// Use this for initialization
    public void SetFaces(ESCell u, ESCell d, ESCell n, ESCell s, ESCell e, ESCell w)
        _faces[(int)FACE.UP]    = u;
        _faces[(int)FACE.DOWN]  = d;
        _faces[(int)FACE.NORTH] = n;
        _faces[(int)FACE.SOUTH] = s;
        _faces[(int)FACE.EAST]  = e;
        _faces[(int)FACE.WEST]  = w;

        _isInitialized = true;
    public void SetFace(FACE dir, ESCell face)
        _faces[(int)dir] = face;

        foreach (ESCell f in _faces)
            if (f == null)

        _isInitialized = true;
    public void SetRoom(Vector3[][] simCells, string type)
        for (int x = 0; x < simCells.Length; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < simCells[0].Length; z++)
                //Extract volume cell and set volume type
                Vector3 pos  = simCells[x][z];
                ESCell  cell = GetVolume(pos);
                //West - East walls
                if (x == 0)
                    cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                    ESCell westVolume = GetVolume(pos + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0));

                    if (!IsEmpty(westVolume))
                        cell.GetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST).SetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST, westVolume);
                        cell.GetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST).SetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST, _worldCell.GetFace(ESCell.FACE.WEST));
                if (x == simCells.Length - 1)
                    cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.EAST, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                //North - South walls
                if (z == 0)
                    cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.SOUTH, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                if (z == simCells[0].Length - 1)
                    cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.NORTH, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                //Up - Down walls
                cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.UP, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                cell.SetFace(ESCell.FACE.DOWN, ESCell.TYPE.FACE);

                //TODO check for room outside room or set to world faces
    public void SetFace(FACE dir, TYPE type)
        ESCell face = _faces[(int)dir];

 public bool IsEmpty(ESCell cell)
     return(cell.GetCellType() == ESCell.TYPE.EMPTY);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
//		PREFAB_CELL = GameObject.Find("ent_cell");
//		PREFAB_FLOOR = GameObject.Find("ent_block");
//		PREFAB_FIRE = GameObject.Find("ent_campfire");

//		_simVolumes = new SimulationVolume[xMax, yMax, zMax];
        _cells = new ESCell[xMax, yMax, zMax];

//		_worldFaces = new Dictionary<string, SimulationFace> ();
//		_worldFaces.Add("up", new SimulationFace());
//		_worldFaces.Add("down", new SimulationFace());
//		_worldFaces.Add("north", new SimulationFace());
//		_worldFaces.Add("south", new SimulationFace());
//		_worldFaces.Add("east", new SimulationFace());
//		_worldFaces.Add("west", new SimulationFace());

//		SimulationVolume world = new SimulationVolume();
//		SimulationFace up = new SimulationFace();
//		SimulationFace down = new SimulationFace();
//		SimulationFace north = new SimulationFace();
//		SimulationFace south = new SimulationFace();
//		SimulationFace west = new SimulationFace();
//		SimulationFace east = new SimulationFace();

        //Instantiate all cells with respective type
        for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < zMax; z++)
                    if (y % 2 == 0)
                        if (x % 2 == 1 && z % 2 == 1)
                            _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                            _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.VOID);
                        if (x % 2 == 0)
                            if (z % 2 == 0)
                                _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.VOID);
                                _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                            if (z % 2 == 0)
                                _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.FACE);
                                _cells[x, y, z] = new ESCell(ESCell.TYPE.EMPTY);

        //Set all connections for relevant cells types
        for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++)
                for (int z = 0; z < zMax; z++)
//					SimulationCell cell = _cells[x, y, z];
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.UP,   _cells[x, y + 1, z]);
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.DOWN, _cells[x, y - 1, z]);
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.NORTH, _cells[x + 1, y, z]);
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.SOUTH, _cells[x - 1, y, z]);
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.EAST, _cells[x, y, z + 1]);
//					cell.SetFace((int)SimulationCell.FACE.WEST, _cells[x, y, z - 1]);

        //Instantiate all volumes and their faces to each other
//		for(int x = 0; x < xMax; x++){
//			for(int y = 0; y < yMax; y++){
//				for(int z = 0; z < zMax; z++){
//					if(x > offset && y > offset && z > offset &&
//					   x < xMax-1 && y < yMax-1 && z < zMax-1){
//						_simVolumes[x, y, z] = new SimulationVolume();
//					} else{
//						_simVolumes[x, y, z] = new SimulationVolume(Block.Void);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//		}

        //Create and connect faces between all volumes
//		for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
//			for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
//				for (int z = 0; z < zMax; z++) {
////					SimulationVolume curVol = _simVolumes[x, y, z];
////					//North
////					if(x == 0){
////						curVol.SetFace("north", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("north", _simVolumes[x - 1, y, z]);
////					}
////					//South
////					if(x == xMax){
////						curVol.SetFace("south", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("south", _simVolumes[x + 1, y, z]);
////					}
////					//Bottom
////					if(y == 0){
////						curVol.SetFace("bottom", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("south", _simVolumes[x, y - 1, z]);
////					}
////					//Top
////					if(y == yMax){
////						curVol.SetFace("top", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("south", _simVolumes[x, y + 1, z]);
////					}
////					//West
////					if(z == 0){
////						curVol.SetFace("west", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("south", _simVolumes[x, y, z - 1]);
////					}
////					//East
////					if(z == zMax){
////						curVol.SetFace("east", world);
////					} else{
////						curVol.SetFace("south", _simVolumes[x, y, z + 1]);
////					}
////					if(_simVolumes[x, y, z].GetBlockType() != Block.Void){
////						_simVolumes[x, y, z].Init(
////							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z + 1], //NW
////							_simVolumes[x, y, z + 1], //N
////							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z + 1], //NE
////							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z], //E
////							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z - 1], //SE
////							_simVolumes[x, y, z - 1], //S
////							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z - 1], //SW
////							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z]  //W
////							);
////					}
//				}
//			}
//		}

        //add all top faces
        //add n face

//		//Instantiate all cells, void if at border and empty otherwise
//		for(int x = 0; x < xMax; x++){
//			for(int y = 0; y < yMax; y++){
//				for(int z = 0; z < zMax; z++){
//					if(x > offset && y > offset && z > offset &&
//					   x < xMax-1 && y < yMax-1 && z < zMax-1){
//						_simVolumes[x, y, z] = new SimulationVolume(Block.Empty);
//					} else{
//						_simVolumes[x, y, z] = new SimulationVolume(Block.Void);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//		}
//		//Set Neighbours
//		for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++) {
//			for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++) {
//				for (int z = 0; z < zMax; z++) {
//					if(_simVolumes[x, y, z].GetBlockType() != Block.Void){
//						_simVolumes[x, y, z].Init(
//							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z + 1], //NW
//							_simVolumes[x, y, z + 1], //N
//							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z + 1], //NE
//							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z], //E
//							_simVolumes[x + 1, y, z - 1], //SE
//							_simVolumes[x, y, z - 1], //S
//							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z - 1], //SW
//							_simVolumes[x - 1, y, z]  //W
//						);
//					}
//				}
//			}
//		}