public void StartNewDrag() { selectedWall = WallUnderMouse(activatedCamera, wallsLayer); originWallPosition = selectedWall.getPosition(); originWallZRot = selectedWall.getZRotation(); isDragging = true; }
public EditorWall WallUnderMouse(Camera camera, LayerMask layer) { RaycastHit[] hits; RaycastHit hit; float lowestDistanceToCurrentBeat = 100f; float currentUnit = Track.GetUnitByMeasure(Track.CurrentSelectedMeasure); Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); hits = Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 50f, layer); if (hits.Length < 1) { return(new EditorWall()); // If nothing is hit, do nothing } hit = hits[0]; // Start by assuming the first hit is the closest // Check for closer hits for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++) { //Debug.Log("Hit wall name: " + hits[i]; float distanceToCurrentBeat = Mathf.Abs(hits[i].transform.position.z - currentUnit); // Check if hit is closer, filtering anything prior to the current beat (with small tolerance added to accomodate rounding issues) if (distanceToCurrentBeat < lowestDistanceToCurrentBeat && (hits[i].transform.position.z + .001) >= currentUnit) { lowestDistanceToCurrentBeat = distanceToCurrentBeat; hit = hits[i]; } } //Debug.Log("Chosen wall name: " +; if ((hit.transform.position.z + .001) < currentUnit) { return(new EditorWall()); // If no hits were at or after the current beat, do nothing } Renderer rend = hit.transform.GetComponent <Renderer>(); EditorWall draggableWall = new EditorWall(); draggableWall.wallGO = hit.transform.parent.gameObject; mouseWallOffset = hit.point - draggableWall.wallGO.transform.position; if (draggableWall.wallGO != null) { draggableWall.slide = Track.TryGetSlideAtPositionZ(draggableWall.wallGO.transform.position.z); if (draggableWall.slide.initialized) { draggableWall.exists = true; draggableWall.time = draggableWall.slide.time; return(draggableWall); } else { draggableWall.crouch = Track.TryGetCrouchAtPositionZ(draggableWall.wallGO.transform.position.z); if (draggableWall.crouch.initialized) { draggableWall.exists = true; draggableWall.isCrouch = true; draggableWall.time = draggableWall.crouch.time; return(draggableWall); } } } return(new EditorWall()); }
public bool isWallUnderMouse() { EditorWall checkedWall = WallUnderMouse(activatedCamera, wallsLayer); if (checkedWall != null && checkedWall.exists && checkedWall.wallGO != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public Vector3 getWallUnderMousePosition() { EditorWall checkedWall = WallUnderMouse(activatedCamera, wallsLayer); if (checkedWall != null && checkedWall.exists && checkedWall.wallGO != null) { return(checkedWall.wallGO.transform.position); } else { return(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } }
private void EndCurrentDrag() { if (!selectedWall.exists) { return; } Vector3 finalPos = selectedWall.wallGO.transform.position; Vector3 finalRot = selectedWall.wallGO.transform.GetChild(0).eulerAngles; selectedWall.setPositionRotation(new float[3] { finalPos.x, finalPos.y, finalPos.z }, finalRot.z); Track.FinalizeWallDrag(selectedWall.time, selectedWall.getType(), originWallPosition, selectedWall.getPosition(), originWallZRot, selectedWall.getZRotation()); Track.HistoryChangeDragWall(selectedWall.getType(), selectedWall.time, originWallPosition, selectedWall.getPosition()); selectedWall = new EditorWall(); originWallPosition = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }; originWallZRot = 0f; mouseWallOffset =; isDragging = false; }