        /// <summary>
        /// Find the max separation between poly1 and poly2 using edge normals from poly1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="edgeIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="poly1"></param>
        /// <param name="xf1"></param>
        /// <param name="poly2"></param>
        /// <param name="xf2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void findMaxSeparation(EdgeResults results, PolygonShape poly1, Transform xf1, PolygonShape poly2, Transform xf2)
            int count1 = poly1.m_count;
            Vec2[] normals1 = poly1.m_normals;
            //Vec2 v = poly2.m_centroid;

            // Vector pointing from the centroid of poly1 to the centroid of poly2.
            // before inline:
            Transform.mulToOutUnsafe(xf2, poly2.m_centroid, d);
            Transform.mulToOutUnsafe(xf1, poly1.m_centroid, temp);

            Rot.mulTransUnsafe(xf1.q, d, dLocal1);
            float dLocal1x = dLocal1.x;
            float dLocal1y = dLocal1.y;
            // after inline:
            // final float predy = xf2.p.y + xf2.q.ex.y * v.x + xf2.q.ey.y * v.y;
            // final float predx = xf2.p.x + xf2.q.ex.x * v.x + xf2.q.ey.x * v.y;
            // final Vec2 v1 = poly1.m_centroid;
            // final float tempy = xf1.p.y + xf1.q.ex.y * v1.x + xf1.q.ey.y * v1.y;
            // final float tempx = xf1.p.x + xf1.q.ex.x * v1.x + xf1.q.ey.x * v1.y;
            // final float dx = predx - tempx;
            // final float dy = predy - tempy;
            // final Mat22 R = xf1.q;
            // final float dLocal1x = dx * R.ex.x + dy * R.ex.y;
            // final float dLocal1y = dx * R.ey.x + dy * R.ey.y;
            // end inline

            // Find edge normal on poly1 that has the largest projection onto d.
            int edge = 0;
            float dot;
            //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for field 'java.lang.Float.MIN_VALUE' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
            float maxDot = Single.Epsilon;
            for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++)
                Vec2 normal = normals1[i];
                dot = normal.x * dLocal1x + normal.y * dLocal1y;
                if (dot > maxDot)
                    maxDot = dot;
                    edge = i;

            // Get the separation for the edge normal.
            float s = edgeSeparation(poly1, xf1, edge, poly2, xf2);

            // Check the separation for the previous edge normal.
            int prevEdge = edge - 1 >= 0 ? edge - 1 : count1 - 1;
            float sPrev = edgeSeparation(poly1, xf1, prevEdge, poly2, xf2);

            // Check the separation for the next edge normal.
            int nextEdge = edge + 1 < count1 ? edge + 1 : 0;
            float sNext = edgeSeparation(poly1, xf1, nextEdge, poly2, xf2);

            // Find the best edge and the search direction.
            int bestEdge;
            float bestSeparation;
            int increment;
            if (sPrev > s && sPrev > sNext)
                increment = -1;
                bestEdge = prevEdge;
                bestSeparation = sPrev;
            else if (sNext > s)
                increment = 1;
                bestEdge = nextEdge;
                bestSeparation = sNext;
                results.edgeIndex = edge;
                results.separation = s;

            // Perform a local search for the best edge normal.
            for (; ; )
                if (increment == -1)
                    edge = bestEdge - 1 >= 0 ? bestEdge - 1 : count1 - 1;
                    edge = bestEdge + 1 < count1 ? bestEdge + 1 : 0;

                s = edgeSeparation(poly1, xf1, edge, poly2, xf2);

                if (s > bestSeparation)
                    bestEdge = edge;
                    bestSeparation = s;

            results.edgeIndex = bestEdge;
            results.separation = bestSeparation;
        * Find the max separation between poly1 and poly2 using edge normals from poly1.
        * @param edgeIndex
        * @param poly1
        * @param xf1
        * @param poly2
        * @param xf2
        * @return
        public void findMaxSeparation(EdgeResults results, PolygonShape poly1,
            Transform xf1, PolygonShape poly2, Transform xf2)
            int count1 = poly1.m_count;
            int count2 = poly2.m_count;
            Vec2[] n1s = poly1.m_normals;
            Vec2[] v1s = poly1.m_vertices;
            Vec2[] v2s = poly2.m_vertices;

            Transform.mulTransToOutUnsafe(xf2, xf1, ref xf);
            Rot xfq = xf.q;

            int bestIndex = 0;
            float maxSeparation = -float.MaxValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < count1; i++)
                // Get poly1 normal in frame2.
                Rot.mulToOutUnsafe(xfq, n1s[i], ref n);
                Transform.mulToOutUnsafe(xf, v1s[i], ref v1);

                // Find deepest point for normal i.
                float si = float.MaxValue;
                for (int j = 0; j < count2; ++j)
                    Vec2 v2sj = v2s[j];
                    float sij = n.x*(v2sj.x - v1.x) + n.y*(v2sj.y - v1.y);
                    if (sij < si)
                        si = sij;

                if (si > maxSeparation)
                    maxSeparation = si;
                    bestIndex = i;

            results.edgeIndex = bestIndex;
            results.separation = maxSeparation;