void Start() { string mydoc = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); fp = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(mydoc, "move.csv")); eovru.StartOpenVR(); fp.WriteLine("time,serial,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,rx,ry,rz,rdx,rdy,rdz,eTrackingResult"); }
void Start() { eou = new EasyOpenVRUtil(); eou.StartOpenVR(); uint idx = eou.GetDeviceIndexBySerialNumber(serial); foreach (ETrackedDeviceProperty prop in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ETrackedDeviceProperty))) { bool ok = false; var name = prop.ToString(); bool resultBool; if (eou.GetPropertyBool(idx, prop, out resultBool)) { log += (name + " : " + resultBool); ok = true; } float resultFloat; if (eou.GetPropertyFloat(idx, prop, out resultFloat)) { log += (name + " : " + resultFloat); ok = true; } int resultInt32; if (eou.GetPropertyInt32(idx, prop, out resultInt32)) { log += (name + " : " + resultInt32); ok = true; } ulong resultUint64; if (eou.GetPropertyUint64(idx, prop, out resultUint64)) { log += (name + " : " + resultUint64); ok = true; } string resultString; if (eou.GetPropertyString(idx, prop, out resultString)) { log += (name + " : " + resultString); ok = true; } if (ok) { log += "\n"; } } Debug.Log(log); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { Debug.Log("!"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) { Debug.Log(eou.Init()); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { Debug.Log(eou.StartOpenVR()); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { Debug.Log(eou.TakeScreenShot("D:\\tmp\\test", "D:\\tmp\\test2")); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X)) { Debug.Log(eou.GetDeviceIndexBySerialNumber("LHR-72214A13")); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z)) { eou.Update(); Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListString()); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.V)) { Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListStringFromDeviceIndexList(eou.GetDeviceIndexListByRegisteredDeviceType("tracker"))); Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListStringFromDeviceIndexList(eou.GetDeviceIndexListByRenderModelName("tracker"))); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N)) { Debug.Log(eou.TriggerHapticPulse(eou.GetLeftControllerIndex())); Debug.Log(eou.TriggerHapticPulse(eou.GetRightControllerIndex())); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.B)) { Debug.Log("Controller"); Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListStringFromDeviceIndexList(eou.GetViveControllerIndexList())); Debug.Log("Tracker"); Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListStringFromDeviceIndexList(eou.GetViveTrackerIndexList())); Debug.Log("BaseStation"); Debug.Log(eou.PutDeviceInfoListStringFromDeviceIndexList(eou.GetBaseStationIndexList())); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y)) { } /* * Vector3 pos; * Quaternion rot; * eou.GetHMDPose(out pos, out rot); * obj.transform.position = pos; * obj.transform.rotation = rot; * * eou.GetPoseBySerialNumber("LHR-72214A13", out pos, out rot); * obj2.transform.position = pos; * obj2.transform.rotation = rot; * * Vector3 pos2; * Quaternion rot2; * eou.GetControllerPose(out pos, out rot, out pos2, out rot2); * obj3.transform.position = pos; * obj3.transform.rotation = rot; * * obj4.transform.position = pos2; * obj4.transform.rotation = rot2; */ }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Console.WriteLine("Loaded"); title = this.Title; ManagerVersion.Text = Version; DriverVersion.Text = "-"; dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100); dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(GenericTimer); dispatcherTimer.Start(); rnd = new Random(); util = new EasyOpenVRUtil(); if (!util.StartOpenVR()) { Close(); return; } osc = new OSC("", 39571, 39570, OnBundle, OnMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace, title); Close(); return; } string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Length > 1) { if (args[1] == "install") { InstallButton(null, null); Close(); return; } if (args[1] == "uninstall") { UninstallButton(null, null); Close(); return; } } //セーフモードチェック EVRSettingsError eVRSettingsError = EVRSettingsError.None; bool safemode = OpenVR.Settings.GetBool("driver_vmt", OpenVR.k_pch_Driver_BlockedBySafemode_Bool, ref eVRSettingsError); if (eVRSettingsError == EVRSettingsError.None && safemode) { var result = MessageBox.Show("SteamVR runnning on safe mode and VMT has blocked.\nPlease unblock, and restart SteamVR.\n\nSteamVRがセーフモードで動作し、VMTがブロックされています。\nブロックを解除し、SteamVRを再起動してください。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } //Enableチェック eVRSettingsError = EVRSettingsError.None; bool enable = OpenVR.Settings.GetBool("driver_vmt", OpenVR.k_pch_Driver_Enable_Bool, ref eVRSettingsError); if (eVRSettingsError == EVRSettingsError.None && !enable) { var result = MessageBox.Show("VMT has disabled in Steam VR setting.\nPlease enable, and restart SteamVR.\n\nVMTはSteamVR上で無効に設定されています。\n有効にし、SteamVRを再起動してください。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } //デバッグのためにセーフモードを有効化 //OpenVR.Settings.SetBool(OpenVR.k_pch_SteamVR_Section, OpenVR.k_pch_SteamVR_EnableSafeMode, true,ref eVRSettingsError); }
void Update() { if (!eou.IsReady()) { eou.StartOpenVR(); } if (HMD_Offset == null || LeftHand_Offset == null || RightHand_Offset == null) { HMD_Offset = eou.GetHMDTransform(); LeftHand_Offset = eou.GetLeftControllerTransform(); RightHand_Offset = eou.GetRightControllerTransform(); } eou.AutoExitOnQuit(); _config = configManager.GetConfig(); HMDTrans = eou.GetHMDTransform(); LeftHandTrans = eou.GetLeftControllerTransform(); RightHandTrans = eou.GetRightControllerTransform(); eou.SetGameObjectTransform(ref HMD, HMDTrans); eou.SetGameObjectTransform(ref LeftHand, LeftHandTrans); eou.SetGameObjectTransform(ref RightHand, RightHandTrans); eou.SetGameObjectTransformWithOffset(ref HMD_withOffset, HMDTrans, HMD_Offset); eou.SetGameObjectTransformWithOffset(ref LeftHand_withOffset, LeftHandTrans, LeftHand_Offset); eou.SetGameObjectTransformWithOffset(ref RightHand_withOffset, RightHandTrans, RightHand_Offset); ulong button; if (isFollowRightHand) { eou.GetControllerButtonPressed(eou.GetRightControllerIndex(), out button); } else { eou.GetControllerButtonPressed(eou.GetLeftControllerIndex(), out button); } if (button != 0) { V_Chest.SetActive(false); V_Foot_L.SetActive(false); V_Foot_R.SetActive(false); V_Offset.SetActive(false); } if (_config.isMenuLeftHand && LeftHandTrans != null && LeftHandTrans.velocity.y < -3.5f || _config.isMenuRightHand && RightHandTrans != null && RightHandTrans.velocity.y < -3.5f) { if (!MenuManager.IsActive() && (!_config.isMenuLock || _config.MenuLockButton == 0 || _config.MenuLockButton == button)) { MenuManager.Open(); } } else if (_config.isMenuLeftHand && LeftHandTrans != null && LeftHandTrans.velocity.y > 3.5f || _config.isMenuRightHand && RightHandTrans != null && RightHandTrans.velocity.y > 3.5f) { if (MenuManager.IsActive() && (!_config.isMenuLock || _config.MenuLockButton == 0 || _config.MenuLockButton == button)) { MenuManager.Close(); } } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { Console.WriteLine("Loaded"); title = this.Title; ManagerVersion.Text = Version; DriverVersion.Text = " - "; rnd = new Random(); osc = new OSC("", 39571, 39570, OnBundle, OnMessage); util = new EasyOpenVRUtil(); if (!util.StartOpenVR()) { //var result = MessageBox.Show("Steam VR not ready. Maybe not ready for HMD or Tracking system.\nStream VRが利用できません。HMDやトラッキングシステムが利用できない状態の可能性があります。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); TopErrorMessage("Steam VR not ready. Maybe not ready for HMD or Tracking system.\nStream VRが利用できません。HMDやトラッキングシステムが利用できない状態の可能性があります。\n\nPlease set requireHmd to false on SteamVR If you want to use without HMD. (Almost functions will not work.)\nHMDなしで利用したい場合は、SteamVRにてrequireHmdをfalseにして再起動してください。(殆どの機能は利用できません)"); //Close(); //タイマー起動してはいけない return; } if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem == false) { TopErrorMessage("VMT works 64bit OS only.\n VMTは64bit OSでのみ動作します。"); //タイマー起動してはいけない return; } //タイマー起動 dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100); dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(GenericTimer); dispatcherTimer.Start(); //セーフモードチェック EVRSettingsError eVRSettingsError = EVRSettingsError.None; bool safemode = OpenVR.Settings.GetBool("driver_vmt", OpenVR.k_pch_Driver_BlockedBySafemode_Bool, ref eVRSettingsError); if (eVRSettingsError == EVRSettingsError.None && safemode) { //var result = MessageBox.Show("SteamVR runnning on safe mode and VMT has blocked.\nPlease unblock, and restart SteamVR.\n\nSteamVRがセーフモードで動作し、VMTがブロックされています。\nブロックを解除し、SteamVRを再起動してください。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); TopErrorMessage("SteamVR runnning on safe mode and VMT has blocked.\nPlease unblock, and restart SteamVR.\n\nSteamVRがセーフモードで動作し、VMTがブロックされています。\nブロックを解除し、SteamVRを再起動してください。"); return; } //Enableチェック eVRSettingsError = EVRSettingsError.None; bool enable = OpenVR.Settings.GetBool("driver_vmt", OpenVR.k_pch_Driver_Enable_Bool, ref eVRSettingsError); if (eVRSettingsError == EVRSettingsError.None && !enable) { //var result = MessageBox.Show("VMT has disabled in Steam VR setting.\nPlease enable, and restart SteamVR.\n\nVMTはSteamVR上で無効に設定されています。\n有効にし、SteamVRを再起動してください。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); TopErrorMessage("VMT has disabled in Steam VR setting.\nPlease enable, and restart SteamVR.\n\nVMTはSteamVR上で無効に設定されています。\n有効にし、SteamVRを再起動してください。"); return; } //requireHmdチェック eVRSettingsError = EVRSettingsError.None; bool requireHmd = OpenVR.Settings.GetBool("steamvr", OpenVR.k_pch_SteamVR_RequireHmd_String, ref eVRSettingsError); if (eVRSettingsError == EVRSettingsError.None && !requireHmd) { //var result = MessageBox.Show("VMT has disabled in Steam VR setting.\nPlease enable, and restart SteamVR.\n\nVMTはSteamVR上で無効に設定されています。\n有効にし、SteamVRを再起動してください。", title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); TopWarningMessage("Manager detected requireHmd is false on SteamVR. Some functions will not work probably.\nSteamVRにてrequireHmdがfalseに設定されています。いくつかの機能は正常に動かない可能性があります。", true); } //デバッグのためにセーフモードを有効化 //OpenVR.Settings.SetBool(OpenVR.k_pch_SteamVR_Section, OpenVR.k_pch_SteamVR_EnableSafeMode, true,ref eVRSettingsError); string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Length > 1) { if (args[1] == "install") { InstallButton(null, null); Close(); return; } if (args[1] == "uninstall") { UninstallButton(null, null); Close(); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace, title); Close(); return; } }