bool CreateObject(char type, out EcsEntity entity) { switch (type) { case 'o': { entity = _world.NewEntity(); entity.Replace(new ObjectType { Value = GameObjectEnum.Wall }); return(true); } case 's': { entity = _world.NewEntity(); entity.Get <PlayerTag>(); entity.Replace(new ObjectType { Value = GameObjectEnum.Player }); return(true); } default: { entity = default; return(false); } } }
public void SetAimComponent() { entity.Replace(new AimingComponent() { AimPosition = }); }
public void generateUnit(SettlerData data) { EcsEntity entity = GameModel.get().createEntity(); entity.Replace(new UnitNameComponent { name = }) // TODO add name generator .Replace(new AgeComponent { age = data.age }) // TODO add name generator .Replace(new UnitMovementComponent { speed = 0.06f, step = 0 }) .Replace(new UnitVisualComponent()) .Replace(new UnitJobsComponent { enabledJobs = new List <string>() }) .Replace(new NameComponent { name = "mockName" }) .Replace(new PositionComponent { position = new Vector3Int() }) .Replace(equipmentGenerator.generate()) .Replace(new UnitComponent()); }
public void createDesignation(Vector3Int position, DesignationType type) { EcsEntity entity = GameModel.get().createEntity(); entity.Replace(new DesignationComponent { type = type }); entity.Replace(new PositionComponent { position = position }); if (designations.ContainsKey(position)) // replace previous designation { cancelDesignation(position); // cancel previous designation } designations[position] = entity; }
public static EcsEntity CreateAirplane(this EcsWorld world) { EcsEntity entity = world.NewEntity(); CategotyComponent category = new CategotyComponent() { value = Category.Player }; entity.Replace(category); // / Get() returns component on entity. If component not exists -it will be added. //ref Component1 c1 = ref entity.Get<Component1>(); // ref Component2 c2 = ref entity.Get<Component2>(); // // Del() removes component from entity. // entity.Del<Component2>(); // // Component can be replaced with new instance of component. If component not exist - it will be added. // var weapon = new WeaponComponent() { Ammo = 10, GunName = "Handgun" }; // entity.Replace(weapon); // // With Replace() you can chain component's creation: // var entity2 = world.NewEntity(); // entity2.Replace(new Component1 { Id = 10 }).Replace(new Component2 { Name = "Username" }); // // Any entity can be copied with all components: // var entity2Copy = entity2.Copy(); // // Any entity can be merged / "moved" to another entity (source will be destroyed): // var newEntity = world.NewEntity(); // entity2Copy.MoveTo(newEntity); // all components from entity2Copy moved to newEntity, entity2Copy destroyed. // // any entity can be destroyed. // entity.Destroy(); return(entity); }
private void detachTask(EcsEntity unit, EcsEntity task, TaskFinishedComponent finishComponent) { unit.Del <TaskFinishedComponent>(); unit.Del <TaskComponent>(); task.Replace(new TaskFinishedComponent { status = finishComponent.status }); // move status to task, it will be handled by TaskStatusSystem }
// bind unit and task entities private void assignTask(EcsEntity unit, EcsEntity task) { unit.Replace(new TaskComponent { task = task }); task.Replace(new TaskPerformerComponent { performer = unit }); }
public EcsEntity createTask(Action initialAction) { EcsEntity task = GameModel.get().createEntity(); task.Replace(new TaskActionsComponent { initialAction = initialAction, preActions = new List <Action>() }); initialAction.task = task; return(task); }
public void Init() { GL.ClearColor(Color4.LightSkyBlue); GL.Enable(EnableCap.DepthTest); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Hint(HintTarget.PerspectiveCorrectionHint, HintMode.Nicest); world = new EcsWorld(); systems = new EcsSystems(world) .Add(new RenderSystem()) .Add(new CameraSystem()) .Inject(window) .Inject(this); systems.Init(); EcsEntity playerEntity = world.NewEntity(); playerEntity.Replace(new CameraComponent(new Vector3(0, 5, 5), -90.0f, -45.0f, 60)); EcsEntity groundEntity = world.NewEntity(); groundEntity.Replace(new TransformationComponent() { Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Rotation = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0), Scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1) }); groundEntity.Replace(new RenderComponent() { geometry = ResourceManager.GetResource <Geometry>("GROUND_GEOMETRY"), shader = ResourceManager.GetResource <Shader>("GROUND_SHADER"), diffuse = ResourceManager.GetResource <Texture>("GROUND_TEXTURE") }); MainMenu = new MainMenu(window); window.Resize += (e) => MainMenu.Resize(e.Width, e.Height); MainMenu.OnButtonClick += HandleMainMenuButton_Click; }
public EcsEntity generateItem(string typeName, string materialName, Vector3Int position, EcsEntity entity) { ItemType type = ItemTypeMap.getItemType(typeName); if (type == null) { Debug.LogError("Type " + typeName + " not found."); } Material_ material = MaterialMap.get().material(materialName); entity.Replace(new ItemComponent { material =, type = typeName, materialString =, volume = 1, weight = material.density * 1 }); entity.Replace(new PositionComponent { position = position }); entity.Replace(new NameComponent()); // entity.Replace(new ItemVisualComponent()); return(entity); }
private void createSpriteForItem(EcsEntity entity) { ItemComponent item = entity.Get <ItemComponent>(); ItemVisualComponent visual = new ItemVisualComponent(); Vector3 spritePosition = ViewUtil.fromModelToScene(entity.pos()); visual.go = Object.Instantiate(itemPrefab, spritePosition + new Vector3(0, 0, -0.1f), Quaternion.identity); visual.go.transform.SetParent(GameView.get().mapHolder); visual.spriteRenderer = visual.go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); visual.spriteRenderer.sprite = createSprite(ItemTypeMap.getItemType(item.type)); entity.Replace(visual); }
public void putItemToMap(EcsEntity item, Vector3Int position) { validateForPlacing(item); if (!itemsOnMap.ContainsKey(position)) { itemsOnMap.Add(position, new List <EcsEntity>()); } itemsOnMap[position].Add(item); all.Add(item); item.Replace(new PositionComponent { position = position }); }
private EcsEntity?createTaskForDesignation(DesignationComponent designation, PositionComponent position) { // TODO create job component if (designation.type.JOB.Equals( { Debug.Log("mining task created."); EcsEntity taskEntity = GameModel.get().taskContainer.createTask(new DigAction(position.position, designation.type)); taskEntity.Replace(new TaskJobComponent { job = }); return(taskEntity); } // switch (designation.type.NAME) { // case "cutting stairs": { // return null; // } // case "cutting downstairs": { // return null; // } // case "cutting ramp": { // return null; // } // case "digging channel": { // return null; // } // case "chopping trees": { // return null; // } // case "cutting plants": { // return null; // } // case "harvesting plants": { // return null; // } // case "building": { // return null; // } // case "hoeing": { // return null; // } // case "planting": { // return null; // } // } return(null); }
private void Start() { world = new EcsWorld(); systems = new EcsSystems(world); systems.Add(new ValuePrintSystem()) .Add(new LinkIncrementSystem()) .Init(); EcsEntity entity1 = world.NewEntity(); entity2 = world.NewEntity(); entity1.Replace(new LinkComponent { link = entity2 }); entity2.Replace(new ValueComponent { value = 0 }); }
public void Run() { foreach (var i in filter) { EcsEntity designation = filter.GetEntity(i); if (!validateDesignation(designation)) { continue; } EcsEntity?task = createTaskForDesignation(filter.Get1(i), filter.Get2(i)); if (task.HasValue) { designation.Replace(new TaskComponent { task = task.Value }); GameModel.get().taskContainer.addTask(task.Value); } } }
private void createSprite(EcsEntity entity) { DesignationComponent designation = entity.Get <DesignationComponent>(); PositionComponent position = entity.Get <PositionComponent>(); // create sprite on scene GameObject go = PrefabLoader.create("designation", GameView.get().mapHolder); SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); Sprite sprite = IconLoader.get("designation/" + designation.type.SPRITE_NAME); spriteRenderer.sprite = sprite; float width = go.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.width; float scale = width / sprite.rect.width * sprite.pixelsPerUnit; spriteRenderer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1); go.transform.localPosition = getSpritePosition(position, designation); // add visual component entity.Replace(new DesignationVisualComponent { spriteRenderer = spriteRenderer }); }
private void Fire(ref EcsEntity entity) { entity.Replace(new ShootingEvent()); }
public static void Add <T>(this EcsEntity entity, T component) where T : struct { entity.Replace(component); }
public void Add <T>(T component) where T : struct { entity.Replace(component); }
void IConvertToEntity.Convert(EcsEntity entity) { entity.Replace(value); }