public void Write(XmlWriter writer, IProgress<GexfProgress> progress) { writer.WriteStartElement(XmlElementName); writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameId, Id); writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameSource, Source); writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameTarget, Target); if (Weight != 1.0) { writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameWeight, Weight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Label)) { writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameLabel, Label); } if (EdgeType != _defaultEdgeType) { writer.WriteAttributeString(XmlAttibuteNameEdgeType, EdgeType.ToString().ToLower()); } _color.Write(writer, progress); _thickness.Write(writer, progress); _shape.Write(writer, progress); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format( "{0} ({1}) S:[{2} - {3}] ({4}) ({5})", Point, IsStart ? "left" : "right", Point, OtherEvent.Point, PolygonType.ToString().ToUpper(), EdgeType.ToString().ToUpper() )); }
public override string ToString() { if (this.Equals(MaxValue)) { return("MaxValue"); } else if (this.Equals(MinValue)) { return("MinValue"); } else { return(Semantic.ToString() + "(" + (Data != null ? Data.ToString() : "NULL") + ")"); } }
private IEnumerable <Issue> getVolumeIssues(HitObject hitObject, HitObject sampledHitObject = null) { sampledHitObject ??= hitObject; if (!sampledHitObject.Samples.Any()) { yield break; } // Samples that allow themselves to be overridden by control points have a volume of 0. int maxVolume = sampledHitObject.Samples.Max(sample => sample.Volume > 0 ? sample.Volume : sampledHitObject.SampleControlPoint.SampleVolume); double samplePlayTime = sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(); EdgeType edgeType = getEdgeAtTime(hitObject, samplePlayTime); // We only care about samples played on the edges of objects, not ones like spinnerspin or slidertick. if (edgeType == EdgeType.None) { yield break; } string postfix = hitObject is IHasDuration?edgeType.ToString().ToLower() : null; if (maxVolume <= muted_threshold) { if (edgeType == EdgeType.Head) { yield return(new IssueTemplateMutedActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix)); } else { yield return(new IssueTemplateMutedPassive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix)); } } else if (maxVolume <= low_volume_threshold && edgeType == EdgeType.Head) { yield return(new IssueTemplateLowVolumeActive(this).Create(hitObject, maxVolume / 100f, sampledHitObject.GetEndTime(), postfix)); } }
public EdgeData(VertexData source, VertexData target, EdgeType edgeType = EdgeType.none, double weight = 1) : base(source, target, weight) { Text = edgeType.ToString(); }
public override string ToString() { return("First: " + FirstPosition.ToString() + " Second: " + SecondPosition.ToString() + " Edge: " + EdgeType.ToString()); }
//############################################################################################################################################################################################## /// <summary> /// Calculate the edge type (LINE, BULB, HOLE) /// </summary> private void classify() { try { EdgeType = EdgeTypes.UNKNOWN; if (NormalizedContour.Size <= 1) { return; } //See if it is an outer edge comparing the distance between beginning and end with the arc length. double contour_length = CvInvoke.ArcLength(NormalizedContour, false); double begin_end_distance = Utils.Distance(NormalizedContour.ToArray().First(), NormalizedContour.ToArray().Last()); if (contour_length < begin_end_distance * 1.3) { EdgeType = EdgeTypes.LINE; } if (EdgeType == EdgeTypes.UNKNOWN) { //Find the minimum or maximum value for x in the normalized contour and base the classification on that int minx = 100000000; int maxx = -100000000; for (int i = 0; i < NormalizedContour.Size; i++) { if (minx > NormalizedContour[i].X) { minx = (int)NormalizedContour[i].X; } if (maxx < NormalizedContour[i].X) { maxx = (int)NormalizedContour[i].X; } } if (Math.Abs(minx) > Math.Abs(maxx)) { EdgeType = EdgeTypes.BULB; } else { EdgeType = EdgeTypes.HOLE; } } if (PluginFactory.GetGeneralSettingsPlugin().SolverShowDebugResults) { Bitmap contourImg = PieceImgColor.Bmp; for (int i = 0; i < contour.Size; i++) { Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(contourImg); g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Red), new RectangleF(PointF.Subtract(contour[i], new Size(1, 1)), new SizeF(2, 2))); } _logHandle.Report(new LogEventImage(PieceID + " Edge " + EdgeNumber.ToString() + " " + EdgeType.ToString(), contourImg)); ContourImg.Bmp = contourImg; contourImg.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logHandle.Report(new LogBox.LogEvents.LogEventError(ex.Message)); } }
public override string ToString() { return("Edge Constraint | " + edgeType.ToString()); }
public static string FormatEdgeId(JSONNode itemOne, JSONNode itemTwo, EdgeType edgeType) { //return itemOne.ToString() + "--" + itemTwo.ToString() + "--" + edgeType.ToString(); return(itemOne + "--" + itemTwo + "--" + edgeType.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { return("TypedEdge(" + A + ", " + B + ", " + Type.ToString() + ")"); }