private async Task <int> ExecuteShellAsync(string cmd) { var task = EditorShell.Execute(cmd, new EditorShell.Options()); int code = await task; return(code); }
public static Task <bool> IsZODockerRunning() { ZOSettings settings = ZOSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(); var options = new EditorShell.Options() { workDirectory = settings.ComposeWorkingDirectory, environmentVars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { } }; // Create a task and return it so clients can use async/await // Use TaskCompletionSource so that we can manually fulfill the task when // the shell script executes the onExit callback TaskCompletionSource <bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); string command = "if [ $(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' zosim) = \"true\" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi"; // Execute docker command var shellTask = EditorShell.Execute(command, options); DockerLog($"Checking if docker running..."); shellTask.onLog += (EditorShell.LogType logType, string log) => { DockerLog(log); }; shellTask.onExit += (exitCode) => { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Check if docker running exit code: " + exitCode); isRunning = exitCode == 0; taskCompletionSource.SetResult(isRunning); }; return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
/// <summary> /// Determine if docker is installed. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Task <bool> IsZODockerInstalled() { var options = new EditorShell.Options() { workDirectory = Application.dataPath }; // Create a task and return it so clients can use async/await // Use TaskCompletionSource so that we can manually fulfill the task when // the shell script executes the onExit callback TaskCompletionSource <bool> taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); string command = "docker --version && docker-compose --version"; // Execute docker command var shellTask = EditorShell.Execute(command, options); DockerLog($"Checking if docker installed..."); shellTask.onLog += (EditorShell.LogType logType, string log) => { //DockerLog(log); }; shellTask.onExit += (exitCode) => { //DockerLog("Check if docker installed exit code: " + exitCode); isInstalled = exitCode == 0; taskCompletionSource.SetResult(isInstalled); }; return(taskCompletionSource.Task); }
public static void DockerComposeDown() { ZOSettings settings = ZOSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(); // Navigate to parent directories where the docker and dockercompose files are located var options = new EditorShell.Options() { workDirectory = settings.ComposeWorkingDirectory, environmentVars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { } }; string command = "docker-compose down"; // Execute docker command var task = EditorShell.Execute(command, options); DockerLog($"Stopping Docker, please wait...", forceDisplay: true); task.onLog += (EditorShell.LogType logType, string log) => { DockerLog(log); }; task.onExit += (exitCode) => { DockerLog($"Docker compose down exit: {exitCode}", forceDisplay: true); }; isRunning = false; }
public static void DockerComposeUp() { ZOSettings settings = ZOSettings.GetOrCreateSettings(); // Navigate to parent directories where the docker and dockercompose files are located var options = new EditorShell.Options() { workDirectory = settings.ComposeWorkingDirectory, environmentVars = new Dictionary <string, string>() { } }; // need to set environment variable so that we execute container as current user in host machine string command = "CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose up"; // Execute docker command var task = EditorShell.Execute(command, options); DockerLog($"Starting docker container, please wait..."); task.onLog += (EditorShell.LogType logType, string log) => { DockerLog(log); }; task.onExit += (exitCode) => { if (exitCode == 0) { // we won't get this until the server is stopped } DockerLog($"Docker compose up exit: {exitCode}", forceDisplay: true); }; // TODO: poll to check if the server was started successfully // here we assume it will isRunning = true; }
public IEnumerator KillAsyncOperation() { var operation = EditorShell.Execute("sleep 5", new EditorShell.Options()); KillAfter1Second(operation); var task = GetOperationTask(operation); yield return(new TaskYieldable <int>(task)); Debug.Log("exit with code = " + task.Result); Assert.True(task.Result == 137); }
public IEnumerator EchoHelloWorld() { var task = EditorShell.Execute("echo hello world", new EditorShell.Options()); task.onLog += (logType, log) => { Debug.Log(log); LogAssert.Expect(LogType.Log, "hello world"); }; task.onExit += (code) => { Debug.Log("Exit with code = " + code); Assert.True(code == 0); }; yield return(new ShellOperationYieldable(task)); }
/// <summary> /// Install Docker. Note: Probably only works for Linux. /// </summary> public static void DockerInstall() { // Find Docker install script string[] installScriptAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets(installScriptAssetName); if (installScriptAssets.Length == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "Couldn't find among your assets. Have you imported ZeroSim samples already?", "Ok"); return; } string scriptPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(installScriptAssets[0]); string directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(scriptPath); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(directory); // Navigate to parent directories where the docker and dockercompose files are located var options = new EditorShell.Options() { workDirectory = directory }; string command = "./" + installScriptName; // Execute docker command var task = EditorShell.Execute(command, options); task.onLog += (EditorShell.LogType logType, string log) => { DockerLog(log); }; task.onExit += (exitCode) => { if (exitCode == 0) { isRunning = true; } DockerLog($"Install script exit code: {exitCode}", forceDisplay: true); }; }