public async Task FindByEmail() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser(UserId, UserName) { Email = new ElasticUserEmail { Address = "*****@*****.**", IsConfirmed = false } }; await store.CreateAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email.Address); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser); Assert.Equal(user.EmailAddress, elasticUser.EmailAddress); // should ignore case elasticUser = await store.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email.Address.ToUpper()); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser); Assert.Equal(user.EmailAddress, elasticUser.EmailAddress); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string returnUrl = null) { ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = new ElasticConfirmation(model.Email) }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link //var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user); //var callbackUrl = Url.Action(nameof(ConfirmEmail), "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); //await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Confirm your account", // $"Please confirm your account by clicking this link: <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>"); await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); _logger.LogInformation(3, "User created a new account with password."); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } AddErrors(result); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task AddLogin_ShouldNotAdd_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1")) }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var createResult = await store.CreateAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); await store.AddLoginAsync(user, new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1"), NoCancellationToken); var elasticUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(createResult, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(user.Logins.Count, 1); }
public async Task CustomTypeName() { const string indexName = "some-index"; const string entityName = "world"; try { var userStore = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser>( _connectionString, indexName: indexName, entityName: entityName, forceRecreate: true ); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******" }; user.Roles.UnionWith(new[] { "hello" }); var userManager = new UserManager <ElasticUser>(userStore); AssertIdentityResult(await userManager.CreateAsync(user, "some password")); var response = Client.Get <ElasticUser>(user.Id, indexName, entityName); Assert.That(response.Source, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(response.Source.UserName, Is.EqualTo(user.UserName)); } finally { Client.DeleteIndex(i => i.Index(indexName)); } }
public async Task FindByLogin_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user1 = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1")) }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var user2 = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov2", "key2", "test2")) }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var createResult1 = await store.CreateAsync(user1, NoCancellationToken); var createResult2 = await store.CreateAsync(user2, NoCancellationToken); var elasticUser = await store.FindByLoginAsync("prov2", "key2", NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(createResult1, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(createResult2, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(user2.Id, elasticUser.Id); }
public async Task RemoveClaim_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1")) }, Claims = new List <ElasticClaim> { new ElasticClaim("type1", "value1"), new ElasticClaim("type2", "value2") }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var createResult = await store.CreateAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); var claimsToBeRemoved = new List <Claim> { new Claim("type2", "value2") }; await store.RemoveClaimsAsync(user, claimsToBeRemoved, NoCancellationToken); var elasticUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(createResult, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(elasticUser.Claims.Count, 2); }
public async Task SetTwoFactorEnabled_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1")) }, Claims = new List <ElasticClaim> { new ElasticClaim("type", "value1") }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var createResult = await store.CreateAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); await store.SetTwoFactorEnabledAsync(user, true, NoCancellationToken); await store.UpdateAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); var elasticUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(createResult, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.True(elasticUser.IsTwoFactorEnabled); }
private void Map(ElasticUser euser, User user) { user.Id = euser.Id; user.UserName = euser.UserName; user.PasswordHash = euser.PasswordHash; user.RegistrationDateUtc = euser.RegistrationDateUtc; }
private void Map(User user, ElasticUser euser) { euser.Id = user.Id; euser.UserName = user.UserName; euser.PasswordHash = user.PasswordHash; euser.RegistrationDateUtc = user.RegistrationDateUtc; }
public async Task CreateUserWithElasticId() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser() { UserName = UserName, Phone = new ElasticUserPhone { Number = "555 123 1234", IsConfirmed = true }, Email = new ElasticUserEmail { Address = "*****@*****.**", IsConfirmed = false } }; await store.CreateAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByNameAsync(UserName); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser); Assert.Equal(elasticUser.UserName, UserName); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser.Id); Assert.NotEqual(UserId, elasticUser.Id); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser.Version); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ExternalLoginConfirmation(ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel model, string returnUrl = null) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Get the information about the user from the external login provider var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(); if (info == null) { return(View("ExternalLoginFailure")); } var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = model.Email, Email = new ElasticConfirmation(model.Email) }; var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user); if (result.Succeeded) { result = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info); if (result.Succeeded) { await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false); _logger.LogInformation(6, "User created an account using {Name} provider.", info.LoginProvider); return(RedirectToLocal(returnUrl)); } } AddErrors(result); } ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl; return(View(model)); }
public ElasticResult <ElasticUser> Update(ElasticUser user) { var response = _elasticRepository.ExecuteCreateOrUpdateRequest(user, EsType); return(response.Success ? ElasticResult <ElasticUser> .SuccessResult(user) : ElasticResult <ElasticUser> .FailResult(response.Message)); }
public async Task CreateAsync(User user) { if (await FindByNameAsync(user.UserName) != null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Username: '******' is already taken.", user.UserName)); } var euser = new ElasticUser(); Map(user, euser); await eclient.IndexAsync(euser, ind => ind.Index(AppUsersIndexName)); }
public async Task FindById() { var store = CreateStore(); var user = new ElasticUser(UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(elasticUser); Assert.AreEqual(user.Id, elasticUser.Id); }
public User Convert(ElasticUser eUser, GameSetupInfo setupInfo) { var user = new User { Id = eUser.UserId, MaxHandsPerDay = CalculateMaxHandsPerDay(setupInfo), MaxVisitsPerWeek = CalculateMaxVisitsPerWeek(setupInfo), Name = eUser.Name, }; return(user); }
public async Task DeleteUser() { var store = CreateStore(); var user = new ElasticUser(UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); await store.DeleteAsync(user); user = await store.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName); Assert.That(user, Is.Null); }
public async Task GetUsersInRole_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user1 = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key1", "test1")) }, Claims = new List <ElasticClaim> { new ElasticClaim("type", "value1") }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var user2 = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov2", "key2", "test2")) }, Claims = new List <ElasticClaim> { new ElasticClaim("type", "value2") }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var createResult1 = await store.CreateAsync(user1, NoCancellationToken); var createResult2 = await store.CreateAsync(user2, NoCancellationToken); await store.AddToRoleAsync(user1, "role1", NoCancellationToken); await store.AddToRoleAsync(user1, "role2", NoCancellationToken); await store.AddToRoleAsync(user2, "role1", NoCancellationToken); var usersForRole1 = await store.GetUsersInRoleAsync("role1", NoCancellationToken); var usersForRole2 = await store.GetUsersInRoleAsync("role2", NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(createResult1, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(createResult2, IdentityResult.Success); Assert.Equal(usersForRole1.Count, 2); Assert.Equal(usersForRole2.Count, 1); }
public async Task FindById() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser(UserId, UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.NotNull(elasticUser); Assert.Equal(user.Id, elasticUser.Id); } }
public async Task DeleteUser() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser(UserId, UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); await store.DeleteAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName); Assert.Null(elasticUser); } }
public async Task Create_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var result = await store.CreateAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(result, IdentityResult.Success); }
public async Task UpdateUser() { var store = CreateStore(); var user = new ElasticUser(UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); user = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); user.Roles.Add("hello"); await store.UpdateAsync(user); user = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.That(user.Roles, Contains.Item("hello")); }
public async Task FindByEmail() { var store = CreateStore(); var user = new ElasticUser(UserName) { Email = new ElasticUserEmail { Address = "*****@*****.**", IsConfirmed = false } }; await store.CreateAsync(user); var elasticUser = await store.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email.Address); Assert.IsNotNull(elasticUser); Assert.AreEqual(user.EmailAddress, elasticUser.EmailAddress); }
public async Task GetLogins_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key", "test1")), new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov2", "key2", "test1")) }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var logins = await store.GetLoginsAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(2, logins.Count); }
public async Task GetNormalizedUserName_Test() { var store = new ElasticUserStore <ElasticUser, ElasticRole>(_nestClient, new ElasticOptions { UsersIndex = _userIndex }); const string expected = "test1"; var user = new ElasticUser { UserName = "******", PasswordHash = "phash", Logins = new List <ElasticUserLogin> { new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov1", "key", "test1")), new ElasticUserLogin(new UserLoginInfo("prov2", "key2", "test1")) }, Email = new ElasticConfirmation("*****@*****.**") }; var actual = await store.GetNormalizedUserNameAsync(user, NoCancellationToken); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public async Task CreateUser() { var store = CreateStore(); var user = new ElasticUser(UserName) { Phone = new ElasticUserPhone { Number = "555 123 1234", IsConfirmed = true }, Email = new ElasticUserEmail { Address = "*****@*****.**", IsConfirmed = false } }; await store.CreateAsync(user); user = await store.FindByNameAsync(UserName); Assert.That(user, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(user.UserName, Is.EqualTo(UserName)); }
public async Task UpdateUser() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser(UserId, UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); user = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); user.Roles.Add("hello"); await store.UpdateAsync(user); user = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); Assert.True(user.Roles.Contains("hello")); // create another user object from the same id var sameUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(user.Id); sameUser.Roles.Add("another_role"); await store.UpdateAsync(sameUser); sameUser = await store.FindByIdAsync(sameUser.Id); Assert.True(sameUser.Roles.Contains("another_role")); // same id, different versions Assert.Equal(user.Id, sameUser.Id); Assert.NotEqual(user.Version, sameUser.Version); // exception should be thrown as we're attempting to // update the original, out of date, user. user.Roles.Add("bad_role"); await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Elasticsearch.Net.ElasticsearchClientException>(async() => await store.UpdateAsync(user)); } }
public async Task FailToCreateUserDueToExistingId() { using (var store = new UserStoreFixture <ElasticUser>()) { var user = new ElasticUser(UserId, UserName); await store.CreateAsync(user); bool threwConflictException = false; try { await store.CreateAsync(user); } catch (ElasticsearchClientException ex) { if (ex.Message.Contains("409")) { threwConflictException = true; } } Assert.True(threwConflictException); } }
public ElasticResult <ElasticUser> Add(string login, string password) { var user = new ElasticUser(login, password); return(_entityRepository.Add(EsType, user)); }
public ElasticResult <ElasticMessage> AddAdminMessage(string chatGuid, ElasticUser user, string text) { var message = new ElasticMessage(chatGuid, user.Guid, user.UserName, text, true); return(_entityRepository.Add(EsType, message)); }