        public Point Project(EarthPoint p, int Zoom)
            var    surfacePoint = (SurfacePoint)p;
            double mpp          = _scales[Zoom];

            return(new Point(Math.Round(surfacePoint.X / mpp), Math.Round(-surfacePoint.Y / mpp)));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            String CanRecordPath = args[0];
            String TrackPath     = args[1];

            FrameSbsEncoder enc = new FrameSbsEncoder();

            using (var fs = new FileStream(CanRecordPath, FileMode.Open))
                var Frames = enc.DecodeStream(fs);

                EarthPoint PrewPoint = null;

                foreach (var f in Frames)
                    switch (f.Descriptor)
                    case Dsc_MM_ALT_LONG:
                        var mmll = BlokFrame.GetBlokFrame <MmAltLongFrame>(f);
                        //var ThisPoint = new EarthPoint();
        public GPost Read(Stream MapStream, int SectionId)
            var postData = ReadBytes(MapStream, _recordLength);

            var ordinate  = BitConverter.ToInt32(postData.Take(3).Concat(new byte[1]).ToArray(), 0);
            var flags     = postData[3];
            var direction = DecodeDirection((flags >> 7) & 0x01);
            var position  = (PositionInSection)(flags & 0x03);
            var crossing  = (flags & (1 << 6)) > 0;
            var point     = new EarthPoint(BitConverter.ToInt32(postData, 4) * 10e-9 * 180 / Math.PI,
                                           BitConverter.ToInt32(postData, 8) * 10e-9 * 180 / Math.PI);
            var childrenStartAddress = SubInt(postData, 12, 3);

            var post = new GPost(ordinate, point, direction, position, SectionId, crossing);

            var previousPosition = MapStream.Position;

            MapStream.Seek(childrenStartAddress, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var tracksCount = MapStream.ReadByte();

            for (var i = 0; i < tracksCount; i++)
                var track = _trackReader.Read(MapStream);
                if (track != null)

            MapStream.Seek(previousPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        private static IEnumerable <PositionedGObject> PositeObjects(GSection sec, GPost post)
            GPost p2 = sec.Posts
                       .Where(pp => (int)post.Direction * (post.Ordinate - pp.Ordinate) > 0)
                       .OrderBy(pp => (int)post.Direction * (post.Ordinate - pp.Ordinate)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (p2 == null)
                yield break;

            double l = post.Point.DistanceTo(p2.Point);

            foreach (var o in post.Tracks.First().Objects)
                double ratio   = (o.Ordinate - post.Ordinate) / l;
                var    o_point =
                    new EarthPoint(
                        (1 - ratio) * post.Point.Latitude + ratio * p2.Point.Latitude,
                        (1 - ratio) * post.Point.Longitude + ratio * p2.Point.Longitude);
                yield return(new PositionedGObject()
                    Object = o, Point = o_point
    public void CreateMountains()
        //first check for ocean subduction plates
        foreach (EarthPoint ep in Points.Values.Where(p => p.collision && p.height == 5))
            RaiseGround(ep.pos, true);

        //old mountains
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            List <EarthPoint> landPoints   = Points.Values.Where(p => p.height == 5).ToList();
            EarthPoint        start        = landPoints[Random.Range(0, landPoints.Count)];
            Vector2           genDirection = new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2));
            if (genDirection == Vector2.zero)
                genDirection = Vector2.one;
            Vector2 lastPos = start.pos;
            for (int m = 0; m < Random.Range(5, 15); m++)
                Vector2 newpos = GetWorldMapPos(lastPos + genDirection + new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2)));
                if (lastPos == newpos)
                if (Points.ContainsKey(newpos) && Points[newpos].land)
                lastPos = newpos;
        for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
            List <EarthPoint> landPoints   = Points.Values.Where(p => p.land).ToList();
            EarthPoint        start        = landPoints[Random.Range(0, landPoints.Count)];
            Vector2           genDirection = new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2));
            if (genDirection == Vector2.zero)
                genDirection = Vector2.one;
            Vector2 lastPos = start.pos;
            for (int m = 0; m < Random.Range(1, 4); m++)
                Vector2 newpos = GetWorldMapPos(lastPos + genDirection + new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2)));
                if (lastPos == newpos)
                if (Points.ContainsKey(newpos) && Points[newpos].land)
                    RaiseGround(newpos, true, false, 2);
                lastPos = newpos;
        protected override void Draw(DrawingContext dc, int RenderZoom)
            EarthPoint topLeftPoint = OsmIndexes.GetTopLeftPoint(HorizontalIndex, VerticalIndex, RenderZoom);
            Point      topLeftPointScreenProjection = Projector.Project(topLeftPoint, RenderZoom);
            var        tileRect = new Rect(topLeftPointScreenProjection, new Size(256, 256));

            DrawTile(dc, tileRect);
    public void OceanDepth()
        //can expand later for better looking ocean, for now just for showing tectonic plates
        foreach (Plate p in Plates)
            foreach (Plate p2 in p.NeighboringPlates)
                float dist    = Vector2.Distance(p2.center, p.center);
                float modDist = Vector2.Distance(p2.center + p2.direction.normalized, p.center + p.direction.normalized);
                float newDist = modDist - dist;
                if (newDist > 0.75)//atlantic drift apart, vector pointing away
                    foreach (Vector2 v in p.Points)
                        EarthPoint ep = Points[v];
                        if (!ep.land)
                            List <EarthPoint> neighbors = Neighbors(v, false, 5);

                            /*foreach (EarthPoint point in neighbors)
                             * {
                             *  if (point.land)
                             *      continue;
                             *  if (Mathf.Abs(point.pos.x - v.x) == 5 || Mathf.Abs(point.pos.y - v.y) == 5)
                             *      point.height = 0;
                             *  if (Mathf.Abs(point.pos.x - v.x) == 4 || Mathf.Abs(point.pos.y - v.y) == 4 && point.height == 0)
                             *      point.height = 1;
                             *  if (Mathf.Abs(point.pos.x - v.x) == 3 || Mathf.Abs(point.pos.y - v.y) == 3 && point.height == 0)
                             *      point.height = 2;
                             *  if (Mathf.Abs(point.pos.x - v.x) == 2 || Mathf.Abs(point.pos.y - v.y) == 2 && point.height == 0)
                             *      point.height = 3;
                             *  if (Mathf.Abs(point.pos.x - v.x) == 1 || Mathf.Abs(point.pos.y - v.y) == 1 && point.height == 0)
                             *      point.height = 4;
                             * }*/
                            if (ep.collisionPlateNumber == p2.plateNumber && !ep.land)
                                ep.height = 3;
                    foreach (Vector2 v in p.Points)
                        EarthPoint ep = Points[v];
                        if (ep.collisionPlateNumber == p2.plateNumber && !ep.land)
                            if (ep.height == 0)
                                ep.height = 4;
 public GPost(int Ordinate, EarthPoint Point, OrdinateDirection Direction, PositionInSection Position, int SectionId, bool Crossing)
     this.Ordinate  = Ordinate;
     this.Point     = Point;
     this.Direction = Direction;
     this.Position  = Position;
     this.SectionId = SectionId;
     this.Crossing  = Crossing;
     Tracks         = new List <GTrack>();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var p1 = new EarthPoint(77.1539, -139.398);
            var p2 = new EarthPoint(-77.1804, -139.55);

            var r = p1.DistanceTo(p2);

            String GpxPath = args[0];
            String TxtPath = args[1];

            var gpx         = XDocument.Load(GpxPath).Root;
            var EarthPoints =
                .Select(XPoint =>
                        new EarthPoint((Double)XPoint.Attribute("lat"), (Double)XPoint.Attribute("lon")))

            using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(TxtPath))
                EarthPoint prewPoint = null;
                double     x         = 0;
                foreach (var p in EarthPoints)
                    if (prewPoint != null)
                        x += p.DistanceTo(prewPoint);
                    prewPoint = p;

                    var s = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat,
                                          "{{ {0:F6}, {1:F6}, {2:F0} }},", p.Latitude, p.Longitude, x);

    public void CreateTectonics()
        int count = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Vector2 voronoi = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, worldWidth), Random.Range(0, worldHeight));
            Plates.Add(new Plate(i, voronoi, false));
        foreach (EarthPoint ep in Points.Values)
            float shortestDist  = 999999;
            Plate selectedPlate = null;
            float amp           = 1;
            float freq          = 1;
            float noiseHeight   = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++)
                var per = Mathf.PerlinNoise((ep.pos.x + 60) / 50f / zoom * freq, (ep.pos.y + 60) / 50f / zoom * freq) * 2.5f - 1;
                noiseHeight += per * amp;
                amp         *= pers;
                freq        *= lac;
            if (noiseHeight > 1)
                noiseHeight = 1;
            if (noiseHeight < 0)
                noiseHeight = 0;
            noiseHeight *= multi + 5;
            foreach (Plate plate in Plates)
                Vector2 voronCenter = plate.center;
                float   xDist1      = Mathf.Abs(voronCenter.x - ep.pos.x) + noiseHeight;
                float   xDist2      = Mathf.Abs(voronCenter.x + worldWidth - ep.pos.x) + noiseHeight;
                float   xDist3      = Mathf.Abs(voronCenter.x - worldWidth - ep.pos.x) + noiseHeight;
                float   xDist       = Mathf.Min(xDist1, xDist2, xDist3);
                float   yDist       = voronCenter.y - ep.pos.y;// + noiseHeight;
                float   dist        = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(xDist, 2) + Mathf.Pow(yDist, 2));
                if (dist < shortestDist)
                    shortestDist  = dist;
                    selectedPlate = plate;
            ep.plateNumber = selectedPlate.plateNumber;
        //can add oceanic plates to prevent continents from spawning there
        //Plates.OrderByDescending(p => p.Points.Count).ToList()[0].oceanic = true;
        //Plates.OrderByDescending(p => p.Points.Count).ToList()[1].oceanic = true;
        foreach (var pair in Points)
            int               tecNumber  = pair.Value.plateNumber;
            Plate             pointPlate = Plates.First(p => p.plateNumber == tecNumber);
            List <EarthPoint> neighbors  = Neighbors(pair.Key);
            if (neighbors.Any(p => p.plateNumber != tecNumber))
                EarthPoint collisionNeighbor = neighbors.First(p => p.plateNumber != tecNumber);
                Plate      collisionPlate    = Plates.First(p => p.plateNumber == collisionNeighbor.plateNumber);
                pair.Value.collisionPlateNumber = collisionNeighbor.plateNumber;
                if (!pointPlate.NeighboringPlates.Contains(collisionPlate))
 public void CreateIslands()
     //subduction islands
     foreach (Plate p in Plates)
         foreach (Plate p2 in p.NeighboringPlates)
             float dist    = Vector2.Distance(p2.center, p.center);
             float modDist = Vector2.Distance(p2.center + p2.direction.normalized, p.center + p.direction.normalized);
             float newDist = modDist - dist;
             if (newDist < -0.75)//distance with movement vectors is shorter, they are coming together
                 //create islands on this border
                 foreach (Vector2 v in p2.Points)
                     EarthPoint ep = Points[v];
                     if (ep.collisionPlateNumber == p.plateNumber)
                         List <EarthPoint> neighbors = Neighbors(v, true);
                         //nicer water
                         foreach (EarthPoint neighbor in neighbors.Where(p => p.plateNumber == p2.plateNumber && !ep.land))
                             if (Random.Range(0, 20) == 0)
                                 neighbor.height = 4;
                         //5% chance to make islands
                         if (Random.Range(0, 15) == 0)
                             foreach (EarthPoint neighbor in neighbors.Where(p => p.plateNumber == p2.plateNumber && !ep.land))
                                 if (Random.Range(0, 2) == 0)
                                     neighbor.height = Random.Range(5, 8);
                                     neighbor.island = true;
                 //visual subduction on our side
                 foreach (Vector2 v in p.Points)
                     EarthPoint ep = Points[v];
                     if (ep.collisionPlateNumber == p2.plateNumber && !ep.land)
                         ep.height = 2;
     //hotspot islands
     for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
         List <EarthPoint> oceanPoints  = Points.Values.Where(p => !p.land).ToList();
         EarthPoint        start        = oceanPoints[Random.Range(0, oceanPoints.Count)];
         Vector2           genDirection = new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2));
         if (genDirection == Vector2.zero)
             genDirection = Vector2.one;
         Vector2 lastPos = start.pos;
         for (int m = 0; m < Random.Range(1, 4); m++)
             Vector2 newpos = GetWorldMapPos(lastPos + genDirection + new Vector2(Random.Range(-1, 2), Random.Range(-1, 2)));
             if (lastPos == newpos)
             if (Points.ContainsKey(newpos) && !Points[newpos].land)
                 RaiseGround(newpos, false, true);
             lastPos = newpos;
 public MapPlatformElement(EarthPoint Position, GObject Target)
     : base(Position, Target)
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a console example of importing zones of a specified type from a shape file set (.shp, .shx, .dbf) or csv file into a specified database.
        /// Included in this project is are sample shape files: owensboro
        /// 1) Process command line arguments: Server, Database, User name, Password, Options and load the specified shape/csv file set.
        /// 2) Process the shapes present in the shape file, using the Geotab.Geographical components to create zones from the shape points and names.
        /// 3) Create Geotab API object and Authenticate.
        /// 4) Import created zones into the database.
        /// The format of csv file is next:
        /// [Zone_name]
        /// [polygon_point_x], [polygon_point_y]
        /// [polygon_point_x], [polygon_point_y]
        /// .
        /// .
        /// [polygon_point_x], [polygon_point_y]
        /// [Zone_name]
        /// [polygon_point_x], [polygon_point_y]
        /// .
        /// .
        /// A complete Geotab API object and method reference is available at the Geotab Developer page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments for the application. Note: When debugging these can be added by: Right click the project > Properties > Debug Tab > Start Options: Command line arguments.</param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
                if (args.Length < 5)
                    Console.WriteLine("Command line parameters:");
                    Console.WriteLine("dotnet run <server> <database> <login> <password> [--nameAttr=<attr>] [--namePrefix=<prefix>] [--type=<name>] <inputfile>");
                    Console.WriteLine("Command line:             dotnet run server database username password --nameAttr=name --namePrefix=CA --type=home inputfile.shp");
                    Console.WriteLine("server                   - The server name (Example: my.geotab.com)");
                    Console.WriteLine("database                 - The database name (Example: G560)");
                    Console.WriteLine("username                 - The Geotab user name");
                    Console.WriteLine("password                 - The Geotab password");
                    Console.WriteLine("[--nameAttr=<attr>]      - Optional - Name of the shape's attribute to use as");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           the zone name. (Default: first attribute containing");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           the word 'name')");
                    Console.WriteLine("[--namePrefix=<prefix>]  - Optional - The name prefix. (Example: prefix + Name)");
                    Console.WriteLine("[--type=<name>]          - Optional - Specify zone type (Default: customer)");
                    Console.WriteLine("[--threshold=<number>]   - Optional - Simplify zones by removing redundant");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           points. Any point within approximately <threshold>");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           meters of a line connecting its neighbors will be");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           removed.");
                    Console.WriteLine("inputfile                - File name of the Shape file containing the shapes to");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           import with extension. (.shp, .shx, .dbf)");

                // Variables from command line
                int             last                 = args.Length - 1;
                string          server               = args[0];
                string          database             = args[1];
                string          username             = args[2];
                string          password             = args[3];
                List <ZoneType> zoneTypes            = new List <ZoneType>();
                string          fileName             = args[last];
                string          nameAttribute        = null;
                string          prefix               = "";
                double          distanceSquaredError = -1;
                Color           zonesColour          = customerZoneColor;

                // Create Geotab API object
                API api = new API(username, password, null, database, server);

                // Authenticate

                Console.WriteLine("Getting current user...");
                List <User> users = api.Call <List <User> >("Get", typeof(User), new { search = new UserSearch {
                                                                                           Name = api.UserName
                                                                                       } });
                if (users.Count != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found {users.Count} users with name {api.UserName}.");

                // the user's groups will be used when creating the zones
                var groups = users[0].CompanyGroups;

                Console.WriteLine("Getting available zone types...");
                List <ZoneType> availableZoneTypes = api.Call <List <ZoneType> >("Get", typeof(ZoneType));

                // Options from args
                for (int i = 4; i < last; i++)
                    string option = args[i].ToLowerInvariant();
                    int    index  = option.IndexOf('=');

                    // Check the option is in the established format
                    if (index >= 0 && option.Length > index + 1)
                        // Grab the value of the optional argument
                        string value = option.Substring(index + 1).ToLowerInvariant();

                        // Zone type option
                        if (option.Contains("type"))
                            ZoneType zoneType = GetZoneType(value, availableZoneTypes);

                            if (zoneType != null && !zoneTypes.Contains(zoneType))
                                // Setting a default colour
                                switch (zoneType.Name)
                                case "**Customer Zone":
                                    zonesColour = customerZoneColor;

                                case "**Home Zone":
                                    zonesColour = homeZoneColor;

                                case "**Office Zone":
                                    zonesColour = officeZoneColor;


                        // Name attribute option
                        else if (option.Contains("nameattr"))
                            nameAttribute = value;

                        // Name prefix option
                        else if (option.Contains("prefix"))
                            prefix = value.ToUpperInvariant();

                        // Zone shape simplification threshold option
                        else if (option.Contains("threshold"))
                            if (!double.TryParse(value, out double threshold))
                                Console.WriteLine("Threshold must be a number. Example: 2.5");
                                distanceSquaredError = Math.Pow(1e-5 * threshold, 2);

                            Console.WriteLine($"Unknown optional argument: {option}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Unknown format for optional argument: {option}");

                // Use Customer Zone Type for default.
                if (zoneTypes.Count < 1)

                IList <ISimpleCoordinate> coordinates = new List <ISimpleCoordinate>();
                IList <Zone> zones = new List <Zone>();

                // Initialize variables to hold the shape file
                DateTime maxValue = System.TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.MaxValue);
                DateTime minValue = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) && Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower().Contains("csv"))
                    if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                        Console.WriteLine($"The file {fileName} does not exist.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Loading csv file...");
                    using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(fileName))
                        string line;
                        string zoneName = string.Empty;
                        while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line = reader.ReadLine()))
                            string[] values = line.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (values.Length == 0 || values.Length == 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(values[0]))
                            switch (values.Length)
                            case 1:
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(values[0]))
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName))
                                        // Simplify the zone shape. This is an important step. Polygon complexity can drastically impact performance when loading/rendering zones.
                                        coordinates = SimplifyPolygon(coordinates, distanceSquaredError);

                                        // Create the zone object to be inserted later on
                                        zones.Add(new Zone(null, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + " ") + zoneName, "", true, zoneTypes, coordinates, minValue, maxValue, zonesColour, true, groups));
                                    coordinates = new List <ISimpleCoordinate>();
                                    zoneName    = values[0];

                            case 2:

                                // read coordinates line by line
                                if (double.TryParse(values[0], out var xCoord) && double.TryParse(values[1], out var yCoord))
                                    coordinates.Add(new Coordinate(xCoord, yCoord));

                                Console.WriteLine($"Skipping a line with text '{line}'");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName))
                            coordinates = SimplifyPolygon(coordinates, distanceSquaredError);
                            zones.Add(new Zone(null, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + " ") + zoneName, "", true, zoneTypes, coordinates, minValue, maxValue, zonesColour, true, groups));
                    FileInfo            shapeFile = new FileInfo(fileName);
                    FileMapLayerFactory factory   = new FileMapLayerFactory(shapeFile);
                    ShapeFileLayer      layer;

                    // Try to load the shape file
                    Console.WriteLine("Loading shape file...");
                        layer = (ShapeFileLayer)factory.GetMapLayer();
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Could not load shape file: {exception.Message}");

                    // Get the index of the feature attribute that holds the zone name
                    Console.WriteLine("__ " + nameAttribute);
                    int nameAttributeIndex = GetNameAttributeIndex(layer, ref nameAttribute);
                    if (nameAttributeIndex == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Could not find a valid attribute to use for naming the zones.");

                    // Process shapes into zones
                    int featureIndex = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < layer.Features.Count; k++)
                        IEarthFeature earthFeature = layer.Features[k];

                        // Get the data we are interested in for the zone
                        IEarthPolygon polygon  = earthFeature as IEarthPolygon;
                        string        zoneName = layer.GetFeatureField(featureIndex, nameAttributeIndex).ToString();

                        // Filter out non-polygons and unnamed shapes
                        if (polygon == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(zoneName))

                        // Get the points that define the polygon
                        coordinates = new List <ISimpleCoordinate>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Count; i++)
                            EarthPoint        earthPoint = (EarthPoint)polygon[i];
                            ISimpleCoordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(earthPoint.X, earthPoint.Y);

                        // Simplify the polygon. This is an important step. Polygon complexity can drastically impact performance when loading/rendering zones.
                        coordinates = SimplifyPolygon(coordinates, distanceSquaredError);

                        zones.Add(new Zone(null, (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? "" : prefix + " ") + zoneName, "", true, zoneTypes, coordinates, minValue, maxValue, zonesColour, true, groups));

                Console.WriteLine($"Found {zones.Count} zones to import");

                if (zones.Count < 1)

                // Start import
                Console.WriteLine("Importing zones...");

                foreach (Zone zone in zones)
                        // Add the zone
                        api.Call <Id>("Add", typeof(Zone), new { entity = zone });
                        Console.WriteLine($"Zone: '{zone.Name}' added");
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        // Catch and display any error that occur when adding the zone
                        Console.WriteLine($"Error adding zone: '{zone.Name}'\n{exception.Message}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Show miscellaneous exceptions
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
 public MapTrafficLightElement(EarthPoint Position, GObject Target)
     : base(Position, Target)
 protected MapPointElement(EarthPoint Position)
     _position = Position;
 public MapUnknownObjectElement(EarthPoint Position, GObject Target)
     : base(Position, Target)
 public MapObjectElement(EarthPoint Position, GObject Target)
     : base(Position)
     this.Target = Target;
    void Start()
        colors.Add(new Color(22f / 255f, 81f / 255f, 1));
        colors.Add(new Color(18f / 255f, 95f / 255f, 1));
        colors.Add(new Color(14f / 255f, 105f / 255f, 1));
        colors.Add(new Color(14f / 255f, 115f / 255f, 1));
        colors.Add(new Color(18f / 255f, 128f / 255f, 1));
        colors.Add(new Color32(61, 42, 0, 255));
        colors.Add(new Color32(61, 42, 0, 255));
        colors.Add(new Color32(61, 42, 0, 255));
        colors.Add(new Color32(61, 42, 0, 255));
        colors.Add(new Color32(61, 42, 0, 255));

        //UGLY! just setting colors for climate zones and the world map
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalRainforest.ToString(), new Color32(36, 3, 221, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalSavannah.ToString(), new Color32(71, 170, 250, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalMonsoon.ToString(), new Color32(1, 104, 255, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.Desert.ToString(), Color.red);
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.HotSteppe.ToString(), new Color32(244, 164, 7, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.HumidContinental.ToString(), new Color32(0, 255, 255, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.SubarcticContinental.ToString(), new Color32(0, 126, 200, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.Mediterranean.ToString(), new Color32(255, 255, 0, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.HumidSubtropical.ToString(), new Color32(149, 255, 148, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.Oceanic.ToString(), Color.green);
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.ColdDesert.ToString(), new Color32(255, 150, 150, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.ColdSteppe.ToString(), new Color32(255, 220, 100, 255));
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.Tundra.ToString(), Color.grey);
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.IceCap.ToString(), Color.white);
        ClimateColors.Add(Climate.Grassland.ToString(), Color.black);
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalRainforest.ToString(), new Color32(28, 46, 20, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalSavannah.ToString(), new Color32(85, 115, 23, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.TropicalMonsoon.ToString(), new Color32(99, 132, 63, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.Desert.ToString(), new Color32(250, 230, 157, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.HotSteppe.ToString(), new Color32(212, 174, 127, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.HumidContinental.ToString(), new Color32(49, 76, 35, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.SubarcticContinental.ToString(), new Color32(35, 49, 24, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.Mediterranean.ToString(), new Color32(86, 83, 40, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.HumidSubtropical.ToString(), new Color32(32, 61, 17, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.Oceanic.ToString(), new Color32(53, 92, 39, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.ColdDesert.ToString(), new Color32(196, 174, 127, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.ColdSteppe.ToString(), new Color32(126, 114, 76, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.Tundra.ToString(), new Color32(88, 83, 51, 255));
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.IceCap.ToString(), Color.white);
        GeographicClimateColors.Add(Climate.Grassland.ToString(), Color.black);

        //create the points that hold data, everything on an INT level between 0 -> width for x, 0 -> height for y
        for (int x = 0; x < worldWidth; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < worldHeight; y++)
                EarthPoint ep = new EarthPoint(new Vector2(x, y));
                Points.Add(new Vector2(x, y), ep);