public ElementCollection CreateHierarchy() { ElementCollection result = new ElementCollection(); for (int index = 0; index < elements.Count; index++) { Element element = elements[index]; if (element is Entity.Text) result.Add(element); else if (element is Expression) result.Add(element); else if (element is Tag) { result.Add(CollectForTag((Tag) element, ref index)); } else if (element is TagClose) { throw new ParseException("Close tag for " + ((TagClose) element).Name + " doesn't have matching start tag.", element.Line, element.Col); } else throw new ParseException("Invalid element: " + element.GetType().ToString(), element.Line, element.Col); } return result; }
public void RaisesCollectionChangedEvent() { var collection = new ElementCollection <Axis>(new PlotModel()); collection.Add(new LinearAxis()); collection.Add(new LinearAxis()); collection.Add(new LinearAxis()); ElementCollectionChangedEventArgs <Axis> eventArgs = null; var raisedCount = 0; collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => { eventArgs = e; raisedCount++; }; var axis = new LinearAxis(); collection.Insert(1, axis); Assert.AreEqual(1, raisedCount); Assert.AreEqual(1, eventArgs.AddedItems.Count); Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(axis, eventArgs.AddedItems[0])); }
public void AddElement(BaseElement element) { if (element.Id == 0) { element.Id = FictitiousIdHelper.NextId; } _elements.Add(element); element.AppearanceChanged += ElementAppearanceChanged; OnAppearancePropertyChanged(new EventArgs()); }
public void AttachToChart(ElementCollection <Series> chart) { if (AreSeriesAttached || chart == null) { return; } chart.Add(mainSeries); foreach (var s in scatterSeries) { chart.Add(s); } AreSeriesAttached = true; }
void draw(DataTable Count) { try { chart.Dispose(); } catch { } chart = new Chart(); chart.Use3D = true; chart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; chart.Type = ChartType.Combo; foreach (DataRow dr in Count.Rows) { Element element = new Element(dr["Month"].ToString(), float.Parse(dr["Missions Number"].ToString())); element.Annotation = new Annotation(dr["Missions Number"].ToString()); ElementCollection eCollection = new ElementCollection(); eCollection.Add(element); Series serie = new Series(dr["Month"].ToString(), eCollection); chart.SeriesCollection.Add(serie); } Form d = new Form(); d.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; chart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; d.Controls.Add(chart); d.Show(); }
public override ElementCollection EnterElements(string prompt = "Enter elements") { GetObject gO = new GetObject(); gO.SetCustomGeometryFilter(new GetObjectGeometryFilter(FilterHandles)); //gO.GeometryFilter = ObjectType.Curve; gO.SetCommandPrompt(prompt); if (gO.GetMultiple(1, 0) == GetResult.Cancel) { throw new OperationCanceledException("Operation cancelled by user"); } var result = new ElementCollection(); foreach (ObjRef rObj in gO.Objects()) { if (Host.Instance.Handles.Links.ContainsSecond(rObj.ObjectId)) { Guid guid = Host.Instance.Handles.Links.GetFirst(rObj.ObjectId); ElementTable elementTable = Core.Instance.ActiveDocument?.Model?.Elements; if (elementTable != null && elementTable.Contains(guid)) { Element element = Core.Instance.ActiveDocument?.Model?.Elements[guid]; if (element != null) { result.Add(element); } } } } return(result); }
public static ElementCollection <T> AddRange <T>(this ElementCollection <T> source, IEnumerable <T> collectionToAdd) where T : Element { foreach (var item in collectionToAdd) { source.Add(item); } return(source); }
public override bool Execute(ExecutionInfo exInfo = null) { Elements = new ElementCollection(); if (Geometry != null) { // Convert each geometry item: foreach (VertexGeometry shape in Geometry) { if (shape is Curve) // Convert to linear element { LinearElement element = Model.Create.LinearElement((Curve)shape, exInfo); if (FamiliesFromLayers && shape.Attributes != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shape.Attributes.LayerName)) { string layerName = shape.Attributes.LayerName; SectionFamily sF = Model.Families.Sections.FindByName(layerName); if (sF == null) { sF = Model.Create.SectionFamily(layerName, exInfo); } element.Family = sF; } Elements.Add(element); } else if (shape is Surface) //Reminder: Meshes are also surfaces! { PanelElement element = Model.Create.PanelElement((Surface)shape, exInfo); if (FamiliesFromLayers && shape.Attributes != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(shape.Attributes.LayerName)) { string layerName = shape.Attributes.LayerName; BuildUpFamily fF = Model.Families.PanelFamilies.FindByName(layerName); if (fF == null) { fF = Model.Create.BuildUpFamily(layerName, exInfo); } element.Family = fF; } Elements.Add(element); } } Elements.GenerateNodes(new NodeGenerationParameters()); return(true); } return(false); }
private void AddElements(List <ElementViewModel> cards) { ElementCollection _elements = (ElementCollection)this.Resources["elements"]; _elements.Clear(); foreach (var card in cards) { _elements.Add(card); } }
private async void ButtonAddProfile_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog = new ProfileDialog(); var dialogResult = await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (dialogResult == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { var profile = dialog.Result; if (profile != null) { var existingElement = ProfileExists(profile); if (existingElement != null) { var yesNoDialog = new YesNoDialog("Profil bereits vorhanden", string.Format("Das Profil mit der Profilnummer '{0:s}', einer Länge von '{1:s}' und der Farbe '{2:s}' ist bereits vorhanden. " + "Soll das vorhandene Profil geändert werden?", profile.ProfileNumber, profile.Length, profile.Surface)); await yesNoDialog.ShowAsync(); if (yesNoDialog.Result == YesNoDialogType.Yes) { existingElement.Count += profile.Count; existingElement.Amount += profile.Amount; await UpdateProfile(existingElement); } return; } if (PlantOrder != null) { profile.PlantOrderId = PlantOrder.Id; } if (FileEntry != null) { profile.Filename = FileEntry.Name; } var profileId = await Proxy.CreateProfile(profile); if (profileId > 0) { profile.ProfileId = profileId; var element = AutoMapperConfiguration.Map(profile); ElementCollection.Add(element); } else { var errorDialog = new InfoDialog("Beim Anlegen des Profil's ist ein Fehler aufgetreten!", "Information", InfoDialogType.Error); await errorDialog.ShowAsync(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Implements INotifyElementAdded.ElementAdded. Elements will /// be added if the ModelElement has a type matching TElement /// type parameter /// </summary> /// <param name="element">The element to add</param> protected void ElementAdded(ModelElement element) { TElement typedElement = element as TElement; if (typedElement != null) { if (VerifyElementType(element)) { ElementCollection.Add(typedElement); } } }
public virtual ElementCollection GetLinkedNodes() { var ec = new ElementCollection(); foreach (var ce in Connects) { foreach (BaseLinkElement le in ce.Links) { ec.Add(le.Connector1 == ce ? le.Connector2.ParentElement : le.Connector1.ParentElement); } } return(ec); }
/// <overloads/> /// <summary> /// Returns the direct descendent children elements, including text nodes. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method returns text portions as <see cref="TextNodeElement"/> objects. /// </remarks> /// <param name="includeTextNodes">If <c>True</c> the collection will include text parts as <see cref="TextNodeElement"/> objects.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ElementCollection GetChildNodes(bool includeTextNodes) { Interop.IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection children = (Interop.IHTMLDOMChildrenCollection)node.childNodes; ElementCollection ec = new ElementCollection(); int length = children.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Interop.IHTMLDOMNode element = children.item(i) as Interop.IHTMLDOMNode; if (element != null && element != node) { if (element.nodeName.Equals("#text")) { ec.Add(new TextNodeElement(element, this.htmlEditor)); } else { ec.Add(this.htmlEditor.GenericElementFactory.CreateElement(element as Interop.IHTMLElement)); } } } return(ec); }
/// <summary> /// Get all linear elements in the specified model which have a mapping entry in this table /// </summary> /// <param name="inModel"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ElementCollection AllMappedPanelElements(Model.Model inModel) { var result = new ElementCollection(); if (ContainsKey(PanelCategory)) { foreach (Guid guid in this[PanelCategory].Keys) { if (inModel.Elements.Contains(guid)) { result.Add(inModel.Elements[guid]); } } } return(result); }
public void AddZ_LastWins_Moves_To_Last_Element() { var time0 = new ElementCollection(); time0.xtor(); var element0 = new Element { ScheduleStyle = ElementScheduleStyle.LastWins }; //(MockElement.LastWins); time0.Add(element0, 0); // var time1 = new ElementCollection(); time1.xtor(); var element1 = new Element { ScheduleStyle = ElementScheduleStyle.LastWins }; //(MockElement.LastWins); time1.Add(element1, 0); Assert.AreEqual(time0.GetCount(), 0); Assert.AreEqual(time1.GetCount(), 1); }
public void AddZ_Multiple_Keeps_All_Elements() { var time0 = new ElementCollection(); time0.xtor(); var element0 = new Element { ScheduleStyle = ElementScheduleStyle.Multiple }; //(MockElement.Multiple); time0.Add(element0, 0); // var time1 = new ElementCollection(); time1.xtor(); var element1 = new Element { ScheduleStyle = ElementScheduleStyle.Multiple }; //(MockElement.Multiple); time1.Add(element1, 0); Assert.AreEqual(time0.GetCount(), 1); Assert.AreEqual(time1.GetCount(), 1); }
public void RaisesCollectionChangedEvent() { var collection = new ElementCollection<Axis>(new PlotModel()); ElementCollectionChangedEventArgs<Axis> eventArgs = null; var raisedCount = 0; collection.CollectionChanged += (sender, e) => { eventArgs = e; raisedCount++; }; var axis = new LinearAxis(); collection.Add(axis); Assert.AreEqual(1, raisedCount); Assert.AreEqual(1, eventArgs.AddedItems.Count); Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(axis, eventArgs.AddedItems[0])); }
public void AddToCollection(IEnumerable <IfElement> ifElements) { foreach (var item in ifElements) { int index; IfElement E = CheckElement(item); if (E != null) { index = ElementCollection.IndexOf(E); DataRow DR = BOQTable.Rows[index]; DR.SetField <int>("Number", DR.Field <int>("Number") + 1); NumberOfElements[index]++; } else { BOQTable.Rows.Add(item.ToString(), 1); ElementCollection.Add(item); NumberOfElements.Add(1); } } }
private void SetupElements(bool addToCollection) { if (RowPresenter == null || ElementCollection == null) { return; } var rowBindings = RowBindings; BeginSetup(rowBindings, addToCollection ? null : Elements); for (int i = 0; i < rowBindings.Count; i++) { var rowBinding = rowBindings[i]; var element = rowBinding.Setup(RowPresenter); if (addToCollection) { ElementCollection.Add(element); } } rowBindings.EndSetup(); }
public static bool HandleATMCreateJob(string jobName, ElementCollection elements) { var excludeList = new List <string> { "BI_Warehousing_TeamPerformanceTotals", "CAF Reject Hist", "Chip Card Status Update", "PostCard Full Extract", "Postilion - HotCard File Creation", "Postilion Office - Copy Card and Account Data", "sqlops_ActivityDB_Backup_Dbs_ATM_Woodforest" }; if (!excludeList.Contains(jobName)) { return(false); } elements.Add(jobName.Equals(@"sqlops_ActivityDB_Backup_Dbs_ATM_Woodforest") ? new JobDependency($@"\{ConversionBaseHelper.JamsArchonRootFolder}\ATM Create CAF and PBF - Weekend") : new JobDependency($@"\{ConversionBaseHelper.JamsArchonRootFolder}\ATM Create CAF and PBF")); return(true); }
private void AddElement(BlockBinding blockBinding) { var element = blockBinding.Setup(this); ElementCollection.Add(element); }
/// <summary> /// 根据标签名获取所有同标签名的子元素标签 /// </summary> /// <param name="tagName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual ElementCollection<Tag> GetChildTagsByTagName(string tagName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("tagName"); ElementCollection<Tag> tags = new ElementCollection<Tag>(); //搜索当前元素下的子元素 foreach (Element item in this.InnerElements) { if (item is Tag) { Tag tag = (Tag)item; if (tagName.Equals(tag.TagName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) tags.Add(tag); //处理其下子元素 tags.AddRange(tag.GetChildTagsByTagName(tagName)); } } return tags; }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有具有同名称的模板列表. /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ElementCollection<Template> GetChildTemplatesByName(string name) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("name"); ElementCollection<Template> items = new ElementCollection<Template>(); foreach (Template template in TagContainer.ChildTemplates) { if (name.Equals(template.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { items.Add(template); } items.AddRange(template.GetChildTemplatesByName(name)); } return items; }
protected override void CloneOverride ([NotNull] BindableObject obj) { var source = (Element)obj; base.CloneOverride(source); if (HasChildren) { _children = new ElementCollection(source); foreach (Element child in source._children) { var childClone = (Element)child.Clone(); childClone.DataContext = null; _children.Add(childClone); } } }