public TextAsset Load(string name)
            EasyFileSave file = new EasyFileSave(name);

            if (file.Load())
                TextAsset asset = new TextAsset(file.GetString("text"));
       = name;
            throw new Exception();
 /** Return current user name from currentUser.dat  */
 public string currentUserName()
     currentFile = new EasyFileSave("currentUserFile");
     if (currentFile.Load())
         testName = currentFile.GetString("currentUser");
    void Update()
        // When [S] key is pressed: SAVE.
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.S))
            Debug.Log(">> I'M GOING TO SAVE SOME DATA!" + "\n");

            // Some values.

            equipment = new List <string>();

            initialLocation = new Vector3(101.5f, -30.4f, 22f);

            coins = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            coins.Add("Copper", 1200);
            coins.Add("Silver", 450);
            coins.Add("Gold", 300);

            // Simple data.

            character = "Conan";
            age       = 30;
            strenght  = 300.5f;
            has_sword = true;
            has_bow   = false;

            myFile.Add("name", character);
            myFile.Add("age", age);
            myFile.Add("strenght", strenght);
            myFile.Add("has_sword", has_sword);
            myFile.Add("has_bow", has_bow);

            // GameObject data.

            myFile.Add("equipment", equipment);
            myFile.Add("coins", coins);
            myFile.Add("initialLocation", initialLocation);
            myFile.Add("player", gameObject.transform);

            // Class data (serialization).

            items = new List <Item>();
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Gold", quantity = 15000
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Darts", quantity = 24
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Potions", quantity = 10

            myFile.AddSerialized("items", items);

            // Custom Extension for managing BoxCollider

            myFile.AddCustom("collider", gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(), "BoxCollider");

            // Save all the collected data.
            // At the end of the process, stored data is cleared to free memory.


            Debug.Log(">> Data saved in: " + myFile.GetFileName() + "\n");

        // When [L] key is pressed: LOAD.
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.L))
            // Load data from file.
            if (myFile.Load())
                Debug.Log(">> I'M GOING TO USE LOADED DATA!" + "\n");

                // Simple data.

                character = myFile.GetString("name");
                age       = myFile.GetInt("age");
                strenght  = myFile.GetFloat("strenght");
                has_sword = myFile.GetBool("has_sword");
                has_bow   = myFile.GetBool("has_bow");

                // In this case, if 'nickname' key doesn't exist, 'user_1234' string is used.

                nickname = myFile.GetString("nickname", "user_1234");

                // GameObject data.

                equipment       = (List <string>)myFile.GetData("equipment");
                coins           = (Dictionary <string, int>)myFile.GetData("coins");
                initialLocation = myFile.GetUnityVector3("initialLocation");

                var tr = myFile.GetUnityTransform("player");
                gameObject.transform.position   = tr.position;
                gameObject.transform.rotation   = tr.rotation;
                gameObject.transform.localScale = tr.localScale;

                // Class data (serialization).

                items = (List <Item>)myFile.GetDeserialized("items", typeof(List <Item>));

                // Custom Extension for managing BoxCollider.

                var bc = myFile.GetCustom("collider", "BoxCollider");
                var thisBoxColllider = gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
       = new Vector3 {
                    x = bc["centerX"].ToFloat(), y = bc["centerY"].ToFloat(), z = bc["centerZ"].ToFloat()
                thisBoxColllider.isTrigger = bc["isTrigger"].ToBool();

                // Loaded data has been used as needed.
                // Stored data is manually cleared to free memory.


                Debug.Log(">> Data loaded from: " + myFile.GetFileName() + "\n");

        // When [A] key is pressed: APPEND.
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.A))
            // Simple data.

            myFile.Add("nickname", "The Warrior");
            myFile.Add("age", 32);

            // Append this data to the current file content.
            // 'nickname' key is new, so its value is added to the file.
            // 'age' key already exists, so its current value is updated with this new one.


            Debug.Log(">> New data added to: " + myFile.GetFileName() + "\n");
            Debug.Log(">> Age value updated to 32." + "\n");
            Debug.Log(">> Added nickname." + "\n");

        // When [Del] key is pressed: FILE DELETE.
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Delete))
            // Delete this file.
            // This method clears stored data as well.


            Debug.Log(">> The file has been deleted." + "\n");

        // When [T] key is pressed: SAVING AND LOADING DATA TEST.
        if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.T))
            // Perform a test of writing and loading data.
            // -------------------------------------------


            // Add some values to the internal storage for saving and loading test.

            equipment = new List <string>();

            initialLocation = new Vector3(101.5f, -30.4f, 22f);

            character = "Conan";
            age       = 30;
            strenght  = 300.5f;
            has_sword = true;
            has_bow   = false;

            items = new List <Item>();
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Gold", quantity = 15000
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Darts", quantity = 24
            items.Add(new Item {
                name = "Potions", quantity = 10

            myFile.Add("name", character);
            myFile.Add("age", age);
            myFile.Add("strenght", strenght);
            myFile.Add("has_sword", has_sword);
            myFile.Add("has_bow", has_bow);

            myFile.Add("equipment", equipment);
            myFile.Add("initialLocation", initialLocation);
            myFile.Add("player", gameObject.transform);

            myFile.AddSerialized("items", items);

            myFile.AddCustom("collider", gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(), "BoxCollider");

            // Test

            if (myFile.TestDataSaveLoad())
                Debug.Log("<color=green>GOOD! Go to step 2!</color>\n");
                Debug.Log("<color=red>OPS! SOMETHING WENT WRONG!</color>\n");
    // private List GetWinnerList (){
    // myFile = new EasyFileSave("user6");
    // if(myFile.Load()){
    //     Debug.Log(myFile.GetInt("timer"));
    // }
    // var path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/";
    // var info = new DirectoryInfo(path);
    // var fileInfo = info.GetFiles();
    // return fileInfo;
    // users = new List<Users>();
    // scoreEntryList = {};
    // foreach (var file in fileInfo) {
    //     // Debug.Log(GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name));
    //     string tmpName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.ToString());
    //     // string[] x = file.Name.Split(".");
    //     // Debug.Log("TMP: " + tmpName);
    //     if(tmpName == "currentUserFile") continue;
    //     myFile = new EasyFileSave(tmpName);
    //     myFile.suppressWarning = false;
    //     if(myFile.Load()){
    //         int str=0;
    //         // myFile.GetString("name"), myFile.GetInt("level"), myFile.GetInt("score"), myFile.GetInt("timer"));
    //         str = myFile.GetInt("timer");
    //         // Debug.Log(myFile.GetString("username") + ":username");
    //         scoreEntryList = new List<ScoreEntry>(){
    //             new ScoreEntry{name = myFile.GetString("username"), score = myFile.GetInt("score"), timer = myFile.GetInt("timer")};
    //         };

    //     } else Debug.Log("Bad with load");

    // }

    // Debug.Log(users);
    // }

    private void Awake()
        entryContainer = transform.Find("EntryContainer");
        entryTemplate  = entryContainer.Find("TemplateRow");


        // scoreEntryList = new List<ScoreEntry>(){
        //     new ScoreEntry{name = "Name1", score = 10, timer = 30},
        //     new ScoreEntry{name = "Name1", score = 150, timer = 30},
        //     new ScoreEntry{name = "Name1", score = 20, timer = 30},
        //     new ScoreEntry{name = "Name1", score = 10, timer = 30},
        //     new ScoreEntry{name = "Name1", score = 1440, timer = 30},
        // };

        var path     = Application.persistentDataPath + "/";
        var info     = new DirectoryInfo(path);
        var fileInfo = info.GetFiles();

        scoreEntryList = new List <ScoreEntry>();
        foreach (var file in fileInfo)
            // Debug.Log(GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name));
            string tmpName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.ToString());
            // string[] x = file.Name.Split(".");
            // Debug.Log("TMP: " + tmpName);
            if (tmpName == "currentUserFile")
            myFile = new EasyFileSave(tmpName);
            myFile.suppressWarning = false;
            if (myFile.Load())
                Debug.Log("Filename: " + tmpName);
                int str = 0;
                // myFile.GetString("name"), myFile.GetInt("level"), myFile.GetInt("score"), myFile.GetInt("timer"));
                str = myFile.GetInt("timer");
                // Debug.Log(myFile.GetString("username") + ":username");
                if (myFile.GetString("username") != "")
                    scoreEntryList.Add(new ScoreEntry {
                        name = myFile.GetString("username"), score = myFile.GetInt("score"), timer = myFile.GetInt("timer")
                Debug.Log("Bad with load");

        /** Sorting by timer */
        for (int i = 0; i < scoreEntryList.Count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < scoreEntryList.Count; j++)
                if (scoreEntryList[j].timer > scoreEntryList[i].timer)
                    ScoreEntry tmp = scoreEntryList[i];
                    scoreEntryList[i] = scoreEntryList[j];
                    scoreEntryList[j] = tmp;

        hightScoreEntryTransformList = new List <Transform>();
        foreach (ScoreEntry highscoreEntry in scoreEntryList)
            CreateScoreEntryTransform(highscoreEntry, entryContainer, hightScoreEntryTransformList);