public SimpleProperty(T value, string displayName, string description, bool readOnly, bool visible, ESortDirection sortOrder) { _value = value; _valueInitial = value; _displayName = displayName; _readOnly = readOnly; _visible = visible; _description = description; _sortOrder = sortOrder; }
public SimpleProperty(T value, string displayName, string description, bool readOnly, bool visible, object sortCriteria, ESortDirection sortOrder, IGroupCriteria groupCriteria) { _value = value; _valueInitial = value; _displayName = displayName; _readOnly = readOnly; _visible = visible; _description = description; _sortOrder = sortOrder; _sortCriteria = sortCriteria; _groupCriteria = groupCriteria; }
public static WorkReportViewModel GetAllUserWorkReports(int year, int month, string sortField = null, ESortDirection sortDirection = ESortDirection.Ascending, string filterUser = null) { List <WorkReport> workReports = null; using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext()) { var query = db.WorkReports.Include("User").Where(r => r.AsOfDate.Year == year && r.AsOfDate.Month == month); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filterUser)) { query = query.Where(r => r.User.ChineseName.Contains(filterUser) || r.User.EnglishName.Contains(filterUser) || r.User.FullName.Contains(filterUser)); } workReports = query.ToList(); } var workReportsNormal = workReports.Where(r => !r.User.IsWorkingAtHome); var workReportsAtHome = workReports.Where(r => r.User.IsWorkingAtHome); DataTable dtNormal = BuildWorkReportDataTable(workReportsNormal, year, month); DataTable dtAtHome = BuildWorkReportDataTable(workReportsAtHome, year, month); DataView dvNormal = dtNormal.DefaultView; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortField)) { dvNormal.Sort = sortField + " " + sortDirection.GetDescription(); } return(new WorkReportViewModel { Month = new DateTime(year, month, 1).ToString("MM/yyyy"), SortField = sortField, SortDirection = sortDirection, Filter = filterUser, WorkReportDataView = dvNormal, WorkReportAtHomeDataView = dtAtHome.DefaultView, UploadProperty = WorkReportPropertyService.GetWorkReportProperty(year, month), UserAutoCompletionSource = UserService.GetUserAutoCompletionSourceData() }); }
/// <summary> /// 建構函式。 /// </summary> /// <param name="fieldName">欄位名稱。</param> /// <param name="sortDirection">排序方式。</param> public GSortField(string fieldName, ESortDirection sortDirection) { this.FieldName = fieldName; this.SortDirection = sortDirection; }
public List <IDynamicProperty> GetPropertiesSorted(bool nullValues, ESortBy sortBy, ESortDirection sortDirection) { //copy and return property list var properties = new List <IDynamicProperty>(); properties = GetProperties(nullValues); switch (sortBy) { case ESortBy.None: break; case ESortBy.Key: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertyKeyComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertyKeyComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.Value: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertyValueAsStringComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertyValueAsStringComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.ValueAsString: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertyValueAsStringComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertyValueAsStringComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.DisplayName: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertyDisplayNameComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertyDisplayNameComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.Description: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertyDescriptionComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertyDescriptionComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.SortCriteria: if (sortDirection == ESortDirection.Ascending) { properties.Sort(new PropertySortCriteriaComparer()); } else { properties.Sort(new PropertySortCriteriaComparerDesc()); } break; case ESortBy.Custom: Debug.Assert(false, "For custom sorting use GetPropertiesSorted(bool nullValues, IComparer<IDynamicProperty> comparer) function"); break; default: break; } return(properties); }
public static void AddDynamicColumns(ColumnView gridView, IDynamicPropertyList propertyList, ESortBy sortBy, ESortDirection sortDir, string nullText) { AddDynamicColumns(gridView, propertyList, sortBy, sortDir, nullText, null, true); }
private static void AddDynamicColumns(ColumnView gridView, IDynamicPropertyList propertyList, ESortBy sortBy, ESortDirection sortDir, string nullText, IComparer <IDynamicProperty> comparer, bool allowFilter) { RepositoryItemTextEdit riteCol = null; gridView.BeginDataUpdate(); int visibleIndexValue = 0; foreach (GridColumn column in gridView.Columns) { if (column.VisibleIndex > visibleIndexValue) { visibleIndexValue = column.VisibleIndex; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nullText)) { riteCol = new RepositoryItemTextEdit(); riteCol.NullText = nullText; } List <IDynamicProperty> propertyListSorted; if (comparer == null) { propertyListSorted = propertyList.GetPropertiesSorted(true, sortBy, sortDir); } else { propertyListSorted = propertyList.GetPropertiesSorted(true, comparer); } foreach (IDynamicProperty property in propertyListSorted) { var newColumn = new GridColumn(); newColumn.Caption = property.DisplayName; newColumn.FieldName = property.Key; newColumn.Name = "col" + property.Key; newColumn.OptionsColumn.ReadOnly = property.ReadOnly; newColumn.Visible = property.Visible; newColumn.ToolTip = property.Description; newColumn.OptionsFilter.AllowFilter = allowFilter; if (riteCol != null) { newColumn.ColumnEdit = riteCol; } if (property.Visible) { visibleIndexValue++; newColumn.VisibleIndex = visibleIndexValue; } else { newColumn.VisibleIndex = -1; } newColumn.Tag = property.Key; newColumn.UnboundType = GetUnboundType(property); //check if column exists foreach (GridColumn column in gridView.Columns) { Debug.Assert(column.Name != newColumn.Name, "Column with this name exists already"); } gridView.Columns.Add(newColumn); } gridView.EndDataUpdate(); }
public List <JiraWorkLogDetail> GetJiraWorkLogsByUsers(string startDate, string lastDate, ESortDirection sortDirection) { using (var db = new JiraDbContext()) { DateTime sd = DateTime.Parse(startDate); DateTime ldTemp = DateTime.Parse(lastDate); DateTime ld = ldTemp.AddDays(1); var workLogs = from cwd_user cu in db.cwd_user join app_user au in db.app_user on cu.lower_user_name equals au.lower_user_name join worklog wl in db.worklogs on au.user_key equals wl.AUTHOR join jiraissue jissue in db.jiraissues on wl.issueid equals jissue.ID join project pro in db.projects on jissue.PROJECT equals pro.ID where wl.UPDATED >= sd && wl.UPDATED <= ld && == 1 orderby wl.UPDATED.Value.Day + sortDirection, pro.pname, cu.display_name select new JiraWorkLogDetail { UpdateTime = wl.UPDATED.Value.Year.ToString() + "-" + wl.UPDATED.Value.Month.ToString() + "-" + wl.UPDATED.Value.Day.ToString(), Project = pro.pname, DisplayName = cu.display_name, WorkLogBody = wl.worklogbody, TimeWorked = wl.timeworked / 3600 }; return(workLogs.ToList()); } }