 public TabBarTheme copyWith(
     Decoration indicator = null,
     TabBarIndicatorSize?indicatorSize = null,
     Color labelColor = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle            = null,
     Color unselectedLabelColor      = null,
     TextStyle unselectedLabelStyle  = null
     return(new TabBarTheme(
                indicator: indicator ?? this.indicator,
                indicatorSize: indicatorSize ?? this.indicatorSize,
                labelColor: labelColor ?? this.labelColor,
                labelPadding: labelPadding ?? this.labelPadding,
                labelStyle: labelStyle ?? this.labelStyle,
                unselectedLabelColor: unselectedLabelColor ?? this.unselectedLabelColor,
                unselectedLabelStyle: unselectedLabelStyle ?? this.unselectedLabelStyle));
 public GridView(
     Key key = null,
     Axis scrollDirection                = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                        = false,
     ScrollController controller         = null,
     bool?primary                        = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics               = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                     = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding          = null,
     float?maxCrossAxisExtent            = null,
     float mainAxisSpacing               = 0.0f,
     float crossAxisSpacing              = 0.0f,
     float childAspectRatio              = 1.0f,
     bool addAutomaticKeepAlives         = true,
     bool addRepaintBoundaries           = true,
     bool addSemanticIndexes             = true,
     List <Widget> children              = null,
     DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start
     ) : base(
         key: key,
         scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
         reverse: reverse,
         controller: controller,
         primary: primary,
         physics: physics,
         shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
         padding: padding,
         dragStartBehavior: dragStartBehavior
     gridDelegate = new SliverGridDelegateWithMaxCrossAxisExtent(
         maxCrossAxisExtent: maxCrossAxisExtent ?? 0,
         mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
         crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
         childAspectRatio: childAspectRatio
     childrenDelegate = new SliverChildListDelegate(
         children ?? new List <Widget> {
         addAutomaticKeepAlives: addAutomaticKeepAlives,
         addRepaintBoundaries: addRepaintBoundaries
 public ExpandIcon(
     Key key         = null,
     bool isExpanded = false,
     float size      = 24.0f,
     ValueChanged <bool> onPressed = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding    = null,
     Color color         = null,
     Color disabledColor = null,
     Color expandedColor = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     this.isExpanded    = isExpanded;
     this.size          = size;
     this.onPressed     = onPressed;
     this.padding       = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(8.0f);
     this.color         = color;
     this.disabledColor = disabledColor;
     this.expandedColor = expandedColor;
 public Card(
     Key key                   = null,
     Color color               = null,
     Color shadowColor         = null,
     float?elevation           = null,
     ShapeBorder shape         = null,
     bool borderOnForeground   = true,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry margin = null,
     Clip?clipBehavior         = null,
     Widget child              = null) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0f);
     this.color              = color;
     this.shadowColor        = shadowColor;
     this.elevation          = elevation;
     this.shape              = shape;
     this.borderOnForeground = borderOnForeground;
     this.margin             = margin;
     this.clipBehavior       = clipBehavior;
     this.child              = child;
 public Ink(
     Key key = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     Color color           = null,
     Decoration decoration = null,
     float?width           = null,
     float?height          = null,
     Widget child          = null) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
     D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
     D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
              () => "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
              "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: color)\".");
     decoration      = decoration ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color: color) : null);
     this.padding    = padding;
     this.width      = width;
     this.height     = height;
     this.child      = child;
     this.decoration = decoration;
 public IconButton(
     Key key        = null,
     float iconSize = 24.0f,
     VisualDensity visualDensity = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
     AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
     Widget icon                = null,
     Color color                = null,
     Color focusColor           = null,
     Color hoverColor           = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed     = null,
     FocusNode focusNode        = null,
     bool autofocus             = false,
     string tooltip             = null,
     bool?enableFeedback        = true,
     BoxConstraints constraints = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(icon != null);
     this.iconSize       = iconSize;
     this.visualDensity  = visualDensity;
     this.padding        = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(8.0f);
     this.alignment      = alignment ?? Alignment.center;
     this.icon           = icon;
     this.color          = color;
     this.focusColor     = focusColor;
     this.hoverColor     = hoverColor;
     this.highlightColor = highlightColor;
     this.splashColor    = splashColor;
     this.disabledColor  = disabledColor;
     this.onPressed      = onPressed;
     this.focusNode      = focusNode;
     this.autofocus      = autofocus;
     this.tooltip        = tooltip;
     this.enableFeedback = enableFeedback;
     this.constraints    = constraints;
 public static GridView count(
     Key key = null,
     Axis scrollDirection                = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                        = false,
     ScrollController controller         = null,
     bool?primary                        = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics               = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                     = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding          = null,
     int?crossAxisCount                  = null,
     float mainAxisSpacing               = 0.0f,
     float crossAxisSpacing              = 0.0f,
     float childAspectRatio              = 1.0f,
     bool addAutomaticKeepAlives         = true,
     bool addRepaintBoundaries           = true,
     float?cacheExtent                   = null,
     List <Widget> children              = null,
     DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start
     return(new GridView(
                key: key,
                scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
                reverse: reverse,
                controller: controller,
                primary: primary,
                physics: physics,
                shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
                padding: padding,
                crossAxisCount: crossAxisCount,
                mainAxisSpacing: mainAxisSpacing,
                crossAxisSpacing: crossAxisSpacing,
                childAspectRatio: childAspectRatio,
                addAutomaticKeepAlives: addAutomaticKeepAlives,
                addRepaintBoundaries: addRepaintBoundaries,
                cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
                children: children,
                dragStartBehavior: dragStartBehavior
     Key key = null,
     Axis scrollDirection                = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                        = false,
     ScrollController controller         = null,
     bool?primary                        = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics               = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                     = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding          = null,
     float?itemExtent                    = null,
     IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder    = null,
     int?itemCount                       = null,
     bool addAutomaticKeepAlives         = true,
     bool addRepaintBoundaries           = true,
     float?cacheExtent                   = null,
     DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
     ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior keyboardDismissBehavior = ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual
     ) : base(key: key,
              scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
              reverse: reverse,
              controller: controller,
              primary: primary,
              physics: physics,
              shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
              padding: padding,
              cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
              dragStartBehavior: dragStartBehavior,
              keyboardDismissBehavior: keyboardDismissBehavior
     D.assert(itemCount == null || itemCount >= 0);
     this.itemExtent  = itemExtent;
     childrenDelegate = new SliverChildBuilderDelegate(
         childCount: itemCount,
         addAutomaticKeepAlives: addAutomaticKeepAlives,
         addRepaintBoundaries: addRepaintBoundaries
 public AnimatedContainer(
     Key key = null,
     AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
     Color color                     = null,
     Decoration decoration           = null,
     Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,
     float?width                     = null,
     float?height                    = null,
     BoxConstraints constraints      = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry margin       = null,
     Matrix4 transform               = null,
     Widget child                    = null,
     Curve curve                     = null,
     TimeSpan?duration               = null,
     VoidCallback onEnd              = null
     ) : base(key: key, curve: curve ?? Curves.linear, duration: duration, onEnd: onEnd)
     D.assert(duration != null);
     D.assert(margin == null || margin.isNonNegative);
     D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
     D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
     D.assert(constraints == null || constraints.debugAssertIsValid());
     D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
              () => "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
              "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: color)\".");
     this.alignment            = alignment;
     this.padding              = padding;
     this.foregroundDecoration = foregroundDecoration;
     this.margin      = margin;
     this.transform   = transform;
     this.child       = child;
     this.decoration  = decoration ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color: color) : null);
     this.constraints =
         (width != null || height != null)
             ? constraints?.tighten(width: width, height: height)
         ?? BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: width, height: height)
             : constraints;
        public Container(
            Key key = null,
            AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null,
            Color color                     = null,
            Decoration decoration           = null,
            Decoration foregroundDecoration = null,
            float?width                     = null,
            float?height                    = null,
            BoxConstraints constraints      = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry margin       = null,
            Matrix4 transform               = null,
            Widget child                    = null,
            Clip clipBehavior               = Clip.none
            ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(margin == null || margin.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(decoration == null || decoration.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(constraints == null || constraints.debugAssertIsValid());
            D.assert(color == null || decoration == null,
                     () => "Cannot provide both a color and a decoration\n" +
                     "The color argument is just a shorthand for \"decoration: new BoxDecoration(color: color)\"."
            D.assert(clipBehavior != null);

            this.alignment            = alignment;
            this.padding              = padding;
            this.foregroundDecoration = foregroundDecoration;
            this.color       = color;
            this.decoration  = decoration;// ?? (color != null ? new BoxDecoration(color) : null);
            this.constraints = (width != null || height != null)
                ? (constraints != null ? constraints.tighten(width, height) : BoxConstraints.tightFor(width, height))
                : constraints;
            this.margin       = margin;
            this.transform    = transform;
            this.child        = child;
            this.clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
 public AlertDialog(
     Key key      = null,
     Widget title = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry titlePadding = null,
     TextStyle titleTextStyle        = null,
     Widget content = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding          = null,
     TextStyle contentTextStyle                 = null,
     List <Widget> actions                      = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry actionsPadding          = null,
     VerticalDirection actionsOverflowDirection = VerticalDirection.up,
     float actionsOverflowButtonSpacing         = 0,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry buttonPadding           = null,
     Color backgroundColor                      = null,
     float?elevation         = null,
     EdgeInsets insetPadding = null,
     Clip clipBehavior       = Clip.none,
     ShapeBorder shape       = null,
     bool scrollable         = false
     ) : base(key: key)
     this.title                        = title;
     this.titlePadding                 = titlePadding;
     this.titleTextStyle               = titleTextStyle;
     this.content                      = content;
     this.contentPadding               = contentPadding ?? EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(24.0f, 20.0f, 24.0f, 24.0f);
     this.contentTextStyle             = contentTextStyle;
     this.actions                      = actions;
     this.actionsPadding               = actionsPadding ?? EdgeInsets.zero;
     this.actionsOverflowDirection     = actionsOverflowDirection;
     this.actionsOverflowButtonSpacing = actionsOverflowButtonSpacing;
     this.buttonPadding                = buttonPadding;
     this.backgroundColor              = backgroundColor;
     this.elevation                    = elevation;
     this.insetPadding                 = insetPadding ?? material_._defaultInsetPadding;
     this.clipBehavior                 = clipBehavior;
     this.shape                        = shape;
     this.scrollable                   = scrollable;
 public SwitchListTile(
     Key key    = null,
     bool?value = null,
     ValueChanged <bool?> onChanged = null,
     Color activeColor                = null,
     Color activeTrackColor           = null,
     Color inactiveThumbColor         = null,
     Color inactiveTrackColor         = null,
     ImageProvider activeThumbImage   = null,
     ImageProvider inactiveThumbImage = null,
     Widget title     = null,
     Widget subtitle  = null,
     bool isThreeLine = false,
     bool?dense       = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry contentPadding = null,
     Widget secondary = null,
     bool selected    = false,
     _SwitchListTileType _switchListTileType = _SwitchListTileType.material
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(value != null);
     D.assert(!isThreeLine || subtitle != null);
     this.value               = value.Value;
     this.onChanged           = onChanged;
     this.activeColor         = activeColor;
     this.activeTrackColor    = activeTrackColor;
     this.inactiveThumbColor  = inactiveThumbColor;
     this.inactiveTrackColor  = inactiveTrackColor;
     this.activeThumbImage    = activeThumbImage;
     this.inactiveThumbImage  = inactiveThumbImage;
     this.title               = title;
     this.subtitle            = subtitle;
     this.isThreeLine         = isThreeLine;
     this.dense               = dense;
     this.contentPadding      = contentPadding;
     this.secondary           = secondary;
     this.selected            = selected;
     this._switchListTileType = _switchListTileType;
        protected override List <Widget> buildSlivers(BuildContext context)
            Widget sliver = buildChildLayout(context);

            EdgeInsetsGeometry effectivePadding = padding;

            if (padding == null)
                MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context, nullOk: true);
                if (mediaQuery != null)
                    EdgeInsets mediaQueryHorizontalPadding =
                        mediaQuery.padding.copyWith(top: 0.0f, bottom: 0.0f);
                    EdgeInsets mediaQueryVerticalPadding =
                        mediaQuery.padding.copyWith(left: 0.0f, right: 0.0f);
                    effectivePadding = scrollDirection == Axis.vertical
                        ? mediaQueryVerticalPadding
                        : mediaQueryHorizontalPadding;
                    sliver = new MediaQuery(
                        data: mediaQuery.copyWith(
                            padding: scrollDirection == Axis.vertical
                                ? mediaQueryHorizontalPadding
                                : mediaQueryVerticalPadding
                        child: sliver

            if (effectivePadding != null)
                sliver = new SliverPadding(padding: effectivePadding, sliver: sliver);

            return(new List <Widget> {
 public static ButtonTheme bar(
     Key key = null,
     ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.accent,
     float minWidth            = 64.0f,
     float height = 36.0f,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     bool alignedDropdown       = false,
     Color buttonColor          = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color focusColor           = null,
     Color hoverColor           = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     ColorScheme colorScheme    = null,
     Widget child = null,
     ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded
     D.assert(minWidth >= 0.0);
     D.assert(height >= 0.0);
     return(new ButtonTheme(key, new ButtonThemeData(
                                textTheme: textTheme,
                                minWidth: minWidth,
                                height: height,
                                padding: padding ?? EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0f),
                                shape: shape,
                                alignedDropdown: alignedDropdown,
                                layoutBehavior: layoutBehavior,
                                buttonColor: buttonColor,
                                disabledColor: disabledColor,
                                focusColor: focusColor,
                                hoverColor: hoverColor,
                                highlightColor: highlightColor,
                                splashColor: splashColor,
                                colorScheme: colorScheme
                                ), child));
 public ButtonTheme(
     Key key = null,
     ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.normal,
     ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded,
     float minWidth             = 88.0f,
     float height               = 36.0f,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     ShapeBorder shape          = null,
     bool alignedDropdown       = false,
     Color buttonColor          = null,
     Color disabledColor        = null,
     Color focusColor           = null,
     Color hoverColor           = null,
     Color highlightColor       = null,
     Color splashColor          = null,
     ColorScheme colorScheme    = null,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null,
     Widget child = null) : base(key: key, child: child)
     D.assert(minWidth >= 0.0);
     D.assert(height >= 0.0);
     data = new ButtonThemeData(
         textTheme: textTheme,
         minWidth: minWidth,
         height: height,
         padding: padding,
         shape: shape,
         alignedDropdown: alignedDropdown,
         layoutBehavior: layoutBehavior,
         buttonColor: buttonColor,
         disabledColor: disabledColor,
         focusColor: focusColor,
         hoverColor: hoverColor,
         highlightColor: highlightColor,
         splashColor: splashColor,
         colorScheme: colorScheme,
         materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize);
 public ChipThemeData copyWith(
     Color backgroundColor           = null,
     Color deleteIconColor           = null,
     Color disabledColor             = null,
     Color selectedColor             = null,
     Color secondarySelectedColor    = null,
     Color shadowColor               = null,
     Color selectedShadowColor       = null,
     Color checkmarkColor            = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry labelPadding = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding      = null,
     ShapeBorder shape               = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle            = null,
     TextStyle secondaryLabelStyle   = null,
     Brightness?brightness           = null,
     float?elevation      = null,
     float?pressElevation = null
     return(new ChipThemeData(
                backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? this.backgroundColor,
                deleteIconColor: deleteIconColor ?? this.deleteIconColor,
                disabledColor: disabledColor ?? this.disabledColor,
                selectedColor: selectedColor ?? this.selectedColor,
                secondarySelectedColor: secondarySelectedColor ?? this.secondarySelectedColor,
                shadowColor: shadowColor ?? this.shadowColor,
                selectedShadowColor: selectedShadowColor ?? this.selectedShadowColor,
                checkmarkColor: checkmarkColor ?? this.checkmarkColor,
                labelPadding: labelPadding ?? this.labelPadding,
                padding: padding ?? this.padding,
                shape: shape ?? this.shape,
                labelStyle: labelStyle ?? this.labelStyle,
                secondaryLabelStyle: secondaryLabelStyle ?? this.secondaryLabelStyle,
                brightness: brightness ?? this.brightness,
                elevation: elevation ?? this.elevation,
                pressElevation: pressElevation ?? this.pressElevation
 public static ListView builder(
     Key key = null,
     Axis scrollDirection                = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                        = false,
     ScrollController controller         = null,
     bool?primary                        = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics               = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                     = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding          = null,
     float?itemExtent                    = null,
     IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder    = null,
     int?itemCount                       = null,
     bool addAutomaticKeepAlives         = true,
     bool addRepaintBoundaries           = true,
     float?cacheExtent                   = null,
     DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start,
     ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior keyboardDismissBehavior = ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual
     return(new ListView(
                key: key,
                scrollDirection: scrollDirection,
                reverse: reverse,
                controller: controller,
                primary: primary,
                physics: physics,
                shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
                padding: padding,
                cacheExtent: cacheExtent,
                itemExtent: itemExtent,
                itemBuilder: itemBuilder,
                itemCount: itemCount,
                addAutomaticKeepAlives: addAutomaticKeepAlives,
                addRepaintBoundaries: addRepaintBoundaries,
                dragStartBehavior: dragStartBehavior,
                keyboardDismissBehavior: keyboardDismissBehavior
        public PopupMenuButton(
            Key key = null,
            PopupMenuItemBuilder <T> itemBuilder = null,
            T initialValue = default,
            PopupMenuItemSelected <T> onSelected = null,
            PopupMenuCanceled onCanceled         = null,
            string tooltip             = null,
            float?elevation            = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
            Widget child                = null,
            Icon icon                   = null,
            Offset offset               = null,
            bool enabled                = true,
            ShapeBorder shape           = null,
            Color color                 = null,
            bool captureInheritedThemes = true
            ) : base(key: key)
            offset = offset ?? Offset.zero;
            D.assert(itemBuilder != null);
            D.assert(offset != null);
            D.assert(!(child != null && icon != null), () => "You can only pass [child] or [icon], not both.");

            this.itemBuilder            = itemBuilder;
            this.initialValue           = initialValue;
            this.onSelected             = onSelected;
            this.onCanceled             = onCanceled;
            this.tooltip                = tooltip;
            this.elevation              = elevation;
            this.padding                = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(8.0f);
            this.child                  = child;
            this.icon                   = icon;
            this.offset                 = offset;
            this.enabled                = enabled;
            this.shape                  = shape;
            this.color                  = color;
            this.captureInheritedThemes = captureInheritedThemes;
        public static Ink image(
            Key key = null,
            EdgeInsetsGeometry padding      = null,
            ImageProvider image             = null,
            ImageErrorListener onImageError = null,
            ColorFilter colorFilter         = null,
            BoxFit?fit = null,
            AlignmentGeometry alignment = null,
            Rect centerSlice            = null,
            ImageRepeat repeat          = ImageRepeat.noRepeat,
            float?width  = null,
            float?height = null,
            Widget child = null
            D.assert(padding == null || padding.isNonNegative);
            D.assert(image != null);

            alignment = alignment ?? Alignment.center;
            Decoration decoration = new BoxDecoration(
                image: new DecorationImage(
                    image: image,
                    onError: onImageError,
                    colorFilter: colorFilter,
                    fit: fit,
                    alignment: alignment,
                    centerSlice: centerSlice,
                    repeat: repeat)

            return(new Ink(
                       key: key,
                       padding: padding,
                       decoration: decoration,
                       width: width,
                       height: height,
                       child: child));
 public UserAccountsDrawerHeader(
     Key key = null,
     Decoration decoration               = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry margin           = null,
     Widget currentAccountPicture        = null,
     List <Widget> otherAccountsPictures = null,
     Widget accountName            = null,
     Widget accountEmail           = null,
     VoidCallback onDetailsPressed = null,
     Color arrowColor = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(accountName != null);
     D.assert(accountEmail != null);
     this.decoration            = decoration;
     this.margin                = margin ?? EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8.0f);
     this.arrowColor            = arrowColor ?? Colors.white;
     this.currentAccountPicture = currentAccountPicture;
     this.otherAccountsPictures = otherAccountsPictures;
     this.accountName           = accountName;
     this.accountEmail          = accountEmail;
     this.onDetailsPressed      = onDetailsPressed;
 public CupertinoButton(
     Key key      = null,
     Widget child = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     Color color               = null,
     Color disabledColor       = null,
     float minSize             = 44.0f,
     float pressedOpacity      = 0.4f,
     BorderRadius borderRadius = null,
     VoidCallback onPressed    = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert((pressedOpacity >= 0.0 && pressedOpacity <= 1.0));
     _filled             = false;
     this.child          = child;
     this.onPressed      = onPressed;
     this.padding        = padding;
     this.color          = color;
     this.disabledColor  = disabledColor ?? CupertinoColors.quaternarySystemFill;
     this.minSize        = minSize;
     this.pressedOpacity = pressedOpacity;
     this.borderRadius   = borderRadius ?? BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0f));
 public MaterialBanner(
     Key key                           = null,
     Widget content                    = null,
     TextStyle contentTextStyle        = null,
     List <Widget> actions             = null,
     Widget leading                    = null,
     Color backgroundColor             = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding        = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry leadingPadding = null,
     bool forceActionsBelow            = false
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(content != null);
     D.assert(actions != null);
     this.content           = content;
     this.contentTextStyle  = contentTextStyle;
     this.actions           = actions;
     this.leading           = leading;
     this.backgroundColor   = backgroundColor;
     this.padding           = padding;
     this.leadingPadding    = leadingPadding;
     this.forceActionsBelow = forceActionsBelow;
 public AnimatedList(
     Key key = null,
     AnimatedListItemBuilder itemBuilder = null,
     int initialItemCount        = 0,
     Axis scrollDirection        = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                = false,
     ScrollController controller = null,
     bool?primary                = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics       = null,
     bool shrinkWrap             = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding  = null) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(itemBuilder != null);
     D.assert(initialItemCount >= 0);
     this.itemBuilder      = itemBuilder;
     this.initialItemCount = initialItemCount;
     this.scrollDirection  = scrollDirection;
     this.reverse          = reverse;
     this.controller       = controller;
     this.primary          = primary;
     this.physics          = physics;
     this.shrinkWrap       = shrinkWrap;
     this.padding          = padding;
 public CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl(
     Key key = null,
     Dictionary <T, Widget> children = null,
     ValueChanged <T> onValueChanged = null,
     T groupValue               = default,
     Color thumbColor           = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     Color backgroundColor      = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(children != null);
     D.assert(children.Count >= 2);
     D.assert(onValueChanged != null);
         groupValue == null || children.Keys.Contains(groupValue), () =>
         "The groupValue must be either null or one of the keys in the children map."
     this.children        = children;
     this.onValueChanged  = onValueChanged;
     this.groupValue      = groupValue;
     this.thumbColor      = thumbColor ?? CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kThumbColor;
     this.padding         = padding ?? CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControlsUtils._kHorizontalItemPadding;
     this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor ?? CupertinoColors.tertiarySystemFill;
 public TooltipThemeData(
     float?height = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry margin  = null,
     float?verticalOffset       = null,
     bool?preferBelow           = null,
     bool?excludeFromSemantics  = null,
     Decoration decoration      = null,
     TextStyle textStyle        = null,
     TimeSpan?waitDuration      = null,
     TimeSpan?showDuration      = null
     this.height               = height;
     this.padding              = padding;
     this.margin               = margin;
     this.verticalOffset       = verticalOffset;
     this.preferBelow          = preferBelow;
     this.excludeFromSemantics = excludeFromSemantics;
     this.decoration           = decoration;
     this.textStyle            = textStyle;
     this.waitDuration         = waitDuration;
     this.showDuration         = showDuration;
 public ButtonBarThemeData(
     MainAxisAlignment?alignment     = null,
     MainAxisSize?mainAxisSize       = null,
     ButtonTextTheme?buttonTextTheme = null,
     float?buttonMinWidth            = null,
     float?buttonHeight = null,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry buttonPadding       = null,
     bool?buttonAlignedDropdown             = null,
     ButtonBarLayoutBehavior?layoutBehavior = null,
     VerticalDirection?overflowDirection    = null
     D.assert(buttonMinWidth == null || buttonMinWidth >= 0.0f);
     D.assert(buttonHeight == null || buttonHeight >= 0.0f);
     this.alignment             = alignment;
     this.mainAxisSize          = mainAxisSize;
     this.buttonTextTheme       = buttonTextTheme;
     this.buttonMinWidth        = buttonMinWidth;
     this.buttonHeight          = buttonHeight;
     this.buttonPadding         = buttonPadding;
     this.buttonAlignedDropdown = buttonAlignedDropdown;
     this.layoutBehavior        = layoutBehavior;
     this.overflowDirection     = overflowDirection;
 public ButtonBarThemeData copyWith(
     EdgeInsetsGeometry buttonPadding,
     return(new ButtonBarThemeData(
                alignment: alignment ?? this.alignment,
                mainAxisSize: mainAxisSize ?? this.mainAxisSize,
                buttonTextTheme: buttonTextTheme ?? this.buttonTextTheme,
                buttonMinWidth: buttonMinWidth ?? this.buttonMinWidth,
                buttonHeight: buttonHeight ?? this.buttonHeight,
                buttonPadding: buttonPadding ?? this.buttonPadding,
                buttonAlignedDropdown: buttonAlignedDropdown ?? this.buttonAlignedDropdown,
                layoutBehavior: layoutBehavior ?? this.layoutBehavior,
                overflowDirection: overflowDirection ?? this.overflowDirection
 public ButtonThemeData(
     ButtonTextTheme textTheme = ButtonTextTheme.normal,
     float minWidth            = 88.0f,
     float height = 36.0f,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding             = null,
     ShapeBorder shape                      = null,
     ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior = ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded,
     bool alignedDropdown                   = false,
     Color buttonColor                      = null,
     Color disabledColor                    = null,
     Color focusColor        = null,
     Color hoverColor        = null,
     Color highlightColor    = null,
     Color splashColor       = null,
     ColorScheme colorScheme = null,
     MaterialTapTargetSize?materialTapTargetSize = null
     D.assert(minWidth >= 0.0);
     D.assert(height >= 0.0);
     this.textTheme       = textTheme;
     this.minWidth        = minWidth;
     this.height          = height;
     this.layoutBehavior  = layoutBehavior;
     this.alignedDropdown = alignedDropdown;
     this.colorScheme     = colorScheme;
     _buttonColor         = buttonColor;
     _disabledColor       = disabledColor;
     _focusColor          = focusColor;
     _hoverColor          = hoverColor;
     _highlightColor      = highlightColor;
     _splashColor         = splashColor;
     _padding             = padding;
     _shape = shape;
     _materialTapTargetSize = materialTapTargetSize;
 public static ListView seperated(
     Key key = null,
     Axis scrollDirection                  = Axis.vertical,
     bool reverse                          = false,
     ScrollController controller           = null,
     bool?primary                          = null,
     ScrollPhysics physics                 = null,
     bool shrinkWrap                       = false,
     EdgeInsetsGeometry padding            = null,
     IndexedWidgetBuilder itemBuilder      = null,
     IndexedWidgetBuilder separatorBuilder = null,
     int itemCount                         = 0,
     bool addAutomaticKeepAlives           = true,
     bool addRepaintBoundaries             = true,
     float?cacheExtent                     = null,
     ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior keyboardDismissBehavior = ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual
     return(new ListView(
                keyboardDismissBehavior: keyboardDismissBehavior
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            return(new LayoutBuilder(
                       builder: (BuildContext _context, BoxConstraints constraints) => {
                FlexibleSpaceBarSettings settings =
                    _context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType <FlexibleSpaceBarSettings>();
                D.assert(settings != null,
                         () =>
                         "A FlexibleSpaceBar must be wrapped in the widget returned by FlexibleSpaceBar.createSettings().");

                List <Widget> children = new List <Widget>();
                float deltaExtent = settings.maxExtent.Value - settings.minExtent.Value;

                float t = (1.0f - (settings.currentExtent.Value - settings.minExtent.Value) / deltaExtent)
                          .clamp(0.0f, 1.0f);

                if (widget.background != null)
                    float fadeStart = Mathf.Max(0.0f, 1.0f - material_.kToolbarHeight / deltaExtent);
                    float fadeEnd = 1.0f;
                    D.assert(fadeStart <= fadeEnd);

                    float opacity = 1.0f - new Interval(fadeStart, fadeEnd).transform(t);
                    if (opacity > 0.0f)
                        float height = settings.maxExtent ?? 0;

                        if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.zoomBackground) &&
                            constraints.maxHeight > height)
                            height = constraints.maxHeight;

                        children.Add(new Positioned(
                                         top: _getCollapsePadding(t, settings),
                                         left: 0.0f,
                                         right: 0.0f,
                                         height: height,
                                         child: new Opacity(
                                             opacity: opacity,
                                             child: widget.background)

                        if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.blurBackground) &&
                            constraints.maxHeight > settings.maxExtent)
                            float blurAmount = (constraints.maxHeight - settings.maxExtent) / 10 ?? 0;
                                             child: new BackdropFilter(
                                                 child: new Container(
                                                     color: Colors.transparent
                                                 filter: ui.ImageFilter.blur(
                                                     sigmaX: blurAmount,
                                                     sigmaY: blurAmount

                Widget title = null;
                if (widget.title != null)
                    switch (Application.platform)
                    case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
                        title = widget.title;

                        title = widget.title;

                if (widget.stretchModes.Contains(StretchMode.fadeTitle) &&
                    constraints.maxHeight > settings.maxExtent)
                    float stretchOpacity =
                        1 - (((constraints.maxHeight - settings.maxExtent) / 100)?.clamp(0.0f, 1.0f) ?? 0);
                    title = new Opacity(
                        opacity: stretchOpacity,
                        child: title

                ThemeData theme = Theme.of(_context);
                float toolbarOpacity = settings.toolbarOpacity.Value;
                if (toolbarOpacity > 0.0f)
                    TextStyle titleStyle = theme.primaryTextTheme.title;
                    titleStyle = titleStyle.copyWith(
                        color: titleStyle.color.withOpacity(toolbarOpacity));

                    bool effectiveCenterTitle = _getEffectiveCenterTitle(theme).Value;
                    EdgeInsetsGeometry padding = widget.titlePadding ??
                        left: effectiveCenterTitle ? 0.0f : 72.0f,
                        bottom: 16.0f
                    float scaleValue = new FloatTween(begin: 1.5f, end: 1.0f).lerp(t);
                    Matrix4 scaleTransform = Matrix4.diagonal3Values(scaleValue, scaleValue, 1);
                    Alignment titleAlignment = _getTitleAlignment(effectiveCenterTitle);

                    children.Add(new Container(
                                     padding: padding,
                                     child: new Transform(
                                         alignment: titleAlignment,
                                         transform: scaleTransform,
                                         child: new Align(
                                             alignment: titleAlignment,
                                             child: new DefaultTextStyle(
                                                 style: titleStyle,
                                                 child: new LayoutBuilder(
                                                     builder: (BuildContext __context, BoxConstraints _constraints) => {
                        return new Container(
                            width: _constraints.maxWidth / scaleValue,
                            alignment: titleAlignment,
                            child: title

                return new ClipRect(
                    child: new Stack(
                        children: children)