        private static void RestoreTidUniqueColumn(EduHubEntity entity)
            // check no unique column is available
            if (!entity.Indexes.Any(e => e.IsUnique))
                var tidColumn = entity.Fields.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                                                             e.Name.Equals("TID", StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                                                             !e.IsNullable && e.SqlType.Equals("int"));

                // has valid TID column
                if (tidColumn != null)
                    // existing index?
                    var index = entity.Indexes.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Fields.Contains(tidColumn));
                    if (index == null)
                        // create index
                        var fields = new List <EduHubField>()
                        index = new EduHubIndex(entity, "Index_TID", fields, false, true, false);
 public static void EnsureNavigationFieldIndexes(EduHubSchema schema)
     foreach (var childField in schema.Entities.SelectMany(e => e.Fields).Where(f => f.ForeignParentKey.EntityName != null))
         if (childField.GetIndex() == null)
             var entity = childField.Entity;
             var fields = new List <EduHubField>()
             var indexName = $"Index_{string.Join("_", fields.Select(f => f.Name))}";
             var index     = new EduHubIndex(entity, indexName, fields.AsReadOnly(), false, false, false);
        private static void AugmentSchema(EduHubSchema Schema, List <SysTable> Tables, List <SysType> Types, List <SysColumn> Columns, List <SysIndex> Indexes, List <SysIndexColumn> IndexColumns)
            var tableLookup   = Tables.ToDictionary(t => t.name, t => t.object_id, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var typeLookup    = Types.ToDictionary(t => t.user_type_id, t => t.name);
            var columnsLookup = Columns
                                .GroupBy(c => c.object_id)
                                .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.OrderBy(c => c.column_id).ToList());
            var indexLookup = Indexes
                              .GroupBy(i => i.object_id)
                              .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.OrderBy(i => i.index_id).ToList());
            var indexColumnLookup = IndexColumns
                                    .GroupBy(ic => ic.object_id)
                                    .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.GroupBy(ic => ic.index_id).ToDictionary(g2 => g2.Key, g2 => g2.OrderBy(ic => ic.key_ordinal).ToList()));

            foreach (var entity in Schema.Entities)
                // Table ID

                if (!tableLookup.TryGetValue(entity.Name, out int tableObjectId))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown Entity: {entity.Name}");
                    // COLUMNS
                    // Validate schema conformance; determine nullable and identity columns
                    if (columnsLookup.TryGetValue(tableObjectId, out List <SysColumn> entityColumns))
                        foreach (var column in entityColumns)
                            var field = entity.Fields.First(f => f.Name.Equals(column.name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                            field.SqlType = typeLookup[column.user_type_id];

                            // Check Framework Type
                            if (field.Type != GetFrameworkType(field.SqlType))
                                // Overrides
                                if (field.Entity.Name == "SPFSTORE" && field.Name == "ASSOCIATION_TYPE" && field.Type == "short" && field.SqlType == "int")
                                    field.Type = "int";
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity field type didn't match database schema");

                            switch (field.SqlType)
                            case "varchar":
                            case "varbinary":
                                if (field.TypeMaxLength == 0)
                                    field.TypeMaxLength = column.max_length;

                                // Overrides
                                if (field.Entity.Name == "SPFSTORE" && field.Name == "PHYSICAL_LOCATION" && field.TypeMaxLength == 255 && column.max_length == 500)
                                    field.TypeMaxLength = column.max_length;

                                if (field.TypeMaxLength != column.max_length)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity field max length didn't match database schema");

                            if (!field.IsNullable && column.is_nullable)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity field nullable didn't match database schema");

                            if (field.IsNullable && !column.is_nullable)
                                field.IsNullable = false;

                            if (field.IsIdentity && !column.is_identity)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity field identity didn't match database schema");

                            if (!field.IsIdentity && column.is_identity)
                                field.IsIdentity = true;

                    // INDEXES
                    // Determine Indexes
                    if (indexLookup.TryGetValue(tableObjectId, out List <SysIndex> entityIndexes))
                        foreach (var entityIndex in entityIndexes)
                            List <SysIndexColumn> indexColumns = indexColumnLookup[entityIndex.object_id][entityIndex.index_id];

                            List <EduHubField> fields = indexColumns
                                                        .Select(ic => entity.Fields.First(f => f.Name.Equals(entityColumns.First(c => c.column_id == ic.column_id).name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))

                            if (fields.Count == 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected index with no columns");

                            var indexName = $"Index_{string.Join("_", fields.Select(f => f.Name))}";

                            var index = new EduHubIndex(
                                Entity: entity,
                                Name: indexName,
                                Fields: fields.AsReadOnly(),
                                IsPrimary: entityIndex.is_primary_key,
                                IsUnique: entityIndex.is_unique,
                                IsClustered: entityIndex.type == 1);  // 1 = Clustered, 2 = Non Clustered

                            // Check for existing Index with matching Fields; if matched, add unique or shortest name;
                            var matchingIndex = entity.Indexes.FirstOrDefault(ei => ei.Fields.Count == index.Fields.Count && ei.Fields.All(f => index.Fields.Contains(f)));
                            if (matchingIndex != null)
                                if ((!matchingIndex.IsUnique && index.IsUnique) ||       // New Index is unique
                                    (!matchingIndex.IsPrimary && index.IsPrimary) ||     // New Index is primary
                                    (!matchingIndex.IsClustered && index.IsClustered) || // New Index is clustered
                                    (index.Name.Length < matchingIndex.Name.Length))     // New Index has shorter name
                                    // Remove existing, add new

                    // Ensure identity columns have index
                    foreach (var identityField in entity.Fields.Where(f => f.IsIdentity))
                        var name = $"Index_{identityField.Name}";

                        var index = new EduHubIndex(
                            Entity: entity,
                            Name: name,
                            Fields: new List <EduHubField>()
                            IsPrimary: false,
                            IsUnique: true,
                            IsClustered: false);

                        // Check for existing Index with matching Fields; if matched, add unique or shortest name;
                        var matchingIndex = entity.Indexes.FirstOrDefault(ei => ei.Fields.Count == index.Fields.Count && ei.Fields.All(f => index.Fields.Contains(f)));
                        if (matchingIndex != null)
                            if ((!matchingIndex.IsUnique && index.IsUnique) ||   // New Index is unique
                                (index.Name.Length < matchingIndex.Name.Length)) // New Index has shorter name
                                if (matchingIndex.IsClustered)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Shouldn't replace clustered indexes");
                                if (matchingIndex.IsPrimary)
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Shouldn't replace primary indexes");

                                // Remove existing, add new