    public void OnEnable()
        m_editHelp = new EditHelp();

            "m_targetTag", new EditHelp.TagPropertyInterface(
                "Tag tag",
                "The tags used to identify possible targets."));

            "m_switchToClosest", new EditHelp.BoolPropertyInterface(
                "Switch to closest",
                "Whether or not to switch to another target if it is closer than the current target.",
                "TRUE: Turret will continually switch to the closest valid target.",
                "FALSE: Turret will continue to track current target even if another one comes closer."));

        m_switchIfInvalid = new EditHelp.BoolPropertyInterface(
            "Switch if invalid",
            "Whether or not to switch to another target if the current one goes out of range (only valid with an AimerLimits component).",
            "TRUE: Turret will switch to another target if it cannot track the current one.",
            "FALSE: Turret will continue to track current target even if it goes out of bounds.");
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_switchOnInvalid", m_switchIfInvalid);
    void OnEnable()
            "m_targetObject", new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
                "Target to aim at",
                "This is the object that the aimer will be aiming at."));

            "m_targetType", new EditHelp.EnumPropertyInterface(
                "Target Type",
                "The type of movement the target is expected to have.",
                "Linear: targets move at a constant speed in a straight line unaffacted by gravity.",
                "Parabolic: targets move in an arc, affected by gravity.",
                "Circular: Use for players and AI-controlled targets.\nTarget motion is estimated using a curve."));
        //"Autodetect: detect target type automatically (uses more CPU)") );

            "m_projectileType", new EditHelp.EnumPropertyInterface(
                "Projectile Type",
                "Choose Projectile type:",
                "Instant: Projectile hits the target instantaneously",
                "Linear: Projectile moves at a constant speed in a straight line.",
                "Parabolic: Projectile moves affected only by gravity."));

            "m_bulletVelocity", new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
                "Projectile speed",
                "Speed the projectile is launched at."));

        m_gunObject = new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
            "Gun barrel object",
            "This is the object that will be aimed to point in the firing direction.");
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_gunObject", m_gunObject);

        m_swivelObject = new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
            "Optional Swivel Base object",
            "This property is optional. If set, it is used at the swivel base for the turret.");
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_optionalSwivel", m_swivelObject);

        m_bulletSpeed = new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
            "Bullet speed",
            "This should match the speed that your bullets are launched at.");
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_projectileSpeed", m_bulletSpeed);

            "m_artificalStupidity", new EditHelp.SliderPropertyInterface(
                "Artificial Stupidity",
                "Use this to make the aimer a little less mercilessly accurate.\n" +
                "If set to zero, the aiming will be accurate - if set to 1, the aimer will just point directly at the target.",
                0.0f, 1.0f));

        m_applyToBarrel = new EditHelp.BoolPropertyInterface(
            "Apply aim to barrel",
            "Whether or not apply the aim directly to the gun object",
            "TRUE: The gun object will be immediately aimed to hit the target",
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_applyAimToBarrel", m_applyToBarrel);

        m_maxIterations = new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
            "Maximum Iterations",
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_maximumIterations", m_maxIterations);

        m_maximumInaccuracy = new EditHelp.PropertyInterface(
            "Maximum Inaccuracy",
        m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface("m_maximumInaccuracy", m_maximumInaccuracy);

         * m_editHelp.AddPropertyInterface(
         *      "m_inaccuracyAngle", new EditHelp.SliderPropertyInterface(
         *              "Angle of inaccuracy",
         *              "If set to a value of greater than zero, the aim direction will be offset by a random amount up to this angle.\n" +
         *              "Good to use if you don't want your turrets to be too accurate.\n" +
         *              "0 = deadly accurate, 45 = can barely point in the right direction.",
         *              0, 90.0f) );