static bool LuaToByteCode(string sSrcFileDir, string sDstFileDir, string sGroupName, string[] includePath) { bool bJITExists = File.Exists(ms_sLuaJitToolPath); if (!bJITExists || !Directory.Exists(sSrcFileDir)) { string sJitErr = "no File:" + ms_sLuaJitToolPath; string sLuaErr = "no Path:" + sSrcFileDir; Debug.LogError(bJITExists ? sLuaErr : sJitErr); return(false); } //Debug.Log(sGroupName + ": Lua To CodeByte Start!"); bool bSuccess = true; System.DateTime now = System.DateTime.Now; if (Directory.Exists(sDstFileDir)) { Directory.Delete(sDstFileDir, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(sDstFileDir); /*string sLuaCsvTmp = Application.dataPath + "/../../LuaCsvBytes/" + sGroupName + "/"; * //Debug.Log("LuaCsvTmp:" + sLuaCsvTmp); * * if (Directory.Exists(sLuaCsvTmp)) * Directory.Delete(sLuaCsvTmp, true); * Directory.CreateDirectory(sLuaCsvTmp);*/ string[] sDirs = { sSrcFileDir }; string[] sPatterns = { "*.lua", "*.csv" }; string[] sFiles = AppPackage.GetFiles(sDirs, sPatterns, false); int nCount = sFiles.Length; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if (!IsInlcudePath(sFiles[i], includePath)) { continue; } // 客户端要支持IOS的arm64,所以直接使用源码 string sFilePath = sFiles[i].Replace("\\", "/"); string sFileName = sFilePath.Substring(sSrcFileDir.Length).Replace('/', '.') + ".bytes"; string sDstFile = sDstFileDir + "/" + sFileName; File.Copy(sFilePath, sDstFile, true); /*// 服务端使用luajit,lua文件编译成字节码,csv文件直接拷贝 * string sLSFile = sLuaCsvTmp + sFilePath.Substring(sSrcFileDir.Length); * string sBCDir = sLSFile.Substring(0, sLSFile.LastIndexOf('/')); * if (!Directory.Exists(sBCDir)) * Directory.CreateDirectory(sBCDir); * * if (sFilePath.EndsWith(".lua")) * { * // 调用luajit.exe进程打包Lua文件。1、检查lua代码的语法;2、正式服务端不能使用源码 * System.Diagnostics.Process p = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); * p.StartInfo.FileName = ms_sLuaJitToolPath; * p.StartInfo.Arguments = " -bg " + sFilePath + " " + sLSFile;//LuaJIT的命令 //p.StartInfo.Arguments = " -o " + sDstFile + " " + sFilePath; //LuaC的命令 * p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; * p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; * p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; * p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; * p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; * * // p.Exited += (object sender, System.EventArgs e) => { p.Close(); }; * p.Start(); * string sErrInfo = p.StandardError.ReadToEnd(); * // string sOutInfo = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); * // p.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit"); * p.WaitForExit(); * p.Close(); * * if (sErrInfo != null && sErrInfo != "") * { * bSuccess = false; * Debug.LogError(sErrInfo); * } * } * else * { * File.Copy(sFilePath, sLSFile, true); * }*/ float fProgress = i * 1.0f / nCount; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("LuaCsv CodeByte", sFilePath + ": " + fProgress.ToString(), fProgress); // Debug.Log(sFilePath + " => " + sDstFile); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); System.GC.Collect(); System.TimeSpan disTime = System.DateTime.Now - now; Debug.Log(sSrcFileDir + ": " + nCount.ToString() + " Files To ByteCode! Cost " + (disTime.Hours * 3600 + disTime.Minutes * 60 + disTime.Seconds).ToString()); return(bSuccess); }
private void OnBuildAssetBundlesError(string errorMessage) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); Debug.LogWarning(Utility.Text.Format("Build AssetBundles error with error message '{0}'.", errorMessage)); }
void InitializeAllActiveConverters(ClickEvent evt) { // If we use search index, go async if (ShouldCreateSearchIndex()) { CreateSearchIndex(m_URPConverterIndex); } // Otherwise do everything directly else { ConverterCollectData(() => { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }); } void CreateSearchIndex(string name) { // Create <guid>.index in the project var title = $"Building {name} search index"; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(title, "Creating search index...", -1f); // Private implementation of a file naming function which puts the file at the selected path. Type assetdatabase = typeof(AssetDatabase); var indexPath = (string)assetdatabase.GetMethod("GetUniquePathNameAtSelectedPath", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(assetdatabase, new object[] { name }); // Write search index manifest System.IO.File.WriteAllText(indexPath, @"{ ""roots"": [""Assets""], ""includes"": [], ""excludes"": [], ""options"": { ""types"": true, ""properties"": true, ""extended"": true, ""dependencies"": true }, ""baseScore"": 9999 }"); // Import the search index AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(indexPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport | ImportAssetOptions.DontDownloadFromCacheServer); EditorApplication.delayCall += () => { // Create dummy request to ensure indexing has finished var context = Search.SearchService.CreateContext("asset", $"p: a=\"{name}\""); Search.SearchService.Request(context, (_, items) => { OnSearchIndexCreated(name, indexPath, () => { DeleteSearchIndex(context, indexPath); }); }); }; } void OnSearchIndexCreated(string name, string path, Action onComplete) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); ConverterCollectData(onComplete); } void ConverterCollectData(Action onConverterDataCollectionComplete) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"Initializing converters", $"Initializing converters...", -1f); int convertersToConvert = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_ConverterStates.Count; ++i) { if (m_ConverterStates[i].requiresInitialization) { convertersToConvert++; GetAndSetData(i, onConverterDataCollectionComplete); } } // If we did not kick off any converter intialization // We can complete everything immediately if (convertersToConvert == 0) { onConverterDataCollectionComplete?.Invoke(); } } void DeleteSearchIndex(SearchContext context, string indexPath) { context?.Dispose(); // Client code has finished with the created index. We can delete it. AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(indexPath); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }
static public Shader Compile(TCP2_Config config, Shader existingShader, TCP2_ShaderGenerator.ShaderGeneratorTemplate template, float progress, bool overwritePrompt) { //UI if (progress >= 0f) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Hold On", "Generating Shader: " + config.ShaderName, progress); } //Generate source string source = config.GenerateShaderSource(template, existingShader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { Debug.LogError("[TCP2 Shader Generator] Can't save Shader: source is null or empty!"); return(null); } //Save to disk Shader shader = SaveShader(config, existingShader, source, overwritePrompt, config.isModifiedExternally); if (config.configType == "terrain") { //Generate Base shader TCP2_Config baseConfig = config.Copy(); baseConfig.Filename = baseConfig.Filename + "_Base"; baseConfig.ShaderName = "Hidden/" + baseConfig.ShaderName + "-Base"; baseConfig.Features.Add("TERRAIN_BASE"); source = baseConfig.GenerateShaderSource(template, existingShader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { Debug.LogError("[TCP2 Shader Generator] Can't save Terrain Base Shader: source is null or empty!"); } else { SaveShader(baseConfig, existingShader, source, false, false); } //Generate AddPass shader TCP2_Config addPassConfig = config.Copy(); addPassConfig.Filename = addPassConfig.Filename + "_AddPass"; addPassConfig.ShaderName = "Hidden/" + addPassConfig.ShaderName + "-AddPass"; addPassConfig.Features.Add("TERRAIN_ADDPASS"); addPassConfig.Flags.Add("decal:add"); source = addPassConfig.GenerateShaderSource(template, existingShader); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) { Debug.LogError("[TCP2 Shader Generator] Can't save Terrain AddPass Shader: source is null or empty!"); } else { SaveShader(addPassConfig, existingShader, source, false, false); } } //UI if (progress >= 0f) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } return(shader); }
private void OnAnalyzeCompleted() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
/// <summary> /// Update the sprite atlas, keeping only the sprites that are on the specified list. /// </summary> static public void UpdateAtlas(INGUIAtlas obj, List <SpriteEntry> sprites) { #if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER // Contributed by B9 from if (obj is UIAtlas) // Prefab-based atlas { Debug.LogWarning("Updating a legacy atlas: issues may occur. Please update the atlas to a new format that uses Scriptable Objects rather than Prefabs.", obj as Object); var atlas = (obj as UIAtlas); if (!PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(atlas.gameObject)) { Debug.LogWarning("Atlas is not sourced from prefab asset, ignoring the request to update it"); return; } var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(atlas.gameObject); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath)) { Debug.LogWarning("Atlas asset path could not be found, aborting"); return; } var assetRoot = PrefabUtility.LoadPrefabContents(assetPath); var atlasTemp = assetRoot.GetComponent <UIAtlas>(); if (atlasTemp == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Atlas component could not be found in the loaded prefab, aborting"); PrefabUtility.UnloadPrefabContents(assetRoot); return; } if (sprites.Count > 0) { // Combine all sprites into a single texture and save it if (UpdateTexture(atlasTemp, sprites)) { // Replace the sprites within the atlas ReplaceSprites(atlasTemp, sprites); } // Release the temporary textures ReleaseSprites(sprites); } else { atlasTemp.spriteList.Clear(); var texturePath = NGUIEditorTools.GetSaveableTexturePath(atlasTemp); atlasTemp.spriteMaterial.mainTexture = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(texturePath)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(texturePath); } } PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset(assetRoot, assetPath); Selection.activeObject = NGUISettings.atlas as Object; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); PrefabUtility.UnloadPrefabContents(assetRoot); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); var assetUpdated = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath); var newAtlas = assetUpdated.GetComponent <UIAtlas>(); NGUISettings.atlas = newAtlas; newAtlas.MarkAsChanged(); var panels = NGUITools.FindActive <UIPanel>(); foreach (var panel in panels) { if (!panel.enabled) { continue; } panel.enabled = false; panel.enabled = true; } EditorUtility.CollectDependencies(panels); return; } #endif if (sprites.Count > 0) { // Combine all sprites into a single texture and save it if (UpdateTexture(obj, sprites)) { ReplaceSprites(obj, sprites); } ReleaseSprites(sprites); } else { obj.spriteList.Clear(); var path = NGUIEditorTools.GetSaveableTexturePath(obj); obj.spriteMaterial.mainTexture = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset(path); } obj.MarkAsChanged(); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
internal static AssetHunterBuildReport AnalyzeBuildLog() { AssetHunterBuildReport buildReport = new AssetHunterBuildReport(); string UnityEditorLogfile = GetLogFolderPath(); try { // Have to use FileStream to get around sharing violations! FileStream FS = new FileStream(UnityEditorLogfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite); StreamReader SR = new StreamReader(FS); string line; int linesRead = 0; int lineIndex = 0; while (!SR.EndOfStream) { line = SR.ReadLine(); linesRead++; if ((line).Contains("Mono dependencies included in the build")) { lineIndex = linesRead; } } FS.Position = 0; SR.DiscardBufferedData(); //Start reading from log at the right line for (int i = 0; i < lineIndex - 1; i++) { SR.ReadLine(); } while (!SR.EndOfStream && !(line = SR.ReadLine()).Contains("Mono dependencies included in the build")) { ; } while (!SR.EndOfStream && (line = SR.ReadLine()) != "") { int stringLength = line.Length; int startIndex = line.LastIndexOf(" "); buildReport.AddDependency(line.Substring(startIndex, stringLength - startIndex)); } while (!SR.EndOfStream && !(line = SR.ReadLine()).Contains("Used Assets")) { ; } bool assetAnalysisComplete = false; while (!SR.EndOfStream && !assetAnalysisComplete) { string curLine = SR.ReadLine(); if (curLine == "" || curLine.Contains("System memory in use before") || !curLine.Contains("% ")) { assetAnalysisComplete = true; } else { if (!curLine.Contains("Built-in")) { string str = curLine.Substring(curLine.IndexOf("% ") + 2); if (str.StartsWith("assets/", true, null)) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Parsing build log", "Parsing build log to retrieve info", (float)SR.BaseStream.Position / (float)SR.BaseStream.Length); UnityEngine.Object obj = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(str, typeof(UnityEngine.Object)); if (obj != null) { BuildReportAsset asset = new BuildReportAsset(); asset.SetAssetInfo(obj, str); //Split on whitespace string[] splitstring = curLine.Split(null); asset.SetSize(float.Parse(splitstring[1]), splitstring[2]); buildReport.AddAsset(asset); } else { Debug.Log(str + " does not seem to be a valid asset (Maybe its a \"terrain folder\""); } } } } } } catch (Exception E) { Debug.LogError("Error: " + E); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(buildReport); }
static HashSet <string> GetUnreferencedAssets() { var referencesOutsideResources = new HashSet <string>(); var otherAssets = new HashSet <string>(); var ignoreExtensions = new HashSet <string>(new [] { ".asset", ".prefs", ".cs", ".boo", ".js", ".rsp", ".m", ".mm", ".py", ".h", ".plist", ".a", ".dll", ".pyc", ".scpt", ".userprefs", ".jar", ".json", ".zip", ".xib", ".c", ".o", ".patch", ".icns", "" }); var assets = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths().Where(file => !ignoreExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower())).ToArray(); int total = assets.Length; float invTotal = 1.0f / total; int count = 0; var totalString = " / " + total; foreach (var asset in assets) { if (count % 20 == 0 && EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Find Unreferenced Asset(s)", "Processing... " + count + totalString, (count * invTotal))) { break; } if (IsResourceOrScene(asset)) { var dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(new [] { asset }) .Where(dependency => !dependency.StartsWith("Assets/Resources") && dependency != asset); referencesOutsideResources.UnionWith(dependencies); } else { otherAssets.Add(asset); } } otherAssets.ExceptWith(referencesOutsideResources); otherAssets.ExceptWith(LibraryReferences()); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(otherAssets); }
public static void GenerateStorageFactory() { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, "Setup", 0.1f); Dictionary <Type, (ulong id, Assembly assembly)> typeToId = new Dictionary <Type, (ulong id, Assembly assembly)>(); ulong idMilestone = 0; if (File.Exists(GetPathFull())) { #region Identifying already registered types / ids ulong? holdingID = null; Assembly currentTypeAssembly = null; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, $"Reading existing {STORAGE_OBJECT_FACTORY_FILE_NAME}", 0.3f); foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(GetPathFull())) { string trimmedLine = line.Trim(); string[] varToAssignmentSplitItems = trimmedLine.Split(Consts.ASSIGN_CHAR); // Assignment of variable identified if (varToAssignmentSplitItems.Length == 2) { string varName = varToAssignmentSplitItems[0].Trim(); string[] varNameSections = varName.Split(' '); varName = varNameSections[varNameSections.Length - 1]; string varValue = varToAssignmentSplitItems[1].Trim(';'); if (varName == Consts.CONST_NAME_ID_MILESTONE) { idMilestone = ulong.Parse(varValue); } } if (!holdingID.HasValue) { // Identify case ID if (trimmedLine.StartsWith(Consts.CASE_START) && trimmedLine.EndsWith(Consts.CASE_END)) { string idString = trimmedLine.Remove(0, Consts.CASE_START.Length); idString = idString.Remove(idString.IndexOf(Consts.CASE_END), 1); holdingID = ulong.Parse(idString); continue; } } else { // Identify Assembly (before identifying type) if (currentTypeAssembly == null) { if (trimmedLine.StartsWith(Consts.COMMENT_STRING)) { string assemblyStringValue = trimmedLine.Remove(0, Consts.COMMENT_STRING.Length).Trim(); if (assemblyStringValue.StartsWith(Consts.ASSEMBLY_PREFIX)) { assemblyStringValue = assemblyStringValue.Remove(0, Consts.ASSEMBLY_PREFIX.Length).Trim(); try { currentTypeAssembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyStringValue); } catch { Debug.LogError($"Could not load Assembly {assemblyStringValue} for ID {holdingID.Value}"); holdingID = null; } } } } else { // Identify class type (after assembly identification) if (trimmedLine.Contains(Consts.ASSIGN_NEW)) { string[] classAssignItems = trimmedLine.Split(new string[] { Consts.ASSIGN_NEW }, StringSplitOptions.None); string className = classAssignItems[1]; int endClassNameIndex = className.IndexOf('('); className = className.Remove(endClassNameIndex, className.Length - endClassNameIndex).Trim(); try { Type classType = currentTypeAssembly.GetType(className, true); typeToId.Add(classType, (holdingID.Value, currentTypeAssembly)); } catch { Debug.LogError($"Could not create type from ClassName {className} inside assembly {currentTypeAssembly.FullName}"); } } // Refresh Data for case currentTypeAssembly = null; holdingID = null; } } } #endregion } else if (!Directory.Exists(GetPathBase())) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, "Creating directory for new Factory file", 0.3f); Directory.CreateDirectory(GetPathBase()); } #region Get New Storage Type -> Ids for factory Assembly[] assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); ulong newCount = 0; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, $"Finding new {nameof(ISaveable)} classes for {STORAGE_OBJECT_FACTORY_FILE_NAME}", 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < assemblies.Length; i++) { Assembly assembly = assemblies[i]; Type[] newSaveableTypes = assembly.GetTypes().Where(x => typeof(ISaveable).IsAssignableFrom(x) && !x.IsInterface && !x.IsAbstract).Where(x => !typeToId.ContainsKey(x)).ToArray(); for (int j = 0; j < newSaveableTypes.Length; j++) { Type newSaveableType = newSaveableTypes[j]; if (HasLoaderConstructor(newSaveableType) || typeof(ISaveableLoad).IsAssignableFrom(newSaveableType)) { typeToId.Add(newSaveableType, (idMilestone, newSaveableType.Assembly)); idMilestone++; newCount++; } } } #endregion EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, $"Creating new {STORAGE_OBJECT_FACTORY_FILE_NAME} content", 0.8f); StringBuilder classBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(GetTemplatePathFull())) { string trimmedLine = line.Trim(); string[] varToAssignmentSplitItems = trimmedLine.Split(Consts.ASSIGN_CHAR); StringBuilder lineStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (line.Contains(Consts.TEMPLATE_ID_MILESTONE_VALUE_INSERT_FIELD_ID)) { lineStringBuilder.AppendLine(line.Replace(Consts.TEMPLATE_ID_MILESTONE_VALUE_INSERT_FIELD_ID, idMilestone.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))); } else if (line.Contains(Consts.TEMPLATE_TYPE_TO_ID_MAP_ITEMS_ID)) { foreach (var switchItemPair in typeToId) { lineStringBuilder.Append(Consts.Tabs(3)); lineStringBuilder.AppendLine(Consts.ToDictionaryItem(Consts.TypeToTypeOfString(switchItemPair.Key), Consts.ULongToString(; } } else if (trimmedLine == Consts.TEMPLATE_SWITCH_CASE_INSERT_FIELD_ID) { foreach (var switchItemPair in typeToId) { string variableName = $"value{}"; lineStringBuilder.AppendLine($"{Consts.Tabs(4)} case {}:"); lineStringBuilder.AppendLine($"{Consts.Tabs(5)} {Consts.COMMENT_ASSEMBLY_PREFIX} {switchItemPair.Value.assembly.FullName}:"); bool isConstructorLoader = HasLoaderConstructor(switchItemPair.Key); lineStringBuilder.AppendLine($"{Consts.Tabs(5)} {(isConstructorLoader ? Consts.SAVEABLE_TYPE : Consts.SAVEABLE_WITHOUT_PARAM_TYPE)} {variableName} {Consts.ASSIGN_CHAR} {Consts.NEW} {switchItemPair.Key.FullName}({(isConstructorLoader ? Consts.PARAM_LOADER : string.Empty)});"); if (!isConstructorLoader) { lineStringBuilder.AppendLine($"{Consts.Tabs(5)} {variableName}.{nameof(ISaveableLoad.Load)}({Consts.PARAM_LOADER});"); } lineStringBuilder.AppendLine($"{Consts.Tabs(5)} {Consts.RETURN} {variableName};"); } } else { lineStringBuilder.AppendLine(line); } classBuilder.Append(lineStringBuilder.ToString()); } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(PB_TITLE, $"Creating new {STORAGE_OBJECT_FACTORY_FILE_NAME} file", 0.8f); File.WriteAllText(GetPathFull(), classBuilder.ToString()); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // Highlight Asset TextAsset asset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TextAsset>(GetPathFull()); Selection.activeObject = asset; EditorGUIUtility.PingObject(asset); }
IEnumerator GenerateHLOD(GameObject[] gameObjects = null, Action <GameObject, GameObject> endCall = null) { m_CoroutineQueue.Enqueue(UpdateOctreeByLodGroup(gameObjects)); s_endCall = endCall; yield return(MonoBehaviourHelper.StartCoroutine(m_CoroutineQueue.Dequeue())); while (m_RootVolume == null) { yield return(null); } #if UNITY_EDITOR if (m_RootVolume && m_RootVolume.dirty) { GameObject hlods = null; if (m_CurrHLODGenerate != null)//更新 { hlods = m_CurrHLODGenerate.m_HLODS; } if (!hlods)//创建 { hlods = new GameObject("RootHLOD"); } m_CoroutineQueue.Enqueue(m_RootVolume.CheckAfterBVHUpdata(m_CurrHLODGenerate.m_BVHDivide.m_MaximunLayer)); m_CoroutineQueue.Enqueue(m_RootVolume.UpdateHLODs(m_CurrHLODGenerate.m_BVHDivide.m_MaximunLayer, hlods)); m_CoroutineQueue.Enqueue(m_RootVolume.UpdateRootVolume((List <LODVolume> backList) => { HLODCull hlodCull = m_RootVolume.GetComponent <HLODCull>(); if (!m_RootVolume.GetComponent <HLODCull>()) { hlodCull = m_RootVolume.gameObject.AddComponent <HLODCull>(); Selection.activeGameObject = hlodCull.gameObject; } hlodCull.m_BackSort = backList; EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(m_RootVolume); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorSceneManager.SaveScene(EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene()); //AutoLOD.sceneLODEnabled = false; if (s_endCall != null) { s_endCall.Invoke(m_RootVolume.gameObject, hlods.gameObject); } })); } else { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if (s_endCall != null) { s_endCall.Invoke(null, null); } } #endif while (m_CoroutineQueue.Count > 0) { yield return(MonoBehaviourHelper.StartCoroutine(m_CoroutineQueue.Dequeue())); } }
public void ClearProgressBar() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
/// <summary> /// Migrates all objects from list of objects to be migrated using the selected IMigrationHandler implementation. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">A type that implements IMigrationhandler</param> public bool MigrateSelection(Type type, bool askForConfirmation) { if (migrationObjects.Count == 0) { Debug.LogError($"List of objects for migration is empty."); return(false); } if (migrationHandlerInstanceType == null) { Debug.LogError($"Please select type for migration."); return(false); } if (type == null || migrationHandlerInstanceType != type) { Debug.LogError($"Selected objects should be migrated with type: {migrationHandlerInstanceType}"); return(false); } if (askForConfirmation && !EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Migration Window", "Migration operation cannot be reverted.\n\nDo you want to continue?", "Continue", "Cancel")) { return(false); } if (askForConfirmation && !EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo()) { return(false); } var previousScenePath = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().path; int failures = 0; MigrationState = MigrationToolState.Migrating; for (int i = 0; i < migrationObjects.Count; i++) { var progress = (float)i / migrationObjects.Count; if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Migration Tool", $"Migrating all {type.Name} components from selection", progress)) { break; } string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key); if (IsSceneGameObject(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key)) { MigrateGameObjectHierarchy((GameObject)migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key, migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value); } else if (IsPrefabAsset(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key)) { PrefabAssetType prefabType = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabAssetType(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key); if (prefabType == PrefabAssetType.Regular || prefabType == PrefabAssetType.Variant) { // there's currently 5 types of prefab asset types - we're supporting the following: // - Regular: a regular prefab object // - Variant: a prefab derived from another prefab which could be a model, regular or variant prefab // we won't support the following types: // - Model: we can't migrate fbx or other mesh files // - MissingAsset: we can't migrate missing data // - NotAPrefab: we can't migrate as prefab if the given asset isn't a prefab MigratePrefab(assetPath, migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value); } } else if (IsSceneAsset(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Key)) { MigrateScene(assetPath, migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value); } migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value.IsProcessed = true; failures += migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value.Failures; Debug.Log(migrationObjects.ElementAt(i).Value.Log); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(previousScenePath) && previousScenePath != EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene().path) { EditorSceneManager.OpenScene(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), previousScenePath)); } if (askForConfirmation) { string msg; if (failures > 0) { msg = $"Migration completed with {failures} errors"; } else { msg = "Migration completed successfully!"; } EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Migration Window", msg, "Close"); } MigrationState = MigrationToolState.PostMigration; return(true); }
private static void OnEditorInitialize() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); BuildScript.GetManifest(); BuildScript.GetBuildRules(); }
private List <GameObject> getFilteredItems() { if (allPrefabsInProject == null) { allPrefabsInProject = new List <GameObject>(); var progressTime = Environment.TickCount; var allAssetPaths = AssetDatabase.GetAllAssetPaths(); for (int i = 0; i < allAssetPaths.Length; i++) { if (Environment.TickCount - progressTime > 250) { progressTime = Environment.TickCount; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(this.title, "Loading prefabs", (float)i / (float)allAssetPaths.Length); } var path = allAssetPaths[i]; if (!path.EndsWith(".prefab", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { continue; } try { var gameObject = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path) as GameObject; if (IsPrefab(gameObject)) { allPrefabsInProject.Add(gameObject); } } catch (Exception err) { Debug.LogError("Error loading prefab at " + path + " - " + err.Message); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); allPrefabsInProject.Sort((GameObject lhs, GameObject rhs) => { return(; }); } var result = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (var item in allPrefabsInProject) { if (item == null || item.GetComponent(componentType) == null) { continue; } try { if (filterCallback != null && !filterCallback(item)) { continue; } } catch { continue; } if (, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) { result.Add(item); } } return(result); }
static void ProcessUpdateMaterial(string caption, float scriptVersion, UpdateMaterial updateMaterial, UpdateMaterialFile updateMaterialFile = null) { bool VCSEnabled = (UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.enabled && UnityEditor.VersionControl.Provider.isActive); var matIds = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Material"); List <string> materialFiles = new List <string>(); // Contain the list dirty files try { for (int i = 0, length = matIds.Length; i < length; i++) { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(matIds[i]); var mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(path); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Update material " + caption + "...", string.Format("{0} / {1} materials updated.", i, length), i / (float)(length - 1)); bool isHDRPShader = == "HDRP/LitTessellation" || == "HDRP/Lit" || == "HDRP/LayeredLit" || == "HDRP/LayeredLitTessellation" || == "HDRP/StackLit" || == "HDRP/Unlit" || == "HDRP/Fabric" || == "HDRP/Decal" || == "HDRP/TerrainLit"; if (mat.shader.IsShaderGraph()) { var outputNodeType = GraphUtil.GetOutputNodeType(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(mat.shader)); isHDRPShader |= outputNodeType == typeof(HDUnlitMasterNode); isHDRPShader |= outputNodeType == typeof(HDLitMasterNode); isHDRPShader |= outputNodeType == typeof(HairMasterNode); isHDRPShader |= outputNodeType == typeof(FabricMasterNode); isHDRPShader |= outputNodeType == typeof(StackLitMasterNode); } if (isHDRPShader) { // We don't handle embed material as we can't rewrite fbx files if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() == ".fbx") { continue; } bool dirty = updateMaterial(path, mat); // Checkout the file and tag it as dirty if (dirty) { CoreEditorUtils.CheckOutFile(VCSEnabled, mat); EditorUtility.SetDirty(mat); materialFiles.Add(path); } } } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // Save all dirty assets AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } if (updateMaterialFile == null) { return; } // Now that all the asset have been modified and save, we can safely update the .mat file and remove removed property try { for (int i = 0, length = materialFiles.Count; i < length; i++) { string path = materialFiles[i]; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar( "Update .mat files...", string.Format("{0} / {1} materials .mat file updated.", i, length), i / (float)(length - 1)); // Note: The file is supposed to be checkout by the previous loop updateMaterialFile(path); } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // No need to save in this case } }
/// <summary> /// 拷贝本地AssetBunle至StreamingAssets目录 /// </summary> public static bool CopyNativeAssetBundleToStreamingAssets(ResourcesManifest resources_manifest) { if (resources_manifest == null) { return(false); } //清空本地资源目录 if (ShowProgressBar("", "清空本地资源目录", 0f)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } if (!Directory.Exists(Common.INITIAL_PATH)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Common.INITIAL_PATH); } else { zcode.FileHelper.DeleteAllChild(Common.INITIAL_PATH , FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System); } //拷贝所有配置文件 for (int i = 0; i < Common.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME_ARRAY.Length; ++i) { string file = Common.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME_ARRAY[i]; string src_file_name = EditorCommon.BUILD_PATH + "/" + file; string dest_file_name = Common.INITIAL_PATH + "/" + file; float progress = (float)(i + 1) / (float)Common.MAIN_CONFIG_NAME_ARRAY.Length; if (ShowProgressBar("", "Copy " + file, progress)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } zcode.FileHelper.CopyFile(src_file_name, dest_file_name, true); } //拷贝AssetBundle文件 if (resources_manifest.Data != null && resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles != null) { float current = 0f; float total = resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles.Count; foreach (var desc in resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles.Values) { current += 1f; //过滤主AssetBundle文件 if (desc.AssetBundleName == Common.MAIN_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME) { continue; } if (desc.IsNative) { zcode.FileHelper.CopyFile(EditorCommon.BUILD_PATH + "/" + desc.AssetBundleName , Common.INITIAL_PATH + "/" + desc.AssetBundleName, true); } //更新进度条 if (ShowProgressBar("", "Copy " + desc.AssetBundleName, current / total)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Combine all sprites into a single texture and save it to disk. /// </summary> static public bool UpdateTexture(INGUIAtlas atlas, List <SpriteEntry> sprites) { // Get the texture for the atlas var tex = atlasTexture; var oldPath = (tex != null) ? AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(tex.GetInstanceID()) : ""; var newPath = NGUIEditorTools.GetSaveableTexturePath(atlas as Object, atlasTexture); // Clear the read-only flag in texture file attributes if (System.IO.File.Exists(newPath)) { System.IO.FileAttributes newPathAttrs = System.IO.File.GetAttributes(newPath); newPathAttrs &= ~System.IO.FileAttributes.ReadOnly; System.IO.File.SetAttributes(newPath, newPathAttrs); } bool newTexture = (tex == null || oldPath != newPath); if (newTexture) { // Create a new texture for the atlas tex = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); } else { // Make the atlas readable so we can save it tex = NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(oldPath, true, false, false); } // Pack the sprites into this texture if (PackTextures(tex, sprites)) { var bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG(); System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(newPath, bytes); bytes = null; // Load the texture we just saved as a Texture2D AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); tex = NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(newPath, false, true, !premultipliedAlpha); // Update the atlas texture if (newTexture) { if (tex == null) { Debug.LogError("Failed to load the created atlas saved as " + newPath); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } else { var mat = spriteMaterial; if (mat == null) { var matPath = newPath.Replace(".png", ".mat"); var shader = Shader.Find(NGUISettings.atlasPMA ? "Unlit/Premultiplied Colored" : "Unlit/Transparent Colored"); mat = new Material(shader); // Save the material AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(mat, matPath); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); // Load the material so it's usable mat = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(matPath); spriteMaterial = mat; } mat.mainTexture = tex; } ReleaseSprites(sprites); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceSynchronousImport); } return(true); } else { if (!newTexture) { NGUIEditorTools.ImportTexture(oldPath, false, true, !premultipliedAlpha); } //Debug.LogError("Operation canceled: The selected sprites can't fit into the atlas.\n" + // "Keep large sprites outside the atlas (use UITexture), and/or use multiple atlases instead."); EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Operation Canceled", "The selected sprites can't fit into the atlas.\n" + "Keep large sprites outside the atlas (use UITexture), and/or use multiple atlases instead", "OK"); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// 压缩AssetBundle /// </summary> public static bool CompressAssetBundles(ResourcesManifest old_resources_manifest, ref ResourcesManifest resources_manifest) { if (resources_manifest == null) { return(false); } if (resources_manifest.Data == null) { return(false); } if (resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles == null) { return(false); } // 通过记录新旧版本中压缩标记 // 判定资源是否需要压缩、删除压缩包 Dictionary <string, int> dic = new Dictionary <string, int>(); int old_version_bit = 0x1; // 旧版本中压缩 int new_version_bit = 0x2; // 新版本中压缩 if (old_resources_manifest.Data != null && old_resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles != null) { var itr = old_resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles.GetEnumerator(); while (itr.MoveNext()) { if (itr.Current.Value.IsCompress) { string name = itr.Current.Value.AssetBundleName; if (!dic.ContainsKey(name)) { dic.Add(name, old_version_bit); } else { dic[name] |= old_version_bit; } } } } { var itr = resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles.GetEnumerator(); while (itr.MoveNext()) { if (itr.Current.Value.IsCompress) { string name = itr.Current.Value.AssetBundleName; if (!dic.ContainsKey(name)) { dic.Add(name, new_version_bit); } else { dic[name] |= new_version_bit; } } } } float current = 0f; float total = resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles.Count; var itr1 = dic.GetEnumerator(); while (itr1.MoveNext()) { string name = itr1.Current.Key; int mask = itr1.Current.Value; //过滤主AssetBundle文件 if (name == Common.MAIN_MANIFEST_FILE_NAME) { continue; } string action; string file_name = EditorCommon.BUILD_PATH + "/" + name; if ((mask & old_version_bit) > 0 && (mask & new_version_bit) == 0) { // 旧版本中存在,新版本不存在 // 删除压缩包 string compress_file = Compress.GetCompressFileName(file_name); File.Delete(compress_file); File.Delete(compress_file + Common.NATIVE_MANIFEST_EXTENSION); //重写ResourcesManifest数据 var ab = resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles[name]; ab.CompressSize = 0; action = "Delete Compress"; } else if ((mask & new_version_bit) > 0) { //新版本中存在,压缩文件 Compress.CompressFile(file_name); //重写ResourcesManifest数据 var ab = resources_manifest.Data.AssetBundles[name]; ab.CompressSize = zcode.FileHelper.GetFileSize(Compress.GetCompressFileName(file_name)); action = "Compress"; } else { action = "Ignore"; } //更新进度条 if (ShowProgressBar("", action + " " + name, current / total)) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(false); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(true); }
static void CreateIndex() { tk2dIndex newIndex = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <tk2dIndex>(); newIndex.version = tk2dIndex.CURRENT_VERSION; newIndex.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; // get this to not be destroyed in Unity 4.1 List <string> rebuildSpriteCollectionPaths = new List <string>(); // check all prefabs to see if we can find any objects we are interested in List <string> allPrefabPaths = new List <string>(); Stack <string> paths = new Stack <string>(); paths.Push(Application.dataPath); while (paths.Count != 0) { string path = paths.Pop(); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.prefab"); foreach (var file in files) { allPrefabPaths.Add(file.Substring(Application.dataPath.Length - 6)); } foreach (string subdirs in Directory.GetDirectories(path)) { paths.Push(subdirs); } } // Check all prefabs int currPrefabCount = 1; foreach (string prefabPath in allPrefabPaths) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Rebuilding Index", "Scanning project folder...", (float)currPrefabCount / (float)(allPrefabPaths.Count)); GameObject iterGo = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabPath, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; if (!iterGo) { continue; } tk2dSpriteCollection spriteCollection = iterGo.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteCollection>(); tk2dSpriteCollectionData spriteCollectionData = iterGo.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteCollectionData>(); tk2dFont font = iterGo.GetComponent <tk2dFont>(); tk2dSpriteAnimation anim = iterGo.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteAnimation>(); if (spriteCollection) { tk2dSpriteCollectionData thisSpriteCollectionData = spriteCollection.spriteCollection; if (thisSpriteCollectionData) { if (thisSpriteCollectionData.version < 1) { rebuildSpriteCollectionPaths.Add(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteCollection)); } newIndex.AddSpriteCollectionData(thisSpriteCollectionData); } } else if (spriteCollectionData) { string guid = AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(spriteCollectionData)); bool present = false; foreach (var v in newIndex.GetSpriteCollectionIndex()) { if (v.spriteCollectionDataGUID == guid) { present = true; break; } } if (!present && guid != "") { newIndex.AddSpriteCollectionData(spriteCollectionData); } } else if (font) { newIndex.AddOrUpdateFont(font); // unfortunate but necessary } else if (anim) { newIndex.AddSpriteAnimation(anim); } else { iterGo = null; System.GC.Collect(); } tk2dEditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssets(); ++currPrefabCount; } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // Create index newIndex.hideFlags = 0; // to save it AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newIndex, indexPath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); // unload all unused assets tk2dEditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssets(); // Rebuild invalid sprite collections if (rebuildSpriteCollectionPaths.Count > 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Upgrade required", "Please wait while your sprite collection is upgraded.", "Ok"); int count = 1; foreach (var scPath in rebuildSpriteCollectionPaths) { tk2dSpriteCollection sc = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(scPath, typeof(tk2dSpriteCollection)) as tk2dSpriteCollection; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Rebuilding Sprite Collections", "Rebuilding Sprite Collection: " +, (float)count / (float)(rebuildSpriteCollectionPaths.Count)); tk2dSpriteCollectionBuilder.Rebuild(sc); sc = null; tk2dEditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssets(); ++count; } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } index = newIndex; tk2dSpriteGuiUtility.ResetCache(); }
void OnDestroy() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); }
Mesh[] CreateMesh() { NavMeshTriangulation triangulatedNavMesh = NavMesh.CalculateTriangulation(); Vector3[] navVertices = triangulatedNavMesh.vertices; List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>(); vertices.AddRange(navVertices); vertices.Sort(delegate(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) { return(v1.x == v2.x ? (v1.z == v2.z ? 0 : (v1.z < v2.z ? -1 : 1)) : (v1.x < v2.x ? -1 : 1)); }); Vector3[] v = vertices.ToArray(); int[] table = new int[triangulatedNavMesh.vertices.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < table.Length; i++) { table[i] = Find(v, 0, vertices.Count, navVertices[i], navVertices[i].x - 0.001f); if ((i % 100) == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar(string.Format("Export Nav-Mesh (Phase #1/3) {0}/{1}", i, table.Length), "Weld Vertex", Mathf.InverseLerp(0, table.Length, i)); } } int[] navTriangles = triangulatedNavMesh.indices; List <Tri> tri = new List <Tri> (); for (int i = 0; i < navTriangles.Length; i += 3) { tri.Add(new Tri(table[navTriangles[i + 0]], table[navTriangles[i + 1]], table[navTriangles[i + 2]])); } tri.Sort(delegate(Tri t1, Tri t2) { return(t1.min == t2.min ? 0 : t1.min < t2.min ? -1 : 1); }); int[] boundmin = new int[(tri.Count + 127) / 128]; int[] boundmax = new int[boundmin.Length]; for (int i = 0, c = 0; i < tri.Count; i += 128, c++) { int min = tri[i].min; int max = tri[i].max; for (int j = 1; j < 128 && i + j < tri.Count; j++) { min = Mathf.Min(tri[i + j].min, min); max = Mathf.Max(tri[i + j].max, max); } boundmin[c] = min; boundmax[c] = max; } int[] triangles = new int[navTriangles.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) { triangles[i + 0] = tri[i / 3].i1; triangles[i + 1] = tri[i / 3].i2; triangles[i + 2] = tri[i / 3].i3; } List <int> groupidx = new List <int>(); List <int> groupcount = new List <int>(); int[] group = new int[triangles.Length / 3]; for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) { int groupid = -1; int max = Mathf.Max(triangles[i], triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2]); int min = Mathf.Min(triangles[i], triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2]); for (int b = 0, c = 0; b < i; b += 3 * 128, c++) { if (boundmin[c] > max || boundmax[c] < min) { continue; } for (int j = b; j < i && j < b + 3 * 128; j += 3) { if (tri[j / 3].min > max) { break; } if (tri[j / 3].max < min) { continue; } if (groupidx[group[j / 3]] == groupid) { continue; } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int vi = triangles[j + k]; if (triangles[i] == vi || triangles[i + 1] == vi || triangles[i + 2] == vi) { if (groupid == -1) { groupid = groupidx[group[j / 3]]; group[i / 3] = groupid; } else { int curgroup = groupidx[group[j / 3]]; for (int l = 0; l < groupidx.Count; l++) { if (groupidx[l] == curgroup) { groupidx[l] = groupid; } } } break; } } } } if (groupid == -1) { groupid = groupidx.Count; group[i / 3] = groupid; groupidx.Add(groupid); groupcount.Add(0); } if (((i / 3) % 100) == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Collect (Phase #2/3)", "Classification Group", Mathf.InverseLerp(0, triangles.Length, i)); } } for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) { group[i / 3] = groupidx[group[i / 3]]; groupcount[group[i / 3]]++; } List <Mesh> result = new List <Mesh>(); List <Vector3> vtx = new List <Vector3>(); List <int> indices = new List <int>(); int[] newtable = new int[vertices.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < newtable.Length; i++) { newtable[i] = -1; } Vector3[] walkpoint = m_WalkablePoint.ToArray(); for (int g = 0; g < groupcount.Count; g++) { if (groupcount[g] == 0) { continue; } List <Vector3> isolatevtx = new List <Vector3>(); List <int> iolateidx = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3) { if (group[i / 3] == g) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int idx = triangles[i + j]; if (newtable[idx] == -1) { newtable[idx] = isolatevtx.Count; isolatevtx.Add(transform.InverseTransformPoint(vertices[idx] + Vector3.up * m_Offset)); } } iolateidx.Add(newtable[triangles[i + 0]]); iolateidx.Add(newtable[triangles[i + 1]]); iolateidx.Add(newtable[triangles[i + 2]]); } } if (Contains(isolatevtx.ToArray(), iolateidx.ToArray(), walkpoint) == true) { continue; } int maxvertex = 32768; if (vtx.Count > maxvertex || vtx.Count + isolatevtx.Count * (2 + m_MidLayerCount) >= 65536) { result.Add(CreateMesh(vtx.ToArray(), indices.ToArray())); vtx.Clear(); indices.Clear(); } Vector3 h = transform.InverseTransformVector(Vector3.up * m_Height); int vtxoffset = vtx.Count; int layer = 2 + m_MidLayerCount; for (int i = 0; i < isolatevtx.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < layer; j++) { vtx.Add(isolatevtx[i] + h * ((float)j / (layer - 1))); } } for (int i = 0; i < iolateidx.Count; i += 3) { for (int j = 0; j < layer; j++) { if (j == 0) { indices.AddRange(new int[] { vtxoffset + iolateidx[i] * layer + j, vtxoffset + iolateidx[i + 2] * layer + j, vtxoffset + iolateidx[i + 1] * layer + j }); } else { indices.AddRange(new int[] { vtxoffset + iolateidx[i] * layer + j, vtxoffset + iolateidx[i + 1] * layer + j, vtxoffset + iolateidx[i + 2] * layer + j }); } } } if (m_Height > 0) { List <Edge> edge = new List <Edge>(); for (int i = 0; i < iolateidx.Count; i += 3) { edge.Add(new Edge(iolateidx[i + 0], iolateidx[i + 1])); edge.Add(new Edge(iolateidx[i + 1], iolateidx[i + 2])); edge.Add(new Edge(iolateidx[i + 2], iolateidx[i + 0])); } edge.Sort(delegate(Edge e1, Edge e2) { return(e1.i1 == e2.i1 ? 0 : (e1.i1 < e2.i1 ? -1 : 1)); }); Edge[] e = edge.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < iolateidx.Count; i += 3) { for (int i1 = 2, i2 = 0; i2 < 3; i1 = i2++) { int v1 = iolateidx[i + i1]; int v2 = iolateidx[i + i2]; if (!Find(e, 0, edge.Count, v2, v1)) { if (vtx.Count + 4 >= 65536) { result.Add(CreateMesh(vtx.ToArray(), indices.ToArray())); vtx.Clear(); indices.Clear(); } indices.AddRange(new int[] { vtx.Count, vtx.Count + 1, vtx.Count + 3, vtx.Count, vtx.Count + 3, vtx.Count + 2 }); vtx.AddRange(new Vector3[] { isolatevtx[v1], isolatevtx[v2], isolatevtx[v1] + h, isolatevtx[v2] + h }); } } if ((i % 600) == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Collect (Phase #3/3)", "Create Mesh", Mathf.InverseLerp(0, groupcount.Count * 100, g * 100 + i * 100 / (i - iolateidx.Count))); } } } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Collect (Phase #3/3)", "Create Mesh", Mathf.InverseLerp(0, groupcount.Count, g)); } if (vtx.Count > 0) { result.Add(CreateMesh(vtx.ToArray(), indices.ToArray())); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return(result.ToArray()); }
public List <FindResult> FuncReturn(Func <FindResult, bool> input) { references.Clear(); string appDataPath = Application.dataPath; int cpuCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; var keyword = isFileID ? string.Format("\"fileID: {0}, guid: {1}\"", targetFileID, targetGUID) : string.Format("\"guid: {0}\"", targetGUID); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor) { psi.FileName = "/usr/bin/mdfind"; psi.Arguments = string.Format("-onlyin {0} {1}", appDataPath, keyword); totalWaitMilliseconds = 2 * 1000; } else { psi.FileName = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"Tool\rg.exe"); psi.Arguments = string.Format("--case-sensitive --follow --files-with-matches --no-text --fixed-strings " + "--ignore-file Assets/Editor/ignore.txt " + "--threads {0} --regexp {1} -- {2}", cpuCount, keyword, appDataPath); } psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.CreateNoWindow = true; Process process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = psi; process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { return; } string relativePath = e.Data.Replace(appDataPath, "Assets").Replace("\\", "/"); references.Add(relativePath); }; process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { return; } }; process.Start(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); var stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); while (!process.HasExited) { if (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < totalWaitMilliseconds) { float progress = (float)((double)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / totalWaitMilliseconds); string info = string.Format("Finding {0}/{1}s {2:P2}", stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000, totalWaitMilliseconds / 1000, progress); bool canceled = EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Find References in Project", info, progress); if (canceled) { process.Kill(); break; } Thread.Sleep(100); } else { process.Kill(); break; } } var list = new List <FindResult>(); for (int i = 0, len = references.Count; i < len; ++i) { var file = references[i]; string assetPath = file; if (file.EndsWith(".meta")) { assetPath = file.Substring(0, file.Length - ".meta".Length); } var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(assetPath) as GameObject; if (obj != null) { var find = new FindResult { go = obj, name =, path = assetPath, }; if (input == null || input(find)) { list.Add(find); } } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); stopwatch.Stop(); return(list); }
private void OnLoadCompleted() { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); }
/// <summary> /// 准备工作 /// </summary> private List <AssetInfo> GetBuildMap() { int progressBarCount = 0; Dictionary <string, AssetInfo> buildMap = new Dictionary <string, AssetInfo>(); // 获取要收集的资源 List <string> allCollectAssets = AssetBundleCollectorSettingData.GetAllCollectAssets(); // 进行依赖分析 foreach (string mainAssetPath in allCollectAssets) { List <AssetInfo> depends = GetDependencies(mainAssetPath); for (int i = 0; i < depends.Count; i++) { AssetInfo assetInfo = depends[i]; if (buildMap.ContainsKey(assetInfo.AssetPath)) { buildMap[assetInfo.AssetPath].DependCount++; } else { buildMap.Add(assetInfo.AssetPath, assetInfo); } } progressBarCount++; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("进度", $"依赖文件分析:{progressBarCount}/{allCollectAssets.Count}", (float)progressBarCount / allCollectAssets.Count); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); progressBarCount = 0; // 移除零依赖的资源 List <string> removeList = new List <string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AssetInfo> pair in buildMap) { if (pair.Value.IsCollectAsset) { continue; } if (pair.Value.DependCount == 0) { removeList.Add(pair.Value.AssetPath); } } for (int i = 0; i < removeList.Count; i++) { buildMap.Remove(removeList[i]); } // 设置资源标签 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, AssetInfo> pair in buildMap) { var assetInfo = pair.Value; var labelAndVariant = AssetBundleCollectorSettingData.GetBundleLabelAndVariant(assetInfo.AssetPath); assetInfo.AssetBundleLabel = labelAndVariant.BundleLabel; assetInfo.AssetBundleVariant = labelAndVariant.BundleVariant; progressBarCount++; EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("进度", $"设置资源标签:{progressBarCount}/{buildMap.Count}", (float)progressBarCount / buildMap.Count); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); // 返回结果 return(buildMap.Values.ToList()); }
private void OnProcessAssetBundleComplete(Platform platform, string versionListPath, int versionListLength, int versionListHashCode, int versionListZipLength, int versionListZipHashCode) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); Debug.Log(Utility.Text.Format("Build AssetBundles for '{0}' complete, version list path is '{1}', length is '{2}', hash code is '{3}', zip length is '{4}', zip hash code is '{5}'.", platform.ToString(), versionListPath, versionListLength.ToString(), versionListHashCode.ToString("X8"), versionListZipLength.ToString(), versionListZipHashCode.ToString("X8"))); }
private static void Delay() { if (InkLibrary.FilesInCompilingStackInState(CompilationStackItem.State.Compiling).Count > 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Delayed, but a file is now compiling! You can ignore this warning."); return; } bool errorsFound = false; string listOfFiles = "\nFiles compiled:"; foreach (var compilingFile in InkLibrary.Instance.compilationStack) { listOfFiles += "\n"; listOfFiles += compilingFile.inkFile.filePath; if (compilingFile.errorOutput != "") { listOfFiles += " (With unhandled error)"; Debug.LogError("Unhandled error occurred compiling Ink file " + compilingFile.inkFile + "! Please report following error as a bug:\n" + compilingFile.errorOutput); compilingFile.inkFile.compileErrors.Clear(); compilingFile.inkFile.compileErrors.Add(compilingFile.errorOutput); errorsFound = true; } else { SetOutputLog(compilingFile); bool errorsInEntireStory = false; bool warningsInEntireStory = false; foreach (var inkFile in compilingFile.inkFile.inkFilesInIncludeHierarchy) { if (inkFile.hasErrors) { errorsInEntireStory = true; } if (inkFile.hasWarnings) { warningsInEntireStory = true; } } if (errorsInEntireStory) { listOfFiles += " (With error)"; errorsFound = true; } else { string localJSONAssetPath = InkEditorUtils.AbsoluteToUnityRelativePath(compilingFile.jsonAbsoluteFilePath); AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(localJSONAssetPath); compilingFile.inkFile.jsonAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <TextAsset> (localJSONAssetPath); } if (warningsInEntireStory) { listOfFiles += " (With warning)"; } } } foreach (var compilingFile in InkLibrary.Instance.compilationStack) { if (OnCompileInk != null) { OnCompileInk(compilingFile.inkFile); } } if (errorsFound) { Debug.LogWarning("Ink compilation completed with errors at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + listOfFiles); } else { Debug.Log("Ink compilation completed at " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + listOfFiles); } InkLibrary.Instance.compilationStack.Clear(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) { Debug.LogWarning("Ink just finished recompiling while in play mode. Your runtime story may not be up to date."); } InkLibrary.Save(); }
void GetAndSetData(int i, Action onAllConvertersCompleted = null) { // This need to be in Init method // Need to get the assets that this converter is converting. // Need to return Name, Path, Initial info, Help link. // New empty list of ConverterItemInfos List<ConverterItemDescriptor> converterItemInfos = new List<ConverterItemDescriptor>(); var initCtx = new InitializeConverterContext { items = converterItemInfos }; var conv = m_CoreConvertersList[i]; m_ConverterStates[i].isLoading = true; // This should also go to the init method // This will fill out the converter item infos list int id = i; conv.OnInitialize(initCtx, OnConverterCompleteDataCollection); void OnConverterCompleteDataCollection() { // Set the item infos list to to the right index m_ItemsToConvert[id] = converterItemInfos; m_ConverterStates[id].items = new List<ConverterItemState>(converterItemInfos.Count); // Default all the entries to true for (var j = 0; j < converterItemInfos.Count; j++) { string message = string.Empty; Status status; bool active = true; // If this data hasn't been filled in from the init phase then we can assume that there are no issues / warnings if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterItemInfos[j].warningMessage)) { status = Status.Pending; } else { status = Status.Warning; message = converterItemInfos[j].warningMessage; active = false; m_ConverterStates[id].warnings++; } m_ConverterStates[id].items.Add(new ConverterItemState { isActive = active, message = message, status = status, hasConverted = false, }); } m_ConverterStates[id].isLoading = false; m_ConverterStates[id].isInitialized = true; // Making sure that the pending amount is set to the amount of items needs converting m_ConverterStates[id].pending = m_ConverterStates[id].items.Count; EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); m_SerializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); CheckAllConvertersCompleted(); // Make sure that the Convert Button is turned back on var button = rootVisualElement.Q<Button>("convertButton"); button.SetEnabled(true); } void CheckAllConvertersCompleted() { int convertersToInitialize = 0; int convertersInitialized = 0; for (var j = 0; j < m_ConverterStates.Count; j++) { var converter = m_ConverterStates[j]; // Skip inactive converters if (!converter.isActiveAndEnabled) continue; if (converter.isInitialized) convertersInitialized++; else convertersToInitialize++; } var sum = convertersToInitialize + convertersInitialized; Assert.IsFalse(sum == 0); // Show our progress so far EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar($"Initializing converters", $"Initializing converters ({convertersInitialized}/{sum})...", (float)convertersInitialized / sum); // If all converters are initialized call the complete callback if (convertersToInitialize == 0) { onAllConvertersCompleted?.Invoke(); } } }
void ApplySettingsToTerrains(Terrain[] terrains, string errorContext = "") { int index = 0; try { bool continueEdit = true; // Only show this warning if the user has Mesh Settings enabled. if (m_Settings.EnableMeshResSettings) { var newSize = new Vector3(m_Settings.TerrainWidth, m_Settings.TerrainHeight, m_Settings.TerrainLength); foreach (var terrain in terrains) { // If any terrain has a size that's different from the specified settings, let's confirm // the action. if (terrain.terrainData.size != newSize) { var message = "Some terrains have different sizes than the settings specified. This operation will resize the terrains potentially resulting in gaps and/or overlaps."; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorContext)) { continueEdit = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm", $"{message}\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "Continue", "Cancel"); } else { continueEdit = EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm", $"1. {errorContext}\n2. {message}\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?", "Continue", "Cancel"); } break; } } } if (continueEdit) { foreach (var terrain in terrains) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Applying settings changes on terrains", string.Format("Updating terrain tile {0}",, ((float)index / terrains.Length)); if (m_Settings.EnableBasicSettings) { Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Terrain property change"); terrain.groupingID = m_Settings.GroupingID; terrain.allowAutoConnect = m_Settings.AutoConnect; terrain.drawHeightmap = m_Settings.DrawHeightmap; terrain.drawInstanced = m_Settings.DrawInstanced; terrain.heightmapPixelError = m_Settings.PixelError; terrain.basemapDistance = m_Settings.BaseMapDistance; terrain.shadowCastingMode = m_Settings.ShadowCastingMode; terrain.materialTemplate = m_Settings.MaterialTemplate; terrain.reflectionProbeUsage = m_Settings.ReflectionProbeUsage; #if UNITY_2019_2_OR_NEWER #else terrain.materialType = m_Settings.MaterialType; if (m_Settings.MaterialType != Terrain.MaterialType.Custom) { terrain.legacySpecular = m_Settings.LegacySpecular; terrain.legacyShininess = m_Settings.LegacyShininess; } #endif } if (m_Settings.EnableMeshResSettings) { Undo.RecordObject(terrain.terrainData, "TerrainData property change"); Vector3 size = new Vector3(m_Settings.TerrainWidth, m_Settings.TerrainHeight, m_Settings.TerrainLength); terrain.terrainData.size = size; terrain.terrainData.SetDetailResolution(m_Settings.DetailResolutaion, m_Settings.DetailResolutionPerPatch); } if (m_Settings.EnableTextureResSettings) { terrain.terrainData.baseMapResolution = m_Settings.BaseTextureResolution; if (m_Settings.AlphaMapResolution != terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution) { ToolboxHelper.ResizeControlTexture(terrain.terrainData, m_Settings.AlphaMapResolution); } if (m_Settings.HeightMapResolution != terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution) { ToolboxHelper.ResizeHeightmap(terrain.terrainData, m_Settings.HeightMapResolution); } } if (m_Settings.EnableTreeSettings) { Undo.RecordObject(terrain, "Terrain property change"); terrain.drawTreesAndFoliage = m_Settings.DrawTreesAndFoliage; terrain.bakeLightProbesForTrees = m_Settings.BakeLightProbesForTrees; terrain.deringLightProbesForTrees = m_Settings.DeringLightProbesForTrees; terrain.preserveTreePrototypeLayers = m_Settings.PreserveTreePrototypeLayers; terrain.detailObjectDistance = m_Settings.DetailObjectDistance; terrain.collectDetailPatches = m_Settings.CollectDetailPatches; terrain.detailObjectDensity = m_Settings.DetailObjectDensity; terrain.treeDistance = m_Settings.TreeDistance; terrain.treeBillboardDistance = m_Settings.TreeBillboardDistance; terrain.treeCrossFadeLength = m_Settings.TreeCrossFadeLength; terrain.treeMaximumFullLODCount = m_Settings.TreeMaximumFullLODCount; } if (m_Settings.EnableWindSettings) { Undo.RecordObject(terrain.terrainData, "TerrainData property change"); terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassStrength = m_Settings.WavingGrassStrength; terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassSpeed = m_Settings.WavingGrassSpeed; terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassAmount = m_Settings.WavingGrassAmount; terrain.terrainData.wavingGrassTint = m_Settings.WavingGrassTint; } index++; } } } finally { AssetDatabase.Refresh(); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }
protected static void CheckForUpdates() { const string url = ""; #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER // UnityWebRequest is not available in Unity 5.2, which is the currently the earliest version supported by NuGetForUnity. using (UnityWebRequest request = UnityWebRequest.Get(url)) { request.SendWebRequest(); #else using (WWW request = new WWW(url)) { #endif NugetHelper.LogVerbose("HTTP GET {0}", url); while (!request.isDone) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Checking updates", null, 0.0f); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); string latestVersion = null; string latestVersionDownloadUrl = null; string response = null; #if UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER if (!request.isNetworkError && !request.isHttpError) { response = request.downloadHandler.text; } #else if (request.error == null) { response = request.text; } #endif if (response != null) { latestVersion = GetLatestVersonFromReleasesHtml(response, out latestVersionDownloadUrl); } if (latestVersion == null) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "Unable to Determine Updates", string.Format("Couldn't find release information at {0}.", url), "OK"); return; } NugetPackageIdentifier current = new NugetPackageIdentifier("NuGetForUnity", NugetPreferences.NuGetForUnityVersion); NugetPackageIdentifier latest = new NugetPackageIdentifier("NuGetForUnity", latestVersion); if (current >= latest) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog( "No Updates Available", string.Format("Your version of NuGetForUnity is up to date.\nVersion {0}.", NugetPreferences.NuGetForUnityVersion), "OK"); return; } // New version is available. Give user options for installing it. switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex( "Update Available", string.Format("Current Version: {0}\nLatest Version: {1}", NugetPreferences.NuGetForUnityVersion, latestVersion), "Install Latest", "Open Releases Page", "Cancel")) { case 0: Application.OpenURL(latestVersionDownloadUrl); break; case 1: Application.OpenURL(url); break; case 2: break; } } }
public static void AnalysisEffect() { s_AssetInfo.Clear(); List <PrefabInfo> prefabInfos = new List <PrefabInfo>(); Dictionary <string, int> refCount = new Dictionary <string, int>(); string path = Application.dataPath + "/resources/effect/"; List <string> files = new List <string>(); List <string> prefabs = new List <string>(); PathUtils.GetFileList(ref files, path, true); PathUtils.GetFileListByEnds(ref files, ".prefab", ref prefabs); for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Count; ++i) { string assets = "/assets/"; int idx = prefabs[i].ToLower().IndexOf(assets); int startPos = idx + 1;// assets.Length; prefabs[i] = prefabs[i].Substring(startPos, prefabs[i].Length - startPos); } List <GameObject> allPrefab = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < prefabs.Count; ++i) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("load prefab", "handle...", (float)i / prefabs.Count); GameObject prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(prefabs[i], typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject; allPrefab.Add(prefab); UnityEngine.Object[] roots = new UnityEngine.Object[] { prefab }; UnityEngine.Object[] dependObjs = EditorUtility.CollectDependencies(roots); PrefabInfo info = new PrefabInfo(); = prefabs[i]; for (int k = 0; k < dependObjs.Length; ++k) { string p = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(dependObjs[k]); info.dependAsset.Add(p); int count = 0; if (dependObjs[k] == null) { continue; } if (refCount.TryGetValue(p, out count)) { refCount[p] += 1; } else { refCount[p] = 1; } } prefabInfos.Add(info); } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); UnityEngine.Object[] all = allPrefab.ToArray(); UnityEngine.Object[] allDependObjs = EditorUtility.CollectDependencies(all); for (int k = 0; k < allDependObjs.Length; ++k) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("foreach dependobjs", "handle...", (float)k / allDependObjs.Length); UnityEngine.Object obj = allDependObjs[k]; string p = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj); MeshFilter meshFilter = obj as MeshFilter; if (meshFilter != null) { Mesh meshObj = meshFilter.sharedMesh; MeshInfo info = new MeshInfo(); = p; info.meshFilter =; info.refCount = refCount[p]; if (meshObj != null) { info.subMeshCount = meshObj.subMeshCount; info.vertexCount = meshObj.vertexCount; info.triangleCount = meshObj.triangles.Length; } s_AssetInfo.meshInfo.Add(info); } Texture2D texObj = obj as Texture2D; if (texObj != null) { TextureInfo info = new TextureInfo(); = p; info.refCount = refCount[p]; info.size.x = texObj.width; info.size.y = texObj.height; info.mipmap = texObj.mipmapCount; info.format = texObj.format; s_AssetInfo.textureInfo.Add(info); } Shader shaderObj = obj as Shader; if (shaderObj != null) { ShaderInfo info = new ShaderInfo(); = p; info.refCount = refCount[p]; s_AssetInfo.shaderInfo.Add(info); } } EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); EditorUtility.UnloadUnusedAssetsImmediate(); string outputFile = Application.dataPath + "AssetAnalysis.json"; SerializeHelper.SaveToFile(s_AssetInfo, outputFile, true); { string fileName = Application.dataPath + "texture.csv"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } FileStream file = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(file); string line = "path,width,height,format,mipmap,refCount"; sw.WriteLine(line); for (int i = 0; i < s_AssetInfo.textureInfo.Count; ++i) { TextureInfo info = s_AssetInfo.textureInfo[i]; //if(info.size.x > 128 || info.size.y > 128) { line = + "," + info.size.x + "," + info.size.y + "," + info.format.ToString() + "," + info.mipmap + "," + info.refCount; sw.WriteLine(line); } } sw.Flush(); file.Flush(); file.Close(); } Debug.Log("分析完毕!"); }