public Registrant owner; //the registrant the event belongs to #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="owner">Registrant to generate event for</param> public Evnt(Registrant owner) { ID = -1; //default ID = -1 eventTime = DateTime.Now; //default eventTime is Current time type = EVENTTYPE.ARRIVAL; //default event is Arrival this.owner = owner; //owner is owner }//end Event(Registrant)
internal ApplicableSingleOrMultipleTransition(STATE preState, EVENTTYPE eventType , StateMachineFactory.Transition <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT> transition) { this.preState = preState; this.eventType = eventType; this.transition = transition; }
public static void RegistEvent(EVENTTYPE eventType, EVENTID eventID, UnityAction action) { if (dic.Get(eventType, eventID) == default(UnityEvent)) { dic.Set(eventType, eventID, new UnityEvent()); } dic.Get(eventType, eventID).AddListener(action); }
public static void PostEvent(EVENTTYPE eventType, EVENTID eventID) { var unityEvent = dic.Get(eventType, eventID); if (unityEvent != default(UnityEvent)) { unityEvent.Invoke(); } else { Debug.Log("Function is not exist!"); } }
/// <summary>Effect a transition due to the effecting stimulus.</summary> /// <param name="state">current state</param> /// <param name="eventType">trigger to initiate the transition</param> /// <param name="cause">causal eventType context</param> /// <returns>transitioned state</returns> /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Yarn.State.InvalidStateTransitonException"/> private STATE DoTransition(OPERAND operand, STATE oldState, EVENTTYPE eventType, EVENT @event) { // We can assume that stateMachineTable is non-null because we call // maybeMakeStateMachineTable() when we build an InnerStateMachine , // and this code only gets called from inside a working InnerStateMachine . IDictionary <EVENTTYPE, StateMachineFactory.Transition <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT> > transitionMap = stateMachineTable[oldState]; if (transitionMap != null) { StateMachineFactory.Transition <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT> transition = transitionMap [eventType]; if (transition != null) { return(transition.DoTransition(operand, oldState, @event, eventType)); } } throw new InvalidStateTransitonException(oldState, eventType); }
/// <returns> /// a NEW StateMachineFactory just like /// <c>this</c> /// with the current /// transition added as a new legal transition /// Note that the returned StateMachineFactory is a distinct object. /// This method is part of the API. /// </returns> /// <param name="preState">pre-transition state</param> /// <param name="postStates">valid post-transition states</param> /// <param name="eventType">stimulus for the transition</param> /// <param name="hook">transition hook</param> public StateMachineFactory <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT> AddTransition(STATE preState, ICollection <STATE> postStates, EVENTTYPE eventType, MultipleArcTransition <OPERAND, EVENT, STATE> hook) { return(new StateMachineFactory <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT>(this, new StateMachineFactory.ApplicableSingleOrMultipleTransition <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT>(preState, eventType, new StateMachineFactory.MultipleInternalArc (this, postStates, hook)))); }
/// <returns> /// a NEW StateMachineFactory just like /// <c>this</c> /// with the current /// transition added as a new legal transition. This overload /// has no hook object. /// Note that the returned StateMachineFactory is a distinct /// object. /// This method is part of the API. /// </returns> /// <param name="preState">pre-transition state</param> /// <param name="postState">post-transition state</param> /// <param name="eventType">stimulus for the transition</param> public StateMachineFactory <OPERAND, STATE, EVENTTYPE, EVENT> AddTransition(STATE preState, STATE postState, EVENTTYPE eventType) { return(AddTransition(preState, postState, eventType, null)); }
static void Main() { XORCISMEntities model = new XORCISMEntities(); // model.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false; model.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false; int iVocabularyCYBOXID = 0; // 11; string sCYBOXVersion = "2.1"; //HARDCODED TODO #region vocabularycybox try { iVocabularyCYBOXID = model.VOCABULARY.Where(o => o.VocabularyName == "CYBOX" && o.VocabularyVersion == sCYBOXVersion).Select(o => o.VocabularyID).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iVocabularyCYBOXID <= 0) { try { VOCABULARY oVocabulary = new VOCABULARY(); oVocabulary.CreatedDate = DateTimeOffset.Now; oVocabulary.VocabularyName = "CYBOX"; //HARDCODED oVocabulary.VocabularyVersion = sCYBOXVersion; model.VOCABULARY.Add(oVocabulary); model.SaveChanges(); iVocabularyCYBOXID = oVocabulary.VocabularyID; Console.WriteLine("DEBUG iVocabularyCYBOXID=" + iVocabularyCYBOXID); } catch (Exception ex) { } } #endregion vocabularycybox XmlDocument doc; doc = new XmlDocument(); //TODO: download the file doc.Load(@"C:\nvdcve\cybox_default_vocabularies.xsd"); //HARDCODED //TODO: Validate XSD XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); mgr.AddNamespace("xs", ""); XmlNodeList nodes1; nodes1 = doc.SelectNodes("/xs:schema/xs:simpleType", mgr); Console.WriteLine(nodes1.Count); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes1) //enumeration { //Console.WriteLine("DEBUG node.Name="+node.Name); string sNodeName = node.Attributes["name"].InnerText; Console.WriteLine(sNodeName); if (sNodeName.Contains("Enum-")) //HARDCODED { bool bEnumerationProcessed = false; //Get the EnumerationName and Version //ActionNameEnum-1.1 string[] words = sNodeName.Split('-'); string sEnumerationName = words[0]; string sEnumerationVersion = words[1]; //Check if we have this EnumerationVersion in the database //First check the Version #region version XORCISMModel.VERSION oVersion; int iVersionID = 0; try { iVersionID = model.VERSION.FirstOrDefault(o => o.VersionValue == sEnumerationVersion).VersionID; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iVersionID <= 0) { oVersion = new VERSION(); oVersion.VersionValue = sEnumerationVersion; oVersion.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.VERSION.Add(oVersion); model.SaveChanges(); iVersionID = oVersion.VersionID; } else { //Update VERSION } #endregion version #region enumerationversion XORCISMModel.ENUMERATIONVERSION oEnumerationVersion; int iEnumerationVersionID = 0; try { iEnumerationVersionID = model.ENUMERATIONVERSION.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EnumerationName == sEnumerationName && o.VersionID == iVersionID).EnumerationVersionID; } catch (Exception ex) { } if (iEnumerationVersionID <= 0) { oEnumerationVersion = new ENUMERATIONVERSION(); oEnumerationVersion.EnumerationName = sEnumerationName; oEnumerationVersion.VersionID = iVersionID; oEnumerationVersion.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ENUMERATIONVERSION.Add(oEnumerationVersion); model.SaveChanges(); iEnumerationVersionID = oEnumerationVersion.EnumerationVersionID; } else { //Update ENUMERATIONVERSION } #endregion enumerationversion //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionTypeEnum")) //HARDCODED { #region actiontype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") //HARDCODED { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONTYPE myActionType; myActionType = model.ACTIONTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionTypeName == sEnumerationValue && o.EnumerationVersionID == iEnumerationVersionID);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionType = new ACTIONTYPE(); myActionType.ActionTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; myActionType.EnumerationVersionID = iEnumerationVersionID; model.ACTIONTYPE.Add(myActionType); model.SaveChanges(); } else { //Update ACTIONTYPE } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") //HARDCODED { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG documentation=" + node4.InnerText); myActionType.ActionTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actiontype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionNameEnum")) { #region actionname foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONNAME myActionName; myActionName = model.ACTIONNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionNameName == sEnumerationValue && o.EnumerationVersionID == iEnumerationVersionID);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myActionName = new ACTIONNAME(); myActionName.ActionNameName = sEnumerationValue; myActionName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; myActionName.EnumerationVersionID = iEnumerationVersionID; model.ACTIONNAME.Add(myActionName); model.SaveChanges(); } else { //Update ACTIONNAME } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG documentation=" + node4.InnerText); myActionName.ActionNameDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionname bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionArgumentNameEnum")) { #region actionargument foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME myActionArgumentName; myActionArgumentName = model.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionArgumentNameName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionArgumentName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONARGUMENTNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myActionArgumentName = new ACTIONARGUMENTNAME(); myActionArgumentName.ActionArgumentNameName = sEnumerationValue; myActionArgumentName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONARGUMENTNAME.Add(myActionArgumentName); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionArgumentName.ActionArgumentNameDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionargument bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionObjectAssociationTypeEnum")) { #region actionobjectassociation foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE myActionObjectAssociationType; myActionObjectAssociationType = model.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionObjectAssociationTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionObjectAssociationType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionObjectAssociationType = new ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE(); myActionObjectAssociationType.ActionObjectAssociationTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionObjectAssociationType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONOBJECTASSOCIATIONTYPE.Add(myActionObjectAssociationType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionObjectAssociationType.ActionObjectAssociationTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionobjectassociation bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ActionRelationshipTypeEnum")) { #region actionrelationtype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE myActionRelationshipType; myActionRelationshipType = model.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ActionRelationshipTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myActionRelationshipType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myActionRelationshipType = new ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE(); myActionRelationshipType.ActionRelationshipTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myActionRelationshipType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.ACTIONRELATIONSHIPTYPE.Add(myActionRelationshipType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myActionRelationshipType.ActionRelationshipTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion actionrelationtype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("EventTypeEnum")) { #region eventtype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.EVENTTYPE myEventType; myEventType = model.EVENTTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.EventTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myEventType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new EVENTTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myEventType = new EVENTTYPE(); myEventType.EventTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myEventType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.EVENTTYPE.Add(myEventType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myEventType.EventTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion eventtype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ObjectRelationshipEnum")) { #region objectrelation foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP myObjectRelationship; myObjectRelationship = model.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ObjectRelationshipName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myObjectRelationship == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new OBJECTRELATIONSHIP " + sEnumerationValue); myObjectRelationship = new OBJECTRELATIONSHIP(); myObjectRelationship.ObjectRelationshipName = sEnumerationValue; myObjectRelationship.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.OBJECTRELATIONSHIP.Add(myObjectRelationship); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myObjectRelationship.ObjectRelationshipDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion objectrelation bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ObjectStateEnum")) { #region objectstate foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.OBJECTSTATE myObjectState; myObjectState = model.OBJECTSTATE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ObjectStateName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myObjectState == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new OBJECTSTATE " + sEnumerationValue); myObjectState = new OBJECTSTATE(); myObjectState.ObjectStateName = sEnumerationValue; myObjectState.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.OBJECTSTATE.Add(myObjectState); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myObjectState.ObjectStateDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion objectstate bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("CharacterEncodingEnum")) { #region characterencoding foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.CHARACTERENCODING myCharacterEncoding; myCharacterEncoding = model.CHARACTERENCODING.FirstOrDefault(o => o.CharacterEncodingName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myCharacterEncoding == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new CHARACTERENCODING " + sEnumerationValue); myCharacterEncoding = new CHARACTERENCODING(); myCharacterEncoding.CharacterEncodingName = sEnumerationValue; myCharacterEncoding.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.CHARACTERENCODING.Add(myCharacterEncoding); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myCharacterEncoding.CharacterEncodingDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion characterencoding bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("InformationSourceTypeEnum")) { #region infosourcetype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE myInformationSourceType; myInformationSourceType = model.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.InformationSourceTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myInformationSourceType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myInformationSourceType = new INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE(); myInformationSourceType.InformationSourceTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myInformationSourceType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.INFORMATIONSOURCETYPE.Add(myInformationSourceType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myInformationSourceType.InformationSourceTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion infosourcetype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("HashNameEnum")) { #region hashname foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.HASHNAME myHashName; myHashName = model.HASHNAME.FirstOrDefault(o => o.HashingAlgorithmName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myHashName == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new HASHNAME " + sEnumerationValue); myHashName = new HASHNAME(); myHashName.HashingAlgorithmName = sEnumerationValue; myHashName.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.HASHNAME.Add(myHashName); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myHashName.HashingAlgorithmDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion hashname bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** //*********************************************************************************************************************************** if (sNodeName.Contains("ToolTypeEnum")) { #region tooltype foreach (XmlNode node2 in node) { //Console.WriteLine(node2.Name); if (node2.Name == "xs:restriction") { foreach (XmlNode nodeEnumeration in node2) //xs:enumeration { string sEnumerationValue = nodeEnumeration.Attributes["value"].InnerText; XORCISMModel.TOOLTYPE myToolType; myToolType = model.TOOLTYPE.FirstOrDefault(o => o.ToolTypeName == sEnumerationValue);// && o.VocabularyID == iVocabularyCYBOXID); if (myToolType == null) { Console.WriteLine("DEBUG Adding new TOOLTYPE " + sEnumerationValue); myToolType = new TOOLTYPE(); myToolType.ToolTypeName = sEnumerationValue; myToolType.VocabularyID = iVocabularyCYBOXID; model.TOOLTYPE.Add(myToolType); model.SaveChanges(); } foreach (XmlNode node3 in nodeEnumeration) //xs:annotation { foreach (XmlNode node4 in node3) //xs:documentation { if (node4.Name == "xs:documentation") { myToolType.ToolTypeDescription = node4.InnerText; model.SaveChanges(); } } } } } } #endregion tooltype bEnumerationProcessed = true; } //*** if (!bEnumerationProcessed) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR Missing Code for " + sNodeName); //sCurrentEnum = ""; } } } //Application.EnableVisualStyles(); //Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Application.Run(new Form1()); }
} // end Event /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Event"/> class. /// </summary> public Event(EVENTTYPE eventType, DateTime dateTime) { Type = eventType; Time = dateTime; CurrCustomer = null; }
public Event(EVENTTYPE type, double time, int customer) { Type = type; Time = time; Customer = customer; }
/// <summary> /// Parameterized constructor for Event /// </summary> /// <param name="type">type of the event</param> /// <param name="time">Time of the event</param> /// <param name="patron">Who the event happened to</param> public Event(EVENTTYPE type, Customer cust, TimeSpan time) { Type = type; Customer = cust; EventTime = time; }
public Evnt(EVENTTYPE type, DateTime time, int patron) { Type = type; Time = time; Patron = patron; }
}//end Evnt(Evnt) /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> type of event</param> /// <param name="eventTime">time event occured</param> /// <param name="ID">ID of registrant</param> public Evnt(EVENTTYPE type, DateTime eventTime, int ID) { this.type = type; this.eventTime = eventTime; this.ID = ID; }//end Event(EVENTTYPE,INT)
}//end Event(Registrant) /// <summary> /// Copy Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="e"></param> public Evnt(Evnt e) { this.ID = e.ID; this.eventTime = e.eventTime; this.type = e.type; }//end Evnt(Evnt)
/// <summary> /// Creates a new Event object /// </summary> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <param name="ourcustomer"></param> public Events(EVENTTYPE type, DateTime time, Customer ourcustomer) { Type = type; Time = time; customer = ourcustomer; }
public Event() { Type = EVENTTYPE.ARRIVAL; Time = DateTime.Now; CurrCustomer = null; } // end Event
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Event"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of event.</param> /// <param name="time">The time of the event.</param> /// <param name="patron">The patron number.</param> public Event(EVENTTYPE type, DateTime time, Customer customer) { Type = type; Time = time; Customer = customer; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Event"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">The type of event.</param> /// <param name="time">The time of the event.</param> /// <param name="registrant">The registrant for the event.</param> public Event(EVENTTYPE type, DateTime time, Registrant person) { Type = type; Time = time; registrant = person; }