); modifier.maxIterationPercent = null; } if (modifier.minYearLength != null && modifier.minYearLength < 10f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad minYearLength")); modifier.minYearLength = null; } // maxYearLength later check for min if (modifier.minYearPercent != null && modifier.minYearPercent < 0f || modifier.minYearPercent > 1f) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("Warning: Geyser " + + " has bad minYearPercent")); modifier.minYearPercent = null; } // maxYearPercent later check for min } #endregion int i = __result.FindIndex(x => ==; #region existing geyser if (i >= 0) //edit existing geyser { if (modifier.anim != null || modifier.width != null || modifier.height != null) { GeyserGenericConfig.GeyserPrefabParams copy = __result[i]; if (modifier.anim != null) { copy.anim = modifier.anim; } if (modifier.width != null) { copy.width = (int)modifier.width; } if (modifier.height != null) { copy.height = (int)modifier.height; } __result[i] = copy; } if (modifier.element != null) { __result[i].geyserType.element = (SimHashes)Hash.SDBMLower(modifier.element); } if (modifier.temperature != null) { __result[i].geyserType.temperature = (float)modifier.temperature; } if (modifier.minRatePerCycle != null) { __result[i].geyserType.minRatePerCycle = (float)modifier.minRatePerCycle; } if (modifier.maxRatePerCycle != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxRatePerCycle = Math.Max((float)modifier.maxRatePerCycle, __result[i].geyserType.minRatePerCycle); } if (modifier.maxPressure != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxPressure = (float)modifier.maxPressure; } if (modifier.minIterationLength != null) { __result[i].geyserType.minIterationLength = (float)modifier.minIterationLength; } if (modifier.maxIterationLength != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxIterationLength = Math.Max((float)modifier.maxIterationLength, __result[i].geyserType.minIterationLength); } if (modifier.minIterationPercent != null) { __result[i].geyserType.minIterationPercent = (float)modifier.minIterationPercent; } if (modifier.maxIterationPercent != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxIterationPercent = Math.Max((float)modifier.maxIterationPercent, __result[i].geyserType.minIterationPercent); } if (modifier.minYearLength != null) { __result[i].geyserType.minYearLength = (float)modifier.minYearLength; } if (modifier.maxYearLength != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxYearLength = Math.Max((float)modifier.maxYearLength, __result[i].geyserType.minYearLength); } if (modifier.minYearPercent != null) { __result[i].geyserType.minYearPercent = (float)modifier.minYearPercent; } if (modifier.maxYearPercent != null) { __result[i].geyserType.maxYearPercent = Math.Max((float)modifier.maxYearPercent, __result[i].geyserType.minYearPercent); } if (modifier.Name != null) { Strings.Add("STRINGS.CREATURES.SPECIES.GEYSER." + + ".NAME", modifier.Name); } if (modifier.Description != null) { Strings.Add("STRINGS.CREATURES.SPECIES.GEYSER." + + ".DESC", modifier.Description); } if (modifier.Disease != null || modifier.DiseaseCount != null) { byte diseaseIndex; if (modifier.Disease == null) { diseaseIndex = __result[i].geyserType.diseaseInfo.idx; } else { diseaseIndex = Db.Get().Diseases.GetIndex((HashedString)modifier.Disease); } if (modifier.DiseaseCount == null) { modifier.DiseaseCount = __result[i].geyserType.diseaseInfo.count; } if (diseaseIndex == byte.MaxValue || modifier.DiseaseCount <= 0) { __result[i].geyserType.diseaseInfo = Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; } else { __result[i].geyserType.diseaseInfo = new Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo() { idx = diseaseIndex, count = (int)modifier.DiseaseCount } }; } Debug.Log("[GeyserModifier] Changed geyser with id: " +; } #endregion #region new geyser else //make new geyser { if (modifier.element == null) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("[GeyserModifier] Cannot add geyser with no element: " +; continue; } if (ElementLoader.FindElementByName(modifier.element) == null) { Debug.LogWarning(ToDialog("[GeyserModifier] Could not add geyser " + + " because element does not exist: " + modifier.element)); continue; } if (modifier.anim == null) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(modifier.element); if (element.IsGas) { modifier.anim = "geyser_gas_steam_kanim"; } else if ("molten")) { modifier.anim = "geyser_molten_iron_kanim"; } else { modifier.anim = "geyser_liquid_water_slush_kanim"; } } if (modifier.width == null || modifier.height == null) { if (modifier.anim.Contains("_gas_")) { modifier.width = 2; modifier.height = 4; } else if (modifier.anim.Contains("_molten_")) { modifier.width = 3; modifier.height = 3; } else { modifier.width = 4; modifier.height = 2; } } if (modifier.temperature == null) { modifier.temperature = 373.15f; } if (modifier.minRatePerCycle == null) { modifier.minRatePerCycle = 3000f; } if (modifier.maxRatePerCycle == null || modifier.maxRatePerCycle < modifier.minRatePerCycle) { modifier.maxRatePerCycle = modifier.minRatePerCycle; } if (modifier.maxPressure == null) { modifier.maxPressure = 500f; } if (modifier.minIterationLength == null) { modifier.minIterationLength = 600f; } if (modifier.maxIterationLength == null || modifier.maxIterationLength < modifier.minIterationLength) { modifier.maxIterationLength = modifier.minIterationLength; } if (modifier.minIterationPercent == null) { modifier.minIterationPercent = 0.5f; } if (modifier.maxIterationPercent == null || modifier.maxIterationPercent < modifier.minIterationPercent) { modifier.maxIterationPercent = modifier.minIterationPercent; } if (modifier.minYearLength == null) { modifier.minYearLength = 75000f; } if (modifier.maxYearLength == null || modifier.maxYearLength < modifier.minYearLength) { modifier.maxYearLength = modifier.minYearLength; } if (modifier.minYearPercent == null) { modifier.minYearPercent = 0.6f; } if (modifier.maxYearPercent == null || modifier.maxYearPercent < modifier.minYearPercent || modifier.maxYearPercent > 1f) { modifier.maxYearPercent = modifier.minYearPercent; } if (modifier.Name != null) { Strings.Add("STRINGS.CREATURES.SPECIES.GEYSER." + + ".NAME", modifier.Name); } if (modifier.Description != null) { Strings.Add("STRINGS.CREATURES.SPECIES.GEYSER." + + ".DESC", modifier.Description); } Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo diseaseInfo; if (modifier.Disease == null || modifier.DiseaseCount == null) { diseaseInfo = Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; } else { byte diseaseIndex = Db.Get().Diseases.GetIndex((HashedString)modifier.Disease); if (diseaseIndex == byte.MaxValue || modifier.DiseaseCount <= 0) { diseaseInfo = Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo.Invalid; } else { diseaseInfo = new Klei.SimUtil.DiseaseInfo() { idx = diseaseIndex, count = (int)modifier.DiseaseCount } }; } __result.Add( new GeyserGenericConfig.GeyserPrefabParams( modifier.anim, (int)modifier.width, (int)modifier.height, new GeyserConfigurator.GeyserType(, (SimHashes)Hash.SDBMLower(modifier.element), (float)modifier.temperature, (float)modifier.minRatePerCycle, (float)modifier.maxRatePerCycle, (float)modifier.maxPressure, (float)modifier.minIterationLength, (float)modifier.maxIterationLength, (float)modifier.minIterationPercent, (float)modifier.maxIterationPercent, (float)modifier.minYearLength, (float)modifier.maxYearLength, (float)modifier.minYearPercent, (float)modifier.maxYearPercent).AddDisease(diseaseInfo) )); Debug.Log("[GeyserModifier] Added geyser " + + " : " + modifier.element); } #endregion } } } }
}; //wilt1, grow_seed public static void ProcessPlant(GameObject plant) { PlantData setting = CustomizePlantsState.StateManager.State.PlantSettings?.FirstOrDefault(t => ==; if (setting == null) { return; } #region decor plant fixes if (setting.fruitId != null) //decor plant fixes { PrickleGrass grass = plant.GetComponent <PrickleGrass>(); if (grass != null || == ColdBreatherConfig.ID || == EvilFlowerConfig.ID) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(grass); //what happens if this is null? plant.AddOrGet <StandardCropPlant>(); KPrefabID prefab = plant.GetComponent <KPrefabID>(); prefab.prefabInitFn += (inst => { StandardCropPlant stdcrop2 = inst.GetComponent <StandardCropPlant>(); stdcrop2.anims = PlantHelper.DecorAnim; }); //KBatchedAnimController kbatchedAnimController = plant.AddOrGet<KBatchedAnimController>(); //kbatchedAnimController.AnimFiles = new KAnimFile[1] //{ // Assets.GetAnim("bristleblossom_kanim") //}; //kbatchedAnimController.initialAnim = "idle_empty"; } SeedProducer seed = plant.GetComponent <SeedProducer>(); if (seed != null) { seed.seedInfo.productionType = SeedProducer.ProductionType.Harvest; seed.seedInfo.newSeedsProduced = 1; } } #endregion #region fruitId if (setting.fruitId != null || setting.fruit_grow_time != null || setting.fruit_amount != null) //actual setting fruit { Crop crop = plant.AddOrGet <Crop>(); Crop.CropVal cropval = crop.cropVal; //this is a copy if (setting.fruitId != null) { cropval.cropId = setting.fruitId; } if (cropval.cropId == "") { cropval.cropId = "WoodLog"; } if (setting.fruit_grow_time != null) { cropval.cropDuration = (float)setting.fruit_grow_time; } if (cropval.cropDuration < 1f) { cropval.cropDuration = 1f; } if (setting.fruit_amount != null) { cropval.numProduced = (int)setting.fruit_amount; } if (cropval.numProduced < 1) { cropval.numProduced = 1; } crop.Configure(cropval); KPrefabID prefab = plant.GetComponent <KPrefabID>(); GeneratedBuildings.RegisterWithOverlay(OverlayScreen.HarvestableIDs, prefab.PrefabID().ToString()); Growing growing = plant.AddOrGet <Growing>(); growing.growthTime = cropval.cropDuration; if ( != ForestTreeConfig.ID) // don't harvest arbor trees directly { plant.AddOrGet <Harvestable>(); } plant.AddOrGet <HarvestDesignatable>(); plant.AddOrGet <StandardCropPlant>(); } #endregion #region irrigation if (setting.irrigation != null) { RemoveIrrigation(plant); List <PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo> irrigation = new List <PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo>(3); List <PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo> fertilization = new List <PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo>(3); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> entry in setting.irrigation) { if (GameTags.LiquidElements.Contains(entry.Key)) { irrigation.Add(new PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo(entry.Key, entry.Value / 600f)); } else if (GameTags.SolidElements.Contains(entry.Key)) { fertilization.Add(new PlantElementAbsorber.ConsumeInfo(entry.Key, entry.Value / 600f)); } else { Debug.Log(ToDialog("Irrigation for " + + " defines bad element: " + entry.Key)); } } if (irrigation.Count > 0) { EntityTemplates.ExtendPlantToIrrigated(plant, irrigation.ToArray()); } if (fertilization.Count > 0) { EntityTemplates.ExtendPlantToFertilizable(plant, fertilization.ToArray()); } } #endregion #region illumination if (setting.illumination != null) { IlluminationVulnerable illumination = plant.GetComponent <IlluminationVulnerable>(); CropSleepingMonitor.Def cropSleep = plant.GetDef <CropSleepingMonitor.Def>(); if (setting.illumination == 0f) { if (illumination != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(illumination); } if (cropSleep != null) { FumLib.FumTools.RemoveDef(plant, cropSleep); } } else if (setting.illumination < 0f) { if (illumination == null) { illumination = plant.AddOrGet <IlluminationVulnerable>(); } if (cropSleep != null) { FumLib.FumTools.RemoveDef(plant, cropSleep); } illumination.SetPrefersDarkness(true); } else if (setting.illumination == 1f) { if (illumination == null) { illumination = plant.AddOrGet <IlluminationVulnerable>(); } if (cropSleep != null) { FumLib.FumTools.RemoveDef(plant, cropSleep); } illumination.SetPrefersDarkness(false); } else { if (illumination != null) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(illumination); } if (cropSleep == null) { cropSleep = plant.AddOrGetDef <CropSleepingMonitor.Def>(); } cropSleep.lightIntensityThreshold = (float)setting.illumination; cropSleep.prefersDarkness = false; } } #endregion #region safe_elements if (setting.safe_elements != null) { plant.GetComponent <KPrefabID>().prefabInitFn += (inst => { PressureVulnerable pressure = inst.GetComponent <PressureVulnerable>(); pressure.safe_atmospheres.Clear(); foreach (string safe_element in setting.safe_elements) { pressure.safe_atmospheres.Add(ElementLoader.FindElementByName(safe_element)); } }); } #endregion #region pressure if (setting.pressures != null) { PressureVulnerable pressure = plant.AddOrGet <PressureVulnerable>(); pressure.pressureLethal_Low = 0f; pressure.pressureWarning_Low = 0f; pressure.pressureWarning_High = float.MaxValue; pressure.pressureLethal_High = float.MaxValue; pressure.pressure_sensitive = false; for (int i = 0; i < setting.pressures.Length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: pressure.pressureLethal_Low = setting.pressures[i]; pressure.pressure_sensitive = true; break; case 1: pressure.pressureWarning_Low = setting.pressures[i]; break; case 2: pressure.pressureWarning_High = setting.pressures[i]; break; case 3: pressure.pressureLethal_High = setting.pressures[i]; break; } } } #endregion #region decor try { if (setting.decor_value != null) { plant.GetComponent <DecorProvider>().baseDecor = (float)setting.decor_value; } if (setting.decor_radius != null) { plant.GetComponent <DecorProvider>().baseRadius = (float)setting.decor_radius; } } catch (Exception) { Debug.LogWarning("[CustomizePlants] For some weird reason " + + " has no DecorProvider."); } #endregion #region temperatures if (setting.temperatures != null) { TemperatureVulnerable temperature = plant.AddOrGet <TemperatureVulnerable>(); for (int i = 0; i < setting.temperatures.Length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: temperature.internalTemperatureLethal_Low = setting.temperatures[i]; break; case 1: temperature.internalTemperatureWarning_Low = setting.temperatures[i]; break; case 2: temperature.internalTemperatureWarning_High = setting.temperatures[i]; break; case 3: temperature.internalTemperatureLethal_High = setting.temperatures[i]; break; } } } #endregion #region submerged_threshold if (setting.submerged_threshold != null) { DrowningMonitor drowning = plant.AddOrGet <DrowningMonitor>(); if (setting.submerged_threshold == 0f) //doesn't care about water { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(drowning); } else if (setting.submerged_threshold < 0f) //needs water { drowning.livesUnderWater = true; drowning.canDrownToDeath = false; } else //if(setting.submerged_threshold > 0f) //hates water { drowning.livesUnderWater = false; drowning.canDrownToDeath = false; } } #endregion #region can_tinker if (setting.can_tinker != null) { if (setting.can_tinker == true) { Tinkerable.MakeFarmTinkerable(plant); } } #endregion #region require_solid_tile if (setting.require_solid_tile != null) { UprootedMonitor uproot = plant.AddOrGet <UprootedMonitor>(); if (setting.require_solid_tile == false) { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(uproot); } } #endregion #region max_age if (setting.max_age != null && plant.GetComponent <StandardCropPlant>() != null) //only if plant has fruit { Growing growing = plant.AddOrGet <Growing>(); if (setting.max_age <= 0) { growing.shouldGrowOld = false; } else { growing.shouldGrowOld = true; growing.maxAge = (float)setting.max_age; } } #endregion #region disease if (setting.disease != null || setting.disease_amount != null) { DiseaseDropper.Def def = plant.AddOrGetDef <DiseaseDropper.Def>(); if (setting.disease != null) { def.diseaseIdx = Db.Get().Diseases.GetIndex(setting.disease); } if (setting.disease_amount != null) { def.singleEmitQuantity = (int)setting.disease_amount; } if (def.diseaseIdx == byte.MaxValue || def.singleEmitQuantity == 0) { FumLib.FumTools.RemoveDef(plant, def); } } #endregion #region input_element if (setting.input_element != null) { ElementConsumer consumer = plant.AddOrGet <ElementConsumer>(); Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(setting.input_element); if (element == null || element.IsSolid) //invalid element { Debug.Log(ToDialog("input_element is bad element: " + setting.input_element)); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(consumer); } else if (setting.input_rate <= 0f) //delete consumer { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(consumer); } else { consumer.configuration = ElementConsumer.Configuration.Element; consumer.consumptionRadius = 2; consumer.sampleCellOffset = new Vector3(0f, 0f); consumer.EnableConsumption(true); consumer.showInStatusPanel = true; consumer.storeOnConsume = false; //consumer deletes elements; output_element might overrides this consumer.consumptionRate = (float)setting.input_rate; consumer.elementToConsume =; consumer.capacityKG = (float)setting.input_rate * 10; plant.AddOrGet <Storage>().capacityKg = consumer.capacityKG; plant.AddOrGet <SaltPlant>(); } } #endregion #region output_element if (setting.output_element != null) { ElementConsumer consumer = plant.GetComponent <ElementConsumer>(); ElementConverter converter = plant.AddOrGet <ElementConverter>(); Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByName(setting.output_element); if (element == null) //invalid element { Debug.Log(ToDialog("output_element is bad element: " + setting.output_element)); UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(converter); } else if (setting.output_rate <= 0f) //delete converter { UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(converter); if (consumer != null) { consumer.storeOnConsume = false; } } else { if (consumer != null) //transform elements { consumer.storeOnConsume = true; converter.consumedElements = new ElementConverter.ConsumedElement[1] { new ElementConverter.ConsumedElement(consumer.elementToConsume.CreateTag(), consumer.consumptionRate) }; converter.OutputMultiplier = (float)setting.output_rate / consumer.consumptionRate; //Debug.Log("TAG is: " + consumer.elementToConsume.CreateTag().Name + " SimHash is: " + consumer.elementToConsume.ToString()); } else //create from nothing { converter.consumedElements = new ElementConverter.ConsumedElement[0]; converter.OutputMultiplier = 1f; } converter.outputElements = new ElementConverter.OutputElement[1] { new ElementConverter.OutputElement((float)setting.output_rate,, 0f, true, false, 0f, 1f) }; plant.AddOrGet <Storage>(); plant.AddOrGet <SaltPlant>(); } } #endregion }