        /// <summary>
        /// TranslateEventData - Takes the LAN Event Data and translates it to something human readable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uiCommEventCode">The Event Code of the Comm Event the Data belongs to</param>
        /// <param name="ArgumentReader">The raw data we are translating</param>
        /// <returns>The Human Readable text</returns>
        // Revision History
        // MM/DD/YY who Version Issue# Description
        // -------- --- ------- ------ ---------------------------------------
        // 05/13/08 KRC 1.50.24		    Created
        public virtual string TranslatedEventData(ushort uiCommEventCode, BinaryReader ArgumentReader)
            string strData = "";

            switch (uiCommEventCode)
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_LINK_SWITCH:
                strData = "New Link ID: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_LINK_METRIC:
                UInt16 gpd            = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   syncFatherRssi = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   bestFatherRssi = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   fatherCount    = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "gpd: " + gpd.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "; Synch Father RSSI: " +
                          syncFatherRssi.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Best Father RSSI: " + bestFatherRssi.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Father Count: " + fatherCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                byte byReason = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                if (byReason == 1)
                    strData = "Table Request Too Big";
                else if (byReason == 2)
                    strData = "Message is Invalid";
                else if (byReason == 3)
                    strData = "Send Failed";
                else if (byReason == 4)
                    strData = "Table 8 Response could not be added to EPSEM when starting report message";
                else if (byReason == 5)
                    strData = "Could not set user information into the message when starting periodic upload message";
                else if (byReason == 6)
                    strData = "EPSEM validation failed when checked when finishing the periodic upload message.";
                else if (byReason == 7)
                    strData = "Could not locate app data in message at end of periodic upload generation";
                else if (byReason == 8)
                    strData = "Position EPSEM to end failed when padding EPSEM";
                else if (byReason == 9)
                    strData = "Could not force terminate EPSEM after add Table 8 response at beginning of message";

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_RECEIVED_REQUEST:
                strData = "Calling Application Invocation ID: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_SEND_EXCEPTION_FAILED:
                byte byReason = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                if (byReason == 1)
                    strData = "Cannot Add to EPSEM";
                else if (byReason == 2)
                    strData = "Encryption Failed";
                else if (byReason == 3)
                    strData = "Send Failed";

                strData = "Calling Application Invocation ID: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Event ID: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_SEND_RESPONSE_FAILED:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_REGISTRATION_RESULT:
                byte C1222MessageFailureCode = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = GetC1222MessageFailureCode(C1222MessageFailureCode);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_SENT_MESSAGE_FAILED:
                UInt16 CallingApInvocationID   = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   C1222MessageFailureCode = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "Calling Application Invocation ID: " + CallingApInvocationID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                strData += "; " + GetC1222MessageFailureCode(C1222MessageFailureCode);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_LEVEL_CHANGE:
                strData = "New Level: " + ArgumentReader.ReadByte().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_BEST_FATHER_CHANGE:
                strData = "New Best Father: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_SYNCH_FATHER_CHANGE:
                strData = "New Synch Father: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32().ToString("X8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_PROCESS_RCVD_MSG_TIMING:
                UInt32 firstSegReceived           = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32 lastSegReceived            = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32 avaiableforServer          = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32 responseBuiltPreEncryption = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();
                UInt32 responseReadyToSend        = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();

                UInt32 uiSegReceiveTime   = lastSegReceived - firstSegReceived;
                UInt32 uiDecryptionTime   = avaiableforServer - lastSegReceived;
                UInt32 uiMeterProcessTime = responseBuiltPreEncryption - avaiableforServer;
                UInt32 uiEncryptionTime   = responseReadyToSend - responseBuiltPreEncryption;

                strData = "Segement Receive Time: " + uiSegReceiveTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "ms; Decryption Time: " + uiDecryptionTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "ms; Meter Process Time: " + uiMeterProcessTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "ms; Encryption Time: " +
                          uiEncryptionTime.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "ms";

                byte[] byRawAptitle = new byte[20];
                byRawAptitle = ArgumentReader.ReadBytes(20);
                string strCallingAptitle             = ESNConverter.Decode(byRawAptitle);
                UInt16 callingAppInvocationID        = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   C1222MessageValidationResult1 = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   C1222MessageValidationResult2 = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "Calling APTitle: " + strCallingAptitle.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Result 1: " + C1222MessageValidationResult1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Result 2: " + C1222MessageValidationResult2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_C1222_RFLAN_CELL_CHANGE:
                strData = "New Cell ID: " + ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_SENT_MESSAGE_TO:
                byte[] byRawAptitle = new byte[20];
                byRawAptitle = ArgumentReader.ReadBytes(20);
                if (byRawAptitle[0] == 0x80)
                    // 0x80 is for the network message, it should be 0x0D. (per Steve Bardey)
                    byRawAptitle[0] = 0x0D;

                string strAptitle = ESNConverter.Decode(byRawAptitle);
                if (strAptitle == "1")
                    // "1" is the default - We should tell the user this is their own device (per Steve Bardey)
                    strAptitle += " (Meter's Comm Module)";

                UInt16 CalledSeq        = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   C1222MessageType = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "APTitle: " + strAptitle + "; Called Sequence: " + CalledSeq.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "; " + GetC1222MessageType(C1222MessageType);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.LANEvents.COMEVENT_PR_SEND_TABLE:
                UInt16 table8ProcedureID     = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   table8Sequence        = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   table8Result          = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   table8TotalWriteCount = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                UInt16 tableID         = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                UInt32 offset          = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt32();
                UInt16 length          = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 result          = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   tableReadResult = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();

                strData = "Table 8 Procedure ID: " + table8ProcedureID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Table 8 Sequence: " + table8Sequence.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Table 8 Result: " + table8Result.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Table 8 Write Count: " + table8TotalWriteCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Table ID: " + tableID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Offset: " + offset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; length: " + length.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                          "; Table Send Result: " + GetC1222TableSendResult(result) +
                          "; Table Read Result: " + tableReadResult.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_DRLC_MSG:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_KEY_EST_MSG:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_MESSAGING_MSG:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_MSG:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_PREPAY_MSG:
            case (ushort)CENTRON_AMI.HANEvents.EVENT_ZIGBEE_PRICE_MSG:
                byte   byMessageStatus = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   byLQI           = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   byRSSI          = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                UInt16 SrcOrDest       = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 ProfileID       = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 ClusterID       = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   bySrcEndPoint   = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   byDestEndPoint  = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                UInt16 APSOptions      = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                UInt16 GroupID         = ArgumentReader.ReadUInt16();
                byte   byAPSSeqNbr     = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte   byMsgLen        = ArgumentReader.ReadByte();
                byte[] arrMsg          = ArgumentReader.ReadBytes((int)byMsgLen);

                // There is a lot of information that can be retreived for this event.  Right now we
                //  are showing just a very small part.  As we understand how these events are used
                //  we can come in here and show more data if necessary.
                if ((byMessageStatus & RX_OR_TX_MASK) == 0)           // (0 == Transmitted; 1 == Received)
                    strData = "Transmitted - ";
                    strData = "Received - ";

                if ((byMessageStatus & SUCCESS_OR_FAIL_MASK) == 0)            //(0 == Failure; 1 == Success)
                    strData += "Failed;";
                    strData += "Succeeded;";


        protected ProgramValidationItem ValidateItem(EDLValidationItem item, GatewayTables meterTables, GatewayTables programTables)
            bool bItemsMatch = false;

            string strDisplayMeterValue   = "";
            string strDisplayProgramValue = "";

            object objMeterValue;
            object objProgramValue;

            ProgramValidationItem InvalidItem = null;

            // Get the values
            objMeterValue = GetTableValue(item, meterTables);

            objProgramValue = GetTableValue(item, programTables);

            switch (item.Item)
            case (long)StdTableEnum.STDTBL34_SEC_DISP_SOURCES:
                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    if (String.Compare(objMeterValue.ToString(), "3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        strDisplayMeterValue = "No Display Item";
                        int iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(objMeterValue.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        strDisplayMeterValue = "Comm. Status Field " + (iIndex + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    if (String.Compare(objProgramValue.ToString(), "3", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                        strDisplayProgramValue = "No Display Item";
                        int iIndex = Convert.ToInt32(objProgramValue.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        strDisplayProgramValue = "Comm. Status Field " + (iIndex + 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue))
                    bItemsMatch = true;

            case (long)StdTableEnum.STDTBL123_APTITLE_NOTIFY:
                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    strDisplayMeterValue = ESNConverter.Decode((byte[])objMeterValue);

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    strDisplayProgramValue = ESNConverter.Decode((byte[])objProgramValue);

                if (strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue))
                    bItemsMatch = true;


            case (long)StdTableEnum.STDTBL53_TIME_ZONE_OFFSET:
                TimeSpan tsOffset;
                short    sOffset;

                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    sOffset              = (short)objMeterValue;
                    tsOffset             = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((double)sOffset);
                    strDisplayMeterValue = "GMT " + tsOffset.Hours + ":00";

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    sOffset  = (short)objProgramValue;
                    tsOffset = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((double)sOffset);
                    strDisplayProgramValue = "GMT " + tsOffset.Hours + ":00";

                // Compare the values
                if (strDisplayMeterValue == strDisplayProgramValue)
                    bItemsMatch = true;


            case (long)GatewayTblEnum.MFGTBL145_EXCEPTION_SECURITY_MODEL:
                OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat MeterValue   = OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat.None;
                OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat ProgramValue = OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat.None;

                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    MeterValue           = (OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat)(byte) objMeterValue;
                    strDisplayMeterValue = OpenWayMFGTable2193.GetSecurityFormatString(MeterValue);

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    ProgramValue           = (OpenWayMFGTable2193.SecurityFormat)(byte) objProgramValue;
                    strDisplayProgramValue = OpenWayMFGTable2193.GetSecurityFormatString(ProgramValue);

                bItemsMatch = ProgramValue == MeterValue;


            case (long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl145C1218OverZigBee:
                bool bMeterValue   = false;
                bool bProgramValue = false;

                strDisplayProgramValue = null;

                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    // We need to use the value of the bit
                    bMeterValue = (bool)objMeterValue;

                strDisplayMeterValue = bMeterValue.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    bProgramValue          = (bool)objProgramValue;
                    strDisplayProgramValue = bProgramValue.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                bItemsMatch = strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue);

            case (long)GatewayTblEnum.MFGTBL145_REQUIRE_ENHANCED_SECURITY:
                strDisplayProgramValue = null;

                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    strDisplayMeterValue = ((bool)objMeterValue).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    strDisplayProgramValue = ((bool)objProgramValue).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

                bItemsMatch = strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue);


            case (long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58SecurityMode:
                byte bySecurityMode;
                byte byDeviceAuthMode;
                byte byCBKEMode;

                // Get the Meter value
                if (objMeterValue != null && meterTables.IsCached((long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58DeviceAuthMode, null) &&
                    meterTables.IsCached((long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58CbkeMode, null))
                    // We have already retrieved the Security Mode
                    bySecurityMode = (byte)objMeterValue;

                    // Get the other two modes
                    meterTables.GetValue(GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58DeviceAuthMode, null, out objMeterValue);
                    byDeviceAuthMode = (byte)objMeterValue;

                    meterTables.GetValue(GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58CbkeMode, null, out objMeterValue);
                    byCBKEMode = (byte)objMeterValue;

                    // Get the HAN Profile Name
                    strDisplayMeterValue = CHANMfgTable2106.GetHANSecurityProfile(bySecurityMode, byDeviceAuthMode, byCBKEMode);

                // Get the Program value
                if (objProgramValue != null && programTables.IsCached((long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58DeviceAuthMode, null) &&
                    programTables.IsCached((long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58CbkeMode, null))
                    // We have already retrieved the Security Mode
                    bySecurityMode = (byte)objProgramValue;

                    // Get the other two modes
                    programTables.GetValue(GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58DeviceAuthMode, null, out objProgramValue);
                    byDeviceAuthMode = (byte)objProgramValue;

                    programTables.GetValue(GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58CbkeMode, null, out objProgramValue);
                    byCBKEMode = (byte)objProgramValue;

                    // Get the HAN Profile Name
                    strDisplayProgramValue = CHANMfgTable2106.GetHANSecurityProfile(bySecurityMode, byDeviceAuthMode, byCBKEMode);

                bItemsMatch = strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue);


            case (long)GatewayTblEnum.MfgTbl58InterPanMode:
                bool blnSkipComparison = false;

                // Get the Meter value
                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    // Get the Inter PAN Mode description
                    strDisplayMeterValue = CHANMfgTable2106.GetInterPANMode((byte)objMeterValue);

                // Get the Program value
                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    // Get the Inter PAN Mode description
                    strDisplayProgramValue = CHANMfgTable2106.GetInterPANMode((byte)objProgramValue);
                else if (programTables.IsCached((long)GatewayTblEnum.MFGTBL2045_CE_VERSION_NUMBER, null))
                    object objValue = null;
                    programTables.GetValue(GatewayTblEnum.MFGTBL2045_CE_VERSION_NUMBER, null, out objValue);

                    string   strValue      = objValue as string;
                    string[] astrCEVersion = strValue.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', '-' });
                    float    fltCEVersion  = Convert.ToSingle(astrCEVersion[0] + "." + astrCEVersion[1]);

                    if (0 <= VersionChecker.CompareTo(fltCEVersion, CE_VERSION_LITHIUM_3_9))
                        //Only skipping comparison if program value is null and program's CE version is Lithium or greater
                        blnSkipComparison = true;

                if (true == blnSkipComparison)
                    bItemsMatch = true;
                    bItemsMatch = strDisplayMeterValue.Equals(strDisplayProgramValue);


                // The GatewayTables object may return null so make sure we don't
                // cause an exception first.
                if (objMeterValue != null)
                    // Trim spaces and null characters so that they will display and validate correctly
                    strDisplayMeterValue = objMeterValue.ToString().Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\0' });

                if (objProgramValue != null)
                    // Trim spaces and null characters so that they will display and validate correctly
                    strDisplayProgramValue = objProgramValue.ToString().Trim(new char[] { ' ', '\0' });

                // Compare the values
                if (strDisplayMeterValue == strDisplayProgramValue)
                    bItemsMatch = true;


            if (bItemsMatch == false)
                // There is a mismatch so add the item.
                InvalidItem = new ProgramValidationItem(item.Category, item.Name, strDisplayProgramValue, strDisplayMeterValue);
