/// <summary> Add a new edge point of interest to this polygon  </summary>
        /// <param name="newPoint"> Built coordinate point object to add </param>
        public void Add_Edge_Point(BriefItem_Coordinate_Point newPoint)
            // Update the current bounding box, if there is one
            if (bounding_box != null)
                bounding_box = null;

        /// <summary> Add a new edge point of interest to this polygon  </summary>
        /// <param name="Latitude"> Latitude (expressed in decimal notation) for this point </param>
        /// <param name="Longitude"> Longitude (expressed in decimal notation) for this point </param>
        /// <param name="Label"> Label to associate with this point </param>
        /// <returns> Fully built BriefItem_Coordinate_Point object </returns>
        public BriefItem_Coordinate_Point Add_Edge_Point(double Latitude, double Longitude, string Label)
            // Update the current bounding box, if there is one
            if (bounding_box != null)
                bounding_box = null;

            BriefItem_Coordinate_Point newPoint = new BriefItem_Coordinate_Point(Latitude, Longitude, Label);
