        /* Just interpolate linearly yaw, pitch, and roll. Doing this _correctly_
         * (I.E get the same results as quat_interpolate) would require one to use
         * linear integration, a subject that is in the last 100 pages of my 1500
         * page Calculus book. This function is an example of what you should NOT
         * do, as in some cases it will cause the orientation to swing wildly about.
         * The path could be anything from nearly correct, a spiral, or a curly Q.
         * The simple solution is to use quaternion interpolation, which always
         * results in a simple circular path.
        static void euler_interpolate(ref EULER from, ref EULER to, float t, ref EULER _out)
            float delta;

            delta  = (to.x - from.x) * t;
            _out.x = from.x + delta;

            delta  = (to.y - from.y) * t;
            _out.y = from.y + delta;

            delta  = (to.z - from.z) * t;
            _out.z = from.z + delta;
        private void Metodo_Euler(bool guia)
            //Inicializo variables con parámetros de entrada
            double a  = Convert.ToDouble(tbA.Text);
            double b  = Convert.ToDouble(tbB.Text);
            double x0 = Convert.ToDouble(tbX0.Text);
            int    n  = Convert.ToInt32(tbN.Text);
            string fx = tbFx.Text;
            double k  = Convert.ToDouble(tbT.Text ?? "0");

            //Instancio objeto euler
            EULER euler = new EULER(a, b, x0, n, fx, k);

            //Calculo tabla de puntos

            //Creo serie para los valores calculados
            var serieEuler = new Series
                Name              = "EULER",
                Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Green,
                IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line,

            //Agrego serie al gráfico

            //Seteo intervalo del eje t con el h calculado
            this.chResultado.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval         = euler.h;
            this.chResultado.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.IntervalAutoMode = IntervalAutoMode.VariableCount;

            var i = 0;

            //Recorro resultados y agrego valores a la serie y muestro en consola
            foreach (var p in euler.resultado)
                serieEuler.Points.AddXY(p.x, p.fx);
                Console.Write(String.Format("t{0}: {1}       ", i, p.x));
                Console.Write(String.Format("x({0}): {1}\n", i, p.fx));

            //Si se requiere una guia de la función, uso el mismo metodo pero con n=100000
            if (guia)
                var euler_m = new EULER_MEJORADO(a, b, x0, 10000, fx, k);

                var series2 = new Series
                    Name              = "FUNCION",
                    Color             = System.Drawing.Color.Red,
                    IsVisibleInLegend = true,
                    IsXValueIndexed   = false,
                    ChartType         = SeriesChartType.Line


                foreach (var p in euler_m.resultado)
                    series2.Points.AddXY(p.x, p.fx);
        static int Main()
            int index;

            if (allegro_init() != 0)

            if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0)
                if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_SAFE, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0)
                    set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                    allegro_message(string.Format("Unable to set any graphic mode\n{0}\n", allegro_error));

            clear_to_color(screen, palette_color[0]);

            /* Each back-buffer is one quarter the size of the screen
            euler_buffer = create_bitmap(320, 240);
            quat_buffer  = create_bitmap(320, 240);

            if ((!euler_buffer) || (!quat_buffer))
                set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0);
                allegro_message("Error creating bitmaps\n");


            /* setup the viewport for rendering into the back-buffers */
            set_projection_viewport(0, 0, 320, 240);

            /* print out something helpful for the user */
            textout_ex(screen, font, "SPACE - next interpolation", 184, 24, palette_color[15], -1);
            textout_ex(screen, font, "    R - repeat last interpolation", 184, 40, palette_color[15], -1);
            textout_ex(screen, font, "  ESC - quit", 184, 56, palette_color[15], -1);

            textout_ex(screen, font, "Interpolating Euler Angles", 56, 110, palette_color[15], -1);
            textout_ex(screen, font, "Interpolating Quaternions", 380, 110, palette_color[15], -1);

            textout_ex(screen, font, "Incorrect!", 120, 360, palette_color[15], -1);
            textout_ex(screen, font, "Correct!", 448, 360, palette_color[15], -1);

            /* initialize the path edges. This structure is used by both the Euler
             * path and the quaternion path. It connects all the points end to end
            for (index = 0; index < (NUM_STEPS - 1); index++)
                path_edges[index, 0] = index;
                path_edges[index, 1] = index + 1;

            /* initialize the first destination orientation */

            e_to.x = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);
            e_to.y = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);
            e_to.z = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);

            /* the camera is backed away from the origin and turned to face it */
            get_camera_matrix_f(ref camera, 5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 46, 1.33f);

            /* this is a for-ever loop */
            for (; ;)
                float t;


                for (index = 0; index < (NUM_STEPS + 1); index++)
                    if (keypressed())

                    t = (float)(index * (1.0 / NUM_STEPS));

                    /* the first part shows how to animate the cube incorrectly
                     * using Euler angles

                    /* create the matrix for the starting orientation */
                    get_rotation_matrix_f(ref rotation, e_from.x, e_from.y, e_from.z);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out e_from_matrix);

                    /* create the matrix for the ending orientation */
                    get_rotation_matrix_f(ref rotation, e_to.x, e_to.y, e_to.z);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out e_to_matrix);

                    /* use the incorrect method to interpolate between them */
                    euler_interpolate(ref e_from, ref e_to, t, ref e_in);
                    get_rotation_matrix_f(ref rotation, e_in.x, e_in.y, e_in.z);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out e_in_matrix);

                    /* update the lines that make up the Euler orientation path */
                    apply_matrix_f(ref rotation, 0, 0, 1.5F,
                                   ref (e_path_points_1[index, 0]),
                                   ref (e_path_points_1[index, 1]),
                                   ref (e_path_points_1[index, 2]));

                    apply_matrix_f(ref rotation, 0, 0, 2.0F,
                                   ref (e_path_points_2[index, 0]),
                                   ref (e_path_points_2[index, 1]),
                                   ref (e_path_points_2[index, 2]));

                    /* render the results to the Euler sub-bitmap */
                    clear_to_color(euler_buffer, palette_color[0]);
                    render_demo_box(euler_buffer, ref e_from_matrix, ref e_in_matrix, ref e_to_matrix,
                                    palette_color[15], palette_color[1], palette_color[4]);

                    render_wireframe_object(ref camera, euler_buffer, e_path_points_1,
                                            tmp_points, path_edges, index + 1, index,

                    render_wireframe_object(ref camera, euler_buffer, e_path_points_2,
                                            tmp_points, path_edges, index + 1, index,

                    /* here is how to animate the cube correctly using quaternions */

                    /* create a matrix for the starting orientation. This time
                     * we create it using quaternions.  This is to demonstrate
                     * that the quaternion gotten with get_rotation_quat will
                     * generate the same matrix as that gotten by get_rotation_matrix
                    get_rotation_quat(ref q_from, e_from.x, e_from.y, e_from.z);
                    quat_to_matrix(ref q_from, ref rotation);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out q_from_matrix);

                    /* this is the same as above, but for the ending orientation */
                    get_rotation_quat(ref q_to, e_to.x, e_to.y, e_to.z);
                    quat_to_matrix(ref q_to, ref rotation);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out q_to_matrix);

                    /* quat_interpolate is the proper way to interpolate between two
                     * orientations.
                    quat_interpolate(ref q_from, ref q_to, t, out q_in);
                    quat_to_matrix(ref q_in, ref rotation);
                    matrix_mul_f(ref rotation, ref camera, out q_in_matrix);

                    /* update the lines that make up the quaternion orientation path */
                    apply_matrix_f(ref rotation, 0, 0, 1.5F,
                                   ref (q_path_points_1[index, 0]),
                                   ref (q_path_points_1[index, 1]),
                                   ref (q_path_points_1[index, 2]));

                    apply_matrix_f(ref rotation, 0, 0, 2.0F,
                                   ref (q_path_points_2[index, 0]),
                                   ref (q_path_points_2[index, 1]),
                                   ref (q_path_points_2[index, 2]));

                    /* render the results to the quaternion sub-bitmap */
                    clear_to_color(quat_buffer, palette_color[0]);

                    render_demo_box(quat_buffer, ref q_from_matrix, ref q_in_matrix, ref q_to_matrix,
                                    palette_color[15], palette_color[1], palette_color[4]);

                    render_wireframe_object(ref camera, quat_buffer, q_path_points_1,
                                            tmp_points, path_edges, index + 1, index,

                    render_wireframe_object(ref camera, quat_buffer, q_path_points_2,
                                            tmp_points, path_edges, index + 1, index,

                    blit(euler_buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 120, 320, 240);
                    blit(quat_buffer, screen, 0, 0, 320, 120, 320, 240);


                /* handle user input */
                for (; ;)
                    int input = readkey() >> 8;

                    if (input == KEY_R)
                        /* skip updating the EULER angles so that the last interpolation
                         * will repeat
                    else if (input == KEY_SPACE)
                        /* make the last ending orientation the starting orientation and
                         * generate a random new ending orientation
                        e_from = e_to;

                        e_to.x = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);
                        e_to.y = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);
                        e_to.z = (float)(AL_RAND() % 256);

                    else if (input == KEY_ESC)
                        /* quit the program */