private static void SetupFileProcessor()
            string[] files = ProcessFilenames(options.Arguments);
            if (files.Length < 1)
                ShowErrorAndExit("No files specified to process.");
            else if (files.Length > 1)
                prefixWithFilename = true;

            var fileProcessor = new ETWFileProcessor(files);

            fileProcessor.BuffersLost += HandleBuffersLost;
            processor = fileProcessor;
 public EventStatistics(ETWProcessor processor)
     processor.EventProcessed += this.EventProcessed;
        private static void SetupRealtimeProcessor()
            var sessionName     = string.Format("{0}-ELT-realtime", Environment.UserName);
            var realtimeSession = new ETWRealtimeProcessor(sessionName);

            bool added = false;

            foreach (var arg in options.Arguments)
                string[] split = arg.Split('!');
                Guid     providerID;
                var      providers       = new List <Guid>();
                var      minimumSeverity = EventLevel.Informational;
                long     keywords        = 0x0;

                if (split[0].Equals("CLR", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (split[0].Equals("Kernel", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                else if (!Guid.TryParse(split[0], out providerID))
                    // If it's not a GUID it might be an assembly -- we can try that...
                    if (!GetProvidersFromAssembly(split[0], providers))
                        ShowErrorAndExit("{0} is not a validly formatted GUID, and not a usable assembly", split[0]);

                // Ignore if the string is null(won't be), empty, or whitespace -- all these will just mean that we
                // use default severity.
                if (split.Length > 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(split[1]))
                    minimumSeverity = ETWEvent.CharToEventLevel(split[1][0]);

                if (split.Length > 2)
                    string num = split[2];
                    if (num.StartsWith("0x", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        num = num.Substring(2);

                    if (!long.TryParse(num, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out keywords))
                        ShowErrorAndExit("Keyword value {0} is not a valid hexadecimal number", split[2]);

                foreach (var id in providers)
                    realtimeSession.SubscribeToProvider(id, minimumSeverity, keywords);
                added = true;

            if (!added)
                ShowErrorAndExit("No providers given to subscribe to!");

            processor = realtimeSession;