private void AddColorControl(SerializedProperty colorProperty, GUIContent guiContent) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(), primaryColorFieldLabel, primaryColorProperty); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Color color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField(guiContent, colorProperty.colorValue); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { colorProperty.colorValue = color; serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); GUILayout.Space(2); Color invertedColor = new Color(1 - color.r, 1 - color.g, 1 - color.b, 1 - color.a); Color colorPlusWhite = new Color((1 + color.r) * 0.5f, (1 + color.g) * 0.5f, (1 + color.b) * 0.5f, 1f); Color colorPlusBlack = new Color(color.r * 0.5f, color.g * 0.5f, color.b * 0.5f, 1f); Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(10, 10); Rect rect1 = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, (rect.width / 3f), rect.height); Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.x + rect.width / 3f + rect.width / 30f, rect.y, (rect.width / 3f) * 0.8f, rect.height); Rect rect3 = new Rect(rect.x + 2 * rect.width / 3f, rect.y, (rect.width / 3f), rect.height); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect1, invertedColor); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect2, colorPlusWhite); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect3, colorPlusBlack); }
public override void OnNodeGUI() { PWTerrainOutputMode oldTerrainMode = outputMode; outputMode = GetTerrainOutputMode(); if (outputMode != oldTerrainMode) { UpdateOutputType(); } EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (outputBiome != null) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 72; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("id: " + + " (" + + ")"); if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { colorPreviewRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); colorPreviewRect.width -= 88; } else { EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(); } EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorPreviewRect, outputBiome.previewColor); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //TODO: preview the modified terrain }
void OnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("xxxx")) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(new Rect(0, 0, 500, 500),; } }
public override void OnNodeGUI() { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Biome: " +; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 40; EditorGUILayout.LabelField("id: " +; EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; Rect colorRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (e.type == EventType.Repaint) { biomeColorPreviewRect = colorRect; } EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(false); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(biomeColorPreviewRect, outputBiome.previewColor); EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Biome Graph reference"); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); biomeGraph = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(biomeGraph, typeof(PWBiomeGraph), false) as PWBiomeGraph; if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { NotifyReload(); } if (biomeGraph != null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Open " + { AssetDatabase.OpenAsset(biomeGraph); } } }
void Draw_Colors() { int k = 0; int top = 0; for (int i = 0; i < colors.Count; i++) { Rect r; if (top == 0) { r = new Rect(left_space + k * (size + space), top_space, size, size); } else { r = new Rect(left_space + k * (size + space), top * (size + space) + top_space, size, size); } EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(r, colors[i]); k++; if (k == in_one_row) { k = 0; top++; } } }
public void OnGUI(Rect rect, ComponentReference select) { if (selected?.serialized != null) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect, new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f)); DrawProperties(selected.serialized, rect); } }
public override void Draw(DrawInfo drawInfo) { base.Draw(drawInfo); if (!m_isVisible) { return; } if (m_isEditingFields && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Global) { if (m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER m_materialValue = EditorGUIColorField(m_propertyDrawPos, m_dummyContent, m_materialValue, false, true, m_isHDR); #else m_materialValue = EditorGUIColorField(m_propertyDrawPos, m_dummyContent, m_materialValue, false, true, m_isHDR, m_hdrConfig); #endif if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { PreviewIsDirty = true; m_requireMaterialUpdate = true; if (m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant) { BeginDelayedDirtyProperty(); } } } else { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER m_defaultValue = EditorGUIColorField(m_propertyDrawPos, m_dummyContent, m_defaultValue, false, true, m_isHDR); #else m_defaultValue = EditorGUIColorField(m_propertyDrawPos, m_dummyContent, m_defaultValue, false, true, m_isHDR, m_hdrConfig); #endif if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { PreviewIsDirty = true; BeginDelayedDirtyProperty(); } } } else if (drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint) { if (m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(m_propertyDrawPos, m_materialValue); } else { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(m_propertyDrawPos, m_defaultValue); } GUI.Label(m_propertyDrawPos, string.Empty, UIUtils.GetCustomStyle(CustomStyle.SamplerFrame)); } }
public static Rect DrawCustomSwatch(ColorInfo colorInfo, int size) { Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, size, EditorStyles.colorField, GUILayout.Width(size)); GUI.enabled = false; GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent("", colorInfo.ToString())); GUI.enabled = true; EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect, colorInfo.color); return(rect); }
public static void xDrawTextureColor(this Rect r, Texture2D tex, Color c) { var oColor = GUI.color; GUI.color = c; GUI.DrawTexture(r, tex); GUI.color = oColor; if (r.xLMB_isDown().noModifier) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(r.dy(20f).w(200), c); } }
void ColorSettings() { using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope("Box")) { GUILayout.Label("Node color:", "BoldLabel"); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("custom colors can be defined in the settings window of FlowReactor", MessageType.Info); if (GUILayout.Button("Settings")) { EditorApplication.ExecuteMenuItem("Edit/Preferences..."); } if (availableColors == null || !availableColors.ContainsKey(nodeColor)) { GetAvailableColors(); } var _lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); _lastRect = new Rect(_lastRect.x, _lastRect.y + 25, _lastRect.width, _lastRect.height); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(_lastRect, availableColors[nodeColor]); GUILayout.Space(25); using (var scrollView = new GUILayout.ScrollViewScope(colorScrollPos, GUILayout.Height(60))) { colorScrollPos = scrollView.scrollPosition; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope("Box")) { foreach (var c in availableColors.Keys) { GUI.contentColor = availableColors[c]; if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("", whiteBox), GUILayout.Width(30), GUILayout.Height(30))) { nodeColor = c; } GUI.contentColor = Color.white; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws swatches for the list of colors. /// </summary> /// <param name="colorList">The color list.</param> /// <param name="position">The position where to draw the swatches.</param> /// <param name="columns">The number of columns.</param> /// <param name="maxColors">The maximum number of colors to draw.</param> /// <param name="widthOffset">The width offset.</param> /// <param name="heightOffset">The height offset.</param> public static void DrawColors( Color[] colorList, Rect position, int columns = 2, int maxColors = 100, float widthOffset = -2.0f, float heightOffset = -2.0f) { var colorCount = colorList.Length; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var x = position.x; var width = position.width / columns; var height = position.height; var y = position.y; if (columns > 0) { var indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.Min(maxColors, colorCount); i++) { //Makes a new row if (i != 0 && i % columns == 0) { x = position.x; y += height; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } var color = colorList[i]; EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(new Rect(x, y, width + widthOffset, height + heightOffset), color); x += width; } EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
internal static bool DrawColorPaletteColorPicker(object key, ColorPalette colorPalette, ref Color color, bool drawAlpha, bool stretchPalette, float width = 20, float height = 20, float margin = 0) { bool result = false; var rect = SirenixEditorGUI.BeginHorizontalAutoScrollBox(key, GUILayoutOptions.ExpandWidth(true).ExpandHeight(false)); { if (stretchPalette) { rect.width -= margin * colorPalette.Colors.Count - margin; width = Mathf.Max(width, rect.width / colorPalette.Colors.Count); } bool isMouseDown = Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown; var innerRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect((width + margin) * colorPalette.Colors.Count, height, GUIStyle.none); float spacing = width + margin; var cellRect = innerRect; cellRect.width = width; for (int i = 0; i < colorPalette.Colors.Count; i++) { cellRect.x = spacing * i; if (drawAlpha) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(cellRect, colorPalette.Colors[i]); } else { var c = colorPalette.Colors[i]; c.a = 1; SirenixEditorGUI.DrawSolidRect(cellRect, c); } if (isMouseDown && cellRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { color = colorPalette.Colors[i]; result = true; GUI.changed = true; Event.current.Use(); } } } SirenixEditorGUI.EndHorizontalAutoScrollBox(); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// General utilities used for editor code. /// </summary> public static void DrawColors(SerializedProperty colorsProp, Rect position) { int colorCount = colorsProp.arraySize; EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); int columns = (int)(position.width / 16); float x = position.x; float width = 16; float height = 16; float y = position.y; if (columns > 0) { var indentLevel = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Mathf.Min(100, colorCount); i++) { if (i != 0 && i % columns == 0) { x = position.x; y += height; //EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); } var colorProp = colorsProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); var color = colorProp.colorValue; //var rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 16, GUILayout.Width(16)); //EditorGUI.DrawRect(rect, color); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(new Rect(x, y, width - 2, height - 2), color); x += width; } EditorGUI.indentLevel = indentLevel; } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
void WindowCallback(int id) { var cell = cellMap[id]; var sSwitch = surfaceSwitches[id]; Rect r = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(r, cell.surface.color.baseColor); GUI.DragWindow(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Height min: " + sSwitch.minHeight + ", max: " + sSwitch.maxHeight); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Slope min: " + sSwitch.minSlope + ", max: " + sSwitch.maxSlope); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Param min: " + sSwitch.minParam + ", max: " + sSwitch.maxParam); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Weight: " + cell.weight); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { AddColorControl(primaryColorProperty, primaryColorFieldLabel); AddColorControl(secondaryColorProperty, secondaryColorFieldLabel); GUILayout.Space(20); Rect labelRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(10, 15); EditorGUI.DropShadowLabel(labelRect, colorMixLabel); GUILayout.Space(2); Rect colorMixSwatchRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(10, 10); colorMixSwatchRect.width *= 0.67f; colorMixSwatchRect.x += (colorMixSwatchRect.width / 0.67f) * (0.33f * 0.5f); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorMixSwatchRect, (primaryColorProperty.colorValue + secondaryColorProperty.colorValue) * 0.5f); GUILayout.Space(2); }
protected virtual void OnGUI() { var style = EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector).button; style.margin = new RectOffset(2, 2, 1, 2); style.border.left = 3; style.border.right = 3; style.border.bottom = 2; = 1; interactionTreeList.OnGUI(new Rect(0, 32, position.width / 3, position.height - 10)); interactionTreeListR.OnGUI(new Rect(position.width * 0.6667f, 32, position.width / 3, position.height)); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(new Rect(position.width / 3, 32, position.width * 0.333333f, position.height), colour); switch (GUILayout.Toolbar(-1, new GUIContent[] { EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("<=", "Und davos Left af"), new GUIContent("Cancel", "Und davos annuleren."), new GUIContent(RowDataHelpers <R> .RowIcon(typeof(IConsequence)), ""), GUIContent.none, new GUIContent("AddComponent", "Und davos toevoegen ee"), new GUIContent("Couple", "Und davos linken weer"), EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("=>", "Und davos Right af"), }, new bool[] { false, true, true, false, false, true, false }, style, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Height(30), GUILayout.ExpandHeight(false) })) { case 1: OnEnable(); break; case 5: linktionary.Link <T, R>(); break; default: //nothing break; } inspector.OnGUI(new Rect(12 + position.width / 3, 44, -24 + position.width / 3, -56 + position.height), selected); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a Preview Tool to assist with setting up the color modifier when not in play mode. /// Added because we can just use a color swatch to set the colors because they be be set to 'Adjust' and in that case the value can be negative /// </summary> private void DrawPreviewTool(Rect previewToolsRect, SerializedProperty property, SerializedProperty previewProp) { var prevIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; var toolsRect = EditorGUI.IndentedRect(previewToolsRect); EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) //draw the background { var bgRect = new Rect(toolsRect.xMin - 3f, previewToolsRect.yMax, toolsRect.width + 6f, ((EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + (EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing * 2f)) * 3f) + 3f);, GUIContent.none, 0); } var previewColorRect = new Rect(toolsRect.xMin + 3f, previewToolsRect.yMax + (EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing) + 3f, toolsRect.width - 6f, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); var dummyDNARect = new Rect(toolsRect.xMin + 3f, previewColorRect.yMax + (EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing), toolsRect.width - 6f, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); var resultColorRect = new Rect(toolsRect.xMin + 3f, dummyDNARect.yMax + (EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing), toolsRect.width - 6f, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight); _previewColor = EditorGUI.ColorField(previewColorRect, new GUIContent("Preview Color", "Set a color that you would like to see changed by the settings above"), _previewColor); previewProp.floatValue = EditorGUI.Slider(dummyDNARect, new GUIContent("Test Evaluated DNA", "An evaluated dna result to test"), previewProp.floatValue, -1f, 1f); var swatchRect = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(resultColorRect, new GUIContent("Resulting Color", "The resulting color you would get if the modifications above were applied to the preview color with the given dna result")); _resultingColor = EvaluatePreviewAdjustments(property, previewProp.floatValue, 1f, _previewColor); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(swatchRect, _resultingColor); EditorGUI.indentLevel = prevIndent; }
public void DrawGUI(ref Color color) { var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(width, height); var mainRect = rect; mainRect.width = mainTexture.width; mainRect.height = mainTexture.height; var sideRect = rect; sideRect.width = 20; sideRect.height = sidebarTexture.height; sideRect.x += mainRect.width + 4; var alphaRect = rect; alphaRect.width = alphaTexture.width; alphaRect.height = 16; alphaRect.x += 40; alphaRect.y = mainRect.y + mainRect.height + 4; GUI.DrawTexture(mainRect, mainTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(sideRect, sidebarTexture); GUI.DrawTexture(alphaRect, alphaTexture); GUI.Label(new Rect(rect.x, alphaRect.y, 40, 16), "Alpha:"); var bottomRect = rect; bottomRect.y = mainRect.y + mainRect.height + 24; bottomRect.height = 80 - 4; //Channels var channelRect = bottomRect; channelRect.width /= 3; channelRect.height /= 4; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(20, channelRect.width - 20); color.r = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(channelRect, "R:", (color.r * 255f)) / 255f); channelRect.y += channelRect.height; color.g = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(channelRect, "G:", (color.g * 255f)) / 255f); channelRect.y += channelRect.height; color.b = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(channelRect, "B:", (color.b * 255f)) / 255f); channelRect.y += channelRect.height; color.a = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(channelRect, "A:", (color.a * 255f)) / 255f); //Hex var hexRect = bottomRect; hexRect.width /= 3; hexRect.height /= 4; hexRect.x += hexRect.width * 2; hexRect.y += hexRect.height * 3; hexRect.width -= 6; EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(15, hexRect.width - 15); float cr = Mathf.Clamp(color.r * 255f, 0, 255); float cg = Mathf.Clamp(color.g * 255f, 0, 255); float cb = Mathf.Clamp(color.b * 255f, 0, 255); string alpha = "0123456789ABCDEF"; string hex = "" + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(cr / 16), 0, 15)] + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(cr % 16), 0, 15)] + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(cg / 16), 0, 15)] + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(cg % 16), 0, 15)] + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.FloorToInt(cb / 16), 0, 15)] + alpha[Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.RoundToInt(cb % 16), 0, 15)]; string newHex = EditorGUI.TextField(hexRect, "#", hex); if (newHex != hex && newHex.Length == 6) { color.r = (alpha.IndexOf(newHex[0]) * 16 + alpha.IndexOf(newHex[1])) / 255f; color.g = (alpha.IndexOf(newHex[2]) * 16 + alpha.IndexOf(newHex[3])) / 255f; color.b = (alpha.IndexOf(newHex[4]) * 16 + alpha.IndexOf(newHex[5])) / 255f; } //Swatch var swatchRect = bottomRect; swatchRect.x = hexRect.x; swatchRect.width = hexRect.width; swatchRect.height -= hexRect.height; EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(swatchRect, color); //HSB EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(20, channelRect.width - 40); var hsbRect = bottomRect; hsbRect.width /= 3; hsbRect.height /= 4; hsbRect.x += hsbRect.width; hsbRect.width -= 30; var hsbSelectRect = hsbRect; hsbSelectRect.width = 30; hsbSelectRect.x += 6; hsbRect.x += 24; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); _hsb.h = Mathf.Repeat(EditorGUI.FloatField(hsbRect, "H:", _hsb.h * 360f), 360f) / 360f; if (EditorGUI.Toggle(hsbSelectRect, mode == Mode.Hue)) { mode = Mode.Hue; } hsbRect.y += hsbRect.height; hsbSelectRect.y += hsbRect.height; _hsb.s = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(hsbRect, "S:", _hsb.s * 255f) / 255f); if (EditorGUI.Toggle(hsbSelectRect, mode == Mode.Saturation)) { mode = Mode.Saturation; } hsbRect.y += hsbRect.height; hsbSelectRect.y += hsbRect.height; _hsb.b = Mathf.Clamp01(EditorGUI.FloatField(hsbRect, "B:", _hsb.b * 255f) / 255f); if (EditorGUI.Toggle(hsbSelectRect, mode == Mode.Brightness)) { mode = Mode.Brightness; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { color = _hsb.ToColor(); } EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(); if ( (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown || (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)) && Event.current.button == 0 ) { var mp = Event.current.mousePosition; if (!sideDown && !alphaDown && (mainRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || mainDown)) { var mainInterp = new Vector2( Mathf.Clamp01((mp.x - mainRect.x) / mainRect.width), Mathf.Clamp01((mp.y - mainRect.y) / mainRect.height) ); switch (mode) { default: case Mode.Hue: _hsb.s = mainInterp.x; _hsb.b = 1 - mainInterp.y; break; case Mode.Saturation: _hsb.h = mainInterp.x; _hsb.b = 1 - mainInterp.y; break; case Mode.Brightness: _hsb.h = mainInterp.x; _hsb.s = 1 - mainInterp.y; break; } color = _hsb.ToColor(); Event.current.Use(); mainDown = true; } if (!mainDown && !alphaDown && (sideRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || sideDown)) { var sideInterp = Mathf.Clamp01((mp.y - sideRect.y) / sideRect.height); switch (mode) { default: case Mode.Hue: _hsb.h = 1 - sideInterp; break; case Mode.Saturation: _hsb.s = 1 - sideInterp; break; case Mode.Brightness: _hsb.b = 1 - sideInterp; break; } color = _hsb.ToColor(); Event.current.Use(); sideDown = true; } if (!mainDown && !sideDown && (alphaRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) || alphaDown)) { var alphaInterp = Mathf.Clamp01((mp.x - alphaRect.x) / alphaRect.width); color.a = alphaInterp; Event.current.Use(); alphaDown = true; } } if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0) { sideDown = false; mainDown = false; alphaDown = false; } var pickerTexture = InlineColorPickerResources.pickerTexture; var pickerRect = new Rect(mainRect); pickerRect.width = pickerTexture.width; pickerRect.height = pickerTexture.height; Vector2 pickerPosition; float sidePickerPosition; switch (mode) { default: case Mode.Hue: pickerPosition.x = _hsb.s; pickerPosition.y = 1 - _hsb.b; sidePickerPosition = 1 - _hsb.h; break; case Mode.Saturation: pickerPosition.x = _hsb.h; pickerPosition.y = 1 - _hsb.b; sidePickerPosition = 1 - _hsb.s; break; case Mode.Brightness: pickerPosition.x = _hsb.h; pickerPosition.y = 1 - _hsb.s; sidePickerPosition = 1 - _hsb.b; break; } pickerRect.x += pickerPosition.x * mainTexture.width; pickerRect.y += pickerPosition.y * mainTexture.height; pickerRect.x -= pickerRect.width / 2; pickerRect.y -= pickerRect.height / 2; GUI.DrawTexture(pickerRect, pickerTexture); // Draw setting picker var sidePickerTexture = InlineColorPickerResources.arrow_horizontal; var sidePickerRect = sideRect; sidePickerRect.width = sidePickerTexture.width; sidePickerRect.height = sidePickerTexture.height; sidePickerRect.y += sidePickerPosition * sidebarTexture.height; sidePickerRect.y -= sidePickerTexture.height / 2; GUI.DrawTexture(sidePickerRect, sidePickerTexture); sidePickerRect.x += sideRect.width; sidePickerRect.width = -sidePickerRect.width; GUI.DrawTexture(sidePickerRect, sidePickerTexture); // Draw alpha picker var alphaPickerTexture = InlineColorPickerResources.arrow_vertical; var alphaPickerRect = alphaRect; alphaPickerRect.width = alphaPickerTexture.width; alphaPickerRect.height = alphaPickerTexture.height; alphaPickerRect.x += alphaRect.width; alphaPickerRect.x -= (1 - _hsb.a) * alphaTexture.width; alphaPickerRect.x -= alphaPickerRect.width / 2; GUI.DrawTexture(alphaPickerRect, alphaPickerTexture); alphaPickerRect.y += alphaRect.height; alphaPickerRect.height = -alphaPickerRect.height; GUI.DrawTexture(alphaPickerRect, alphaPickerTexture); // GUI.Box(channelRect, GUIContent.none); // float buttonWidth = (bottomRect.width-8) / 3; // bottomRect.width = buttonWidth; // bottomRect.x -= bottomRect.width; // bottomRect.x -= 4; // Func<string, bool, bool> bottomButton = (name, state)=>{ // bottomRect.x += buttonWidth + 4; // // GUIStyle boxStyle = new GUIStyle(; // boxStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; // // GUI.Box(bottomRect, name, boxStyle); // if(state) GUI.Box(bottomRect, name, boxStyle); // if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0 && bottomRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) // { // state = true; // } // else // { // EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(bottomRect, MouseCursor.Link); // } // return state; // }; // // if(bottomButton("Hue", mode == Mode.Hue)) // { // mode = Mode.Hue; // } // if(bottomButton("Saturation", mode == Mode.Saturation)) // { // mode = Mode.Saturation; // } // if(bottomButton("Brightness", mode == Mode.Brightness)) // { // mode = Mode.Brightness; // } // // _hsb.h = Mathf.Clamp01(_hsb.h); // _hsb.s = Mathf.Clamp01(_hsb.s); // _hsb.b = Mathf.Clamp01(_hsb.b); UpdateColor(color); }
public static void DrawColorSwatch(Rect position, Color color) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(position, color); }
void DrawBottomMenuRect(Rect baseRect) { GUI.Box(baseRect, ""); Rect imageRect = baseRect; imageRect.width = m_nOriginalBottomHeight - 1; Rect rightRect = baseRect; rightRect.x += imageRect.width; rightRect.width -= imageRect.width; rightRect = FXMakerLayout.GetOffsetRect(rightRect, 5, 3, -5, -3); Rect buttonRect = FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(rightRect, 12, 0, 5); int nButtonWidht = 70; buttonRect.width = nButtonWidht / 2; if (m_SelectedMaterial != null && m_SelObjectContent != null) { // image if (GUI.Button(imageRect, new GUIContent("", m_SelObjectContent.image, m_SelObjectContent.tooltip),"PopupBottom_ImageButton"))) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { if (0 <= m_nNewShaderMaterialIndex) { FXMakerAsset.SetPingObject(m_SelectedTransform.gameObject); } else { FXMakerAsset.SetPingObject(m_SelectedMaterial); } FXMakerMain.inst.CreateCurrentInstanceEffect(true); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)) { FXMakerAsset.SetPingObject(m_SelObjectContent.image); } } // Current Color Color matColor = NgMaterial.GetMaterialColor(m_SelectedMaterial); Rect colorRect = FXMakerLayout.GetOffsetRect(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(rightRect, 12, 5, 7), 0, 2, 0, 0); colorRect.width = nButtonWidht / 2; if (NgMaterial.IsMaterialColor(m_SelectedMaterial)) { EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorRect, matColor); } // text rightRect.x += colorRect.width; rightRect.width -= colorRect.width; GUI.Label(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(rightRect, 12, 5, 3), m_SelObjectContent.text); GUI.Label(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(rightRect, 12, 7, 5), (m_SelectedMaterial.shader != null ? : "[Not Selected]")); bool bChange = (NgMaterial.IsSameMaterial(m_SelectedMaterial, m_OriMaterial, true) == false); // Undo if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Undo"), bChange)) { UndoObject(); return; } // UniqueSave buttonRect.x += buttonRect.width + 5; buttonRect.width = nButtonWidht; if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("UniqueSave"), bChange)) { m_bUniqueSave = true; ClosePopup(true); return; } } // close buttonRect.x += buttonRect.width + 5; buttonRect.width = baseRect.width - buttonRect.x; if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Close"))) { ClosePopup(true); } // ���õȰ�, ������, ��ġ, ȸ��, ����, �ݱ�, ��� }
public void drawInspector() { if (GUIUtils.DrawHeader("Create palette")) { GUIUtils.BeginContents(); { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { m_selectedAlgorithm = (Algorithm)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(m_selectedAlgorithm); if (GUILayout.Button("Generate", EditorStyles.miniButton)) { GUI.FocusControl(null); generatePalette(); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); m_colorCount = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Number of colors", m_colorCount, 1, 25); if (m_selectedAlgorithm == Algorithm.RANDOM_FROM_COLOR) { m_colorReference = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Base color", m_colorReference); m_colorOffset = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Color offset", m_colorOffset); } else if (m_selectedAlgorithm == Algorithm.RANDOM_GOLDEN_RATIO) { m_saturation = EditorGUILayout.Slider("Saturation", m_saturation, 0.0f, 1.0f); } else if (m_selectedAlgorithm == Algorithm.GRADIENT) { m_colorGradient1 = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("From color", m_colorGradient1); m_colorGradient2 = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("To color", m_colorGradient2); } if (m_generatedColorPalette != null) { if (GUI.changed) { generatePalette(); } GUILayout.Space(3f); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { for (int j = 0; j < m_generatedColorPalette.colorInfoList.Count; j++) { Rect rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(false, 20f, EditorStyles.colorField, GUILayout.Width(20f)); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(rect, m_generatedColorPalette.colorInfoList[j].color); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3f); if (GUILayout.Button("Add to my palettes")) { m_paletteData.colorPaletteList.Add(m_generatedColorPalette); m_generatedColorPalette = null; PaletteUtils.SavePalettes(m_paletteData); } } } GUIUtils.EndContents(); } }
// ========================================================================================================== void winPopup(int id) { Rect baseRect = GetPopupRect(); Rect buttonRect; Rect lineRect; if (UnfocusClose(baseRect, -10, 0, 0, 0)) { return; } baseRect = FXMakerLayout.GetChildVerticalRect(baseRect, 0, 1, 0, 1); Transform transOriginalRoot = FXMakerMain.inst.GetOriginalEffectObject().transform; int nButtonCount = m_nButtonCount * 2; int nDrawCount = 0; bool bEnable = false; // Copy if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Copy"), true)) { FXMakerClipboard.inst.SetClipboardObject(m_SelectedObject); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Cut switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: bEnable = (m_SelectedTransform != transOriginalRoot); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: bEnable = false; break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Cut"), bEnable)) { FXMakerClipboard.inst.SetClipboardObject(m_SelectedObject); FXMakerHierarchy.inst.DeleteHierarchyObject(m_SelectedTransform, m_SelectedObject, m_nSelectedIndex); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Paste switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: bEnable = FXMakerClipboard.inst.IsObject(); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: bEnable = false; break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Paste", FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetName()), bEnable)) { Object tarObj = FXMakerClipboard.inst.PasteClipboardObject(m_SelectedTransform.gameObject, m_SelectedObject, m_nSelectedIndex); if (tarObj is GameObject) { SetAddObject((tarObj as GameObject), tarObj); } else { SetAddObject(null, tarObj); } ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Overwrite switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: bEnable = FXMakerClipboard.inst.IsTransform() && FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetObject().GetType() == m_SelectedObject.GetType(); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: bEnable = FXMakerClipboard.inst.IsComponent() && FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetObject().GetType() == m_SelectedObject.GetType(); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: bEnable = FXMakerClipboard.inst.IsMaterial() && FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetObject().GetType() == m_SelectedObject.GetType(); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: bEnable = FXMakerClipboard.inst.IsAnimationClip() && FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetObject().GetType() == m_SelectedObject.GetType(); break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Overwrite", FXMakerClipboard.inst.GetName()), bEnable)) { FXMakerClipboard.inst.OverwriteClipboardObject(m_SelectedTransform.gameObject, m_SelectedObject, m_nSelectedIndex); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Draw line lineRect = FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 1); NgGUIDraw.DrawHorizontalLine(new Vector2(lineRect.x, lineRect.y + lineRect.height / 2), (int)lineRect.width, Color.gray, 2, false); nDrawCount += 1; // Duplicate switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: bEnable = (m_SelectedTransform != transOriginalRoot); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: bEnable = false; break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Duplicate"), bEnable)) { switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: SetAddObject(FXMakerHierarchy.inst.AddGameObject(m_SelectedTransform.transform.parent.gameObject, m_SelectedTransform.gameObject), null); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: m_AddComObject = NgSerialized.CloneComponent(m_SelectedObject as Component, (m_SelectedObject as Component).gameObject, false); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Disable if (m_SelObjectType == FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT) { bool bObjEnable = (m_SelectedTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <NcDontActive>() == null); if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), (bObjEnable ? GetHelpContent("Disable") : GetHelpContent("Enable")), (m_SelectedTransform != transOriginalRoot))) { FXMakerHierarchy.inst.SetEnableGameObject(m_SelectedTransform.gameObject, !bObjEnable); ClosePopup(true); return; } } else { buttonRect = FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2); if (m_SelectedObject is Component) { int nObjEnable = EditorUtility.GetObjectEnabled(m_SelectedObject); if (0 <= nObjEnable) { if (0 < nObjEnable) { if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Disable"))) { EditorUtility.SetObjectEnabled(m_SelectedObject, false); ClosePopup(true); return; } } else { if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Enable"))) { EditorUtility.SetObjectEnabled(m_SelectedObject, true); ClosePopup(true); return; } } } else { FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Disable"), false); } } else { FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(buttonRect, GetHelpContent("Disable"), false); } } nDrawCount += 2; // Delete switch (m_SelObjectType) { case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT: bEnable = (m_SelectedTransform != transOriginalRoot); break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_TRANSFORM: bEnable = false; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_EASYEFFECT: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_UNITYENGINE: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_OTHER: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL: bEnable = true; break; case FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_ANICLIP: bEnable = true; break; default: Debug.LogWarning("not declare"); break; } if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Delete"), bEnable)) { FXMakerHierarchy.inst.DeleteHierarchyObject(m_SelectedTransform, m_SelectedObject, m_nSelectedIndex); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Draw line lineRect = FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 1); NgGUIDraw.DrawHorizontalLine(new Vector2(lineRect.x, lineRect.y + lineRect.height / 2), (int)lineRect.width, Color.gray, 2, false); nDrawCount += 1; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (m_SelectedObject is NcCurveAnimation) { // NcCurveAnimation NcCurveAnimation curveCom = m_SelectedObject as NcCurveAnimation; if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("SaveCurves"), 0 < curveCom.GetCurveInfoCount())) { ClosePopup(true); FxmPopupManager.inst.ShowNcCurveAnimationPopup(curveCom, true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("LoadCurves"), true)) { ClosePopup(true); FxmPopupManager.inst.ShowNcCurveAnimationPopup(curveCom, false); return; } nDrawCount += 2; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (m_SelObjectType == FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_GAMEOBJECT) { // Add Child if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Add Child"), true)) { // GameObject newChild = new GameObject("GameObject"); // newChild.transform.parent = m_SelectedTransform; // FXMakerHierarchy.inst.OnAddGameObject(newChild); // SetAddObject(newChild, null); // ClosePopup(true); FXMakerHierarchy.inst.ShowAddObjectRightPopup(); ClosePopup(false); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Add Parent if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Add Parent"), true)) { GameObject newParent = new GameObject("GameObject"); newParent.transform.parent = m_SelectedTransform.parent; m_SelectedTransform.parent = newParent.transform; ="(Original)", ""); if (m_SelectedTransform == transOriginalRoot) { FXMakerMain.inst.ChangeRoot_OriginalEffectObject(newParent); } FXMakerHierarchy.inst.OnAddGameObject(newParent); SetAddObject(newParent, null); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // MoveToParent if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("MoveToParent"), (m_SelectedTransform != transOriginalRoot && (m_SelectedTransform.parent != transOriginalRoot) || (m_SelectedTransform.parent == transOriginalRoot && transOriginalRoot.childCount == 1)))) { if (m_SelectedTransform.parent == transOriginalRoot && transOriginalRoot.childCount == 1) { FXMakerMain.inst.SaveTool(""); m_SelectedTransform = FXMakerMain.inst.GetOriginalEffectObject().transform; // root swap Transform toolRoot = m_SelectedTransform.parent; Transform newParent = m_SelectedTransform.GetChild(0); Transform newChild = m_SelectedTransform; newChild.parent = null; newParent.parent = null; newChild.parent = newParent; newParent.parent = toolRoot; m_SelectedTransform = newParent; FXMakerMain.inst.ChangeRoot_OriginalEffectObject(m_SelectedTransform.gameObject); SetAddObject(null, null); } else { m_SelectedTransform.parent = m_SelectedTransform.parent.parent; } ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Add Component if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Add Component"), true)) { ClosePopup(true); FxmPopupManager.inst.ShowHierarchyObjectPopup("FxmPopup_GameObject", m_SelectedTransform.gameObject); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Add Prefab if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Add Prefab"), true)) { FxmPopupManager.inst.ShowAddPrefabPopup(m_SelectedTransform); ClosePopup(true); return; } nDrawCount += 2; // Save Prefab if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Save Prefab"), true)) { ClosePopup(true); FxmPopupManager.inst.ShowSavePrefabPopup(m_SelectedTransform); return; } nDrawCount += 2; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (m_SelObjectType == FXMakerHierarchy.OBJECT_TYPE.OBJECT_MATERIAL) { bEnable = NgMaterial.IsMaterialColor(m_SelectedObject as Material); // Copy Color if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Copy Color"), bEnable)) { FXMakerClipboard.inst.SetClipboardColor(NgMaterial.GetMaterialColor(m_SelectedObject as Material)); ClosePopup(true); return; } if (bEnable) { Rect colorRect = FXMakerLayout.GetOffsetRect(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), -5); colorRect.width = colorRect.height; EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorRect, NgMaterial.GetMaterialColor(m_SelectedObject as Material)); } nDrawCount += 2; // Paste Color if (FXMakerLayout.GUIButton(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), GetHelpContent("Paste Color"), bEnable)) { FXMakerClipboard.inst.PasteClipboardColor(m_SelectedTransform, m_nSelectedIndex, m_SelectedObject as Material); ClosePopup(true); return; } { Rect colorRect = FXMakerLayout.GetOffsetRect(FXMakerLayout.GetInnerVerticalRect(baseRect, nButtonCount, nDrawCount, 2), -5); colorRect.width = colorRect.height; EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorRect, FXMakerClipboard.inst.m_CopyColor); } nDrawCount += 2; } m_nButtonCount = nDrawCount / 2; FXMakerMain.inst.SaveTooltip(); }
protected virtual PaletteData drawColorPalette(PaletteData data, bool showHexValues = false) { // palette height silder //height = EditorGUILayout.Slider ("Height", height, 100, 200); GUILayout.Space(10); //paletteHeight = height; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Palette name: ",; EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(10); Rect paletteRect; if (showHexValues) { paletteRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Screen.width, paletteHeight + paletteTopMargin); } else { paletteRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(Screen.width, paletteHeight); } if (data.colors != null) { // show the palette float start = 20; for (int i = 0; i < data.colors.Length; i++) { Color col = data.colors [i]; float colWidth = data.percentages [i] * (Screen.width - 35); //Debug.Log (i + " starts " + start + " width " + colWidth); float yPos = paletteRect.position.y; if (showHexValues) { yPos = paletteRect.position.y + paletteTopMargin; } Rect colRect = new Rect(start, yPos, colWidth, paletteHeight - paletteBotMargin); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colRect, col); Rect lableRect = colRect; lableRect.width = 60; lableRect.height = 15; lableRect.y -= paletteTopMargin * 0.5f; if (i % 2 == 0) { lableRect.y -= 15; } if (showHexValues) { string hexString = JSONPersistor.ColorToHex(col); Rect labelHexRect = new Rect(lableRect); labelHexRect.width = hexFieldWidth; string newHex = EditorGUI.TextField(labelHexRect, hexString); if (!newHex.Equals(JSONPersistor.ColorToHex(col))) { data.colors [i] = JSONPersistor.HexToColor(newHex); } } start += colWidth; } } return(data); }
public void ColorPicker(GUIContent prefix, Rect rect, ref Color color, bool displayColorPreview = true, bool previewOnIcon = false) { var e = Event.current; Rect iconRect = rect; int icColorSize = 18; Color localColor = color; var fieldSettings = GetGUISettingData(() => { PWGUISettings colorSettings = new PWGUISettings(); colorSettings.c = (SerializableColor)localColor; return(colorSettings); }); if ( { int colorPickerWidth = 170; int colorPickerHeight = 270; GUI.changed = true; PWPopup.AddToRender(fieldSettings, "Color picker", () => { if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown) { if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return || e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadEnter) { fieldSettings.InActive(); e.Use(); } if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.Escape) { fieldSettings.c = (SerializableColor)(Color)fieldSettings.InActive(); e.Use(); } } //draw the color picker window colorPickerStyle ="ColorPicker"); { Rect localColorPickerRect = new Rect(, new Vector2(colorPickerWidth, colorPickerHeight)); GUILayout.Label(colorPickerTexture, GUILayout.Width(150), GUILayout.Height(150)); Vector2 colorPickerMousePosition = e.mousePosition - new Vector2(colorPickerStyle.padding.left + 1, + 5); if (colorPickerMousePosition.x >= 0 && colorPickerMousePosition.y >= 0 && colorPickerMousePosition.x <= 150 && colorPickerMousePosition.y <= 150) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown || e.type == EventType.MouseDrag) { Vector2 textureCoord = colorPickerMousePosition * (colorPickerTexture.width / 150f); textureCoord.y = colorPickerTexture.height - textureCoord.y; fieldSettings.c = (SerializableColor)colorPickerTexture.GetPixel((int)textureCoord.x, (int)textureCoord.y); fieldSettings.thumbPosition = colorPickerMousePosition + new Vector2(6, 9); } } Rect colorPickerThumbRect = new Rect(fieldSettings.thumbPosition, new Vector2(8, 8)); GUI.DrawTexture(colorPickerThumbRect, colorPickerThumb); byte r, g, b, a; PWColorPalette.ColorToByte(fieldSettings.c, out r, out g, out b, out a); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 20; r = (byte)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("R", r, 0, 255); g = (byte)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("G", g, 0, 255); b = (byte)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("B", b, 0, 255); a = (byte)EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("A", a, 0, 255); fieldSettings.c = (SerializableColor)PWColorPalette.ByteToColor(r, g, b, a); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; EditorGUILayout.Space(); //hex field int hex = PWColorPalette.ColorToHex(fieldSettings.c, false); //get color without alpha EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 80; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); string hexColor = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Hex color", hex.ToString("X6")); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { a = 255; } EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; Regex reg = new Regex(@"[^A-F0-9 -]"); hexColor = reg.Replace(hexColor, ""); hexColor = hexColor.Substring(0, Mathf.Min(hexColor.Length, 6)); if (hexColor == "") { hexColor = "0"; } hex = int.Parse(a.ToString("X2") + hexColor, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); fieldSettings.c = (SerializableColor)PWColorPalette.HexToColor(hex, false); if (e.isMouse && localColorPickerRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { e.Use(); } } }, colorPickerWidth); } color = fieldSettings.c; //draw the icon Rect colorPreviewRect = iconRect; if (displayColorPreview) { int width = (int)rect.width; int colorPreviewPadding = 5; Vector2 prefixSize =; if (prefix != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix.text)) { prefixSize =; prefixSize.x += 5; //padding of 5 pixels colorPreviewRect.position += new Vector2(prefixSize.x, 0); Rect prefixRect = new Rect(iconRect.position, prefixSize); GUI.Label(prefixRect, prefix); } colorPreviewRect.size = new Vector2(width - icColorSize - prefixSize.x - colorPreviewPadding, 16); iconRect.position += new Vector2(colorPreviewRect.width + prefixSize.x + colorPreviewPadding, 0); iconRect.size = new Vector2(icColorSize, icColorSize); EditorGUIUtility.DrawColorSwatch(colorPreviewRect, color); } //actions if clicked on/outside of the icon if (previewOnIcon) { GUI.color = color; } GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, ic_color); GUI.color = Color.white; if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && e.button == 0) { if (iconRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) || colorPreviewRect.Contains(e.mousePosition)) { fieldSettings.Active(color); e.Use(); } else if ( { fieldSettings.InActive(); e.Use(); } } }