public string CreateETHAccount(string password) { ETHaccountCreator ETHgenKeys = new ETHaccountCreator(); var ETHaccount = ETHgenKeys.CreateAccount(password); return(ETHaccount); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Password for both ETH and BTC string password = "******"; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Generating ETH and BTC addresses & private keys..."); Console.WriteLine(""); // Generate ETH KeyStore file try { string path = "C:\\GENKEYS\\ETH"; ETHaccountCreator ETHgenKeys = new ETHaccountCreator(); var ETHaddress = ETHgenKeys.CreateAccount(password, path); Console.WriteLine("ETH keyStore file: " + ETHaddress); Console.WriteLine("Saved to: " + path); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine("Error generating ETH keys:" + x.Message); Console.WriteLine(""); } // Generate BTC KeyStore file try { string path = "C:\\GENKEYS\\BTC"; BTCaccountCreator BTCgenKeys = new BTCaccountCreator(); var BTCaddress = BTCgenKeys.CreateAccount(password, path); Console.WriteLine("BTC keyStore file: " + BTCaddress); Console.WriteLine("Saved to: " + path); Console.WriteLine(""); } catch (Exception x) { Console.WriteLine("Error generating BTC keys:" + x.Message); Console.WriteLine(""); } }