    /// <summary>
    /// Copies elements from the source into specified destination ScatteredArranger
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="dest"></param>
    /// <param name="sourceStart">Starting point of source arranger in element coordinates</param>
    /// <param name="destStart">Starting point of destination arranger in element coordinates</param>
    /// <param name="copyWidth">Width of copy in elements</param>
    /// <param name="copyHeight">Height of copy in elements</param>
    public static MagitekResult CopyElements(ElementCopy source, ScatteredArranger dest, Point sourceStart, Point destStart, int copyWidth, int copyHeight)
        var result = CanCopyElements(source, dest, sourceStart, destStart, copyWidth, copyHeight);

        if (result.Value is MagitekResult.Success)
            CopyElementsInternal(source, dest, sourceStart, destStart, copyWidth, copyHeight);

 static void CopyElementsInternal(ElementCopy source, ScatteredArranger dest, Point sourceStart, Point destStart, int copyWidth, int copyHeight)
     for (int y = 0; y < copyHeight; y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < copyWidth; x++)
             var el = source.Elements[x + sourceStart.X, y + sourceStart.Y];
             if (el is ArrangerElement element)
                 dest.SetElement(element, x + destStart.X, y + destStart.Y);
    public static ArrangerCopy ToPixelCopy(this ElementCopy copy)
        int x      = copy.X * copy.Source.ElementPixelSize.Width;
        int y      = copy.Y * copy.Source.ElementPixelSize.Height;
        int width  = copy.Width * copy.Source.ElementPixelSize.Width;
        int height = copy.Height * copy.Source.ElementPixelSize.Height;

        if (copy.Source.ColorType == PixelColorType.Indexed)
            return(copy.Source.CopyPixelsIndexed(x, y, width, height));
        else if (copy.Source.ColorType == PixelColorType.Direct)
            return(copy.Source.CopyPixelsDirect(x, y, width, height));
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(ToPixelCopy)}: Arranger {copy.Source.Name} has an invalid color type {copy.Source.ColorType}");
    /// <summary>
    /// Tests if the source can be copied into the specified destination ScatteredArranger
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="dest"></param>
    /// <param name="destStart">Upper-left point to begin copying into in element coordinates</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static MagitekResult CanCopyElements(ElementCopy source, ScatteredArranger dest, Point sourceStart, Point destStart, int copyWidth, int copyHeight)
        if (copyWidth > dest.ArrangerElementSize.Width - destStart.X)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Destination arranger '{dest.Name}' with width ({dest.ArrangerElementSize.Width}) is insufficient to copy {copyWidth} elements starting from position {destStart.X}"));

        if (copyHeight > dest.ArrangerElementSize.Height - destStart.Y)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Destination arranger '{dest.Name}' with height ({dest.ArrangerElementSize.Height}) is insufficient to copy {copyHeight} elements starting from position {destStart.Y}"));

        if (copyWidth > source.Width - sourceStart.X)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Source copy with width ({source.Width}) is insufficient to copy {copyWidth} elements starting from position {sourceStart.X}"));

        if (copyHeight > source.Height - sourceStart.Y)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Source copy with height ({source.Height}) is insufficient to copy {copyHeight} elements starting from position {sourceStart.Y}"));

        if (source.Source.ElementPixelSize != dest.ElementPixelSize)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Source arranger '{source.Source.Name}' with element size ({source.Source.ElementPixelSize.Width}, {source.Source.ElementPixelSize.Height}) does not match destination arranger '{dest.Name}' with element size ({dest.ElementPixelSize.Width}, {dest.ElementPixelSize.Height})"));

        if (dest.Layout != ElementLayout.Tiled && (copyWidth != 1 || copyHeight != 1))
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Destination arranger '{dest.Name}' is not a tiled layout"));

        if (source.Source.ColorType != dest.ColorType)
            return(new MagitekResult.Failed($"Source arranger '{source.Source.Name}' ColorType {source.Source.ColorType} does not match destination arranger ColorType {dest.ColorType}"));

 /// <summary>
 /// Event to create a new scattered arranger from a copy
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="copy">Source containing all elements to be copied</param>
 /// <param name="projectResource">Source resource within the the project</param>
 public AddScatteredArrangerFromCopyEvent(ElementCopy copy, IProjectResource projectResource)
     Copy            = copy;
     ProjectResource = projectResource;